**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
Obama's Regulations Actually Hurt the Environment Do you remember the Obama years? Countless terrible ideas were put into policy for stupid reasons. Not least of those were environmental regulations that stifle economic growth. We’ve seen since Trump took over that removing those regulations was all we needed to get the economy churning again.
Still, one might consider a loss of money worthwhile if it made the earth a safer place. Unfortunately for Obama and his ilk, that’s not at all what happened. New reports show that the bulk of his policies were worse for the environment than doing nothing.
Now, I’m not using this to try to lecture you about climate change. But, for the sake of argument, we’ll assume that greenhouse gases are real and bad. Doing so will prove that everything Obama did as President was a lie -- and a dangerous one at that.
Prepare for “Avalanche of Wealth”
A few months back, we began preparing to release a controversial book from one of the most well-connected and successful investors in America.
Why would a book about investing be so controversial?
Well, it’s because its author – multi-millionaire Doug Casey – is known to be brutally honest.
For instance, Al Gore once invited him to speak before Senate leaders... but that didn’t stop him from describing global warming as having “so little scientific basis, it can only rationally be considered a political scam.”
You see...whether it’s secrets about making money...or the political system...or science...
...there are just some truths in America you’re not allowed to tell!
It gets far, far more shocking.
In fact, he ordered us to “double down” and come up with a way to offer a free copy of this shocking new book to any American with a physical address.
Claim yours, for a limited time, right here...
**End sponsored content**
Obama made it clear that he wanted to transform the energy industry. Under the guise of environmentalism, he invested heavily in alternative fuels. He also used unilateral regulation to force biofuels into many sectors.
The result is that today, you can scarcely find gasoline anywhere in the country that is without ethanol. The proposed theory behind the process is that ethanol is a better fuel in terms of greenhouse gases. The truth is not quite so favorable.
In 2011, a Congressional study showed that ethanol biofuels were not the promised savior in terms of environmental impact. The study made it clear that Obama’s policies had indeed increased ethanol biofuel consumption, but that it had actually had a net negative impact on the environment.
The first problem is with water pollution. Ethanol production produces phosphorus which is toxic and easily gets into water tables, and that happened on a large scale thanks to Obama.
Other problems were related to the agricultural production of ethanol. Soybeans and corn are the primary sources, and the study showed that ethanol demand had increased production of both crops in unfavorable ways. They contributed to soil degradation and increased water consumption.
The last thing the study showed is that ethanol usage led to a net increase in greenhouse gas production. It’s pretty simple. Ethanol does produce fewer emissions per gallon burned than some traditional fuels, but it produces so little power that you have to burn more of it. In the end, that led to a spike in greenhouse gases that wouldn’t have happened if Obama had left everything alone.
After reading the study, Obama doubled down on his policies and forced even more ethanol on the American people. A follow up study was released this summer, and it showed the exact same things. Obama’s ethanol policies had a net negative impact on all of the environmental factors he claimed to be combating.
If ethanol was Obama’s only failure, we could probably all let it slide. It’s only the beginning. Another effort from the 44th was to ramp up EPA oversight. He expanded the offices and budget and pushed them to meddle in more things. After eight years, they only had two significant accomplishments to their name.
One of those was the Animas River incident. In 2015, the EPA tried to clean up a mining site. If left alone, the metal toxins in the mine would never have hurt anyone. After the EPA meddled, they dumped over a million gallons of toxic waste into the Animas River. That’s a major water source for thousands of people living in Colorado and New Mexico. After they ruined a major water source, they were charged with cleaning the river. They never did.
The other major accomplishment of Obama’s EPA was in Flint, Michigan. You might remember this one. The city government followed an EPA-approved plan to switch the city’s water supply. The result was widespread lead poisoning. When things went from bad to worse, the EPA took over the whole situation. Nothing was resolved for several years. It wasn’t until a new EPA chief in 2017 changed the approach that progress was finally made. And, in the summer of 2018, water samples finally tested to have safe levels of everything.
California Fires
If you watch the news then you might know that California is battling the largest forest fire in the state’s history. That’s a pretty big deal. Climate change alarmists will tell you that it’s because hotter temperatures have increased dryness in the forests and made them more flammable. This is utter nonsense. California was far dryer a year and a half ago at the peak of their drought. There were fires then too, but they were contained. The truth is that California is currently enjoying the highest soil humidity levels they’ve seen in decades.
The real problem with forest fires was predicted years ago. Obama wasn’t the first president to go after loggers and foliage management, but he was the most recent. He doubled down on policies crafted by Al Gore in the 90s, and the result is that Californians are largely unable to do things that prevent the spread of fires. Controlled logging and general caretaking are essential to mitigating fire risk, and California has abandoned those practices. And, the result isn’t just a record fire. The fire is also releasing tons of toxins and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It’s a pretty big disaster all around.
Natural Gas
Easily Obama’s most dangerous approach to climate safety was in natural gas. Once again, purporting environmental safety, Obama went after natural gas production. The most prolific way was regulating fracking into the ground. Since fracking is the cheapest way to get natural gas, Obama’s regulations inflated prices. That led to a massive shift in burning coal and oil for the same purposes. The result is that greenhouse gas production ran away during the Obama Administration.
Since taking office, Trump overturned a number of those regulations and natural gas prices fell. As a result, the United States cut greenhouse gas production in 2017 by more than every single member of the Paris Climate Accord combined.
These are just the biggest stories. The truth is that Obama’s policies have proven to be bad for everyone at every turn. His flimsy justifications don’t hold. He said he was hurting the economy to save the environment. He said he signed a deal with Iran to prevent them from having a nuclear program. He claimed he bombed countless countries for the good of mankind. All of these claims have been proven to be equally false.
In the end, he hurt the economy, bungled foreign policy and trashed the environment for no discernable reason other than expanding his own power. Thanks Obama.
Mark Patricks
How to Flood Your Body With Nitric Oxide… Thanks to MIT Breakthrough Research
When your nitric oxide levels are too low, your blood pressure and cholesterol can increase - and your circulation can slow down.
But there's good news...
This special FREE Health Report reveals the amazingly effective way to increase the production of nitric oxide in your body - so you can help improve your blood pressure... and boost your circulation.
Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for August
Join Colleen and Miles for a lively question-and-answer discussion.
By coming together each month as a group, we can significantly assist the GF in speeding up the necessary processes that will lead us towards full consciousness. As always, the Galactics will envelop Webinar attendees in activational energy.
This month, we have invited color therapist Arlene Arnold to join us. Arlene specializes in helping those who struggle with the anxiety that comes of being highly sensitive and intuitive. She works with complementary color tools to help people de-stress.
• How can your color tools connect us with our chakra system?
• How can we best utilize color in our meditations and visualizations?
• Why do we like or dislike certain colors?
• Does our choice of clothing colors matter?
• How can we use color to overcome darkness and despair?
• How can we use color for our highest good?
• Can using color help to unlock our hidden talents?
About Arlene:
Have you ever felt like you just 'knew' something, even though you didn't know why?
I've developed tools to help those who struggle with the anxiety that comes from being highly sensitive and intuitive. Often, we may mistrust our abilities or not know how to deal with what we experience and "see". I've come to understand that what we are passionate about is most often the information, gift, or tool that we are here to offer to others. I know what it feels like to not fit in. Being like others isn't the answer. Finding others who value their own uniqueness, and value yours, allows you to relax. Perfection is not the goal. Instead, being authentic in your own unique way is what brings satisfaction. I want you to know that you don't have to muddle through on your own. In this Webinar, I will share how I came to work with colors and developed my Complementary Color Therapy. We use color every day. Learn how you can change your life with the use of color visualization and breathing exercises. It's simple. It's immediate. It's effective.
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.
Sunday, August 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday August 26, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)
As we exit 3D consciousness and make our way through the 4th dimension of time toward the 5th dimension, we often, as a rite of passage, go through an intense DNA shift. It is where the majority of our healing crisis’ take place, as the cellular memories and ancestral lineages associated with the 3D carbon-based DNA get transmuted, as a way of making room for the 5D crystalline DNA to activate.
Even in the title, dark night of the soul, it reminds us how even the darkest and most desperate experiences that seem lightyears from our highest reality, are of the soul, and thus, are only here to help us. Because the shift from 3D to 5D is a transition from combativeness to cooperation, our time spent in dark night of the soul is where we surrender to being the most cooperative and supportive to the most defiant and combative aspects of self. It is where we meet the feisty and fiery parts that don’t want to be told what to do, and instead, are ready to be seen and heard — no matter what it takes to get our attention.
In dark night of the soul, we are emptying out the density of our 3D cellular body, which occurs through the recalibration of the nervous system. In most cases, in order to inspire the nervous system to empty out the layers of density that are ready to be healed, we undergo the process of being emotionally triggered. While it is a lovely ambition hoping to go to energy healers to release emotional density, so to transcend the need to be triggered by others, it is a way in which the spiritual ego attempts to do its inner work, while attempting to save face and maintain a positive image to those around them. While no one enjoys being triggered by others, or even acting out of character whenever our nervous systems get ignited by people, places, or things, it is an evolutionary process we all undergo that cannot be shortcut in any way.
Part of the reason for this process is to cultivate an equal depth of humility to our expanding awareness. When awareness is more expanded than our humility, we know it all, but are out of touch with the emotional significance of our treasured human experience. Equally so, when our humility is more expanded than our awareness, we tend to take on other people’s experiences, while feeling afraid of life, and unsure about ourselves.
As strange as it may sound, dark night of the soul acts as the great equalizer, ensuring we cannot merely spiritually out-think our way into more desirable experiences, when the purpose of life is to be equally wise, heart-centered, grounded, authentic, and honest about our experiences. In dark night of the soul, the layers of shadow, or the aspects of light that don’t know themselves as the light, arise to be embraced as equal forms of divinity, no matter how they act, think, speak or behave. Even when shadow manifests in the bodies of others, we certainly don’t have to spend intimate time with those who disrespect our light or disregard our personal boundaries. And yet, it can all be done in the name of love by honoring their divinity as we bless their journey while moving in a more supportive direction.
Even though dark night of the soul appears to be the most darkened parts of the human psyche that demand attention, while fearing the love it truly desires but doesn’t feel worthy to receive, because everything is divinity in form, the shadow is also a double agent for the light. The role of the shadow is to act out in reactive, emotionally-fueled, non-spiritual ways to help us confront any spiritual judgment, so to help make our most loving response an instinctive reaction to any negative thought, personal struggle, or emotional outburst.
As dark night of the soul empties out the cellular body and deconstructs the spiritual ego, we are literally turned inside out, either as a result of facing an internal whirlwind of psychic storms, or in the aftermath of repetitive loss and unexpected changes in our external reality.
While the majority of you reading this are learning about a process you’ve been in for quite sometime, many are still at the tale end of this process. I call this tale end or grand finale of dark night of the soul, “the final battle”.
It is where ever pattern of sabotage, fear, negativity, sadness, apathy, and anger of the old paradigm gives its one last shot of trying to turn you away from the light by making it seem like too much to handle, hoping you’ll shut down to preserve the old from dissolving. Because dark night of the soul is also a double agent for the Universe, “the final battle” acts as a fierce stage of initiation where we enter our full and complete alignment of the light by daring to choose the light, no matter the risk or cost.
It might even feel like the sky is falling or the world is falling apart, but when you know choosing the light is the theme of completing “the final battle”, a deep heartfelt surrender is given permission to awaken within and transform our reality from the inside out.
To assist in completing “the final battle” and bringing dark night of the soul to an end, please read silently or outloud the following statements of acknowledgment:
“I accept that I have entered dark night of the soul, as a crucial milestone of my evolutionary process. Whether entrenched in fear, afraid of the world, withdrawn from life, exhausted, fatigued, uninspired, unable to sleep, or emotionally triggered by the egos of others, I accept each of these symptoms are a part of a deeper process underway; where my cellular body is emptying out and recalibrating my nervous system to embody the awakening of 5D crystalline DNA. During this process, I will face anything and everything that binds me to the survival patterns of human behavior, as a chance to offer forgiveness, love, and light to the most unrecognized parts of self. In doing so, I offer love to the parts that have never been loved, allowing all aspects of self to align with the light already awake within me.
I accept that even though the light of divinity is already awake within me, my role is to help spread it out and expand it throughout my being by offering love to the parts that may act unloving that desire love while being afraid of the love it desires. I also accept that I am only motivated to act in a way that confronts my deepest and most subtle spiritual judgments, as a way of cultivating a level of humility equal to the expanded wisdom I seek and embrace. In knowing it is so, I accept dark night of the soul as a double agent working on behalf of the Universe, ensuring my purest alignment in the light is complete as I move into the paradise of 5D consciousness.
To complete this phase and bring “the final battle” to a triumphant conclusion, I allow all outdated 3D patterns of struggle and survival, including all addictions, fears, judgments, limiting beliefs, cellular memories of neglect and abuse, throughout all incarnations of time and space, along with all imprints of pain, persecution, betrayal, abandonment, victimhood, heartbreak, misfortune, self-doubt, inner criticism, torture, as well as moments of violent or untimely death to be cleared out of my energy field, returned to the Source of its origin, transmuted completely and healed to completion now.
As of this moment, I surrender fully into the light, calling my light into all aspects of my being, guiding me forward into the direction of my soul’s destiny, as I allow my words, behavior, choices, and actions to demonstrate the truth of my light in action — no matter how others shall be. And so I am reborn as the eternal light I AM.”
As dark night of the soul comes to an end, we inter into the integration process that moves us into the awareness of 5D reality. While 5D reality is already here, we are only aware of living in such a heightened dimension based upon how much our soul’s vibration has been awakened and integrated into our physical body.
This is why my energetic transmission has become so potent, powerful, regenerative, and rejuvinating. While the energy I channel clears, activates, awakens, and transforms what is ready to be resolved, it also integrates instantly, so you can have the most joyful and nurturing healing experience available.
To help you move through the integration of your soul’s vibration, so you can begin living in full awareness of 5D reality, please join me at my upcoming 3-day Soul Convergence in Portland, Oregon. This will be one of the most uplifting and life-changing retreats I’ve ever offered. So much so, it will be the first retreat we’ve ever livestreamed.
