Border Fence
Mexican Border Issues
During the great depression, President Herbert Hoover ordered
the deportation of all illegal aliens in order to make the jobs
available to American citizens who desperately needed work.
Then again in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower deported 1.3
million Mexican nationals (called operation "Wetback") in order
that returning American WWII and Korean veterans had a better
chance at jobs. It took 2 years, but they deported them. If they
could deport the illegals back then, they can sure do it today!!
If you have doubts about the veracity of this information, just
type Operation Wetback into your favorite search engine and confirm
it for yourself.
Reminder: Don 't forget to pay your taxes.....
12 million illegal aliens are depending on you!
Mob Rule or U.S. LAW!
Mr. President – Harry Reid
What will you choose?
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
Minutemen to President Bush – Harry Reid – and the Congress:
Border Security Advocates Stop a Bad Bill by Standing for American Sovereignty! Now ENFORCE THE LAW!
Bush and Reid listening to violent Anarchy/Amnesty Mobs that Desecrate the U.S. Flag while demanding Amnesty.
Select Here - Listen and See the Shocking Reality of what the Mobs DEMAND and what the Politicians in Washington D.C. ignore:
With the support of the Mexican government, socialist “Open Borders” groups, MEChA, LULAC—and in defiance of American law—illegal alien mobs came out of the shadows and into our streets by the hundreds of thousands, disrupting cities all across the country to make their political clout in these United States felt. Can it be possible that President Bush and Harry Reid are listening to them, instead of to U.S. citizens? Do our politicians seriously expect Americans to give into Anarchy advocates, who want us to reward illegal activity with Amnesty that endows all the blessings and advantages of U.S. citizenship upon those who would lawlessly commandeer it under a foreign flag?
An invading horde is on the march, demanding and threatening in order to get U.S. citizen rights, but refusing to wait in line or respect U.S. immigration law. America must NOT be colonized by a rabble unwilling to accept any citizen loyalties, duties, or responsibilities—illegally taking what has not been earned.
NOW U.S. Senators and America’s President support the mob!
Former Senator Fred Thompson has admitted, “The public no longer believes in politicians who promise to secure the U.S. border.” The bill ABOUT TO AGAIN be resurrected in the Senate is "the same deal" offered in the failed 1986 amnesty: AMNESTY in exchange for empty promises of border security, which are then never fulfilled. We the public won't be fooled again! YEARS of denying the problem of the illegal alien invasion, and ignoring the millions who continue to break our laws AFTER ILLEGALLY entering the United States, cannot be solved with AMNESTY.
CLICK HERE we need your financial help NOW!
Our beloved America is not part of Mexico or any other country. It is the United States, bought with the blood of American patriot citizens, soldiers, sailors and marines. As a nation of laws, under the rule of law, these colors will not run! America does not cower from threats by anarchists and agitators—and she is not for sale to the Mexican or U.S. Congressional “coyotes” who, with their internationalist corporations and cartels, cheap labor cronies, and business lobbyists in Washington, D.C. would sell our country out to foreign interests.
We have both the right and the moral obligation to defend America, and “just say ‘No!’ to the AMNESTY SELL-OUT!”
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Vice President Carmen Mercer is back in Washington D.C. walking the halls of the U.S. Senate to ensure that those voting KNOW the will of the people!
Click here for Carmens’ reports from the Hill
RESPONSIBLE politicians are committed to secure the border first, before any so-called immigration reforms are attempted. Amnesty bill supporters in the Senate claim “border security is right here in this bill, see right here, we say increased border security.” Yeah, and the check’s in the mail, and a federal border fence is getting built! The truth is, political talk from Washington about border security is cheap to the point of being WORTHLESS.
Minutemen say, “Cut the talk—secure the border NOW!” Cheap talk, smoke and mirrors, and yet one more worthless piece of paper don't provide border security. The Washington politicians should follow the Minuteman approach—and take action NOW!
This is more than a wakeup call—it is an affront to all the institutions, duties and requirements of responsible self-government.
What will the politicians in Washington do now? Follow the rule of law and represent the 92 PERCENT OF AMERICANS WHO WANT the U.S. BORDERS SECURED? Or will they keep chasing a fast buck, and exploiting cheap foreign labor by ramming through their traitorous Amnesty deal?
President Bush on the one hand has called for a “reasonable and civil debate” over the issues of border security and immigration reform, and on the other hand claimed that those who oppose his open borders/amnesty agenda are motivated by racial hostility—his surrogates call us bigots. Harry Reid, playing partisan politics, CUT OFF the DEBATE and PULLED THE BILL.
THIS IS NOT a “reasonable and civil debate.” NOW the White House is back in that SMOKE FILLED Washington backroom, twisting the arms of those Senators who would dare to put national security first, and secure our borders.
The American people understand there can be no responsible immigration reform UNTIL OUR BORDERS ARE SECURE. “Guest worker” amnesty and other political pay-off programs ARE NOT a positive contribution to improved or increased border security.
CLICK HERE we need your financial help NOW!
Minutemen and citizens are taking action all across the nation!
- Keep calling your Senators today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121.
- CALL PRESIDENT BUSH, 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your disdain and ABSOLUTE REJECTION of AMNESTY and special citizenship provisions for illegal aliens, and to emphasize the need for greater border security NOW, border security FIRST.
- Join Chris Simcox and the Minuteman Corps in the March for America Rally in Washington, DC on June 16, 2007 to show your support for REAL Border Security.
President John F. Kennedy said it best: “ASK NOT WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU; ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY.” Volunteer to help guard the border with your time and talent. You can financially support the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, which makes it possible for patriotic Americans to actively help secure our borders. We need you to go to and respond to the call TODAY!
Many elected officials have it all wrong. Many don’t want to help stop the law breakers; they want to “understand” them. Many want to give the lawless a driver’s license, mortgages and ways to get on the government Medicare rolls. Pathetic. Nobody with a POLITICALLY CORRECT agenda wants to admit that illegal immigration is just that, ILLEGAL!
Politicians and bureaucrats are happy to make excuses, exceptions, grand speeches and proclamations. More paper, more talk from politicians like AZ Sen. John McCain, who distanced himself from the negotiating table to hide his open-borders policies from his presidential run, then showed up to participate in press conferences lauding the Amnesty bill with Sens. Kennedy, Kyl, and others. Said McCain, "I'm proud to have been a small part" of the deal that patriots just fought off—and are determined to fight off AGAIN.
Senate Bill S 1348! A disgrace! More red tape. More bureaucracy. More “Talk.”
The Minutemen are taking action, RIGHT NOW. The Minutemen ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE. The tide is turning against selling America out to those who do not love her, and will not serve her. Won’t you please do your part?
YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. The politicians will talk about it; the liberal media will wring their collective hands and worry about offending law breakers. The Minutemen will ACT! Will you? Go to www.Minutemanhq/ to volunteer or make your generous contribution to continue this fight for our sovereignty. Don’t delay—your nation needs you now. Thank You.
For the latest Minuteman News go to
For the Security of America,

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
CLICK HERE we need your financial help NOW!
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
TODAY the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC) launched a national radio campaign in order to mobilize citizens to keep expressing their deep outrage over the current amnesty legislation to members of the U.S. Congress, while all U.S. House and Senate members are in recess and visiting their home states this week.
Donate Now to Create National Ads!
Select Here to Listen to Radio Ad
The radio campaign, along with other efforts organized by the Minutemen, will continue until the amnesty legislation recently introduced in the U.S. Senate is completely defeated and physical border security is implemented on all of our nation’s borders.
“We are confident that our ad conveys the outrage that citizens feel at Washington’s betrayal, and we encourage voters to show up and sound off at townhall meetings with their Senators this week,” states Chris Simcox, founder and President of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. “We will keep demanding border security first until our government takes the appropriate actions.”
The advertisement can be heard this week on over 150 radio stations nationally during the following radio programs:
- Bill Bennett’s Morning in America
- Janet Parshall’s America
- The Hugh Hewitt Show
- The Dennis Prager Show
- The Michael Medved Show
- Gold Newscasts
- Optima Newscasts
Border Security First - SPP Never!
Donate Now to Create National Ads!
Select Here to See Video Ad
Donate Now to Create National Ads!
Select Here to Listen to Radio Ad
Donate Now to Create National Ads!

and to OPPOSE any guest-worker/amnesty or "comprehensive" bills!
Take Action NOW and do ALL of the following:
- Call your Senators today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121,
- PLEASE CALL PRESIDENT BUSH, 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your disdain and ABSOLUTE REJECTION of amnesty and special citizenship provisions for illegal aliens, and to emphasize the need for greater border security NOW, border security FIRST.
It is time to rally the troops from coast to coast. We have held up the "Amnesty-Bill" so far, but only with our continued combined efforts will we be able to hold this line against the special interests of the open border groups.
We MUST demand that the Senate Secure the Border NOW and say NO to any amnesty program for illegal aliens – before it's too late!
NOTE: We need TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes and PHONE CALLS and EMAILS delivered to ALL Senators right away!
For the latest Minuteman News go to
YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. The politicians will talk; the liberal media and the “Hate America” crowd will offer AMNESTY to law breakers. The Minutemen will ACT in defense of America! Help us to HALT AMNESTY and SECURE AMERICA’S BORDERS NOW!
For the Security of America,

