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Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.


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 Ascension 251 
Ascension 251 
Select One 1) DS Marriages 2) [New post] Cat Report 3) Democrats Nuclear Family Asunder 4) Injustice in Small Town America 5) W.H.O. admits polio outbreaks 6) Highly toxic ingredients 7) Communism Sucks 8) Border encounters at 12-month low 9) Invoke the Insurrection Act 10) [New post] Cat Report 11) Al Gore's Climate Change 12) [New post] Cat Report 13) [New post] Cat Report 14) Truth About Impeachment 15) Why Democrats Are Crying Wolf 16) [New post] Cat Report 17) CA blackouts expose scam 18) Politicians And Their Families 19) [New post] Cat Report 20) Historic Changes Unfold 21) Media goes hysterical 22) China, NBA, and face of Globalism 23) Wife's Drive Home 24) America's Marxist "Allies" in Syria 25) Tech complicit in polio outbreaks 26) WOMEN LIVE LONGER THAN MEN 27) Socialists & Environmentalists Want 28) Why Dems Want to Impeach Trump 29) Memes 30) Traffic emissions stubbornly high 31) Artistic Rice Fields Of Japan 32) NASA caught covering up truth 33) [New post] Cat Report 34) Jeff Zucker Democratic Debate 35) [New post] Cat Report 36) Sen. Durbin's UC Bait-and-Switch 37) Historic Changes Unfold 38) 5G satellites to carpet bomb 39) Next Ilhan Omar Could Be a Kurd 40) Funny, Sad but Unfortunately TRUE 41) Fake meat companies GMO burgers 42) Sen. Durbin legal immigration 43) [New post] Cat Report 44) Suicide, Inc 45) NEVER STAND IN LINE AGAIN 46) Beef Association's Betrayal 47) [New post] Cat Report 48) Are You ‘Fed Up' Yet? 49) [New post] Cat Report 50) False flag target Antifa protesters