May we take the time to love ourselves more, instead of less, seeing through the veil of duality to embrace our innocence of heart as a rapidly awakening world.
When a crime (with a few exceptions – like murder) is perpetrated, the authorities have a limited amount of time to catch and prosecute the offender. If the statute of limitations says the authorities have three years to solve and prosecute the crime, the perp can confess the day after the three year limit passes and cannot be prosecuted for it..........by Marilyn M. Barnewall.
Freedom Of Speech Threatened
The Founders demanded that every opinion should have the right to be heard, debated and decided on. Today’s leftwing ding bats believe that their opinion and ONLY their opinion has the right to be heard. This movement to silence the conservative voice is growing to other media other than college campuses. We are seeing conservative commentators being banned from a lot of the social media..........by Pastor Roger Anghis
"The Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow" is out of print. We have obtained 15 copies to be sold on NWV shopping cart. Order soon. On Amazon the book sells between $50 and $300. Thank you.
Lead like Jesus! Sounds super spiritual and to use today's hipster pastor language, "way cool!" There are blog posts, multiple articles, even books all dedicated to assisting readers in leading like Jesus lead. The question is, what does that even mean? In many instances today, authors, speakers, and writers paint a picture of the compassion, mercy, forgiveness, patience, tolerance, and unbounded grace of Jesus..........by Pastor Mike Spaulding
Also today: The Daily Coin, Next News Network and All NewsPipeline have all joined REAL.video. The anti-censorship video platform is exploding in popularity, with over 600 new channels having joined on Friday alone.
It's rapidly becoming the online destination for independent media, including coverage of natural health, vaccines and more. Visit REAL.video and search for your favorite topics.
Note: We do not endorse all the views in all the videos on the real.video platform. It's more like a public bulletin board with a huge array of different views and opinions.
It doesn't make sense to clean your teeth and gums using toxic, synthetic ingredients, but most mouthwash is loaded with them. That's why we've created a revolutionary solution. Health Ranger Select Colloidal Silver Mouthwash incorporates a variety of natural, non-GMO ingredients from all over the world. Each ingredient serves a nourishing, beneficial purpose to optimize your oral health and instantly give you clean, fresh breath with just a swish.
Are two-way radios helpful during a SHTF-type situation? When SHTF, most means of communications will go down. You will need an alternate way to stay in touch with your loved ones over long distances. An article in The Apartment Prepper considers the ...
Attempted massacre of children halted by citizen with a gun March for Our Lives and other leftist anti-gun propaganda organizations routinely obfuscate the facts concerning firearm-associated crimes, perpetuating the lie that guns are always dangerous ...
Become a morning person in seven easy steps Recent research showed that people in the U.K. spend as much as 18 minutes hitting the snooze alarm each day. According to the research, this was equivalent to 267 days of their lives. In line ...
Exercise preserves brain cells and prevents memory loss Exercise has been known to be essential for overall health. In a study carried out by researchers at the University of Jyvaskylain Finland, the benefits of exercise on brain health have been ...
Read These Shocking 9 Ingredients In Coca-Cola And You Will Drink It No More...
By Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum Exclusive To Rense 8-11-18
The label of Coca Cola indicates that it contains sugar, phosphoric acid, caffeine, caramel, carbon dioxide and some "extract". This extract and caused questions, writes DiasporaNews.
The trial began and only then was the Coca-Cola company forced to disclose the secret of where the 'extract' comes from. This was a liquid obtained from an insect Cochineal (Cochineal).
Cochineal is an insect from a group of herbaceous aphids that lives in the Canary Islands and in Mexico. It is sucked by the proboscis to the roots and stems of plants, sucks out their juice and never moves. For the cochineal, special fields are prepared, and then they are collected by the inhabitants of the surrounding villages.
From females and eggs of these insects, a pigment called carmine is extracted, which gives Coca-Cola its famous brown color. In dried form, cochineal looks like raisins, but in fact it is a dead insect!
The raw material for cola is the roots of licorice, or liquorice. Manufacturers collect these roots in tons using excavators, and all garbage, including mice, gets in there. Then the roots of licorice are pressed together with what was among the roots.
Only then the remains of mice are removed from the mixture. Due to the dark color of the drink, blood and feces of rodents are not noticeable. The harmful substances of the company that produce the cola try to neutralize with the help of chemicals. Therefore, employees of these companies do not drink Coca-Cola.
Scientists from Washington have decomposed into components one of the ingredients of Coca-Cola. It was found that the caramel in Coca Cola is not familiar melted sugar, but a chemical mixture of sugar, ammonia and sulfites obtained at high pressure and temperature. It can cause cancer of the lungs, liver, thyroid and leukemia.
Also in the soda comes alcohol. In the alcohol are added a few drops of aromatic oils, coriander and cinnamon. A liquid insect cochineal, or carmine, is not certified, so cola in some countries do not produce at all.
Consider the composition of Coca-Cola Light, without caffeine: Aqua carbonated, E150d, E952, E950, E951, E338, E330, Aromas, E211:
1. Aqua carbonated - carbonated water.
Carbon dioxide in the drink stimulates gastric secretion, increases the acidity of gastric juice and provokes flatulence - abundant release of gases. In addition, tap water is used for production, though it is passed through special filters.
2. E952 (Cyclamic Acid and Na, K, Ca salts) - cyclamic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts.
Cyclamate is a synthetic chemical, a sugar substitute, which is 200 times sweeter than sugar. It was banned in the 60s of the last century, because it is a carcinogen. In 1979, the World Health Organization rehabilitated cyclamates, finding that they are not absorbed by the body and excreted in the urine. Safe dose: 0.8 grams per day.
3. E150d (Caramel IV dye - Ammonia-sulphite process).
Burnt sugar, which is obtained by processing sugar with the addition of chemical reagents, or without them, using high temperatures. In this case, ammonium sulfate is added.
Acesulfame potassium is 200 times sweeter than sucrose. Contains methyl ether, which weakens the work of the cardiovascular system, and aspartic acid, which exerts an excitatory effect on the nervous system and can be addictive.
Products with this sweetener are not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women. Safe dose: 1 g per day.
5. E951 (Aspartame).
Aspartame is a sugar substitute for diabetics. It is chemically insensitive: it decomposes into methanol and phenylalanine under temperature conditions. Methanol (methyl alcohol) is very dangerous: 5-10 ml can lead to loss of the optic nerve and irreversible blindness, and 30 ml can lead to death.
In warm soda aspartame is transformed into formaldehyde, which is the strongest carcinogen. The cases of poisoning with aspartame have been documented.
Aspartame can also provoke the following diseases: brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Graves' disease, chronic fatigue, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, diabetes, mental retardation and tuberculosis. Safe dose: 3 g per day.
Food orthophosphoric acid is used in the production of carbonated water and for the production of salts (powders for making cookies). Prevents the absorption of calcium and iron in the body, which can lead to a weakening of bone tissue and osteoporosis. Other side effects: thirst, rash on the skin.
Get citric acid from tobacco and fermentation of carbohydrates (sugar, molasses). Applied in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Citric acid salts (citrates) are used as acids, preservatives, stabilizers, in medicine - for preserving blood.
8. Aroma - it is not known what flavor additives.
9. E211 (Sodium Benzoate, sodium benzoate).
Expectorant, preservative. Benzoic acid (E210), sodium benzoate (E211) and potassium benzoate (E212) are added to certain foods as bactericidal and antifungal agents.
Such products include jams, yoghurts, fruit juices and marinades. It is not recommended to use asthmatics and people who are sensitive to aspirin. Also, scientists have found that this compound causes significant damage to DNA.
The substance does not destroy parts of the DNA, but deactivates them. This can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and degenerative diseases, for example, Parkinson's disease.
While happiness and kindness seldom make the evening news, it doesn't make them any less prevalent. The photos below show us the true beauty of life - one that is filled with kindness and happiness.
1. A bride and groom asked their grandmas to be flower girls. Life Is Beautiful
Judge Poisoned After Ruling Bank Foreclosure Is Illegal and All Mortgages Are Null and Void
People - WHY are WE THE PEOPLE continuing to allow these thieves, murderers and traitors to get away with their criminal actions against us? WHY?
With the advent of the internet in the eighties and knowledge no longer being restricted to well-controlled sources, one of the things that I discovered was the facts about the way money works in this world. We've all heard the various sayings about 5% of the world's population holding 95% of the world's wealth but not many are sure how and why this is our reality.
Doing some online research about what is money and how is it created will inevitably lead one to discover the surprisingly fraudulent ways in which banks create money and make loans. Because the world's banking systems, as they exist now, continue to cause pain and suffering in generation after generation of mankind, I consider this insidious "con-job" of a banking and monetary system to be the greatest crime against humanity.
Rather than re-iterate the way money should work and the way it does work and rather than re-write the advantages and disadvantages of MONETARY REFORM I urge you to view the various hubpages and online materials to educate yourself.
There has been a movie called "Zeitgeist" making the rounds online and it discusses and exposes the various historical persons, events and laws over the past years that have led us into the almost hopeless situation we now find ourselves in. God has declared that this movie is now MANDATORY for all humans incarnated on Earth so, if you haven't watched it, grab a bag of popcorn and do so right now.
One aspect of the Zeitgeist movie I would like to devote this hubpage to is referred to as the "Credit River Decision" or the case of Jerome Daly vs the state of Wisconsin. In this case Jerome Daly defended himself against a lawsuit brought by a bank holding the mortgage on his house. Mr. Daly had defaulted on the mortgage and the bank was suing to foreclose and take his house.
Unfortunately for the bank, even though it was 1969 and all good little citizens were doing as they were told, never daring to question any kind of authority, Mr. Daly was well educated in the way banks create money. Mr. Daly knew that when a bank makes a loan, it instantly creates money by the stroke of a pen in a ledger, which then is transferred to the borrower's account (and of course the borrower has to pay back the loan with real money...plus interest. This, of course is the BIG problem simply stated.) Mr. Daly, also being a lawyer, knew very well about the "Law of Consideration" meaning, essentially, that a contract was null and void if both parties are not exchanging something of inherent value.
Mr. Daly argued, and somehow got the bank to admit, that they created the money with a stroke of a pen at the time of the loan (and that there was no actual official law empowering them to do so.) Since the bank did not "put up" anything of value (other than the ink from the pen) for Mr. Daly's home mortgage, there was no consideration, therefore the mortgage agreement was null and void.
Justice Martin V. Mahoney ruled against the bank and denied the foreclosure. Mr. Daly kept his house and paid no more mortgage.
Six months later Justice Mahoney was found dead (allegedly by poison) and Mr. Daly was disbarred and never practiced law again. (You can be 'right' but, when you go up against the enemy within, better be prepared to pay the ultimate price to be 'right' because you will most likely be standing there ALONE, and the enemy NEVER LOSES.)
It really sucks that anytime somebody tries to identify this problem, this crime that these banker-criminal-devil-jerks have been perpetuating for the last few hundred years they are quickly silenced. John Kennedy tried to stop it. They killed him. Unfortunately, those in power have all the power...and they like it that way....and they have lots of money to hire assassins with. So we are beat.
There's nothing we can do. Except one thing.
All we can do is use the power of collective imagination to IMAGINE one or two of these bankers starting to feel guilty...and deciding to bring down their own system. I can imagine a world in which the monetary system benefits ALL of humanity. Can you imagine this?
Here is a brief summary of the facts.
Jerome Daly had a mortgage with the First National Bank of Montgomery, Minnesota . In Spring 1967, he was $476.00 in arrears, the bank foreclosed and bought the property at a Sheriff's sale on June 26, 1967. The bank sued for possession.
A jury trial , presided over by Martin V. Mahoney, Justice of the Peace, Credit River Township , Scott County, Minnesota, was held on December 7, 1968.
The bank's president, one Lawrence V. Morgan (familiar name?) appeared along with lawyer R. Melby for the plaintiff and Jerome Daly, who was a lawyer, appeared on his own behalf.
In other words:
"The Credit River Decision," which is still "The Law of the Land," declared the following
the Federal Reserve Act is unconstitutional and VOID
the National Banking Act is unconstitutional and VOID
the mortgage acquired by the First National Bank of Montgomery, Minnesota in the regular course of its business, along with the foreclosure and the sheriff's sale, to be VOID
I have investigated the Jerome Daly case and what I found was just as interesting as the outcome. The whole case was based on trying to expose the scam we call mortgage loans. It was crafted to expose the fact that banks create money out of thin air by depositing your note onto their books as an asset and then loaning that same asset back to you as a loan so basically you are loaning yourself the money.
Most people in this country have been led to believe that the money loaned by the bank is from the deposits of the banks customers. The more money the public saves, the more it can use that money to lend. In a way, the banks slide of hands accomplishes this task by creating your deposit based on the note you sign and then lending it back as if it was already on the books.
The Jerome Daly case was an attempt to prove it once and for all. The problem was that no judge in any court that had jurisdiction would allow the evidence to be admitted. The borrower would request the book keeping ledgers in discovery and the bank would refuse and the judge would side with the bank. In some cases, the judge would force the case to be settled before any such evidence could be entered on record.
Since most people are ignorant of the issue, the bank would simply take the loss. After all this was all free money to begin with. To get around this, the bank in the Daly case was served with a complaint in front of a justice of the peace.
The Bank didn’t realize this until after the President of the Bank was forced to testify and admit to the scam under oath. He figured that when he testified, there would be a handy judge there to say he did not have to answer those questions. After his testimony, the jury was immediately sent to deliberate and came back with that verdict that has become so famous.
What followed was an uproar starting with the State Bar and then the State Supreme Court which ruled that the entire case was a nullity and the attorney and the justice of the peace spent several decades trying to get their license to practice law back.
The same thing happens today with the income tax cases. There is no law that says you are required to file an income tax because the law only applies to corporations or foreign nationals. As soon as the defense tries to claim that he was not required to file a tax return, it is immediately ruled as frivolous and that it can not be used in that court as a defense. The IRS and Judges have made claiming you are not required to file an income tax claim so toxic that it is even considered below UFO sighting claims. (Both should be held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent.)
There was a recent case where the IRS tried to make an example out of an attorney who wrote a book that said there was no law requiring a person to file an income tax return. The Tom Cryer jury returned a verdict of 'not guilty' on all charges. The case will never be used or seen for that matter in the cases cited in court because it is not a published opinion since it was decided correctly, no appeal required, no published case law.