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Donate Now to Create National Ads!
Select Here to FAX all Senators and STOP Amnesty NOW!
CLICK HERE we need your financial help NOW!
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:
Minuteman Civil Defense
Dept Code 877
PO Box 130707
Houston, TX 77219-0707
Minuteman Use
Defense Fence Technology
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
Build the Minuteman Border Fence
Memorial Day 2007 completes one year the Minutemen have been working to set a border security standard and build a fence to demonstrate how to defend our country from foreign illegal invasion.
On the Richard Hodges ranch in Bisbee, Arizona work is about to continue on the next mile of border security fence. An additional ten miles of ranchland border fencing with multi-strand barbed wire barriers has also been completed by the Minutemen west of Bisbee in February 2007.
The Minutemen volunteers committed to the project understand when Hodges states that “Our security fencing isn't alone going to defend the entire United States.” But the example that it establishes and the various techniques it demonstrates show that affordable and effective fencing is possible that will greatly benefit the security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of America. "The effect of this project is doing a lot, as far as protecting U.S. citizens in this area like me and my family," Hodges states. “It is the first time in TEN YEARS we have been able to sleep at night.”
And this one mile of fencing is just the first step – as funding can be raised, more fence spans will be erected. Gene Barbetta, a volunteer coordinator for the project says, “This fence already causes illegal aliens to go around it, to the east and west – proving that with barrier fencing, it is possible to secure the border.”
This is what the Minutemen are all about. Proving to our federal government that it is possible to give the people of the United States what they want, a border secured against sedition, foreign incursions, illegal invasion.
The goals of the fence are clearly stated by Al Garza, the Minuteman Corps National Executive Director. “The Minuteman Border Fence is designed to demonstrate:
- A way to deter the drug trafficking and international crime cartels, contraband running, and human trafficking;
- A way to stop immigrants and intruders from crossing into U.S. territory unlawfully;
- An example to the federal government to let them know it’s not as difficult and not as expensive as they claim to secure these United States.”
The security fence is designed as two parallel fences. The first layer is an Israeli style anti-climb steel mesh fence and is resistant to being rammed by vehicles. The second layer is equipped with state of the art electronic technology.
The technology is FOMGuard security material. This cutting edge defense fencing has been tested and approved by the USAF and is being used to secure some of the most important facilities around the world. The way the fence works is by using fiber optics imbedded into the fence mesh to relay information to a control unit. Whenever the fence is disturbed by an intruder an alarm is raised to security personnel and cameras are automatically focused on the area. This system is sensitive enough to detect the slightest touch, and distinguish intrusion from humans, from small animals and even the wind!
In the USAF test of the FOMGuard fence it received some impressive reviews. It has been recorded as having no false alarms and has a 100% probability of detecting an intrusion. It is also well constructed and needs little maintenance.

Donate NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

There is only one way to secure the border and that is with real border fence!
The only way to get that fence BUILT is TO PROVE TO THE FEDS IT CAN BE DONE – with your generous support and donations!
It will cost Minuteman Fence Project about $400,000 to finish the next mile and put a full-on, TECHNOLOGICALLY COMPLETE security fence in the ground at $250 per foot.
We will need all the support we can get from patriots like you!
I wish I didn’t have to ask for you help and make our government to do its job.
But you and I both know that when it comes to stopping the tidal wave of illegal aliens, we’re on our own and the costs for the feds to erect any real fencing, which they are endlessly delaying, are projected to be massively, prohibitively higher that ours.
Our Minuteman initiative is in America’s interest. I hope you’ll consider sending a vital gift today – be it $50, $150 or even $250 – to help us get more fence sections built… and built soon!
Donate NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

If you have questions, visit the fence website at
Or keep an eye on your nightly news – we’re getting national media coverage and are also featured in the National Geographic magazine May 2007 issue.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for standing up for our right to protect our lives and our property, and to reestablish an authentic standard of national security.
Be sure to send this message to EVERYONE you know who wants to help STOP illegal aliens, international criminals and potential terrorists at the border! Thank you!
Yours for America,

Donate NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence

Simcox Wins,
Rivera Retreats
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
Simcox Wins Fox Debate in Barrage of
Interruptions Demands Border Security
Chris Simcox on yesterday’s Fox News Hannity and Colmes show held his ground, undaunted by Geraldo Rivera’s duplicity and rudeness. Simcox demonstrated his first-hand knowledge of life at America’s embattled southern border. Simcox challenging Rivera to spend time at the border with the Minutemen resulted in a retreat by Rivera, as Geraldo hurled false accusations and insults against the Minuteman citizen volunteer movement, and then changed the subject as he ran for cover. Rivera was reduced to a claim that our border security was just fine and that the real problem was what to do with the 12 million illegal aliens already here.
Geraldo is fooling no one! You cannot say you support border security then vilify U.S. Border Patrol agents for struggling to do their job – and THEN flip flop again and tell citizens to let the professionals do it and that all is well.
We would not have 12 million illegal aliens here if our government did its job and properly funded, supported and protected the professionals of the U.S. Border Patrol in enforcing immigration law. Instead, the bureaucrats in the back offices criminalize the front line enforcement agents’ actions as they try to enforce the law and stay alive in the international cartel crossfire.
Chris Simcox, completely on message in the face of a barrage of distortions and interruptions from Rivera, continued to demand real border security and revealed the truth about how porous our border is as the current policy has failed to stop a floodtide of illegal aliens and violent foreign gangsters.
Rivera showed his total ignorance of the high standards of citizen participation in the Minuteman Corps – that all Minuteman Civil Defense Corps volunteers receive background checks, vetting and training, and that MCDC patrols also routinely perform rescue missions on endangered migrants. See the MCDC SOP.
Rivera in his attempted defamations of course could not cite a single incident or arrest of a Minuteman Civil Defense Corps volunteer for unlawful conduct, as he back-peddled and admitted that Chris Simcox and the MCDC represent the mainstream of the American public’s border security movement.
Click Here for Simcox Rivera Debate on Border Security
Secure the Border First is the issue. Do not let the debate in Washington over “Amnesty” be diverted by insults and crowds of illegal aliens demanding special rights and privileges.
The 10 Senators listed below are key to stopping Amnesty legislation.
Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Thad Cochran (R-MS), John Cornyn (R-TX), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Trent Lott (R-MS), Ben Nelson (D-NE), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Craig Thomas (R-WY)
Take Action NOW and do ALL of the following:
- Call the US Capitol toll-free at 1-866-340-9281 – Ask for your Senators' offices expressing your disdain and ABSOLUTE REJECTION of amnesty and special citizenship provisions for illegal aliens, and to emphasize the need for greater border security NOW, border security FIRST.
- Send YOUR blast faxes to ALL 535 of these Congressman NOW, demanding that they secure our borders and say NO to amnesty:
Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW!
- Send a FREE message to your Congressman and Senators, demanding they secure our borders, enforce our laws and STOP amnesty. Go to
It is time to rally the troops from coast to coast. We have held up the "Amnesty-Bill" so far, but only with our continued combined efforts will we be able to hold this line against the special interests of the open border groups.
We MUST demand that Congress secure the border NOW and say NO to any amnesty program for illegal aliens – before it's too late!
NOTE: We need TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes delivered to ALL Congressmen right away!
For the latest Minuteman News go to
YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. The politicians will talk; the liberal media and the “Hate America” crowd will offer AMNESTY to law breakers. The Minutemen will ACT in defense of America!
For the Security of America,

Carmen Mercer
Vice President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW!
CLICK HERE we need your financial help NOW!
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:
Minuteman Civil Defense
Dept Code 856
PO Box 130707
Houston, TX 77219-0707
Minuteman News:
Hate Group Leader
Attacks Minuteman
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
Between our email updates – be sure to visit
For Up to the minute, Minuteman information!
- If you are a registered volunteer and cannot go to the border, or if you just want to send your financial support to our Minutemen at the border.
Click Below to Donate to the April Operations Support Fund
- If you want to be a Registered Minuteman and get your ID card.
Click Below To Become a Real Border Security Minuteman!!!
- See April Border Muster Operations locations and schedules.
Click Below for Minuteman Corps April 2007 Border Watch Details
YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. So, for your sake, for the sake of your children, your grandchildren, and for generations to come, please help MCDC continue its fight to protect and preserve the United States of America and defend our Constitution.
Sincerely for these United States,

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
4-5-07 HARSH YOU SAY??
1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special ballots for elections, and all government business will be conducted in our language.
2. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote, no matter how long they are here.
3. Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.
4. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, nor any other government assistance programs.
5. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.
6. If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT options will be restricted. You are not allowed to own waterfront property. That property is reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.
7. Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign flag, no political organizing, no "bad-mouthing" our president or his policies. If you do you will be sent home.
8. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down and sent straight to jail.
Harsh, you say ?...
The above laws happen to be the
immigration laws of “MEXICO “!
Illegal immigration should have stopped on September 12, 2001.
*** Remember, if you are serious about doing something about illegal immigration, for God's sake, at the very least start by staying informed.
*** If the government of the United States was serious about illegal immigration, they would do more about it.
*** If you do not think this is an invasion, then try and stop it.
*** We have room for but one flag, the American Flag. We have room for but one language, the English language, and we have room for but one sole loyalty, and that is a loyalty to the American people. -- President Theodore Roosevelt.
*** Turn in an illegal alien today. ICE Phone Number: (866) 347-2423. Toll free and you do not have to give your name. Just all the information you can think of.
*** The American media reports the news under the privilege granted to them under the First Amendment. But they also have the moral responsibility associated with that right to report it without a leftist slant.
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Breaking Minuteman News from the Border
"On Watch" to Stop the Flow of Illegal Aliens
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
Between our email updates – be sure to visit
For Up to the minute, Minuteman information!
- If you are a registered volunteer and cannot go to the border, or if you just want to send your financial support to our Minutemen at the border.
Click Below to Donate to the April Operations Support Fund
- If you want to be a Registered Minuteman and get your ID card.
Click Below To Become a Real Border Security Minuteman!!!
- See April Border Muster Operations locations and schedules.
Click Below for Minuteman Corps April 2007 Border Watch Details
YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. So, for your sake, for the sake of your children, your grandchildren, and for generations to come, please help MCDC continue its fight to protect and preserve the United States of America and defend our Constitution.
Sincerely for these United States,

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Click Below to Donate to the April Operations Support Fund
Click Below To Become a Real Border Security Minuteman!!!
See April Border Muster Operations locations and schedules
Click Below for Minuteman Corps April 2007 Border Watch Details
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Dept Code 800
PO Box 130707
Houston, TX 77219-0707
Minutemen Support US Border Patrols
in Altar Valley Overrun by Illegal Aliens
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC) volunteers spent the weekend assisting U.S. Border Patrol along the U.S.-Mexico border, where Border Patrol agents successfully apprehended over 135 illegal aliens out of the almost 400 that were observed entering the United States in the Altar Valley of Arizona. These apprehensions all occurred during the first sixty hours of “Operation Stand Your Ground”—MCDC’s national border monitoring effort scheduled throughout the entire month of April, with participation from over 3,500 volunteers and 2 Minutemen observation planes.
The Altar Valley is being overrun by illegal aliens, as confirmed by the U.S. Border Patrol. The agents do not have the resources to successfully interdict these incursions. They must pick and choose how to respond. When Minutemen reported multiple groups totaling over 100 suspected illegal aliens the Border Patrol support our calls for assistance and sent a helicopter. This is exactly why it has become necessary for the Minutemen to stand our ground and help defend this nation. We need to secure our borders immediately, and this can only be done with more manpower, and a fence.
Violence on the border is severe and many Border Patrol agents in the field carry AR-15's. Two agents were shot at and forced to defend themselves from an attack by drug dealers just 10 miles south of the MCDC headquarters. With only 35 agents in the field during any eight-hour shift and thousands of illegal aliens flooding over the border, agents cannot respond to all the calls from MCDC members who spotted numerous groups consisting of over 30 illegal aliens each.
Two Border Patrol Field Supervisors pledged an increase in support to MCDC April operations. MCDC will continue its support of the Border Patrol and defense of the United States by conducting the bi-annual thirty day national muster along the U.S.-Mexican border in California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona as well as monitoring the U.S.-Canada border in New York, New Hampshire and Washington State.
MCDC volunteers rescued 7 illegal aliens urgently requiring aid, food and water, among who were included a seven year old child. The illegal aliens stumbled across Minuteman Corps border monitoring posts is a distressed state.
Minutemen volunteers discovered the body of a deceased male illegal alien nearby one of their watch posts. He had crawled under a bush in a small wash and he appeared to have broken his leg and was left behind to die by the ruthless “coyote” trafficker paid to assist him jump the U.S. borderline.
It is high time our national and local leaders understand the grave situation we face here on the border. Our country is being invaded by drug dealers, terrorists and thugs who have no respect for and no fear of our law enforcement officials—and who will therefore do anything they can to the point of mayhem and murder to exploit our porous borders and this country’s resources.
Our Government is still NOT DOING ITS JOB!

A secure border and controlled immigration is necessary as the Mexican government, socialist “Open Borders” groups, MEChA and LULAC — in defiance of American law, plan to have illegal alien mobs come out of the shadows and into our streets AGAIN during April and May.
“The Great American Boycott II” or “National May 1st Movement for Worker and Immigrant Rights” claims to be in response to the growing hostility toward immigrant workers. There is NO HOSTILITY in the secure borders movement TOWARD IMMIGRANTS. The hostility has been seen in the streets from those who advocate Mexican sovereignty over these United States.
Minutemen and Donations Needed NOW!
MCDC is CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS and Minuteman SUPPORTERS, to SERVE or DONATE money and materials to HELP PROTECT AND DEFEND OUR NATION. Thank you to all volunteers who at their own expense are heading to the border and to those who respond by doing one or more of the following:
1) If you are a registered volunteer and cannot go to the border, or if you just want to send your financial support to our Minutemen at the border.
Click Here to Donate to the April Operations Support Fund
2) If you want to be a Registered Minuteman and get your ID card.
Click Here To Become a Real Border Security Minuteman!!!
3) See April Border Muster Operations locations and schedules.
Click Here for Minuteman Corps April 2007 Border Watch Details
YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. So, for your sake, for the sake of your children, your grandchildren, and for generations to come, please help MCDC continue its fight to protect and preserve the United States of America and defend our Constitution.
Sincerely for these United States,

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Click Here to Donate to the April Operations Support Fund
Click Here To Become a Real Border Security Minuteman!!!
See April Border Muster Operations locations and schedules
Click Here for Minuteman Corps April 2007 Border Watch Details
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Dept Code 739
PO Box 130707
Houston, TX 77219-0707
Mob Rule or the Money?
Mr. President –
What will you Choose?
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
Minutemen to President Bush –
The Mobs that Desecrated the U.S. Flag while Demanding
U.S. Citizens’ Rights are planning their return for May 1, 2007
With the support of the Mexican government, socialist “Open Borders” groups, MEChA, LULAC—and in defiance of American law, illegal alien mobs plan to come out of the shadows and into our streets AGAIN by the hundreds of thousands disrupting cities all across the country and focusing on Phoenix, Denver and Los Angeles.
An invading horde is on the march, demanding and threatening in order to get U.S. citizen rights, but refusing to wait in line or respect U.S. immigration law. America must NOT be colonized by a rabble unwilling to accept any citizen loyalties, duties, or responsibilities—illegally taking what has not been earned.
NOW U.S. Congressmen support the mob!
Representatives Flake and Gutierrez aren't even pretending illegal aliens are temporary—these Congressmen are calling their pro-Amnesty, pro-illegal alien bill a "new worker program." It would allow at least 400,000 foreign workers a year to apply for U.S. citizenship and permanent residency.
CLICK HERE we need your financial help NOW!
Our beloved America is not part of Mexico or any other country. It is the United States, bought with the blood of American patriot citizens, soldiers, sailors and marines. As a nation of laws, under the rule of law, these colors will not run! America does not cower from threats by anarchists and agitators—and she is not for sale to the Mexican or U.S. Congressional “coyotes” who, with their cheap labor cronies and business lobbyists in Washington, DC. would sell our country out to foreign interests.
Are riots in the streets and the burning of cars—as we have seen in communities in Europe—going to follow in Washington DC next?
“The Great American Boycott II” or “National May 1st Movement for Worker and Immigrant Rights” claims to be in response to the growing hostility toward immigrant workers.
Yes, you read that correctly—hostility toward immigrant workers.
The TRUTH is there is NO HOSTILITY in the secure borders movement TOWARD IMMIGRANTS. The hostility has been seen in the streets from those who advocate Mexican sovereignty over these United States.
This great country was built by legal immigrants and the sons and daughters of legal immigrants. Ours is NOT an anti-immigrant movement. To protect and defend American sovereignty against foreign sedition is our citizen RIGHT and our DUTY.
It is a LIE that illegal aliens are merely “immigrant workers”—these are lawbreakers who refuse to abide by the necessary limits of responsible self-government and the rule of law.
The PURPOSE of their radicalized political agenda is to destroy all national borders and reclaim America’s land in the name of Mexico!
CLICK HERE we need your financial help NOW!
We have both the right and the moral obligation to defend America, and “just say ‘No!’”
Millions of law abiding U.S. citizens understand what is at stake, and wonder what our response should be to sedition, intimidation and acts of defiance against our republic and our ordered liberty. Providentially, the patriotic American response recommences this week... The Minutemen Civil Defense Corps is on watch at the border and in local cities and town all across the nation.
The Minutemen say, as loyal Americans have always said, “Immigration, yes— foreign colonization, no!”
This is more than a wakeup call—it is an affront to all the institutions and requirements of responsible self-government.
What will the politicians in Washington do now? Follow the rule of law and represent the 92 PERCENT OF AMERICANS WHO WANT the U.S. BORDERS SECURED? Or will they exploit cheap foreign labor?
President Bush has called for a “reasonable and civil debate” over the issues of border security and immigration reform. But then his administration LIES about the state of the nation and the integrity of our borders and communities.
The American people understand there can be no responsible immigration reform UNTIL OUR BORDERS ARE SECURE. “Guest worker” amnesty programs ARE NOT a positive contribution to improved or increased border security.
CLICK HERE we need your financial help NOW!
Now is NOT the time for our Minutemen to back down and allow advocates of anarchy to destroy the rule of law.
Our political leaders lack the backbone to enforce the law, and are pushing a radical agenda that would eliminate enforcement of our borders and allow greater access to taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal aliens.
The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps is on duty again throughout April protecting our borders from foreign invasion. They, as always, are respectful of the law and generous in their compassion for the exploited and indigent humanity flooding our frontier.
YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TODAY, as we counter the MAY DAY mobs AND stand vigilant on our embattled borders. The politicians will talk; the liberal media and the “Hate America” crowd will complain about the “insensitivity” and “bigotry” of patriots, and worry about offending law breakers. The Minutemen will ACT in defense of America!