The " Credit River Decision" handed down by a jury of 12 on a cold day in December, in the Credit River Township Hall, was an experience that I'll never forget.
The Chief Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court had phoned me a week before the trial and asked me if I would be an associate justice in assisting Justice Martin V. Mahoney, since he had never handled a jury trial before. I accepted, and it took me two hours to get my car running in the 22 below zero weather.
I got to the courtroom about 30 minutes before trial and helped get the wood stove going, since the trial was being held in an unheated storeroom of a general store. This was the first time I met Justice Mahoney, and I was impressed with his no nonsense manner of handling matters before him. My object was to help pick the jury, and to keep Jerome Daly and the attorney representing the Bank of Montgomery from engaging in a fist fight. The courtroom was highly charged, and the Jury was all business.
The banker testified about the mortgage loan given to Jerome Daly, but then Daly cross examined the banker about the creating of money "out of thin air," and the banker admitted that this was standard banking practice. When Justice Mahoney heard the banker testify that he could "create money out of thin air," Mahoney said, "It sounds like fraud to me." I looked at the faces of the jurors, and they were all agreeing with Mahoney by shaking their heads and by the looks on their faces.
I must admit that, up until that point, I really didn't believe Jerome's theory, and thought he was making this up. After I heard the testimony of the banker, my mouth had dropped open in shock, and I was in complete disbelief. There was no doubt in my mind that the Jury would find for Daly.
Jerome Daly had taken on the banks, the Federal Reserve Banking System, and the money lenders, and had won.
It is now twenty eight years since this "Landmark Decision," and Justice Mahoney is quoted more often than any Supreme Court justice ever was. The money boys that run the "private Federal Reserve Bank" soon got back at Mahoney by poisoning him in what appeared to have been a fishing boat accident (but with his body pumped full of poison) in June of 1969, less than 6 months later.
Both Jerome Daly and Justice Martin V. Mahoney are truly the greatest men that I have ever had the pleasure to meet. The Credit River Decision was and still is the most important legal decision ever decided by a Jury.
You have so much to look forward to and we have given you ample indication with a picture of where you are heading. Time and time again we have informed you that the old energy is dead and you are no longer bound by its dictates, and have relative freedom to choose your own path to Ascension. It therefore follows that matters develop according to the activities taking place on Earth, although encouragement is given to keep you pointed in the right direction. Out of the apparent chaos and uncertainty that presently exists, there are changes taking place to create a basis for a new way of looking at things with a view to achieving permanent peace on Earth.
You cannot achieve total peace overnight as there was and still is much that needs uplifting. Be assured however, that although it has been difficult to dislodge the dark Ones and their minions, good progress is being made and things should really start to slot into place from the time of a revaluation of the currencies. It remains the key to the commencement of many advantageous and welcome changes that are ready to be introduced. Much happens out of sight, and for many reasons is kept secret for safety reasons as the dark Ones are everywhere but not all of them present a danger to the plans for your freedom.
To many peoples surprise President Trump is still in office, and that is because he is making changes that are necessary for the future of not just the USA but the world. It may not seem apparent on the face of it and some of his decisions have caused much concern. But come a time when people look back at his term in office, they will agree that he helped bring in necessary changes that have benefitted the world. Some have not been well received but you have to give sufficient time for the benefits to be appreciated. Major changes nearly always cause much objection and that will always be the case, until the full effects can be fairly judged.
Understand that the appointments of those who handle immense power and wealth are now “helped” by the unseen who have a complete picture of the future, and use their influence to guide mankind. As always the final decision is yours, so ensure that the right people are in power that have your wellbeing at heart and not self-aggrandisement. In the last Age many recent appointments were made simply to promote self-greed and personal power. That time has now passed and the best people will be the ones in office that are able to lead you into a new era of joy and happiness. The future is bright and planned to give you a way of life that you are entitled to without the threat of war.
Be assured that every soul has a certain degree of influence where the future is concerned. There is a collective energy that has an effect far greater than you can possibly imagine, and it is becoming more positive as time passes. Already it has moved beyond the “war” influence, although those with vested interests in selling weaponry, normally to both sides are still hoping for World War Three. Be assured dear Ones that it has been decreed by the Ancient Ones who oversee your progress, that it will not be allowed. You only have to go back a short time to know that when the silos were on red alert and ready to release their nuclear weapons, they were all made inoperative. That has happened more than once and hopefully the message has now sunk in, that nuclear war will not be allowed – never again.
Humans have a habit of looking outside of themselves when things go wrong, and clearly not all problems are necessarily related to their actions. However, some are brought upon them through earlier actions that have incurred a karmic response. So when you question what you have done to deserve problems, realise that nothing of any importance to you happens by chance. The circumstances may appear so, but those who organise karma have to take opportunities as they come up. Often it involves other people and it is not always easy to get them to come together for that purpose. Some situations are so involved that you find it hard to believe that it is pre-arranged.
Yet they are to the extent that even the outcome is intended to comply with the lessons to be learnt. You could say that your Guides work overtime to ensure karma is cleared. Your evolution depends on lessons being learnt, that are repeated if you fail the first time around until you do. Realise that karma can be carried forward from one life to another and sometimes it is because you are more able to cope with it. A sensitive issue would be the break-up of a relationship, and even that is planned in advance where lessons are learnt by all involved. So the message is to take your life experiences seriously and do your best to learn from them, and you will not have to go through such experiences again.
Although you have been seriously held back, in the long run you will not miss out as once the dark Ones can no longer interfere with your evolution, withheld inventions and advancements will be released. It will be done in such a way that you are not overpowered and are allowed to become familiar with the changes that are more personal. Clearly you will soon take to easier and faster forms of travel, and the constant availability of all the things you need for day to day survival. Furthermore there will come a time when you will be sufficiently powerful and knowledgeable, to create all of your needs by the power of your thought.
Travel will become almost instantaneous, much like stepping into a cabinet that you program with your destination, and when you step out you will have arrived. Mention of these advancements is to let you know that the old problems will eventually be put behind you. With extended life and the ability to keep your body in its youthfulness, you will have ample time to fully enjoy it in the higher vibrations. Not least of all travel outside of the Solar System will also be possible. All things come in good time and nothing will be allowed to interfere with your progress and development.
By keeping your focus on what the future will bring, you are helping to draw it nearer to fruition. It will also move your attention away from the last Age, and able to forget the difficulties and problems you faced for millennia of time. There is no point or advantage in holding on to your previous experiences. The important thing is that you will have learnt from them and have no further need of them.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
Internet Censorship Onslaught: Here’s The Solution
Unless a person is completely detached or not on the Internet, we’re all aware of the well-coordinated attack on free speech in this country. From institutions of lower learning, aka colleges and universities, to “mainstream” newspaper rags like the NYT and Washington Post and of course, the giant monopolies who control the Internet..........by Devvy Kidd.
Unhinged Maxine Waters Leads The Left In Calling For Anarchy
Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) openly called for people to form a mob and physically confront members of Donald Trump's administration if they see them out in public. She took this action after the controversy over separated migrant families erupted but she never mentions that the law requires separating illegals from their alleged children and has for decades upon decades through previous administrations. She only blames Trump.........by Kelleigh Nelson
The Attack On Western Civilization—No More Safe America
We are approaching a blank spot, a missing link between deeply different cultures, but first we must report another sad tale from Sweden involving a 45-year- old Swedish mother who worked in a group home for “unaccompanied refugee children.” In November 2016, she took into her home an 18-year-old Afghan Muslim, Abdul D., from the home where his age made him ineligible for further residence......... By Frosty Wooldridge
YouTube to interrupt vaccine videos with "fact check" propaganda
The extreme censorship by tech giants continues to explode by the day. Now YouTube has announced they will start interrupting vaccine videos with "fact check" statements pushing official vaccine propaganda.
You didn't think all the censorship was going to stop with just Alex Jones, did ya?
Nope, it's going to be used to push pharmaceuticals, GMOs and vaccines. And anyone who dares ask a single dissenting question will be silenced.
It doesn't make sense to clean your teeth and gums using toxic, synthetic ingredients, but most mouthwash is loaded with them. That's why we've created a revolutionary solution. Health Ranger Select Colloidal Silver Mouthwash incorporates a variety of natural, non-GMO ingredients from all over the world. Each ingredient serves a nourishing, beneficial purpose to optimize your oral health and instantly give you clean, fresh breath with just a swish.
6 Easy homemade salad dressing recipes By creating your own homemade salad dressing, you’re making sure that you know what’s been put into it. No secret sugar or sodium, no unwanted fats or salt.
A powerful compound in rosemary protects your brain from damage Are you in need of stress relief? According to a study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, carnosol, an antioxidant compound found in rosemary, can relieve ...
Tunisian dates keep your immune system strong… here’s how A new study reported that the seeds of the Tunisian dates are an untapped, and inexpensive source of polyphenols. These bioactive compounds have powerful antioxidant properties that can ...
Nourish your brain by choosing organic food Eating well nourishes not just your body, but also your brain. And when it comes to food, nothing is better for your neurons than organic produce. The brain is called the control center of the ...
How to secure water during an emergency disaster Water is an essential commodity, especially during trying times such as emergencies and naturaldisasters, due to its many roles in body function. An article featured on the Live Science website ...
The common animal most people are missing from their homestead With their honking noise and territorial behavior, geese may not be every homesteader's cup of tea. However, both seasoned and novice homesteaders should consider adding geese to their ...
Notice to readers: This is the last of our three pre-written reports. We will return to our usual weekly news format next week. Your patience and understanding have been appreciated.
Last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin said whoever leads in AI (Artificial Intelligence) “will control the world.” The Chinese took these words seriously and are investing huge sums of money in an effort to create an AI “Goddess.” They hope it will give them unprecedented powers and help them in their bid to form a world government, according to members of Asian secret societies.
The West, for its part, is building a quantum-based financial system they hope will allow them to continue to control the main source of world power—the international financial system.
This battle is serious, and it even led to the Chinese supercomputer Tainhe-1—at one point the world’s fastest—to be blown up by unknown parties on August 12, 2015. The fact that this explosion came immediately after a sudden unannounced 4% devaluation in the Chinese yuan was almost certainly no coincidence. The fact that the European-headed IMF supported this move shows that the European faction of the Khazarian mafia was in on the plot.
Clearly, some sort of Chinese and European Khazarian attempt to use the devaluation and the supercomputer to destabilize U.S. dollar-based Western financial system did take place and was met with a kinetic response.
Now fast-forward to the third-year anniversary of this explosion. As of June 2018, the U.S. Department of Energy surpassed the Chinese with the world’s fastest publicly acknowledged computer. The system—called Summit—can process 200,000 trillion calculations per second, or 200 petaflops. That’s eight times faster than America’s former top supercomputer, the Titan, and it maintains a big lead over China’s 93-petaflop TaihuLight, which had been the world’s fastest supercomputer since 2016.
No doubt the Chinese will soon announce something even faster than that as the AI “arms race” continues. These days, though, the Chinese, instead of concentrating on finance, are taking a different tack with a “Goddess” project.
Representatives of an Asian secret society explained the goals of the new Goddess project to this writer earlier this summer. As it now exists, the Goddess can identify anybody’s face and within 7 seconds pull up all the data available on that person “such as their blood type.” The data also almost certainly includes (to those who are authorized access) the person’s educational records, medical records, criminal records (if any), their address, family members, close friends, insurance, private messages, financial situation, gaming duration, smart-home statistics, preferred newspapers, shopping history, dating behavior, their “social credit score,” etc. All of this within 7 seconds. They can also follow a person “anywhere on earth,” the sources say.
The real aim of this Goddess project, though, is to...(Full report available Thursday. - OD)
It is hard to imagine four decades have passed since the army of Muhammad occupied the proud and peaceful nation of Iran. Almost everyone in Iran is in agreement that this untimely conscious assault (Islamic Revolution) on the 2500-year-old Persian Empire and its modern citizens was a colossal and historical error of epic proportions. Most Iranians now believe the ouster of the Shah of Iran and replacing him with a ruthless, merciless and fanatical Shia cleric, the Ayatollah Khomeini..........
New DNC Losers' Excuse: Russians Are To Blame For Democratic Party Defeats
If the Senator isn’t indulging in mendacity, then the intelligence committee knows something that the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t known since DHS officials say there is no evidence of voting machine hacking or any attempts at infiltrating the Florida election by Russians or any other nation.........
States Determine Qualifications For Voting And Procedures For Registration, And Only Citizens May Vote
Our Constitution of 1787 created a federal government to which we delegated only “few and defined” powers [see chart]. Nowhere in the Constitution did we delegate to the federal government power to dictate procedures States must use in registering voters. Accordingly, it is a “reserved” power.[11] Until the federal government usurped power over this issue, the States always determined their own procedures for registration.........
No one is coming to save us: All our rights are under intense assault
I've posted an urgent message today that explains no one is coming to save us from the extreme tyranny and censorship of the tech giants.
We are going to have to fight to save ourselves.
If we fail, we will all be de-platformed, silenced and extreminated. Imagine a world without Natural News or Real.Video and you know how precarious our situation has become.
Also today: People are now getting more views on Real.Video than they've been getting on YouTube.
The YouTube shadow banning is so intense that most truthful videos -- on any topic -- are only allowed a trickle of traffic. That's why Real.Video is now out-performing YouTube.
Take your energy to new heights with the Health Ranger Store. We've handpicked some of our best supplements and superfood blends to provide you with a diverse range of health-promoting, energy-boosting solutions. These products are discounted for a limited time only, so don't miss this opportunity to stock up and experience a new supplement today.
Take bacopa every day to boost mental clarity Looking for a powerful natural supplement that will support brain health? Try taking bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) every day. Bacopa has bacopasides, a unique group of bioactive compounds. The two ...
Two lesser-known techniques that really stop panic attacks If you suffer from panic attacks, you'll know that it can be difficult to find effective ways that can help you deal with this condition. In fact, popular panic attack solutions may not ...
The Chinese knotweed is a natural remedy for the flu Research from BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine has revealed that the Chinese knotweed (Polygonumchinense), a medicinal plant common in East and Southeast Asia, could be used to treat ...