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
CLICK HERE we need your financial help NOW!
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:
Minuteman Civil Defense
Dept Code 791
PO Box 130707
Houston, TX 77219-0707
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, Inc.
6501 Greenway Parkway
Suite 103-640
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Phone (520) 829-3112
Homeland Security Loses 623,292
Fugitive Illegal Aliens in the U.S.
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
Fugitives to be Offered Amnesty!
STRIVE – Stick-it To Real Immigrants Very Effectively
A report by the Homeland Security Department's (DHS) inspector general found that teams assigned to make sure foreigners facing departure orders actually leave United States have a backlog of more than 623,292 cases and cannot accurately account for these fugitives' whereabouts.
Criminal Rule or the Rule of Law?
ALL Illegal Aliens in the U.S. since June 1, 2006 to receive AMNESTY!
That’s right – ALL Illegal Aliens, even those with U.S. criminal convictions that are on record will be able to acquire false ID’s as the STRIVE Bill hands out amnesty to felons.
Congress profits from Amnesty!
Pay 2000 dollars to the U.S. Congress “coyotes” and get into the U.S. “ill”legally – pay the feds instead of paying a Mexican coyote to get you across the border the illegal “old-fashioned” way.
I Under STRIVE, the DHS that presently ALLOWS illegal aliens to stream across the border, thereby creating our current border security crisis, would become responsible to:
- Certify that it is capable of verifying workers’ legal status.
- Enforce the bill mandate that all employers eventually verify the legal status of their workforce – which DHS is not doing under current laws.
Do NOT assume that because your U.S. Representative acted against amnesty last year that he/she will do so again this year.
Several Members of Congress who have voted to secure the U.S. border in the past are working with the White House to push an amnesty “compromise” that will destroy our sovereignty and create a wide open border, with no standards for U.S. citizenship.
Make sure your Congressman and their staff are fully aware of your firm resolve to reject this newest amnesty scheme.
Send YOUR blast faxes to ALL 535 of these Congressman TODAY, demanding that they secure our borders and say NO to AMNESTY:
Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW!
You are the only line of defense. Like YOU, the overwhelming majority of Americans want a secure border and U.S. citizenship that is not for sale. YOUR VOICE MUST BE HEARD!
You must help us stop “STRIVE” – a so-called “Workers Rights Bill” – socialist political doubletalk for AMNESTY – from reaching President Bush’s desk soon. You are the only formidable obstacle that remains to the border security end-run around our American sovereignty, offering a wholesale AMNESTY for millions of illegals.
We must not be misled into thinking this is about human rights or international politics. The true nature of immigration politics makes it clear that this is a law and order issue and 12-20 million illegal aliens are making a mockery of our laws by pushing for new regulations to justify their illegal behavior, and to give them unearned access to American citizenship.
Send YOUR blast faxes to ALL 535 of these Congressman NOW, demanding that they secure our borders and say NO to AMNESTY:
Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW!
NOTE: We need to continue getting TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes delivered to ALL of the Congressmen right away. Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help STOP "guest worker" amnesty for illegal aliens! Thank you!
As always, you can also send a FREE message to your Congressman and Senators, demanding they secure our borders, enforce our laws and STOP amnesty for illegals.
Just go to now (but remember, not all of the new legislators have e-mails set up yet).
YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. The politicians will talk; the liberal media and the “Hate America” crowd will offer AMNESTY to law breakers. The Minutemen will ACT in defense of America!

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Select Here to become a Minuteman Volunteer!!!
Select Here to Donate to Support the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:
Minuteman Civil Defense
Dept Code 748
PO Box 130707
Houston, TX 77219-0707
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, Inc.
6501 Greenway Parkway
Suite 103-640
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Phone (520) 829-3112
National Minuteman
30-Day Border Watch
Begins 4/1/2007
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
Minuteman Operation: “Stand Your Ground”
Starts April 1st
Minutemen and Donations Needed NOW!
WHO: Thousands of Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Volunteers
WHAT: Operation “Stand Your Ground”: a national muster to combat a large increase in “AMNESTY-seeker” border crossings, drug-trafficking and contraband
WHEN: April 1- 30, 2007
WHERE: U.S.-Mexico Border shared with Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, as well as the U.S.-Canada Border shared with New Hampshire, New York and Washington State. Select here for details
Our Government is still NOT DOING ITS JOB! Beginning April 1st 2007, the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps will conduct 24/7 operations for 30 days to secure the border. Your participation is critical.

We must stand vigilant watch, to both protect our sovereign territory from foreign invasion and to lobby Washington D.C. from the border against increasing the illegal alien mobs flooding our nation. With the support of the Mexican government, socialist Open Borders groups such as MEChA, LULAC and the Southern Poverty Law Center—in distortion and defiance of our law—continue their aggressive pressure to colonize America with foreigners lacking any allegiance to American institutions or law. Illegal alien mobs plan to come out of the shadows AGAIN by the hundreds of thousands this May 1, to disrupt traffic and commerce and demand citizenship rights without citizen duties, in cities all across our country.
With the politicians’ irresponsible promises of AMNESTY, illegal crossings at the border in some sectors are at an all-time high, flooded with those in hopes of grabbing the U.S. citizenship “give-away.” Still, we volunteers of MCDC are having a significant impact, and more patriots at the border could more ably assist our brave U.S. Border Patrol agents stem the tide. We need your help, even if only for a few hours.
Today, our call goes out to YOU and your fellow countrymen to protect and defend YOUR America. It is YOUR nation, YOUR community, YOUR neighborhood that is bearing the burdens of the illegal alien invasion…
If patriotic Americans don't take action—QUICKLY—the new liberal Congress in Washington will ERASE OUR BORDERS and vote for AMNESTY instead of border security.
MCDC is CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS and Minuteman SUPPORTERS in the colonial tradition of the Minutemen, to SERVE or DONATE money and materials to HELP PROTECT AND DEFEND OUR NATION. Thank you to all volunteers who at their own expense are heading to the border and to those who respond by doing one or more of the following:
1) If you are a registered volunteer and cannot go to the border, or if you just want to send your financial support to our Minutemen at the border.
Click Here to Donate to the April Operations Support Fund
2) If you want to be a Registered Minuteman and get your ID card.
Click Here To Become a Real Border Security Minuteman!!!
3) See April Border Muster Operations locations and schedules.
Click Here for Minuteman Corps April 2007 Border Watch Details
YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. So, for your sake, for the sake of your children, your grandchildren, and for generations to come, please help MCDC continue its fight to protect and preserve the United States of America and defend our Constitution.
Sincerely for these United States,

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Click Here to Donate to the April Operations Support Fund
Click Here To Become a Real Border Security Minuteman!!!
See April Border Muster Operations locations and schedules
Click Here for Minuteman Corps April 2007 Border Watch Details
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Dept Code 100
PO Box 130707
Houston, TX 77219-0707
Mexican Gangs Take Over
L.A. As Cops Back Down
From Don Stacey
On National Public Radio last month (February)....a spokesman for the Los Angeles PD, stated that the 90,000 cops of the LAPD have been "overwhelmed" by street gangs in the area now numbering somewhere between 150,000 to 200,000 in strength. And these gangs, ages 10 to 40, are armed...some with automatic weapons. The Negro gangs (BLOODS, CRIPS, etc.) have been replaced by the Mexican mestizo outfits like M-13.
In Long Beach, near the Los Angeles harbor, there is a struggle going on between the newly emerging Asian gangs and the mestizo's for control of the area. Thomas Chittum predicts that this street gang war is the beginning of what he calls "civil war 2" and the total disintegration of the USA.
California is similar to Iraq......just waiting to rumble, as the population increases by leaps and bounds. CALIFORNIA population is presently about 40 million which will double in less than 20 years...
LAPD cops are quitting or retiring and moving to Idaho rather than stay in LA under these mad conditions. Sidewalks in some parts of downtown LA are filthy with human waste. Cops going there sometimes put on rubber overshoes or plastic bags to keep the crap off their shoes. Mostly, they just try to stay out of those areas. So, the gangs have the streets to themselves.
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Alert! House bill proposes amnesty and a new immigration increase. |
Representatives Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ) have introduced an expansive amnesty bill that gives citizenship to illegal aliens and creates a massive new "guest" worker program.
The legislation makes illegal aliens eligible for legalization if they arrived in the U.S. before June 1, 2006, pay a $2,000 fine, and pass a background check. Unlike the Senate bill passed last year, those leaving the U.S. would not have to go to their home countries, but could simply set foot in Canada or Mexico instead. There are even numerous exceptions to that minimal requirement— children, the elderly, single heads of households, business owners, and those in the military.
To learn more and to take action, click here.
Please donate today!
From the Desk of Chris Simcox
Honorary Chairman, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps PAC
Dear Fellow Citizen,
I need your help. You and I have a chance to finally make progress in Washington D.C. on the critical issue of securing our borders.
As I’m sure you know, our elected officials have failed to contain our borders from the flood of illegal aliens pouring into America… and have given us the threat of amnesty for well over eleven million illegals already in this country.
This isn’t just a Democrat problem -- it was the Republicans who were in charge while all of this was going on.
THAT is why the Republicans lost control of Congress in November. Not because the Democrats offered anything better -- but because the Republicans themselves had sold out the American people who elected them.
Patriotic American voters saw little difference between the Democrats who wanted power and the Republicans who had abused it. So, they stayed home -- and the Democrats won.
And now, there’s even more of a chance than last year that Congress will pass “comprehensive immigration reform”… politicians’ doubletalk meaning AMNESTY for illegal aliens.
We must halt the amnesty sell-out in its tracks -- and here’s one way we can do it.
Select Here To Contribute to Bill Greene for Congress
You may have heard that Congressman Charlie Norwood of Georgia, a strong advocate for border security, recently died after an extended illness. He will be sorely missed on Capitol Hill; he came in with the “Republican Revolution” of 1994, and held true to his principles against a rising tide of pro-“amnesty” political elites there among his own ranks. Charlie Norwood was one of the most effective voices against illegal immigration and “open borders” in Washington, D.C. -- and it is IMPERATIVE that his vacancy be filled by another border security champion.
Now, the Governor of Georgia has called for a Special Election to fill Rep. Norwood’s seat, and the election is only three months away.
It’s a “wide open” race, with no primaries, and a large field of Republicans and Democrats all competing to finish out the remainder of this two-year term. Some of the candidates are good, and some are not…
… But one candidate stands out from the rest: my friend and fellow Minuteman, BILL GREENE. MCDC PAC IS 100% BEHIND BILL GREENE FOR CONGRESS, AND HE NEEDS YOUR HELP TODAY!
Select Here To Contribute to Bill Greene for Congress
You have probably heard of Bill Greene. As the founder and president of the online activist organization,, Bill has been on the front lines of our battles:
- Bill has been a leader in the fight against illegal immigration as a grassroots activist, delivering millions of messages to Capitol Hill from constituents, demanding NO AMNESTY for illegals;
- He has personally mustered with us on the U.S.-Mexican border as a volunteer with the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, standing watch to report the illegals streaming unhindered across our officially undefended Arizona border;
- Bill has helped us to raise tens of thousands of dollars for MCDC operations and projects, such as the Border Fence Project;
- His Political Action Committee, PAC, mobilized volunteers and donated political “hard dollars” to pro-border security candidates in recent elections, such as the congressional campaign of fellow Minuteman Randy Graf;
- Bill has been a strong supporter of persecuted Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, delivering tens of thousands of constituent messages directly to Congress, the Senate, and the President, demanding their pardon and release;
- He has pushed hard for congressional bills to de-fund pro-illegal immigration groups like the ACLU and La Raza, to take away their ill-gotten gains stolen from the pockets of unwilling and unsuspecting taxpayers.
I have worked side by side with Bill Greene, rallying crowds of patriots with him. He’s “one of us.” I’ve seen him speak out with passion and conviction for what was right, whether he was in the majority or the minority. He is a man of honor, well versed in the principles of America’s Founding. He understands our duties of citizenship that are the essential corollaries to our rights -- upon which rest our ordered liberty and the rule of law. Bill Greene deeply believes in “fighting the good fight” always, as a matter of principle, no matter how long the seeming odds of immediate success.
And I know he’ll do the same as a Member of the U.S. Congress. That’s why I’m asking you to go RIGHT NOW to give the best donation you can, directly to Bill Greene’s campaign for Congress.
Select Here To Contribute to Bill Greene for Congress
In our crisis of weakness in Washington, D.C., THAT is what we need so desperately -- men of conviction and wisdom who are willing to stand up and simply, forcefully say, “NO MORE!”
NO MORE wide open borders, where illegal aliens are given a free pass into our country, and then given promises of “guest worker” amnesty once they’ve gotten in.
NO MORE lawmakers in Washington who do nothing to keep our neighborhoods safe from drug dealers, rapists and potential terrorists, who snuck in with the flood of illegal migrants pouring across our borders day and night.
NO MORE false claims of “we support border security” while working behind closed doors to strip border fence authorizations of the very funds they need to be built at all.
NO MORE “anti-illegals” posturing at election time, only to allow and encourage millions more illegal immigrants to flood into this country by offering them AMNESTY.
Bill Greene is willing to stand up and loudly proclaim, “NO MORE!”
Before Bill became a leader in patriotic political activism, he taught college-level Political Science and American Government. He understands what the Constitution plainly says about the most important role of government at the federal level: to protect Americans from invasion -- and he understands how far our government has strayed from that essential role. He’s worked tirelessly to see the original vision of our Founding Fathers restored in this great nation… and he’s ready to take that battle directly to the floor of the United States Congress.
But he needs YOUR help to get there!
You can make the difference, right here, right now!
Select Here To Contribute to Bill Greene for Congress
This race will only last for three months -- but in order to gain the local name recognition, as well as turn out the all-important grassroots conservatives in a very low-turnout election, Bill has to have the financial firepower to blanket the local radio and television markets with a barrage of ads, as well as the ability to field an army of volunteers led by experienced staffers who know how to get out the vote. Add in the print ads and direct mail efforts to communicate with every likely voter in one of the largest districts in Georgia, and you’ll see why the Bill Greene campaign is facing HUGE expenses.
He needs between $500,000 and $750,000 to win this race without facing a runoff. All of the polling and demographics that his campaign is already looking at shows that he can win this race…
… IF he has the money to run it.
I’ve already pledged to do all I can to help my friend Bill Greene win this vital special election in Georgia. In fact, I’m going there personally to help mobilize voters, walk the district, speak at rallies, and do media appearances with him.
Putting Bill Greene in the U.S. Congress is that important.
Please, click below to make your best contribution -- whether the federal limit of $2300, $1000, $500, $250, $100, $50, $20, or whatever you can afford -- right now, and help send a true fighter for the patriotic values that you and I hold so dear straight to Washington, D.C. -- where he can make OUR voices heard LOUD AND CLEAR!
Select Here To Contribute to Bill Greene for Congress
Thank you for standing strong for the cause of liberty.
Sincerely yours for America,
Chris Simcox, Honorary Chairman
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps PAC
P.S. I can’t tell you how important this race is. For the next two years, we need a strong voice in Congress to stand up against the pro-amnesty sell-outs of Nancy Pelosi and her open borders cronies. Bill Greene is that voice, and we need to do everything in our power to make sure he gets to Capitol Hill to represent our Minuteman agenda.
P.P.S. Please give your best donation NOW -- time is very short, and there’s so much that needs to be done. And be sure to forward this message to everyone you know who wants to see true constitutional government returned to Congress. If you can, please also go your membership MCDC PAC site, and help us gear up for some of the other political fights we have underway. Thank you.
Community Destroyed by
Illegal Alien Invasion
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
“It’s about time someone took the initiative to give citizens who live along the border with Mexico an opportunity to tell their side of the story.”
- Chris Simcox, President, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC)
See the shocking footage of hundreds of illegal aliens crossing the border and scattering when detected. A true story about legal United States citizens terrorized by illegal aliens invading their backyards and sounding the warning that the invasion is coming to your community.
YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. So, for your sake, for the sake of your children, your grandchildren, neighbors and for generations to come, please help MCDC continue its fight to protect and preserve the United States of America and defend our Constitution.
Sincerely for these United States,

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps

A powerful film documenting the destruction of one border community in Arizona by the assault of the illegal alien invasion of the USA.
Cochise County, USA: Cries From the Border Produced and directed by Mercedes Maharis.
Click Here and Support the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps April 2007 Operations by sending this DVD and the truth about the destruction done by illegal aliens to everyone you know.
A timely subject and controversial issue, the film uses one of the most extreme examples, at the most heavily trafficked illegal immigrant crossing point in Arizona, of how illegal aliens are infiltrating our country at an unprecedented rate, endangering our citizens, littering our deserts, and transporting drugs and criminals.
“Cochise County” is a balanced looked at the illegal immigration issue. It shows us the tragedy that many people face when trying to cross the treacherous desert on foot unprepared, often dying midway, only to be left behind by their parties. However, at the same time, we are lead to an understanding that the ease with which Mexicans cross the border is identical to that of people from other countries.
Interviews with Border Patrol officers tell us that every month, they are arresting a growing number of people from many different countries, including Iraq, Iran, and Syria.
This incredibly well constructed documentary does well not to politicize the border issue; rather, it forms a well-founded argument that our open borders are a national security issue that is being ignored by the government.
“The issue of illegal immigrants is a huge problem facing the nation today. Floating around Congress right now are various bills with different ideas on how to deal with the problem.
Support the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps by sending this DVD and the truth about the destruction done by illegal aliens to everyone you know.
SELECT HERE receive your copy for a $25 donation.
Or SEND your donation of $25.00 to:
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, Inc.
Dept Code - DVD
PO Box 130707
Houston, TX 77219-0707
Donate $100 and receive five copies of the movie to share with your friends, family and community.
Ted Kennedy says You Are A Bigot!
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
"We hope that the voices of hatred and bigotry will silence themselves for this debate..."
Sen. Kennedy
According to Kennedy You are a Bigot if:
- You believe that 12-20 million illegal aliens who violated United States law by sneaking across our border should not be rewarded with a path to American citizenship
- If you're frustrated by the fact that politicians in Washington won't enforce our laws and secure the border
- If you believe that the laws of the United States should be respected...
STOP the Kennedy – McCain AMNESTY bill NOW!
Send YOUR blast faxes to ALL 535 of these Congressman NOW, demanding that they secure our borders and say NO to amnesty:
Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW!
This week, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., plans to introduce another AMNESTY bill and his co-sponsor, Sen. John McCain, R-Az., is expected to lend his support again.
The McKennedy AMNESTY bill will set far easier conditions for illegal residents to gain legal status, removing the proof of residency requirements in last year’s bill that were said by liberals to be “too burdensome and complex for illegal aliens.”
Last year’s stricter bill has been denounced by liberals as cumbersome and flawed. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger called it "unenforceable" and said a "common-sense system" must be devised that everyone, including illegal immigrants, can understand. Translation – make it easier to reward illegal activity.
The new bill is designed to lure more Hispanic votes, casting aside the security concerns of law-abiding Americans working hard day after day to live according to the rule of law.
The only line of defense comes from the overwhelming majority of Americans that want a secure border and U.S. citizenship that is not for sale. The public overwhelmingly supports consistent enforcement to reduce the illegal population. Many voters said last year they wanted to see tougher border security and better workplace verification of employees' legal status – before they would consider any plan to legalize “undocumented” workers.
You must help us stop a “comprehensive immigration bill” – political doubletalk for AMNESTY – from reaching President Bush’s desk soon. You are the only formidable obstacle that remains to the border security end-run of wholesale AMNESTY of illegals.
We must not be misled into thinking this is about human rights or international politics. The true nature of immigration politics makes it clear that this is a law and order issue and 12-20 million illegal aliens are making a mockery of our laws by pushing for new regulations to justify their illegal behavior.
Send YOUR blast faxes to ALL 535 of these Congressman NOW, demanding that they secure our borders and say NO to amnesty:
Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW!
NOTE: We need to start getting TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes delivered to ALL of the new Congressmen right away. Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help STOP "guest worker" amnesty for illegal aliens! Thank you!
As always, you can also send a FREE message to your Congressman and Senators, demanding they secure our borders, enforce our laws and STOP amnesty for illegals.
Just go to now (but remember, not all of the new legislators have e-mails set up yet).
YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. The politicians will talk; the liberal media and the “Hate America” crowd will offer AMNESTY to law breakers. The Minutemen will ACT in defense of America!