Burn patients feel less pain when they undergo music therapy Burn injuries areamong the most severe traumas that can be experienced, which makes it difficult to treat burn patients. Music therapy has been known to help in pain management. In a study ...
A high-carb regimen could lead to early menopause Eating a regimen abundant in carbohydrates could result in earlier menopause, according to a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. In the study, researchers from the ...
Why Is The Media Diverting Your Attention From The 35 Known Jihadi Camps In America?
All that one has to do is look to Germany, Sweden, France, or to the U.K. to see what is happening concerning the Muslim invasions and overthrow of these countries. Again, these Muslims are not coming into to these countries to assimilate, they are there to conquer, and it is exactly what they are doing (Matthew 7:16). This is happening incrementally and Scripturally, it is called a siege..........
Who Speaks For The Forgotten And Ignored Generation?
The question is, ".... who will be the soldiers to save America, the young, or the old?" Right now it is the older ones with wisdom that "see" the true realities and have a broad point of reference from which their wisdom springs. The younger ones aren't there yet and may never get there at the current rate of government indoctrination, brainwashing, propaganda and "free" handouts.........
Should “In God We Trust" Return To Public Life And Be Backed By Law?
This of course is absurd. A theocratic government, as so many Islamic nations mimic, forces conversion to their religion. While American Government can most definitely enforce the moral conduct laws that God has clearly defined - because God is the Author of Law - Government cannot take from a non-religious man the rights that Nature’s God has granted so long as his behavior stays in line with the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.........
Last night I dreamt about pyramids. I was on a planet where all the housing was designed in the pyramid shape and they were emanating different colors. It was beautiful. I can't remember much else from the dream but it inspired me to follow up and post the benefits of pyramids. I realize most of know that pyramids are powerful consciousness tools but a review is always helpful. Enjoy, Colleen
Support PAO and Sheldan by attending our webinars...ZaZuMa! ~ Sirian for "Heartfelt Gratitude!"
Pyramid power is supernatural or paranormal properties of the ancient Egyptian pyramids and objects of similar shape. This power, is said to preserve foods, maintain the sharpness of razor blades, improve health function, trigger sexual urges and cause other dramatic effects. Pyramid power is one of many theories, referred to as pyramidology. Some of the effects are: Food kept under a pyramid will stay fresh for two to three times longer than uncovered food. Artificial flavorings in food will loose their taste, but natural flavors are enhanced. The taste of foods change; they become less bitter or acid. Spectrographic reading of the treated item will show a change in the molecular structure. The pyramid will dehydrate and mummify things, without decay or mold growing. There is also a slowing or complete stopping of the growth of microorganisms. Kirlian photographs show the aura to be significantly brighter after a 15 minute exposure period.
Reactions to pyramid environments:.
Persons living, meditate, work or sleep inside of a pyramid building or under a pyramid framework, generally feel immediate positive reactions. Creatures are magnetically attracted to Pyramid replicas. Testimonials from several sources, demonstrate that pets of all kinds thrive under, or within open frame pyramids. Dogs and cats are observed to respond to the pyramids.
Pyramid research:
Bill Kerell is a researcher who experimented with pyramids for about 17 years. He has done many experiments using brine shrimp. Brine shrimp usually live 6 to 7 weeks; but under the pyramids, Bill has kept them alive for over a year. He also noticed that pyramid-grown shrimp grew two to three times larger than normal. Bill has also done a lot of work with humans. One of the things he and his associates have found is that hypertensive individuals become tranquilized, but lethargic people become energetic again.
A lot of work has been done with individuals who meditate. The theta and alpha brain waves are increased. These frequencies are also higher and the signal strength is twice the 9amplitude of normal. Dr. Carl Benedicks (a Swedish scientist) discovered that the pyramid produced a resonance or frequency inside it. Two German scientists, Born and Lertes, also discovered that this frequency was in the microwave range. Researchers discovered that items placed under a pyramid stay "charged" for various lengths of time after being taken from under the pyramid. Crystals and water keeps their "charge" longer than anything else.
Doctors have been experimenting with Pyramids. A Canadian hospital tried using a pyramid in their burn ward. The results were that after being under the pyramid for a few minutes, the patients' pain started to reduce. They also found that burns areas healed much faster.
How a Pyramid Works ?
Negative Ions help to reproduce and repair body cells. They're transmitted into the body through the air and are circulated by the blood. Too many positive ions (the result of air pollution) can cause depression, and ultimately, illlnesses. Thus, negative ions have a beneficial effect on the body.
Pyramids generate negative ions. In addition, they are believed to have a generally balancing effect on the body's electromagnetic field. This effect is greatly enhanced if the materials used, is gold or copper.
* Charging Crystals is a popular use with pyramids. Quartz crystals are most effective for that, as they hold the charge for several weeks. These crystals can then be used for healing purpose as they release their charge into the surrounding.
* Large pyramids (the kind you sit inside) are often used for meditation, massage, acupuncture, and Reiki.
* Many people have also experienced that after sleeping inside a pyramid they find that they need less sleep and feel more relaxed and at peace when they wake up.
* Many people put their drinking water in pyramids to charge it with the pyramid's negative ions. It is recommended to put a glass inside a pyramid for about half-an-hour, and large quantities overnight.
* The pyramid activates the energies of the pineal and pituitary glands Users experience balance, relaxation, tranquility, well-being, and in some instances, the reduction of headaches.
Evidence From Ancient Egyptian Tombs:
Egyptologists have found well preserved grain in tombs that is thousands of years old. In sharp contrast, grains stored in modern silos usually spoils after only a few seasons of storage. Grain in modern silos usually keeps no longer than four years.
The preservation of organic material in pyramids has received a lot of attention in popular books. In the 1930s, a Frenchman named Antoine Bovis observed that a dead cat in the Great Pyramid did not decompose. The animal apparently wandered into the King's Chamber and perished before finding an exit route. The cat's body dried out, although the air in the King's Chamber is always humid. The animal apparently wandered into the King's Chamber and perished before finding an exit route. The cat's body dried out, although the air in the King's Chamber is always humid.
Bovis's observation gave rise to the idea of 'pyramid power,' which preserve organic matter. Advocates of pyramid power include a French radiologist named Jean Martial; an electronics engineer from Prague named Karl Drbal; author and biologist Lyall Watson; and physicist Patrick Flanagan. Small models made of paper, wood or other materials, have been tested for desiccating organic matter and sharpening razor blades. Several tests have demonstrated pyramid to be capable of preserving organic matter.
At Saqqara, Egypt, Egyptologists excavated a tomb of a woman of lesser nobility. In accordance with funerary customs, an elaborate meal was set out on pottery platters. The meal consisted of porridge, quail, kidneys, pigeon, fish, beef ribs, triangular loaves of bread, cakes and fruits. Their state of preservation was so excellent that Egyptologists easily recognized all of the foods in the entire meal, although it is almost 5,000 years old. The example suggests that shape is the key to the phenomenon popularly known as ' pyramid power.'
Conclusion: Some experiments using properly oriented model pyramids, built of a variety of materials and oriented to the Earth's north-south axis, have preserved organic matter. My own experiments conducted in the mid-1980s included a number of small, model pyramids and closed vessels of other shapes.
Careful study reveals several unique and beneficial qualities that may be derived from Pyramid Meditation. Experienced Meditators relate profound results in their quest for expanded awareness.Many people feel that psychic powers are stimulated or heighten by the use of pyramids.
Psychics who use pyramids in that fashion have achieved an altered state of consciousness more rapidly than they would have otherwise, placed on the head focussing through the chakra system, during Meditation sessions, clearing psychic passages which may have become blocked.
The pyramid is a geometric amplifier which increases the power of prayer or strengthens the spiritual request of a religious devotee.
Pyramid Meditators suggest that the best results are achieved by sitting upright with the upper chakras located approximately one third up from the pyramid base directly under the apex.
The use of a pyramid in meditation can excellerate the process bringing feelings of calmness, wellbeing and a more open and positive attitude. Many users claim increased memory recall, visions of past incarnations, telepathic communication and an expansion of awareness.
Verbal and written testimonials, among experienced and non-experienced pyramid meditators throughout the world have reported that the pyramid shows the following reactions.
1. A sense of weightlessness.
2. Electric-like tingling sensations.
3. Feelings of warmness, usually in the upper portions of the body.
4. Tranquility, relaxation and freedom from tensions.
5. Dreams with vivid colors and graphic visions.
6. External stimuli, sight and sounds particularly fade away.
7. Time distortion, Space consciousness prevails.
8. Deeper, more fulfilling meditations and higher energy levels .
Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for August
Join Colleen and Miles for a lively question-and-answer discussion.
By coming together each month as a group, we can significantly assist the GF in speeding up the necessary processes that will lead us towards full consciousness. As always, the Galactics will envelop Webinar attendees in activational energy.
This month, we have invited color therapist Arlene Arnold to join us. Arlene specializes in helping those who struggle with the anxiety that comes of being highly sensitive and intuitive. She works with complementary color tools to help people de-stress.
Webinar Questions:
• How can your color tools connect us with our chakra system?
• How can we best utilize color in our meditations and visualizations?
• Why do we like or dislike certain colors?
• Does our choice of clothing colors matter?
• How can we use color to overcome darkness and despair?
• How can we use color for our highest good?
• Can using color help to unlock our hidden talents?
About Arlene:
Have you ever felt like you just 'knew' something, even though you didn't know why?
I've developed tools to help those who struggle with the anxiety that comes from being highly sensitive and intuitive. Often, we may mistrust our abilities or not know how to deal with what we experience and "see". I've come to understand that what we are passionate about is most often the information, gift, or tool that we are here to offer to others. I know what it feels like to not fit in. Being like others isn't the answer. Finding others who value their own uniqueness, and value yours, allows you to relax. Perfection is not the goal. Instead, being authentic in your own unique way is what brings satisfaction. I want you to know that you don't have to muddle through on your own. In this Webinar, I will share how I came to work with colors and developed my Complementary Color Therapy. We use color every day. Learn how you can change your life with the use of color visualization and breathing exercises. It's simple. It's immediate. It's effective.
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.
Sunday, August 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday August 26, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)
The techno-tyranny regime has been unleashed... no one is safe
I've posted a new video today warning humanity about the rise of the techno-tyranny regime that now threatens us all.
If we don't stop this "beast" and take back human freedom, everything we value will be destroyed or overrun. The corporate slave masters will control everything you are allowed to read, watch, speak or even think
Read my story and watch my warning video today. Spread the word to those who will listen.
Take your energy to new heights with the Health Ranger Store. We've handpicked some of our best supplements and superfood blends to provide you with a diverse range of health-promoting, energy-boosting solutions. These products are discounted for a limited time only, so don't miss this opportunity to stock up and experience a new supplement today.
Simple exercises that increase your intelligence gradually Everyone wants to be smarter. It so happens that there are ways to increase your intelligence every day. An article on Be Brain Fit related the 11 methods by which you can improve your ...
The hidden heroes: Superfoods that most people don’t know about Superfoods are all the rage these days, and for good reason. These foods are considered as some of the most nutritionally dense foods there are. Most are plant-based foods, butthey also include ...
Sweat it off - Sauna bathing has powerful cardiovascular benefits Having a visit to the sauna is more than just relaxing; it could also provide protection to your cardiovascular system. In a study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension, it was revealed ...
Trained bees successfully locate landmines in Croatia The ongoing effort to detect and disarm forgotten explosives in battlefields around the world has received a new tool. Scottish researchers successfully got honeybees to sniff out old landmines ...
Scientists find Ayurvedic medicine can help treat Type 2 diabetes Patients with Type 2 diabetics may have a new, natural means of treating their complicated disease. Sri Lankan researchers tested the leaves of the red sandalwood for anti-diabetic properties. ...
Powerful naturopathic solutions for diabetes Diabetes is increasingly becoming rampant today. This is especially seen in the U.S. where more than 30 M people currently have the disease, and more than 1.7 M new cases diagnosed ...
I’m writing this a few days in advance of an event scheduled for today, August 16, so I don’t know how it’s going to play out. This is the day chosen by The Boston Globe to launch “a coordinated editorial attack” on the president of the United States. As if they haven’t been doing that all along, every night, every day, since Election Night 2016.........by Lee Duigon.
Truth Decay
There is not enough dental floss or toothpaste left in the world to rescue the American church from its severe battle with truth decay. I often hear people talk about how crazy things have become in the world and my friends often laugh at the snowflakes that we see whining on television. But what we see on the streets of America is nothing more than the consequences of the truth decay so prevalent in America’s churches.........by Coach Dave Daubenmire
Death Panels Alive And Well
Most can remember when Sarah Palin, in opposition to the Obamacare hoax, stated that there would be death panels. These would be committees that would decide when expensive medical care should end with life saving instruments turned off. Everyone poo pooed that notion...but it proved to be true......... by Rev. Austin Miles
DHS Spending Bill Still a Disaster For Immigration Enforcement We got their attention, now help us demand they fix their mess!
Donate to Help Us Fight This Outrage!
Thomas --
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote you about several damaging amendments added to the DHS Appropriations bill, backed by the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Homeland Security. One amendment in particular is a direct assault on the Trump Administration's immigration enforcement. You may remember that Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently tightened up the criteria for claims of asylum by illegal border crossers to match existing law. No longer would gang violence, for example, be grounds for an asylum claim. THE OFFENSIVE AMENDMENT, sponsored by Rep. David Price (D-NC), and vigorously promoted by subcommittee chairman Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-KS),
Very shortly after NumbersUSA and others exposed how terrible this amendment was, Rep. Yoder took to social media and news interviews to promise to "fix" the bill. Yoder's backpedaling went like this: "These concerns are legitimate and I am committed to continuing to work with the president and the administration to fix this as our bill moves forward and ensure that any loopholes are closed. . ." Yeah, and it's still not fixed. It's not as if Yoder wasn't warned. During the committee markup, Attorney General Jeff Sessions himself explicitly warned Rep. Yoder of the devastating impact the amendment to DEFUND Sessions' new stricter asylum enforcement procedures would have. That same day, Yoder passed it anyway. Again, NOW he says he will fix it. We'll see. So Yoder has heard from you, as his comments make clear. But he hasn't fixed the situation yet. Unfortunately, when Yoder had the real authority, he caused the problem. Now, only the House leadership can really fix it by amending the DHS appropriations bill. We have to keep up the pressure on House leadership to fix this mess. Sessions had explained the need for his policy when he introduced the changes earlier this year: "The mere fact that a country may have problems effectively policing certain crimes or that certain populations are more likely to be victims of crime, cannot itself establish an asylum claim." When news gets out to other countries that we are LOWERING OUR STANDARDS BACK DOWN TO THE OBAMA ERA THAT CREATED THE BORDER SURGE, there will be a huge NEW surge.