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Select Here to become a Minuteman Volunteer!!!
Select Here to Donate to Support the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:
Minuteman Civil Defense
Dept Code 748
PO Box 130707
Houston, TX 77219-0707
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
Kennedy – McCain AMNESTY bill could get jump-start
ALERT: America is in BIG trouble -- Congress is running at break neck speed toward an OPEN BORDER and AMNESTY for illegal aliens.
The Democrat-controlled Congress is lining up all the ingredients this year to force citizenship for 14 million illegal aliens onto the American public with an AMNESTY that will exceed anything ever enacted before in our history.
Powerful forces lead by the New Democrat leaders and pushed by La Raza and open border groups with ties to Mexico have promised action. Now President Bush, who said, "We need to resolve the status of illegal immigrants already in our country without animosity and without amnesty," feels free to move on GUEST WORKER AMNESTY, because of business, labor, churches and socialist human rights groups ready to turn this country into a safe haven for illegal aliens – and, by doing so, an easy target for terrorists.
This week, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., plans to introduce another AMNESTY bill and his co-sponsor, Sen. John McCain, R-Az., is expected to lend his support again.
The McKennedy AMNESTY bill will set far easier conditions for illegal residents to gain legal status, removing the proof of residency requirements in last year’s bill that were said by liberals to be “too burdensome and complex for illegal aliens.”
Send YOUR blast faxes to ALL 535 of these Congressman NOW, demanding that they secure our borders and say NO to amnesty:
Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW!
Last year’s stricter bill has been called cumbersome and flawed. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger called it "unenforceable" and said a "common-sense system" must be devised that everyone, including illegal immigrants, can understand. Translation – make it easier to reward illegal activity.
The new bill is designed to lure more Hispanic votes, casting aside the security concerns of law-abiding Americans working hard day after day to live according to the rule of law.
The only line of defense comes from the overwhelming majority of Americans that want a secure border and citizenship that is not for sale. The public overwhelmingly supports consistent enforcement to reduce the illegal population. Many voters said last year they wanted to see tougher border security and better workplace verification of employees' legal status before they would consider a plan to legalize “undocumented” workers.
You must help us stop a comprehensive immigration bill from reaching President Bush’s desk soon. You are the only formidable obstacle that remains to the border security end-run of wholesale AMNESTY.
We must not be misled into thinking this is about human rights or international politics. The true nature of immigration politics makes it clear that this is a law and order issue and 14 million illegal aliens are making a mockery of the law by pushing for new regulations to justify their illegal behavior.
Send YOUR blast faxes to ALL 535 of these Congressman NOW, demanding that they secure our borders and say NO to amnesty:
Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW!
NOTE: We need to start getting TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes delivered to ALL of the new Congressmen right away. Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help STOP "guest worker" amnesty for illegal aliens! Thank you!
As always, you can also send a FREE message to your Congressman and Senators, demanding they secure our borders, enforce our laws and STOP amnesty for illegals.
Just go to now (but remember, not all of the new legislators have e-mails set up yet).
YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. The politicians will talk; the liberal media and the “Hate America” crowd will offer AMNESTY to law breakers. The Minutemen will ACT in defense of America!

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Select Here to become a Minuteman Volunteer!!!
Select Here to Donate to Support the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:
Minuteman Civil Defense
Dept Code 748
PO Box 130707
Houston, TX 77219-0707
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
Kennedy – McCain AMNESTY bill could get jump-start
ALERT: America is in BIG trouble -- Congress is running at break neck speed toward an OPEN BORDER and AMNESTY for illegal aliens.
The Democrat-controlled Congress is lining up all the ingredients this year to force citizenship for 14 million illegal aliens onto the American public with an AMNESTY that will exceed anything ever enacted before in our history.
Powerful forces lead by the New Democrat leaders and pushed by La Raza and open border groups with ties to Mexico have promised action. Now President Bush, who said, "We need to resolve the status of illegal immigrants already in our country without animosity and without amnesty," feels free to move on GUEST WORKER AMNESTY, because of business, labor, churches and socialist human rights groups ready to turn this country into a safe haven for illegal aliens – and, by doing so, an easy target for terrorists.
This week, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., plans to introduce another AMNESTY bill and his co-sponsor, Sen. John McCain, R-Az., is expected to lend his support again.
The McKennedy AMNESTY bill will set far easier conditions for illegal residents to gain legal status, removing the proof of residency requirements in last year’s bill that were said by liberals to be “too burdensome and complex for illegal aliens.”
Send YOUR blast faxes to ALL 535 of these Congressman NOW, demanding that they secure our borders and say NO to amnesty:
Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW!
Last year’s stricter bill has been called cumbersome and flawed. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger called it "unenforceable" and said a "common-sense system" must be devised that everyone, including illegal immigrants, can understand. Translation – make it easier to reward illegal activity.
The new bill is designed to lure more Hispanic votes, casting aside the security concerns of law-abiding Americans working hard day after day to live according to the rule of law.
The only line of defense comes from the overwhelming majority of Americans that want a secure border and citizenship that is not for sale. The public overwhelmingly supports consistent enforcement to reduce the illegal population. Many voters said last year they wanted to see tougher border security and better workplace verification of employees' legal status before they would consider a plan to legalize “undocumented” workers.
You must help us stop a comprehensive immigration bill from reaching President Bush’s desk soon. You are the only formidable obstacle that remains to the border security end-run of wholesale AMNESTY.
We must not be misled into thinking this is about human rights or international politics. The true nature of immigration politics makes it clear that this is a law and order issue and 14 million illegal aliens are making a mockery of the law by pushing for new regulations to justify their illegal behavior.
Send YOUR blast faxes to ALL 535 of these Congressman NOW, demanding that they secure our borders and say NO to amnesty:
Select Here to STOP Amnesty NOW!
NOTE: We need to start getting TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes delivered to ALL of the new Congressmen right away. Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help STOP "guest worker" amnesty for illegal aliens! Thank you!
As always, you can also send a FREE message to your Congressman and Senators, demanding they secure our borders, enforce our laws and STOP amnesty for illegals.
Just go to now (but remember, not all of the new legislators have e-mails set up yet).
YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. The politicians will talk; the liberal media and the “Hate America” crowd will offer AMNESTY to law breakers. The Minutemen will ACT in defense of America!

Chris Simcox, President
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps

February 12, 2007 |
North American Union:
A Profound Solution
To The Treachery
If Faced With Treason
We The People Have A Duty,
And The Legal Power To End It
In yesterday's article on Illegal Immigration we showed that Mexico is invading the United States: This is a war without a declaration of war.
We also showed that the President of the United States was adhering to this enemy of the United States by giving aid and comfort to Mexico and its invaders and that Congress was acquiescing: This is treason.
We also showed that the People have the Duty, the Right and the constitutional Power to peaceably procure relief by forcing the Government of the United States to faithfully execute the immigration laws and to otherwise honor and defend the Constitution: This is the power of the First Amendment Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances.