As I promised you a couple of weeks ago, we're determined to prevent this outrageous measure from becoming law.
. . . We'll fight it in the Rules Committee. . .
. . . . . . We'll fight it on the House floor. . .
. . . . . . . . . We'll fight it in the Senate.
They SAY they're going to take the DEFUNDING amendment out of the bill. WHEN? Congress meets again after Labor Day. We have to put the pressure on NOW to get them to act THEN.
Donate to Help Us Fight This Outrage!
Please give today! We need to be ready to spring into action immediately when Congress returns. Here are other bad amendments they put into the DHS appropriations bill:
Allows the H-2A agricultural guest-worker visa to be used for year-round workers. Currently, the visa is limited to temporary or seasonal workers in agriculture.
Permanently exempts returning workers from being counted against the H-2B cap of 66,000 per year. That would further boost the number of unneeded, low-skilled guest workers.
Thomas, I know this is an election year and it's easy to focus your political attention on which party you want to see win control of Congress. But it's also urgent that once they get here in Washington, you hold their feet to the fire. Otherwise you can replace the openly hostile lawmakers and the backstabbers, and two years later, you just have to replace the new ones. NumbersUSA holds lawmakers' feet to the fire. Help us light that fire. Give to NumbersUSA and let's get things done, NOW!
Jim Robb
VP Operations
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at jimrobb@numbersusa.com. P. P. S.: If you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.
Copyright 2018 NumbersUSA. 1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 240, Arlington, VA 22202. All Rights Reserved.
Whether your sweetener of choice is raw honey or maple syrup, the Health Ranger Store now offers a variety of delicious, organic and truly natural sweeteners to help you make the switch from highly processed sugar. No synthetic chemicals, fillers or additives are used because none are needed. Nature has made them perfectly sweet, and that's how they're meant to be enjoyed.
Purple mangosteen found to be a powerful remedy for malaria Purple mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is not just a sweet-and-sour snack. The rind of this fruit contains numerous phytochemicals that can suppress the growth of the parasites responsible for ...
Scientists explain why we easily forget our dreams Don't you just hate that nagging feeling of having an awesome dream but being unable to remember any of it? Scientists say it's not that you have a weak memory – it's just how your ...
Combine hawthorn and CoQ10 to improve heart health Combining hawthorn and Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) can boost heart health, according to an article published on the website NaturalHealth365, Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha), also referred to as ...
Mango tree extract could prevent iron deficiency Mangoes are well-known for their delicious and succulent fruit, but research has shown that the natural compounds of the bark could help maintain healthy levels of iron in your blood. An African ...
Buzzfeed reports ICE attorneys requested the reactivation of almost 8,000 deportation cases this fiscal year that immigration judges had suspended, i.e., removed from the court docket. There were close to 8,400 related requests during the previous fiscal year, which included several months of Obama administration control. Responding to the report, ICE said it was trying to restart cases in which illegal aliens had subsequently been convicted or arrested for a crime.
The Justice Department requested a stay of D.C. Circuit Judge John Bate's order requiring USCIS to restart DACA by August 23. Accompanying the request was a declaration by Acting USCIS Deputy Director Tracy Renaud stating the agency expects a surge of almost 50,000 applicants if DACA is restarted now. That will force USCIS to give those applications precedence over the handling immigrant and non-immigrant benefit applications.
FOX News reports that one of the fastest-growing groups of aliens crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally are from India. In the El Centro border sector, just west of the Arizona-California border, Border Patrol Agents caught six aliens from India crossing in fiscal year 2015. More than 3,400 were arrested so far this fiscal year.
Brevard County commissioners unanimously adopted a resolution that prevents the county from developing, endorsing or enforcing "policies which knowingly prohibit or impede communication or cooperation with a federal immigration agency with respect to federal immigration enforcement." Commissioner John Tobia, the resolution's sponsor, said it was important to declare Brevard a 'non-sanctuary county' following the City of Orlando's decision to prohibit officers from asking people about their immigration status.
Last week we wrote about a Vox piece claiming immigration will "help save" Social Security. In truth, if we continue with our current immigration system, Social Security will be less likely to survive than if we substantially reduce overall immigration numbers and implement a merit-based system.
September will see renewed attention on DHS appropriations bill
Fri, Aug 17th
It may seem like a quiet summer here in Washington, D.C. but a lot is happening on the immigration front as seen in this week's news stories. The Trump Administration's attempt to tighten border security depends in large measure on Congress, which can allocate additional funding for particular purposes, such as the hiring of more Border Patrol agents; or Congress can prohibit the executive branch from spending money to carry out certain activities. An amendment by Rep. David Price's (D-N.C.) would block any funding for the stricter asylum requirements recently put in place by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in order to discourage frivolous "credible fear" claims. Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-KS) spoke out in favor of Rep. Price's amendment, which passed the House Appropriations Committee, chaired by Reps. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.). Rep. Yoder introduced his own amendment (H.R. 392, the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act), which also passed the committee. Rep. Yoder's amendment would eliminate the per-country caps for employment-based green cards and raise the per-country caps for family-based green cards. This would not raise the overall number of green cards issued annually, but it would represent a major change in how green cards are allocated. Eventually, it could result in green cards, especially employment-based ones, going to nationals of only two or three countries. Any such change should be debated in front of the American people with Members of Congress having to vote on the record, not passed through the appropriations committee on a voice vote. You can read more about Rep. Price and Rep. Yoder's amendments here With the mid-terms on the horizons, the appropriations bill likely will be the last major legislation taken up by Congress before the November elections.
Eric Ruark
It's August recess! The most impactful thing you can do as a voter is to visit with your Members of Congress while they're at home in the district.
We've posted some talking points on your Action Board that you can use should you visit with your Members of Congress this summer.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Van at van@numbersusa.com.
See where 2018 Congressional Candidates stand on immigration! The 2018 primary season is well underway, and so are the NumbersUSA Candidate Comparison pages. We rate most Congressional candidates on 12 different immigration issues and provide a side-by-side comparison grid for each Congressional race.
Order Our Perennial Favorite Free Foldover Cards
These cards are really effective at events, such as townhalls, to visually show the numbers that make so many Americans passionate about the mission of NumbersUSA to reduce total immigration to a level that serves the national interest.
If you would like to receive a half-dozen of these foldover cards, email <mailto:bdaniels@numbersusa.com> Bianca and let her know.
The vaccine scandal in China is now exploding, with a reported one million doses reported to be tainted.
The communist Chinese media, of course, is running a complete media cover-up to censor all reports of the harmful vaccines. Their tactics mirror the U.S. media which does the exact same thing.
Also today: A whole new library of SHTF / prepping videos has been uploaded to real.video. Learn how to grow food, collect rainwater and defend yourself against crazed attackers. (Zombies?)
Whether your sweetener of choice is raw honey or maple syrup, the Health Ranger Store now offers a variety of delicious, organic and truly natural sweeteners to help you make the switch from highly processed sugar. No synthetic chemicals, fillers or additives are used because none are needed. Nature has made them perfectly sweet, and that's how they're meant to be enjoyed.
Chinese herbal medicine, huang-qi, can treat breast cancer Researchers from the Fujian University of Traditional Medicine in China have found that the traditional Chinese medicine called Huang-qi (Astragalus membranaceus) can be a promising agent in ...
Survive colon cancer by eating more Omega-3s, says new study An observational study has concluded that increasing your intake of omega-3s found in oily fish can reduce your risk of dying from colon cancer by 70 percent. These findings, published in the ...
Parents - Stop letting your children use iPhones and iPads Every 30 minutes spent in front of a screen can delay speech development by 49 percent in children younger than two, claimed a team of researchers from the University of Toronto and the Hospital ...
From zero to hero: 8 blogging tips for making great content Content is king – it's been over 20 years since Bill Gates first coined the phrase, but the meaning behind that statement still rings true, especially in today's digital landscape. In ...
The 5 types of alternative energy that help you survive when SHTF When a disaster, invasion, or terrorist attack takes out the power grid, it will take years or even decades to restore power. An article on Ready Nutrition recommended five alternative sources of ...
Brain fitness: Keep these 10 tips in mind Each and every part of our body is susceptible to the ravages of time, and our brain is no exception. The brain undergoes various ages as we get on in years. Mental decline is just one of them. ...
Censorship By Internet Corporations Is Still Censorship
In principle, the “public fora” established by Facebook et alia are no different from other “public fora”, including those in “company towns”. (It could even be said that the denizens of Facebook and Twitter, for instance, live in electronic “company towns” distinguishable from old-fashioned “company towns” only with respect to their absence of geographic borders.) In practice, though, “public fora” on the Internet are much more extensive in scope and intensive in use by the general public than any “public fora” in existence heretofore..........
Well, according to my secret sources at the highest levels of the Kremlin, Putin, after his great success when Russian hackers stole the election from Hitlary, who had already won thanks to the votes of 2 million illegal Mexicans in California, and gave the presidency to his buddy Trump, has decided to go for the whole enchilada and run for the American presidency himself.........
When I was a small child, I would sit for hours looking for four leaf clovers. They were for good luck. I was thrilled when I would discover one. Other children in the neighborhood would join in from time to time. My luck was good...luck of the Irish my Dad would say. I always found more than the other kids. My real joy when looking for the elusive four leaf clover was communicating with the fairies. I told my Dad about my Fairy friends and he told me that I shouldn't talk about that because people will call me crazy. I never felt that he thought I was crazy but that he was protecting me from neighborhood ridicule. As I got older the joy of communicating with the nature spirits dwindled. Now, as an adult, it is my intention to rekindle communication with the nature spirits. I'm excited. Today I went to the nature walk in my neighborhood. I sat with the trees and they welcomed me. It is easy for me to commune with the trees and flowers but to actually see the nature spirits again hasn't been as easy. I'm excited to reconnect with them. I feel they are calling for me. My heart is open....we shall see. Selamat Ja! Colleen
Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for August
Join Colleen and Miles for a lively question-and-answer discussion.
By coming together each month as a group, we can significantly assist the GF in speeding up the necessary processes that will lead us towards full consciousness. As always, the Galactics will envelop Webinar attendees in activational energy.
This month, we have invited color therapist Arlene Arnold to join us. Arlene specializes in helping those who struggle with the anxiety that comes of being highly sensitive and intuitive. She works with complementary color tools to help people de-stress.
Webinar Questions:
• How can your color tools connect us with our chakra system?
• How can we best utilize color in our meditations and visualizations?
• Why do we like or dislike certain colors?
• Does our choice of clothing colors matter?
• How can we use color to overcome darkness and despair?
• How can we use color for our highest good?
• Can using color help to unlock our hidden talents?
About Arlene:
Have you ever felt like you just 'knew' something, even though you didn't know why?
I've developed tools to help those who struggle with the anxiety that comes from being highly sensitive and intuitive. Often, we may mistrust our abilities or not know how to deal with what we experience and "see". I've come to understand that what we are passionate about is most often the information, gift, or tool that we are here to offer to others. I know what it feels like to not fit in. Being like others isn't the answer. Finding others who value their own uniqueness, and value yours, allows you to relax. Perfection is not the goal. Instead, being authentic in your own unique way is what brings satisfaction. I want you to know that you don't have to muddle through on your own. In this Webinar, I will share how I came to work with colors and developed my Complementary Color Therapy. We use color every day. Learn how you can change your life with the use of color visualization and breathing exercises. It's simple. It's immediate. It's effective.
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.
Sunday, August 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday August 26, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)
Elementals and the Elemental Kingdom create abundance and balance on the Earth and are to be respected, revered, honoured and appreciated as they help us to understand the rhythms of nature and our place within the world.
Elementals and the Elemental Kingdom contain such creatures (often considered to be ‘mythical’) as fairies, gnomes, goblins, elves,The Elemental Kingdom leprechauns, tree people, brownies, undines, mermaids and sylphs. They are known as ‘Elementals’ because they are made up of the ‘ethers’ and are ‘ethereal’ and therefore invisible to (most) of us. Elementals are also handy fixers and healers of electrical and mechanical tools and equipment. The task of Elementals and the Elemental kingdom is to look after the nature kingdom. Elementals (or Earth spirits and Nature Angels) live among plants and animals. They are responsible for the therapeutic effects you feel when outdoors amongst nature, at the beach and sea, at lakes and rivers, in parks and nature reserves, national parks and bushland. A reason why we feel rejuvenated, invigorated and grounded when in and around nature is because nature is filled with these powerful healing beings. Earth Elementals work with crystals, soil, sand, gemstones, rocks, stones and the earth. One of the primary purposes of the earth Elementals is ecological preservation. Earth Elementals (often known as Divas) work with humans and are guardians of sacred sites and ancient temples and groves. They also inhabit Clear Quartz crystals. These crystals (known as a ‘ Devic Temple’ crystal) can become a great source of information as they have a vibrationary signature that allows us to access information. The Divas who dwell in the ‘Devic Temple’ crystal can teach us about both personal and planetary healing. Earth Divas teach us to raise our own vibrational rate as well as that of others and the Earth itself.
Elementals and the Elemental Kingdom (sometimes known as the Nature Kingdom) also has the ‘mineral realm’ which includes crystals, rocks and stones. Crystals are a wonderful tool for connecting with the angelic realm as they have the ability to amplify angelic energy. They act like megaphones by increasing the signal strength of communications and healing energies from our angels. Gemstones and crystals have an amazing capacity to absorb, reflect, store and radiate light in the form of intelligent fields of energy that increase the flow of vital life-force within the human physical body as well as the subtle body. Crystal and gemstones are able to restore balance and stability. Many crystals have properties which are aligned with the angelic realm. Water Elementals are mermaids, undines, water sprites, sylphs and others who regulate the waterways and help the creatures who live in and on them. Water Elementals teach us to cleanse and balance our emotions, and teach us to ‘go with the flow’ by taking the path of least resistance. Water Elementals have a great deal to teach us about adapting to different situations without losing our basic receptivity. (The medium of water is receptive and carries the messages of the areas it passes through and whatever it touches along the way. Water has many hidden messages and will become increasingly crucial to humanity over the coming years in particular.) Fire Elementals (often seen as Salamanders) guard the secrets of the transformational energy of fire and tend to the flames. (Salamanders are often found in large numbers around volcanoes.) Fire Elementals teach us about the dynamic energy of our life-force – the spark of ‘divine fire’ that resides in all of us. This life-force or divine fire within calls us towards the light and awakens us from our slumber. Fire purifies, burns, cleanses and destroys the old so that the new may emerge. Creative fire teaches us spiritual fortitude. The lightening flash of fire is the ultimate fire, and it brings unprecedented spiritual growth and soul illumination. Air Elementals are fairies, and they tend to all growing plants, trees and flowers, mixing the colors and encouraging them to be fragrant and to grow and bloom. Fairies are also the Elementals who are primarily involved with pets and animals and with healing humans. Fairies also act as guardian angels for people whose life purpose or soul mission involves ecology, nature, conservation and animal welfare. Fairies may appear as tiny coloured lights or swirling mists. Fairies can be found wherever there are plants and/or animals. Air Elementals carry our prayers and affirmations to the angels and the higher realms. Air is light, free and flexible. It is invisible and cannot be seen other than by its effects. Most life forms on Earth need air to exist and live. Air Elementals encourage and increase our mental prowess and intuitive abilities, creative imagination, communication and inspiration. Creatures of the air such as birds, dragonflies and butterflies gladden our hearts. Birds and the wind bring us many subtle messages.
Every living being and creature has a guardian angel. This includes trees plants, flowers, birds and animals of all kinds. Animals and pets have guardian angels, and when you are in contact with them you are also interacting with their guardian angels, giving you double the therapeutic value. Animals have fairies of their guardian angels, and fish, birds and animals who live on and/or in water have sylphs as their angels. Sylphs are water fairies. Fairies help humans to release negative emotions, energies, thoughts and mind-sets that we may have absorbed by our own means (eg. stress and worrying) and/or from the energies and influences of others. Fairies are able to instil a sense of joy and light-heartedness in humans. Tree and plant spirits have the power to heal all our ills if we choose to work in unison with them. Find a tree that you resonate with and that feels harmonious and welcoming and ask to work with its’ spirit essence. When walking in nature ask the fairies to surround you with their love, light and healing energies. Elementals and the Elemental kingdom work closely with the angels of sacred sites and help us to understand the aspects of life that our ancestors new instinctively – the importance of the co-relations between the phases of the Moon, the Seasons and the tides. Elementals (Earth spirits / Nature Angels) teach us how to nourish ourselves and live in abundance as co-creators in balance and harmony. This means living responsibly with regard to all life on the planet. We can bring stability and abundance to every area of our lives by focusing on the powerful energy that flows around us every moment of our lives.
Elementals and the Elemental Kingdom create abundance and balance on the Earth and are to be respected, revered, honoured and appreciated as they help us to understand the rhythms of nature and our place within the world.
B.F. Goodrich (tires) donated $215K, 97% went to Republicans
Proctor & Gamble donated $243K, 79% went to Republicans
Southern Wine & Spirits donated $213K, 73% went to Democrats
Joseph E. Seagrams & Sons (incl. Beverage Business and considerable media interests) donated $2M+, 67% went to Democrats
Gallo Winery donated $337K, 95% went to Democrats
Coors & Budweiser donated $174K, 92% went to Republicans
Brown-Forman Corp. (Southern Comfort, Jack Daniels, Bushmills, Korbel Wines, Lenox China, Dansk and Gorham Silver) donated $644 K -- 80% went to Republicans
Sonic Corporation donated $83K, 98% went to Democrats
Triarc Companies (Arby's, T.J. Cinnamon's, Pasta Connections) donated $112K, 96% went to Democrats
Pilgrim's Pride Corp. (chicken) donated $366K, 100% went to Republicans
Outback Steakhouse donated $641K, 95% went to Republicans
Tricon Global Restaurants (KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell) donated $133K, 87% went to Republicans
Brinker International (Maggiano's, Brinker Cafe, Chili's, On the Border, Macaroni Grill, Crazymel's, Corner Baker, EatZis) donated $242K, 83% went to Republicans
Waffle House donated $279K, 100% went to Republicans
McDonald's Corp. Donated $197K, 86% went to Republicans
Darden Restaurants (Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Smokey Bones, Bahama Breeze) donated $121K, 89% went to Republicans
Heinz Republicans $64,000 Democrats $21,300! John Kerry's wife's company!!!
Traveling and/or Dining
Hyatt Corporation donated $187K of which 80% went to Democrats
Marriott International $323K, 81% went to Republicans
Holiday Inns donated $38K, 71% went to Republicans
Media Attempting To Divert Muslim Primary Victories- Victory Speeches In Arabic
“As long as you remember that if you get involved in politics, you have to be very careful that your leader is for Allah. You don't get involved in politics because it's the American thing to do. You get involved in politics because politics are a weapon to use in the cause of Islam. –Siraj Wahhaj It has been said that “Either you are going to do politics, or politics is going to do you!”.........
Whether or not every single one of the Founding Fathers was a Christian is not an important issue. Their statements, their writings and their votes reveal that most of them embraced these greater principles as the basis for a free people and civilized republic. The Founders firmly understood that no nation would remain strong if its families were in tatters. In fact, it was my own Dad who told me that a nation is only as strong as her families.........
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Most of your questions and comments are about the private meeting between the president of the United States, Donald Trump, and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, so let us begin with this. The meeting had to be private, with only their translators in attendance, because the nature of the most vital information they discussed required secrecy. It is what members of extraterrestrial special forces in intelligence agencies have told us: Russia has myriad computer files and recorded calls that are evidence of Illuminati crimes against humanity.
This evidence gathering was crucial as Putin, one of the most powerful and knowledgeable persons in your world is leading the group working behind the scenes to arrest and prosecute the guilty individuals. In addition to the two presidents, other influential persons in governments and economic, judicial, corporate, military, religious and media sectors are involved in this undertaking of massive scope; and until all dominoes are in place, the most significant aspect of Putin’s and Trump’s conversation at the Helsinki meeting cannot be publicly disclosed.
The peak of the Illuminati felt that something was afoot, though. Originally their accusations against Putin and Russia for the troublemaking caused by Illuminati minions was vengeance for his repeated refusal to join forces with them. Now, maligning him and his country was a matter of urgency. “Russian meddling in the United States 2016 election” and “creating divisiveness among the voters via social media” has been escalated to “Russia will try to manipulate elections in all democratic countries,” “Putin has waged cyberspace warfare,” and “Russia could shut down power grids and create chaos.”
The aim of this stepped-up anti-Russia propaganda is to convince the populace that nothing coming out of that country can be trusted, nothing Putin says can be believed so that when the aforementioned evidence does come forth, it will be discounted. That reaction is likely and so are the Illuminati’s vehement denials, but ultimately the truth and justice will prevail. If you have heard or read about the eventuality of arrests and charges, be discerning—some of that information is accurate, some is not, and wherever the Illuminati control the media, the accurate is reported as “conspiracy theory.”
Ever-rising vibrations are undergirding the collaborative effort to end their long reign of deception and world control through their malevolent international empire. However, when that empire is but dust and rubble, the effects of its economic devastation and societal manipulation will linger for many people, and many others still will be oppressed by tyrannical regimes. Your mission as lightworkers continues to be vital! Sending forth love-light energy in your thoughts, feelings, and deeds and visualizing Earth immersed in golden light will help hasten the day when all peoples can rejoice in freedom and share in the world’s abundance.
Now then, always we wish to address your interests in world happenings, and doing so in the context of universal laws and planetary and personal ascension raises your conscious awareness. Also, our messages’ purpose is to offer enlightenment about other matters that are equally important for you to know, and we welcome all comments and questions of a spiritual nature.
“I get it that I am a soul with a person’s body, not the other way around. The problem is, I don’t know exactly what a soul is or does or where it comes from. The few folks I can talk with about metaphysics don’t seem to know either. What can Matthew tell us about the mysterious soul?” We shall do our best to clarify the “mystery.” The soul comes from Creator/Creation—Creator, the Source of everything in existence; Creation, the “product” of the creating action. For simplicity we say Creator, and other designations for the Ultimate Cosmic Being include The Totality, All That Is, I AM and the Oneness Of All. Most people ascribe those all-encompassing terms to God, by whatever name religions have given the soul that is the Supreme Being of this universe,because religions hold that He and Creator are one and the same and your science doesn’t differentiate between this universe and the cosmos, which currently contains seven universes of inestimable size.
We don’t know what existed prior to Creator’s first expression of Itself, often referred to, and, as we are told, incorrectly so, as the “Big Bang.” The expression was the silent release of the most powerful force in the cosmos, the pure love-light essence of Creator. This infinite, indestructible divine energy that comprises cosmic consciousness, or Creator Mind, is the Beginnings and the makeup of each and every soul throughout the cosmos.
At some point, Creator endowed souls with the gift of free will and its inherent manifesting ability. That is the basis of life in this universe, where souls are manifested by God, the soul chosen by Creator to be the ruler of this universe, through His co-creating powers with Creator. God uses Creator’s energy to bring to fruition His ideas; and, as microcosms of God, each and every soul in His universal family has proportionally the same co-creational ability as He.
The soul may live in a physical or an etheric body or as a formless free spirit, which remembers its Beginnings and knows its lifetime mission. When a soul chooses a physical lifetime, depending upon the evolutionary status of its consciousness, the choice may be a human body or any other incarnate civilization’s appearance, any animal or plant species, a planet, sun or another astral body. In whatever form and wherever in this universe a soul chooses to be, always it is an inviolate, independent eternal being at the same time it is energetically inseparably connected with God and Creator and all other souls throughout the cosmos.
Now let us bring this down to Earth, the current name of the planet that was chosen as the body of the soul named Gaia. She is the life source of everything that exists on and within her body, and every soul that incarnates there is the life force of its personages that it co-creates for diversity of physical experiencing. When a soul produces a personage, that soul becomes a “cumulative” or “parent” soul, and all knowledge gained by each personage in the lineage is available to all of the others. When personage souls produce progeny, they become cumulative souls, and as this “family” keeps increasing, the storehouse of wisdom, knowledge and experiencing with which to endow each new personage expands correspondingly.
We say cumulative soul to indicate the accumulation of personages in the lineage, but what actually accumulates are bits and pieces of remembered knowledge from the Beginnings. The knowledge is within each and every soul, but all of that is forgotten to the personage so he or she can act upon free will and manifesting choices.
But that doesn’t mean the soul is abandoning its progeny! Every personage has access to everything in the family storehouse, the collective consciousness of Earth’s civilization, the mass consciousness of this universe, and cosmic consciousness; so it is not a matter of learning anew, but rather remembering what is known at soul level and applying that knowledge to the physical lifetime. Moreover, the soul gives its personage a superb guidance system: conscience, boundless capacity to love, a sense of honor, survival instinct, intuition, inspiration, aspiration, creativity—all expressions of the arts come from the soul—and the capability to communicate telepathically and perform other “paranormal” activities. Tapping into the information sources depends upon a personage’s level of conscious awareness and benefiting from the guidance system depends upon free will choices.
When the same souls choose to have many lifetimes together, they may be called a soul cluster, and these vary considerably in numbers. If a cluster has grown to many thousands of souls, relatively few share a specific lifetime. Each soul that does so makes a contract for its role—parent, child, grandparent, sibling, another relative, spouse, teacher, employer, friend, business colleague, competitor, opponent. The different generations are easily matched up because souls are in the timeless continuum, where all lifetimes are occurring simultaneously, and the collective contracts become the group’s pre-birth agreement. The agreements are made with unconditional love and are designed with growth opportunities—karmic lessons—for every participant. Some souls agree to play “heavy” roles to provide circumstances that others in the group choose to balance other lifetime experiencing, and as each personage advances in spiritual and conscious awareness, so do all of the others.
The soul is not harmed if its body is blown to bits or ravaged by disease, nor is a soul adversely affected by abortion. The soul in the woman’s role in the agreement may have chosen to experience the range of attendant emotions; and, with full awareness of that choice, a soul may enter the fetus, then leave and another soul come in so that both can feel the same sensations that the woman does—that brief exposure can serve the two souls as well as a physical lifetime of experiencing those emotions.
There is another important aspect of souls. Although usually God is referred to as “he,” God is androgynous, the perfect balance of feminine and masculine energies. All other souls have both energies, too, but one is predominant during the process of advancing toward androgyny—for instance, Gaia is predominantly feminine and the soul that embodied in the planet called Mars is predominantly masculine.
Personages have the same energies in widely varying degrees, but unlike souls, bodies have genders and sexual orientation, and those are chosen by the soul in accordance with what it wants to experience during the lifetime. That may be as a heterosexual man with the predominantly feminine energy that lends itself to a gentle, thoughtful nature and balances the soul’s lifetime as an assertive, aggressive man or woman. It can be as a female in mental and emotional makeup who is born in a male body—you call persons who correct that mismatch transgenders—or a lifetime wherein homosexuality is the soul’s choice of natural sexual makeup. The goal of every soul in every physical lifetime is to achieve balanced experiencing, and regardless of the number of embodiments a soul may have, and there can be hundreds or thousands, each of its personages is a soul, independent of all the others, yet eternally energetically connected with them.
Between incarnations, souls’ personages live in a spirit world in an etheric body, which has no reproductive organs or sexual sensations. And, some souls are so highly evolved that countless numbers live as a collective in a formless state of group consciousness wherein there are perfect balance and harmony, a state of bliss beyond your imagination, or, more accurately, beyond your present level of conscious awareness.
If our explanation still leaves the soul “mysterious,” it is in our over-telling. The reality can be summed up simply: Using Creator’s perfect love-light energy, God made the magnificent, divine, immortal being that is you: a soul.