Today, we cover the "rest of the story," that explains why the President of the United States has attached himself to the political leaders of Mexico by personal union and conformity of principles and opinions.
The rumors of a North American Union are true.
The evidence is mounting. The President and the Congress, who have obviously allowed the invasion from Mexico to go unchecked for years, would now compound that constitutional tort by "legalizing" the invasion.
How? By creating a North American Union (NAU) eliminating the borders of the United States with Mexico and Canada, and replacing their existing currencies with a new common currency - the "Amero."
(Illustration of proposed NAFTA commercial super-highway system)
Click Here To Access The Full Update
Click Here to READ & SIGN the Petition For Redress
Regarding the Unconstitutional North American Union
Minutemen Volunteers Finish 10 Miles of Phase One of the Border Fence in the Cold and Snow |
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
Phase One of the Minuteman Border Fence Finished
Minutemen Volunteers Make Good on Promise
Dear Diana J. Eckholdt,
Thank you with your generous support and donations to build the Minuteman Border Fence. Phase One is NOW COMPLETE. The Congress is still just talking about amnesty and trying to stop any new border fence from being built. Now we need your help more than ever to secure the border. The Phase Two double layer fence with FOMGuard fiber optic sensors and cameras to pinpoint the location of illegal crossing is well under way.
We need your to raise the more than $300,000 necessary to finish this project. Therefore if you can help or make the sacrifice to have a secure US border we are asking that everyone who receives this email donate $50 to generate the funds to continue building the fence.
Donate NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
Sincerely for America,
 Chris Simcox, President Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Volunteers Finish 10 Miles of the Border Fence in the Cold and Snow
I received a call over this last weekend from Connie on the Arizona - Mexico Border, where Minuteman Volunteers are building fence. It was a brisk 35 degree day in Arizona with a 30 mile per hour windmaking it even colder while a little snow continued to fall.
Out in the harsh weather a small band of dedicated Minuteman Volunteers, led by our coordinators Bill and Connie, were working on the final section of 10 miles of new fence.
This span was completed on Sunday, a testament to the integrity and dedication of American patriots who hold our nation dear.
Our fence has already reduced illegal crossings by 60%, and stopped all occurrences of high speed drug running along this heavily violated section of the border near Palominas, AZ. Despite what the politicians may say, fences work!
Minutemen will continue to lead the way in getting affordable and effective fencing built, but more donations are imperative for us to continue. We can only install as much fencing as we have funds to do the job. Phase 2 continues at the cost of $250/foot, to build a multi-level gauntlet of security at the border proven to deter illegal aliens. With the first phase completed and Phase 2 under way, your help is urgently needed to replenish our funding and enable us to continue this monumental effort.
Decades ago, President Ronald Reagan said, "This country has lost control of its borders. And no country can sustain that kind of position."
This warning addresses a far greater border crisis today than when our President in good faith with the Congress attempted an amnesty in the 1980s, in hopes it would stem the tide of alien invasion. The results of federal legislation passed in 1986, and subsequent border and immigration policies, are a national security and public safety disaster. Send your support now to build the Minuteman Border Fence and show our government what it means to TRULY secure the border against events such as Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Join your fellow American citizens who say "Never Again!" We the people must be vigilant and prepared, and our national territory must be defended!
Your country needs you now! We Minutemen and women need you now! If you are one of the thousands who have already contributed to building the Minuteman Fence, we thank you for your sacrificebut we need you if possible to redouble your efforts and donate again. If you have never donated we ask you to join us by making a generous financial contribution AND by becoming a Minuteman Volunteer.
Donate NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
VOLUNTEER NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
Our volunteers answered the call and came from states all over the countryincluding New Mexico, Arizona, South Dakota, New York, Wisconsin, Idaho, California and Colorado to work long, hard days, 5 days a week to complete the first phase of the border fence partnered with private ranch owners, and promised by the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. Phase two has already started just a little to the east.
Some had said they did not believe anything the Minutemen could do would make a difference. It had been said by some about the plan to build any Minuteman Border Fence that it was "folly" and "fantasy." Yet Chris Simcox and Minuteman Volunteers broke ground May 2006 to construct real border fencing, and show the feds how it could get donesince the U.S. government would not do its job and secure the border.
On Sunday 1/28/2007 Phase 1 of the promised Minuteman Border Fence was completed. Phase 2 is already underway. Our thanks to each and every one of those patriot Volunteers who have given of themselves, their time and their donations to finish the crucial first part of this enormous national challenge.
We still have much to do. There is more private land being offered to the Minuteman Corps to build fence on than we presently can afford to fund for construction. We cannot do it alonewe urgently need your donation TODAY to keep our Volunteers and workers going. Until the feds get the message from our model sections that a border security fence is IMPERATIVE, and AFFORDABLE, the border will NOT BE secure.
In Washington, DC the new Democrat-led Congress is busy holding more pro-immigration, pro-open border hearings. They are doing a lot of talk about a "guest worker" amnesty program and killing the border fence bills already passed.
I guess this is what Chertoff means when he talks about a virtual fence. You cannot see or touch a virtual fence, because it is not really thereit is only virtually there! But virtually there is perfect for fooling voters, because voters can sure imagine they are a lot safer if the Congress is talking about a "fence" that the feds have "virtually" built!
Wow are you confused yet? Don't let the virtual fence fool you. If we do not have a real fence at the border, the border will soon be in your home town and you will need a fence in your own backyard to secure what little freedom you will have left. I say this because the Minuteman Fence that Bill and Connie are helping to build is within sight of their backyard in Palominas, AZ. They work on the frontline everyday with their friends and neighbors, so the rest of the country will be more secure from traffickers and terrorists.
Connie had this to say in a recent report about what happens at the border every day. "We have built over two miles of fence and have a good crew going this week. Also we are providing security for both fence lines. The weather has been harsh; we arose to 11.4 degrees Fahrenheit temperature yesterday morning. By the time we were in the field it was around 20 degrees. We completed 3/8ths of a mile even with the cold temps."
She continued, "The activity on the south side of the International Fence picked up yesterday. We again saw Mexican military; we also saw a drop off of six young men with large back packs. They hid in a ravine in Mexico and did not cross while we were there. Many loads of illegal aliens were run to the San Pedro River yesterday while we built fence. We only saw two U.S. Border Patrol agents the entire day. They both were traveling parallel of the vans with the possible illegal aliensI hope they managed an intercept. There is just not enough manpower down here, and so much open territory."
America needs a FENCE! We have a monumental challenge ahead to raise $55 million. We urgently need your help for this effort to succeed. With your contribution TODAY, MCDC can make America more secure by continuing to empower citizen volunteers in their active support of the Minuteman Border Fence. We CAN show the federal government what border security IS, and how IT CAN BE DONE!
Be sure to send this to EVERYONE you know who wants to help STOP illegal aliens at the border! Thank you!
Donate NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
VOLUNTEER NOW to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
Go and join with us TODAY.
Sincerely for America,
 Chris Simcox, President Minuteman Civil Defense Corps |
--- Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, Inc. 6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone (520) 829-3112 |
Uniformed Mexican Invasion
Uniformed Mexican Force
Invades Arizona
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112 |
ALERT: Remember the incursion into U.S. territory last week by Mexican gunmen that we emailed you about?
It appears that it was NOT a "chance confrontation" between the Arizona National Guard and untrained illegal immigrants, but a deliberate "perimeter probe" by an infantry-trained, uniformed Mexican force, according to a just-released online report.
The Euphoric Reality blog has learned in exclusive interviews with high-ranking sources within both the Arizona National Guard and the U.S. Border Patrol that the incident the mainstream media calls a "standoff" was in reality a military-style operation, carried out by a unit of Mexican troops dressed in military uniforms, flak jackets, and armed with AK-47s in an apparent operation to probe the border defenses and test the limits of the National Guard troops. Using easily recognizable infantry movement tactics (such as arm and hand signals and flanking maneuvers), the Mexican unit deliberately moved in a military formation across the border from Mexico, while under surveillance by the National Guard and Border Patrol.
You can be sure of this: the new Democrat-led Congress isn't going to do anything about this. In fact, it already looks like they're ready to refuse to fund the border fence Congress voted to build -- and President Bush signed into law -- last year!
SOMEONE needs to do something -- and now, someone IS: the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps is building a REAL border fence along the U.S.-Mexico border!
The Minuteman Border Fence is an extension of the citizens' border security group Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. It was created to put steel in the ground and to demonstrate the feasibility of securing the border by building fencing as a part of the Minuteman Movement, the grassroots initiative that seeks to secure America's sovereign territory against incursion, invasion, and terrorism.
As we can see AGAIN from this news story, the United States is under siege by forces and interests that have the capacity, over time, to destroy our great experiment of responsible self-government.
Members of the MCDC are organizing as citizen volunteers, to safeguard our beloved nation from violence, from sedition, from wholesale attack by those who do not love America and wish to see her destroyed or irremediably altered from a nation of liberty, equality, and justice, and a bastion of western civilization. The Minutemen are recruiting and training volunteer citizens who will stand as patriots for the promise that is, and ever has been, America to build a border fence.
If you are concerned about the chaos upon our broken borders, if you believe America should welcome legal immigration but reject colonization and Balkanization, then we need to join together to help the Minutemen secure the future of our nation for the American people and her posterity.
And a GREAT start is to build a REAL border fence along the Mexican border... to help STOP the "incursions" like this latest one in Arizona!
TAKE ACTION: The new Congress will likely succeed at undoing federal plans to build 700 miles of fence, leaving the Minuteman Border Fence the only real barrier being built. It is therefore imperative that the people of the United States support and build the Minuteman Border Fence themselves -- until this government gets the message and is forced to do its job and fully and competently secure our national border.
Select Here to Donate NOW and Build the Minuteman Border Fence
VOLUNTEER to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
A new immigration bill is proposed that will grant citizenship rights to 20 million illegal aliens. The U.S. Senate is playing dangerous politics with American national border security and the lives of legal US citizens.
"The thing that's in the greatest jeopardy right now is the fence, because they do have the appropriations process and that's probably the one they can stop," according to Congressman Tom Tancredo.
Your help is needed now more than ever. We are asking everyone who has already donated to the fence, to DOUBLE that donation now at the beginning of the new year, to help us keep putting up fencing. We need your continued financial support today!
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! By donating time and money you can help protect your families and loved ones. Please make a donation TODAY and you can help build a secure border and a secure America.
Select Here to Donate NOW and Build the Minuteman Border Fence
VOLUNTEER to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
NOTE: The danger we are facing is REAL. You can read the "Euphoric Reality" online report here:
We need to take action NOW. Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help join with us to build the fence -- a real fence, not a political smoke screen -- TODAY! Thank you!
For more information go to:
Border Watch:
Border Fence:
Sincerely for America,

Chris Simcox, President
' Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Select Here to Donate NOW and Build the Minuteman Border Fence
VOLUNTEER to Build the Minuteman Border Fence
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, Inc.
6501 Greenway Parkway
Suite 103-640
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
(520) 829-3112
By Frosty Wooldridge December 18, 2006
Newsweek Publisher Jonathan Alter fashioned a rather genius piece of literature last week in his essay, "Trouble from the Top Down." He wrote, "If Bush is stubborn and too sure that he has all the answers, the modeling of his behavior is likely to result in decisions you would ground your teenager for...Bush's inattention to the execution of his grand ideas has had fatal consequences."
To put those consequences in perspective, Bush caused the deaths of 655,000 Iraqis, 2,800 U.S. soldiers and abetted 20,000 gutted, amputated and wounded of our nation's finest young men and women. Bush dropped depleted uranium bombs on Iraq that continue impacting for years in mutated children and birth defects for progeny of our returning servicemen. Bush's actions set a new benchmark for the term "immoral."
Bush's legacy includes sectarian civil war slated to kill tens of thousands more while it does nothing to ensure America's safety or Iraq's. In his depleted emotional state, he vowed ".we won't leave Iraq until victory." Meanwhile, national polls show 70 percent of Americans want us out of Iraq. The common man possesses more common sense than the president.
James Baker's "The Iraq Study Group Report" illustrated the futility of trying to win in someone else's civil war. The fact is, we can't win, but we can keep getting our combat troops killed offfor absolutely nothing.
How did Bush fail at such an extreme level especially with hundreds of thousands of other peoples' lives? We must look at the same reasons why he failed with his baseball teams and oil companies. Bush never made academics a priority at Yale UniveĀ 偩ty. He boozed a great deal. He avoided discipline.
Instead of excellence, he pursued a life of mediocrity, coasting and incompetence.
After fabricating the initial lie of weapons of mass destruction, he twisted that perspective into a half dozen other reasons for remaining in Iraq. At one moment, we saw herdsmen with red dye on their fingers as if their vote changed 1,600 years of theocratic rule in an instant.
Even as he remains in office, Bush maintains incompetence. Today, our embassy of 1,000 in Iraq employs only six fluent Arabic speakers. As Alter said, "In a conflict that demands effective communication with Iraqis; we are at a distinct disadvantage. Who would imagine that only .6 percent of our personnel that speak the native language might cause problems? At $8 billion per month in Iraq, you would think we'd have a few more people there who could find their way to the bathroom."
Bush used his limited understandings of Islam to force "democracy" into a region whose religion successfully followed "Sharia Law" for the past 1,600 years. Trying to change Islam into "democracy" is like trying to tell a rabid Pit Bull dog not to bite. You cannot crossbreed a rattlesnake religion with a Canada goose to create a swan. What you get is a flying rattlesnake capable of 9/11.
Whether it was his failure as the owner of a baseball team or his inability to use his father's wealth in business or his one conviction out of two DUI arrests, George Bush displays a lifetime of not paying attention to details or personal responsibility. How we do anything in life is how we do everything.
Today, as the commander in chief of the United States, Bush's folly translates into our national suicide. Whereas he wouldn't or didn't consider consequences of stepping into a viper's den in Iraq while wearing not much more than his lifelong arrogance as armor, he allows our nation's borders a 24 hour open mall for countless terrorists. Where he used WMD to provoke the Iraq War, he uses, "They do the jobs Americans won't do" to allow gross violations of the U.S. Constitution by employers and 20 million people illegally residing inside America.
He makes no attempt to distinguish between migrant workers, criminals, sex traders, drug smugglers or terrorists that cross our borders. He encourages illegals and Islamists entering our country to brutalize our educational, medical and prison systems under the guise of education' and social awareness.' They laugh at us as they destroy our society from within. This invasion of our borders continues five years after 9/11; that's gross incompetence!
Meanwhile, how do you think those bloody "insurgents" keep supplying themselves with IED explosives? Incompetence factor number 6 (years in his presidency): Bush hasn't secured Iraq's borders thus giving unending supply of explosives and ammunition that keep killing our soldiers.
In other words, as a Yale student, Bush didn't do his homework. He partied big time. While hiding out in the National Guard during the Vietnam War, he rarely attended monthly meetings. When given a baseball team via his father's money, he failed at maintaining it. While allowed the privilege of driving a car, he drove drunk more than anyone will ever know, but was only convicted once of two DUI arrests.
If he continues failing our sovereignty, we face much of the Balkanization and internal turmoil now experienced in Iraq, Lebanon, Paris, France, Britain; Israel/Palestine and other areas where the loss of the rule of law explodes into social upheaval.
In a lifetime of mediocrity, it wasn't that he was a competent man running for the office of president as much as he was "electable." Now that he sits in the Oval Office, his lifetime of folly catches up with him, to our soldiers and, worst of allour nation hangs in the cross hairs of incompetence.
Lest you view this column as frivolous lambasting, ask yourself what is gained when facts are swept under the rug while you look the other way. As I said, how a man does anything is how he does everything. George W. Bush illustrates that statement to a T.
Men of character and integrity created this nation. George Walker Bush couldn't stand in the same room as Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Adams, George Washington or James Madison. If everyone knew Bush's vacuous history, he wouldn't be invited to stand in the same room with any combat soldier from Valley Forge to Iraq.
As Jonathan Alter wrote, "A war that was launched by twisting intelligence is being lost while twisting body counts. Shakespeare's "tangled web" of deceit was woven at the top, but its threads extend everywhere."
What you can do for a better future for your country:
A republican form of government is not a spectator sport. It means you must jump in, roll up you sleeves and take personal and collective action. Of course, you could let a dictator take over and do everything for you, but that path would give you Cuba, China, North Korea and other unsavory examples.
To stop Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid from giving an amnesty, take action. Call for a full 10 year moratorium.
CALL NANCY PELOSI Washington, DC - (202) 225-4965 San Francisco, CA - (415) 556-4862
Senator Harry Reid 202-224-3121 in Washington DC 775-686-5750 in Reno, NV
George Bush 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, DC 20500 Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard for live listener: 202 456 1414 Fax: 202-456-2461
We must 'sour the milk.' Bring out your points in the call:
1, America cannot support another 100 million people added to our country in 34 years, i.e., water crisis, resource depletion, air pollution, gridlock, loss of quality of life, etc. 2, America cannot support lawbreakers being given citizenship. 3, America must maintain our English language. 4, America wants only legal immigrants who play by the rules and speak English. 5, America's working poor deserve a chance at jobs taken by illegals 6, America already has too many people and I support a 10 year moratorium on all immigration. 7, Americans must maintain our schools for our children. 8, We can no longer tolerate 350,000 birthright citizens (anchor babies) annually that subtract from our own citizens. 9, Attrition through enforcement by stopping their ability to wire money home, obtain rental housing and jobs. 10, An amnesty failed in 1986, and it will only be worse today. We're being displaced out of our jobs and out of our own country. Call with relentless and never-give-up passion.
To stop illegal aliens in your community, you may follow the course of action by Mayor Louis Barletta of Hazelton, PA. He offers a bomb proof ordinance that takes business licenses away from those who hire illegals. He legally halts landlords from renting to illegals. Without work and without housing, illegals cannot stay in your community. Check out his web site for instructions:
Visit D.A. King at the to see how Georgia created the best laws to stop illegals at the state level.
Please check out William Gheen at He's a mover and shaker. He will direct you to specific actions that make you more powerful and impactful.
To stop this invasion locally and nationally: join for free and you can join and
Wooldridge presents a 45 minute program to colleges, high schools, civic clubs, church groups and political clubs across America titled: "COMING POPULATION CRISIS IN AMERICA: WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT." Go to his website for further information on booking the program.
Would you like to support the PRR? Send donations to: 21st Century Paul Revere Ride at POB 207, Louisville, CO 80027.;;; Also, check out at 1 866 329 3999;;;;;;;;;;; My book: "IMMIGRATION'S UNARMED INVASION: DEADLY CONSEQUENCES" Call: 1 888 280 7715. -;;;;
© 2006 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved
Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and six times across the United States in the past 30 years. His published books include: "HANDBOOK FOR TOURING BICYCLISTS" ; "STRIKE THREE! TAKE YOUR BASE"; "IMMIGRATION'S UNARMED INVASION: DEADLY CONSEQUENCES"; "MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE TO ALASKA: INTO THE WINDA TEEN NOVEL"; "BICYCLING AROUND THE WORLD: TIRE TRACKS FOR YOUR IMAGINATION"; "AN EXTREME ENCOUNTER: ANTARCTIA." His next book: "TILTING THE STATUE OF LIBERTY INTO A SWAMP." He lives in Denver, Colorado.