Is there a finite number of souls in the collective bank of souls that will become human and they just keep recycling or re-incarnating over and over ... or are some the babies being born newly created for this earth and have a first incarnation upon their birth? There is no finite number of souls in this universe, nor could there ever be, but this is not due to recycling or reincarnating—someone who has transitioned from an Earth lifetime does not come back as the same person in a new body. [The February 3, 2014 message includes a comprehensive explanation.] Absolutely babies are “newly created” to be born on Earth! While it could be the soul’s “first incarnation”—its first time as a “cumulative” or “parent” soul—it is the only incarnation of this new little person, or personage. The “parent” soul will have other incarnations and so will the soul that just embodied; every physical lifetime is the “first and only” for each of a soul’s personage offspring.
Let us respond here to another reader’s related question. As a baby grows and personality traits and capabilities emerge that are similar to a deceased family member’s, genetic inheritance does play a part, but following in that relative’s footsteps may be the soul’s choice in the family’s pre-birth agreement. Or, as years pass, the child may develop other capabilities and characteristics and pursue different interests. While each soul comes in with the bounty of knowledge we spoke about in our “soul” explanation, by divine design all of that is quickly forgotten so the child can grow in accordance with his or her own ideas, choices and goals.
“Is there a way for a 3D brain to understand the relationship between the soul and the persona and how it can be that every persona continues to exist independently? Does that mean that a persona (in time?) becomes a soul?” First let us say, the brain is a computer. All data entered—everything the person has experienced to date along with all acquired learning and thoughts—are stored in the brain’s memory bank. When the need arises to retrieve any of that data, the mind accesses information pertinent to the situation at hand so the person can act or react cognitively.
However, a third density brain’s ability to accept data is limited—information must fit into the person’s belief system or capacity to imagine—and in Earth’s civilization, the relationship between the soul and the persona, or personage, exceeds the brain’s limits. Therefore, there is no data available for the mind to retrieve and understand eternal souls’ multiple lifetimes happening simultaneously and independently of each other, yet inseparably energetically connected.
From other information in our message, you know that a persona doesn’t in time become a soul—every persona is a soul throughout eternity.
Beloved sisters and brothers, we support you with unconditional love as you help Earth’s members of our universal family awaken into the awareness of their multidimensional godselves.
[If you received this message as a forward or are reading it on www.matthewbooks.com and would like to receive future messages directly, please send an email to messagesfrommatthew-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. I can’t do that for you because the sender’s email address is automatically added to the distribution list.]
Vaccine cover-up in USA modeled after communist China
I've got five shocking stories and videos for you today on hard-hitting issues like communist China infiltrating the tech giants, and how the CDC models its vaccine censorship after the communist regime.
Our refreshing and invigorating breath spray is a one-of-a-kind with the ability to freshen your breath and clean your mouth. With none of the harmful ingredients that make it into most oral hygiene products, Health Ranger Select Silver Breath Spray contains no GMOs, alcohol, artificial colors, or synthetic chemical additives. Pure, effective, and convenient -- it's everything you could ask for in a breath spray and more.
Living food guru Dr. Gabriel Cousens joins Real.video Dr. Gabriel Cousens has joined Real.video and is posting a full library of videos on living foods, how to beat diabetes, the dangers of 5G wireless and much more. If you're looking for food ...
Today Sheldan was listening to the Dark Journalist on youtube. I asked him what it was about. He found this information on the space program very interesting. I listened to a little of it and agreed it was fascinating. I haven't listened to the whole 2 hours plus but I decided I would share it with you now. Even if you don't have time to listen to the whole program, listen to some of it, I think you will find it interesting. Now onto another subject. Recently I told you how our email list is being systematically targeted by the email providers. They periodically (and more often recently) change their email filters which results in email addresses being dropped from our list. We continue to lose 10 to 40 people a week. Please add our email address to your email address book or white list. This helps to eliminate the possibility of being dropped from our email list. shelcam01@comcast.net
Also, for those that have Facebook accounts or other social media accounts, please post our newsletters. Starting today I will add a link to make it easy for you to post. We appreciate your help. It seems it takes a village to stay alive on the internet. Thanking you in advance my galactic village. Selamat Ja! Colleen
Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for August
Join Colleen and Miles for a lively question-and-answer discussion.
By coming together each month as a group, we can significantly assist the GF in speeding up the necessary processes that will lead us towards full consciousness. As always, the Galactics will envelop Webinar attendees in activational energy.
This month, we have invited color therapist Arlene Arnold to join us. Arlene specializes in helping those who struggle with the anxiety that comes of being highly sensitive and intuitive. She works with complementary color tools to help people de-stress.
Webinar Questions:
• How can your color tools connect us with our chakra system?
• How can we best utilize color in our meditations and visualizations?
• Why do we like or dislike certain colors?
• Does our choice of clothing colors matter?
• How can we use color to overcome darkness and despair?
• How can we use color for our highest good?
• Can using color help to unlock our hidden talents?
About Arlene:
Have you ever felt like you just 'knew' something, even though you didn't know why?
I've developed tools to help those who struggle with the anxiety that comes from being highly sensitive and intuitive. Often, we may mistrust our abilities or not know how to deal with what we experience and "see". I've come to understand that what we are passionate about is most often the information, gift, or tool that we are here to offer to others. I know what it feels like to not fit in. Being like others isn't the answer. Finding others who value their own uniqueness, and value yours, allows you to relax. Perfection is not the goal. Instead, being authentic in your own unique way is what brings satisfaction. I want you to know that you don't have to muddle through on your own. In this Webinar, I will share how I came to work with colors and developed my Complementary Color Therapy. We use color every day. Learn how you can change your life with the use of color visualization and breathing exercises. It's simple. It's immediate. It's effective.
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.
Sunday, August 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday August 26, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)
Even during recessions and depressions, America has traditionally been the best country for economic opportunity. Thus, it has been and is a magnet for some of the best in the world and increasingly over time, some of the worst in the world. From being fussy and strict about which foreigners were allowed in here during colonial and early national times, over time and in cycles we have been swamped by the world's undesirables..........
Don’t Be A problem Be A Solution – The NFL On Its Knees
The National Football League (NFL) minimum salary for 2018 is $480,000.00. That means the lowest player on the depth chart who most likely did not graduate from college and may spend an entire season riding the pine makes about 9 times the US median income. An Army Private with less than 2 years of active service is paid $19, 659.00 per year.........
You grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Your mother was the leader of the family and worked tirelessly to keep a roof over your head and food on your plate. Academics were a struggle for you and your grades were mediocre at best. The only thing that made you stand out is you weighed 225 lbs and could run 40 yards in 4.2 seconds while carrying a football. Your best friend was just like you, except he didn't play football. Instead of going to football practice after school, he went to work at McDonalds for minimum wage. You were recruited by all the big colleges and spent every weekend of your senior year making visits to universities where coaches and boosters tried to convince you their school was best. They laid out the red carpet for you. Your best friend worked double shifts at Mickey D's. College was not an option for him. On the day you signed with Big State University, your best friend signed paperwork with his Army recruiter. You went to summer workouts. He went to basic training.
You spent the next four years living in the athletic dorm, eating at the training table. You spent your Saturdays on the football field, cheered on by adoring fans. Tutors attended to your every academic need. You attended class when you felt like it. Sure, you worked hard. You lifted weights, ran sprints, studied plays, and soon became one of the top football players in the country. Your best friend was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division. While you were in college, he deployed to Iraq once and Afghanistan twice. He became a Sergeant and led a squad of 19 year old soldiers who grew up just like he did. He shed his blood in Afghanistan and watched young American's give their lives, limbs, and innocence for the USA.
You went to the NFL combine and scored off the charts. You hired an agent and waited for draft day. You were drafted in the first round and your agent immediately went to work, ensuring that you received the most money possible. You signed for $16 million although you had never played a single down of professional football. Your best friend re-enlisted in the Army for four more years. As a combat tested sergeant, he will be paid $32,000 per year.
You will drive a Ferrari on the streets of South Beach. He will ride in the back of a Blackhawk helicopter with 10 other combat loaded soldiers. You will sleep at the Ritz. He will dig a hole in the ground and try to sleep. You will "make it rain" in the club. He will pray for rain as the temperature reaches 120 degrees.
On Sunday, you will run into a stadium as tens of thousands of fans cheer and yell your name. For your best friend, there is little difference between Sunday and any other day of the week. There are no adoring fans. There are only people trying to kill him and his soldiers. Every now and then, he and his soldiers leave the front lines and "go to the rear" to rest. He might be lucky enough to catch an NFL game on TV. When the National Anthem plays and you take a knee, he will jump to his feet and salute the television. While you protest the unfairness of life in the United States, he will give thanks to God that he has the honor of defending his great country.
To the players of the NFL: We are the people who buy your tickets, watch you on TV, and wear your jerseys. We anxiously wait for Sundays so we can cheer for you and marvel at your athleticism. Although we love to watch you play, we care little about your opinions until you offend us. You have the absolute right to express yourselves, but we have the absolute right to boycott you. We have tolerated your drug use and DUIs, your domestic violence, and your vulgar displays of wealth. We should be ashamed for putting our admiration of your physical skills before what is morally right. But now you have gone too far. You have insulted our flag, our country, our soldiers, our police officers, and our veterans. You are living the American dream, yet you disparage our great country. I encourage all like minded Americans to boycott the NFL.
National boycott of the NFL for Sunday November 12th, Veterans Day Weekend. Boycott all football telecast, all fans, all ticket holders, stay away from attending any games, let them play to empty stadiums. Pass this post along to all your friends and family. Honor our military, some of whom come home with the American Flag draped over their coffin.
Also today: Real.video is exploding in popularity, with new videos now appearing every hour. Be sure to check it frequently for new videos on health, nutrition, current events, prophecy, economic newsand more.
Our refreshing and invigorating breath spray is a one-of-a-kind with the ability to freshen your breath and clean your mouth. Free of the harmful ingredients that make it into most oral hygiene products, Health Ranger Select Silver Breath Spray contains no GMOs, alcohol, artificial colors, or synthetic chemical additives. Pure, effective, and convenient -- it's everything you could ask for in a breath spray and more.
The brain-boosting benefits of high-quality olive oil The Mediterranean regimen is one of thebest ways to eat for a healthier and longer life, thanks to its primary component, olive oil. People living in the Mediterranean region are some of the ...
Hawaii is leading other states in generating renewable energy The Aloha State could be the country's leader in renewable energy as it moves toward getting 100 percent of its power needs from both solar and wind sources by 2045. As of this year, Hawaii ...
New evidence suggests strength training can fight off depression You may want to add weights to your regular workout routine, as the benefits of strength training go beyond the physical. New research published in the JAMA Psychiatry journal suggested that ...
Develop these daily habits that help you prepare for emergencies It's crucial to prepare for emergencies, but there are those who feel overwhelmed when faced with various aspects of prepping that might seem like second nature to seasoned survivalists. If ...
Here is how it works .. if you believe we should have open borders .. simply REMOVE YOUR FRONT DOOR in protest to President Trump's policies. Also, include a sign welcoming ANYONE and EVERYONE to come in and take anything they want.
There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots...maybe!
This story came from a U.S. Naval Academy alumni blog
CDR Joe "Hoser" Satrapa
Like all great flying stories, this one starts with, "Once upon a time..."
Once upon a time there was this infamous Navy fighter pilot named Joe "Hoser" Satrapa (USNA’64). Joe got his call sign the first time he was on a gunnery range near El Centro, California. On his first three firing passes, he missed the target. This upset him to the bone, so he resolved to make his fourth pass count. Flying as number four in a flight of four, he cut off number three during the last gunnery circuit, then "hosed" all his remaining ammunition at the target . . . missing it again! After being chewed out by his mission leader for his lack of in-flight discipline, Satrapa was awarded the call sign "Hoser."
He became an excellent pilot, completed 162 combat missions over Vietnam, made more than 500 carrier landings, and was known throughout the Navy for his dogfighting prowess. But Hoser was almost as well known for his don't-give-a-crap-about- paperwork attitude and the lack of deference he showed non-aviators, especially those of higher rank. Because of his “administrative deficiencies", he was forced out of the Navy as an 0-4 (Lieutenant Commander) in the early 1980's.
When John Lehman (a former Navy A-6 backseater) became Secretary of the Navy a couple of years later, he arranged for a presidential order by Ronald Reagan to return Hoser to service with a promotion to 0-5. Lehman himself handed over the Silver Leafs on the day Hoser was welcomed back into the Navy.
Hoser was assigned to the Navy’s Fighter Weapons School, Topgun, and was put in charge of the F-14 gun program where he continued to do what he did best . . . fly and fight and train Naval aviators to do the same. Hoser's Air-to-Air Guns brief, done as Patton's Flag Speech, was a highlight.
Sometime in 1986, Hoser "procured" a 20 mm barrel from an F-14 gun. He attached it to a breach and fashioned himself a rather formidable weapon. One day while Hoser was playing around with his new invention, the breach blew up taking off Hoser’s right index finger and thumb. Note well that a right thumb is essential for flying a jet fighter because the electric trim tab is located on the top of the control stick where the pilot’s thumb rests while holding the stick. Thus a pilot without a right thumb is unable to fly a jet fighter.
But the lack of a right thumb would not stop Hoser. He convinced the surgeon to take off his right big toe and attach it to his right hand. Now he had three fingers and a big toe. It looked a bit like a lobster claw, but Hoser demonstrated that he could operate the trim button, so he went back on flight status . . . with a new call sign, "Toeser". Hey, you just can't make this stuff up.
So what does an old Navy fighter pilot do when he gets too old to fly Navy fighters? Joe became a water bomber, sometimes called a smoke bomber.
This is the U.S. Navy’s S-2 “Tracker”, but with the radial engines replaced with turboprops.
When a smoke pilot is on a run, he says, “I’m in the smoke.” The youtube video (link below) captures the essence of Toeser: And if you look closely, you can see the toe on his right hand several times in the video, but you have to be watching for it.
Trumpocalypse, The Dark Machine And A Virtual Armageddon
Today, the number one threat to the Dark Machine on planet Earth is an American president named Donald Trump, a billionaire, former reality television star and the last of the “space cowboys” because of his inner belief system that allows him to transcend the “Matrix,” a virtual reality concentration camp of the mind that the human race is marching toward as part of the globalist elite’s master plan..........
How Can We Bring Home Our Troops And Stop Policing The World?
Next month will mark 17 years since the 9/11 mass murder took place. Ever since then, we the people have been fleeced to fill the coffers of the military-industrial complex and all its tentacles. But, since there’s no money in the people’s purse, borrowed debt has/is being used to create more debt by spending TRILLIONS over in the Middle East.........
CIA Chief Brennan's Treasonous Actions On Behalf Of Deep State Ignored
It got so bad, according to Examiner source Pete Vanderhill, a former police intelligence division operative, that some of those career intelligence operatives who complained were bullied and forced to take early retirement, or the younger analysts just quit. After the mini-purge of intelligence officers, other analysts said they supported their colleagues’ formal report and can back up their claims of political shenanigans to make Obama, Kerry and others look good.........
Things are breaking wide open out in the swamp aka Washington, DC.
From the desk of Devvy Kidd
Wow! If Donald Trump had not become president, the criminal activities by Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Clinton and that whole cabal would have been swept under the rug. The American people would never have known the truth which is being exposed every day. Mueller is dirty; a dirty player in this for political reasons only. His corrupt past is also being exposed in a big way both on the Internet and on shows like Sean Hannity over at FOX.
The Inspector General's report is due out any day now and it absolutely has the establishment elites and the criminal players in the FBI and DOJ (and if we're lucky, crooks like Clapper & Brennan, both CIA) walking on thin ice. They have to be more than worried about getting indicted and ending up in a federal prison. Despite the failure of Jeff Sessions, my money says this whole thing is going to blow wide open. The momentum is just too great this time.
NWVs writers are on this as well as so many other issues that directly affect your life. Those writers as well as Paul Walter and his wife sacrifice their time and energy to bring you the latest and the best. For no paycheck.
As always, I want to remind the tens of thousands (that's a fact) who are receiving this email that it costs a fortune to keep NWVs up and running. Donations from my last appeal were practically nothing putting even more pressure on Paul and his wife. I wonder why is this? We're all in this together and freedom isn't cheap.
Neither I nor Paul expect anyone to send a $50,000 donation, but hundreds of small donations - less than the cost of a large pizza - each month would make all the difference in the world. AND, you can sign up for an automatic deduction out of your checking account in any amount and not worry about doing your part to keep the information coming into your email box 365 days a week. NWV has a monthly donation drive, without it they could not exist.
Won't you please make the effort to donate today - right now?.
This is a column I never expected to write. But how could it really NOT be expected as the stage was being carefully set to sodomize the world. Little by little this LGBTQ band of perverts began to become more and more visible. And the public just sat and watched. The churches were silent. Not a peep from the pulpits..........
Determine to know the truth, to expose the darkness, to not rest until justice for the victims is reached. Do not close your eyes. Do not make excuses. Do not let this scourge continue in our land and on our watch. Do it for the children!.........
LGBT speech police now destroying all references to female anatomy
It's insane. The same people who once claimed to be "pro-women" are now systematically exterminating all language that describes the female anatomy.
You won't believe what they've done now. And next, they'll demand that all medical textbooks scrap gender-specific anatomy diagrams and words... it's totally insane.
Discover what practitioners of traditional Indian and Chinese medicine have known for centuries: Aloe vera has a remarkable history of use in remedies and health enhancement. For a limited time, we're offering aloe vera-infused products at discounted prices at the Health Ranger Store.
Shock claim: Diet sodas are putting your fertility at risk Diet sodas and other aerated beverages could be just as detrimental as regular sodas in terms of health risks. Health experts have recently noted that diet sodas and other aerated drinks were ...
Make room for cardamom, the next turmeric If you're considering expanding your spice rack, you may want to reserve a slot for cardamom. This ancient spice grows wild in the forests of southern India, where it's been used in a ...
A natural cure for your diarrhea A medicinal plant used in Ethiopia could provide an all-natural treatment for diarrhea. Researchers from that African country recently tested an extract from Lantana camara(also known as the ...
6 Reasons you should be filtering your water Water is essential and good for your health, but sometimes it can be bad for you too. Contaminants, microscopic organisms, and other impurities can enter your body through your drinking water. ...
Curly dock found to help prevent osteoporosis People who are at risk for osteoporosis would do well to be acquainted with curly dock (Rumexcrispus). According to researchers from the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, the roots of the ...
Do Not Become Like Briton, Get Serious and Fight Back
Katie Hopkins tells Americans what has happened to her beloved England , and warns Americans not to let it happen to the United States!!!
The below listed video is funny, sometimes crude, raucous, but intentionally fashioned, to get her point across, “not to let it happen to you”.
All Americans should see this message; the left of center liberal media establishment has managed to cover it up; most Americans are clueless.
What has happened to England, Sweden, and much of Europe because of the massive invasion of illegal aliens and the establishment of no go enclaves, which police won’t enter, is truly unsettling: no law and order in many places.
It is not a Democratic, Republican, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, or Buddhist issue; it is an issue about “Freedom and Security for the individual, women, children, and for the elderly”!
After you to watch the below listed video, you might want to pass it on, and as Katie warns Americans:
Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” -Isaiah 6:8
She is sharp, humorous and insightful of our world. It takes a while but you will get it from the get go. Her insightful wakeup call is well worth your time!!!
A MUST LISTEN FOR ALL AMERICANS, regardless of your political party or whether you are liberal or conservative!!!
Click here: Katie Hopkins Has A Message For America, applies to whole world... - YouTube
While The American People Sleep, The Muslims Are Making Their Move For Government Positions
While most Americans are still sleeping under this new shill administration (Matthew 13:25), there are a record number of Muslims running for governmental positions in this country. And most do not realize that they mean to implement Sharia Law in place of The U.S. Constitution, which runs antithetical (in direct contrast) to American government. In other words, Muslims mean to overthrow your form of government..........
Do “We the People” Have The Right To Alienate Freedom?
Before the Declaration of Independence, the First Continental Congress in 1775 issued the Olive Branch petition to King George III. It was an attempt to assert the rights of the colonists that were no longer being recognized by the king while maintaining their loyalty to the British crown. King George not only refused to read the petition, he proclaimed that the colonists had "proceeded to open and avowed rebellion.".........
Sadly, most Conservative politicians aren't conservatives any more (RINO'S) and Liberal politicians aren't the old liberals they were back in the 40's and 50's (they are now avowed socialists). Both groups have moved to the left as the Progressives dragged America farther and farther left over the last 8 to 10 decades.........
Google wants all your hospital records, without your permission
The tech giants aren't just censoring everyone talking about naturalmedicine and health freedom; they're also now demanding your private medical records without your consent.
Discover what practitioners of traditional Indian and Chinese medicine have known for centuries: Aloe vera has a remarkable history of use in remedies and health enhancement. For a limited time, we're offering aloe vera-infused products at discounted prices at the Health Ranger Store.
Sparkling water is acidic and can ruin your teeth, warns dentist Sparkling water may seem like the healthier option when compared to soft drinks. One dentist asserts that may not necessarily be true, however. Dr. Adam Thorne, founder of the Harley Street ...
Are you addicted to your phone? Signs of mobile phone addiction Cell phones are even more pernicious than booze, smoking, and drugs because they seem so useful. An article on Be Brain Fit covers the signs of addiction to mobile phones and how to remedy them. ...
A treatment guide to psoriasis: What you should and shouldn’t do A patient with psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune disease, suffers from a rapid buildup of cells on the surface of the skin. Theskin may form red patches and scales, which can often be itchy and ...
14 must-consume vegetables to stay healthy and fight disease We all know that eating a lot of fruits and vegetables is good for you, but do you know which ones are a must? It is true that no single vegetable provides all the nutrients you need, but there ...
Strawberry tea can be used to treat diarrhea and dysentery Did you know that strawberries have medicinal properties, too? Strawberries are among the most recognizable fruits of all, not only for their distinct, heart-shaped, seed-studded appearance but ...
The following Plan is why so many Congress people are retiring. They hope to keep their retirement as it stands now.
The Plan
This makes way too much sense not to be passed on. But at least we can make our wishes known and hope.
This is an idea that should be passed around, regardless of political party.
The TRUMP PLAN - Congressional Reform Act of 2018
1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman / Woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office. And, no more perks go with them.
2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security.
All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.
3. Congress must purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.
4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/Women are void. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/Women. Congress made all these contracts for themselves.
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work and not get all kind of freebies.
"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government-lest it come to dominate our lives and interests" Patrick Henry
A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small. The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, 'When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah' The teacher asked, 'What if Jonah went to hell? The little girl replied, 'Then you ask him'.
A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, 'I'm drawing God.' The teacher paused and said, 'But no one knows what God looks like. Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, 'They will in a minute.'
A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six-year-olds. After explaining the commandment to 'honor' thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, 'Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters? From the back, one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered, 'Thou shall not kill.'
One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head. She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, 'Why are some of your hairs white, Mum?' Her mother replied, 'Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white.' The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said, 'Mummy, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white?'
The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.'Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, 'There's Jennifer, she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael, He's a doctor. A small voice at the back of the room rang out, 'And there's the teacher, she's dead.'
A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, 'Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face. 'Yes,' the class said. 'Then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary positions the blood doesn't run into my feet? A little fellow shouted, Cause your feet ain't empty.'
The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note and posted on the apple tray: 'Take only ONE. God is watching.' Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. A child had written a note, 'Take all you want. God is watching the apples.'
It doesn't matter how many people you send this to; just remember if it made you laugh, your friends will laugh too.
I was thinking; Since only 11 million people have Obama-Care, how will 24 million people die if it is repealed? Will an additional 13 million people be randomly shot?
I was thinking; If Donald Trump deleted all of his emails, wiped his server with Bleachbit and destroyed all of his phones with a hammer, would the Mainstream Media suddenly lose all interest in the story and declare him innocent.
I was thinking; If women do the same job for less money, why do companies hire men to do the same job for more money?
I was thinking; If you rob a bank in a Sanctuary City, is it illegal or is it just an Undocumented Withdrawal?
I was thinking; Each ISIS attack now is a reaction to Trump policies, but all ISIS attacks during Obama's term were due to Climate Change and a plea for jobs.
I was thinking; We should stop calling them all 'Entitlements'. Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, ad nausea are not entitlements. They are taxpayer-funded handouts, and shouldn't be called entitlements at all. Social Security and Veterans Benefits are Entitlements because the people receiving them are entitled to them. They were earned and paid for by the recipients.
I was thinking; If Muslims want to run away from a Muslim country, does that mean they're Islamophobic?
I was thinking; If Liberals don't believe in biological gender then why did they march for women's rights?
I was thinking; How did the Russians get Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to steal the Primary from Bernie Sanders? How did Russia get Donna Brazile to leak debate questions to Hillary Clinton in advance of the debates?
I was thinking; Why is it that Democrats think Super delegates are fine, but they have a problem with the Electoral College?
I was thinking; If Hillary's speeches cost $250,000 an hour, how come no one shows up to her free ones?
I was thinking; The DNC is mad at Russia because they 'think' they are trying to manipulate our election by exposing that the DNC is manipulating our election.
I was thinking; If Democrats don't want foreigners involved in our elections, why do they think it's all right for illegals to vote?
What gives??!! National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman pushes for continued high levels of immigration! Key Republican leaders reject immigration agenda that elected Pres. Trump. Only accountability will keep our elected officials honest. NumbersUSA provides that accountability by tracking their immigration-related votes, and the effects of those votes. We publish grade cards and candidate comparisons, helping to inform millions of voters. But we need your help spreading these to a larger audience.
Thomas -- CNBC's John Harwood interviews Rep. Stivers
Rep. Stivers interviewed by CNBC's John Harwood No wonder the House of Representatives can't pass an immigration bill! While most House Republicans agree with Pres. Trump that immigration needs dramatic reforms, key Republican leaders are standing in the way of beneficial reforms. Rep. Steve Stivers is the Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, the House GOP fundraising organization. Stivers told CNBC's John Harwood, "I don't want to cut legal immigration. . . I believe we should help people that want to come here. I actually also believe that when you graduate from one of the schools in my district. . . I think we should staple a work visa to their diploma." He said nothing about helping American workers. Stivers' comments come just a couple of weeks after the Republican-led House Appropriations Committee approved several truly dreadful amendments to the Department of Homeland Security spending bill. One amendment specifically defunds the administration's new efforts to reform the fraud-ridden asylum system. Isn't it strange that the Republican-led Congress has never managed to block funding for Obama's illegal amnesty programs? The American people want less immigration. Poll after poll after poll show super-majorities demand less LEGAL immigration, to say nothing of ILLEGAL immigration. But clearly, some in the Republican leadership seem to want more. Help us keep up the pressure on those Republicans who say they are for lower immigration, enforcement and better laws, but whose actions show they favor opening the floodgates even wider! You ARE making a difference: Republicans are already backtracking from the actions of the House Appropriations Committee, thanks in large part to your pressure! Help us keep up the pressure! The Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Francis Cissna seems to understand the concerns of American voters. He told a National Press Club audience last week, "There are all sorts of fraud and abuse, and not just H-1Bs but across all these programs." H-1Bs are visas given for skilled immigrants in career fields that are supposedly experiencing a shortage of workers. Cissna calls for "banning the ability of employers to fire American workers and replace them with H1Bs." He explained that of course this happens: "I'm not just talking of non-displacement, but replacement. I am talking about prohibiting intentional replacement of American workers with foreign workers."
HERE IS THE DISCONNECT: The Chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee thinks he can win elections by helping foreign workers come to take our jobs than by helping American workers. . . the people who vote. Only accountability will keep our elected officials honest. NumbersUSA provides that accountability by tracking their immigration-related votes, and the effects of those votes. We publish grade cards and candidate comparisons, helping to inform millions of voters. But we need your help spreading these to a larger audience.
The U.S. Senate is still in session. The House returns in only 13 days. We MUST be ready to hold them to account! Republicans are talking about taking the defunding language out of the DHS appropriations bill. We need that to become ACTION! We need your help now. Give to NumbersUSA and let's get things done, NOW!
Jim Robb
VP Operations
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at jimrobb@numbersusa.com.
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