**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
Olive oil comes from olive, peanut oil comes from peanuts, coconut oil comes from coconuts and canola oil comes from rapeseed. Canola is a hybrid name that stands for Canadian oil, since it is grown, processed, and exported mostly from Canada. Contrary to what you might have heard, there are several reasons to avoid canola oil. Unfortunately, clever marketing and persuasive advertising campaigns have successfully managed to convince countless millions that canola oil is actually a healthy option when it comes to cooking. It’s also used in many different foods, and especially in things like margarine and processed foods.
#1 – Insecticides Are Bad For Your Health
Okay, I know what you’re probably thinking: Farmers all over the world spray their crops with pesticides, so what’s the big deal if they spray their canola crops as well. Well, first and foremost, my advice would be to stay as far away as possible from any foods that have been sprayed. Nonetheless, that’s not really what I’m getting at right now. What I’m actually saying is that canola oil itself is a remarkably good pesticide. In fact, it’s the key ingredient in many “non-chemical” pesticides.
#2 – Almost All Canola Oil Is Produced From Genetically Modified Crops
Genetically modified foods are as controversial today as they’ve ever been. These days, genetic modification has made it possible for farmers to grow significantly more produce than ever before. Considering that the world’s population continues to increase year on year, many believe that modified crops will help us to avoid a potential food shortage in the future, but again, this is debatable.
Anyway, I’m not going to into all that right now, but I will say that I do everything in my power to avoid eating genetically modified foods. For me, this is one of the reasons to avoid canola oil. After all, more than 90% of all canola oil is produced from genetically engineered crops. So, would I use canola oil made from the 10% of crops that haven’t been modified? Definitely not, but I’ll explain why a bit later after we’ve looked at the third reason why it’s best to stay away from this oil.
All cooking oils, other than “cold pressed” or “extra virgin” are refined. This process typically includes degumming; bleaching and deodorizing. It also involves high temperatures and/or the use of some pretty nasty chemicals. Even if we choose to ignore the chemicals, we cannot escape the fact that the refining process causes the oil to become hydrogenated oil that contains health destroying trans fatty acids. Coincidentally, trans fatty acids are extremely harmful to cardiovascular health.
Okay, now that we’ve looked at three reasons to avoid canola oil, let’s take a closer look at this oil in general:
What Is Canola Oil?
The oil we get from grape seeds is obviously grape seed oil; the oil we get from corn is corn oil, so surely canola oil must come from canola seeds? Well, not quite, because there’s no such thing as a canola seed, at least not here on planet earth. Canola oil actually comes from rapeseed, and in the past it was simply known as rapeseed oil. At that stage, rapeseed oil was not used in the food industry. Instead, it was primarily used as a lubricant in the industrial sector.
Somewhere further down the line, it did start finding its way into the food chain, but because it is so toxic, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) intervened and officially banned it in 1956, stating that it was unsafe for human consumption due to its high levels of erucic acid.
Genetic Modification Of Rapeseed
By the 1970s growers had found a way to genetically modify rapeseed, which in turn allowed them to produce oil with less erucic acid. With reduced erucic acid, the oil was deemed safe for human consumption, and was originally sold as “Rape Oil” or “LEAR Oil” (Low Erucic Acid Rape) However, for marketing reasons the name was later changed to Canola Oil.
While genetic modification was successful at lowering the erucic acid content, it also increased the amount of oleic acid, and this was once again a serious cause for concern because oleic acid has been linked to a number of health concerns, including the following:
Retarded growth (banned in infant formulas)
Abnormalities in blood platelets
Damage from free radicals
Increased risk of developing certain types of cancer
A Brief Look At Genetically Modified Crops
In 2011 a review of 19 different studies that involved mammals being fed genetically modified soy and corn for a period of 90 days, found that GMO foods can disrupt kidney and liver function. The review which was published in “Environmental Studies Europe” and it states that in the trials mentioned, kidney function was reduced by 43.5% while liver function was reduced by 30.8%. Do you really want to put your health at this sort of a risk?
In a nutshell, healthy living and canola oil simply don’t go well together. There are far better options available, including organic extra virgin olive oil; organic cold pressed coconut oil; butter or ghee coming from pastured cattle and etc. Need any more reasons to avoid canola oil? If you would like to find more reasons, then I would seriously recommend doing a few Google searches. I guarantee you, you’ll soon be avoiding canola oil as if it were the plague.
Erin Elizabeth is a long time activist with a passion for the healing arts, working in that arena for a quarter century. Her site HealthNutNews.com is less than 2 years old but has already cracked the top 20 Natural Health sites worldwide. She is an author, public speaker, and has recently done some TV and film programs for some of her original work which have attracted international media coverage. You can get Erin’s free e-book here and also watch a short documentary on how she overcame vaccine injuries, Lyme disease, significant weight gain, and more. Follow Erin on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
WikiLeaks: CIA hackers can pose as Russians—ring a bell?
by Jon Rappoport
Let’s see. The CIA claims that Russian government hackers interfered in the US election, on the side of Trump.
But suppose CIA hackers fabricated an operation to make it look like a Russian hack? Too far-fetched?
Not anymore.
In conjunction with their new data-dump of CIA material, WikiLeaks issues this statement:
“The CIA’s Remote Devices Branch’s UMBRAGE group collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques ‘stolen’ from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation. With UMBRAGE and related projects the CIA cannot only increase its total number of attack types but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the ‘fingerprints’ of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from.”
Spy games.
A group within the CIA wanted to shift blame for Hillary Clinton’s defeat? How about pointing at the Russians? “Easy. We can use Russian hacking tools and fabricate a scenario. We can say we discovered ‘fingerprints’ that point to the Russian government.”
Here is what the CNN Wire Service reported on January 2, 2017: “…even as President-elect Donald Trump and his aides cast doubt on the links between Russia and recent hacks against Democrats, US intelligence officials say that newly identified ‘digital fingerprints’ indicate Moscow was behind the intrusions.”
“One official told CNN the administration has traced the hack to the specific keyboards — which featured Cyrillic characters — that were used to construct the malware code, adding that the equipment leaves ‘digital fingerprints’ and, in the case of the recent hacks, those prints point to the Russian government.”
Really? We live in a world where spies and their cronies are constantly fixing reality to suit themselves.
So now all this bravado about discovering how the Russians hacked and stole the election blows up like a cream puff with a firecracker inside.
Who originally hacked/accessed the Democratic National Committee (DNC) email files and handed them to WikiLeaks for publication? That appeared to be an insider at the DNC. But the cover story—“the Russians did it”—floated by the CIA other US intelligence agencies now takes on a new hue.
The CIA has worked, over the years, to refine its ability to fake a hack-trace to all sorts of people, including the Russian government.
This gives people yet another opportunity to realize that employees of intelligence agencies are trained to lie. It’s their bread and butter. A day without lying is a misspent day.
They purposely lie in their investigations, in their reports, in their testimony, in their leaks to the press, in their budget requests, in their clandestine operations, in their statements about the circumscribed limits of their activities.
In their minds, they lie in order to tell the truth.
They will, when it suits them, also tell the truth in a way that supports a larger lie.
Some CIA agents eventually forget which way is up and what they’re doing. This is a qualification for promotion.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Selamat Jalwa! All is going extremely well. The dark is becoming shell shocked, as it is quite apparent that its supposed victory is quickly fading away. The dark cabal is now racing in vain to somehow preserve what little is still solvent. It is like a sudden spray of acid that was unexpectedly added to the mix. The US, Inc. is about to dissolve as it becomes crystal clear that the new NESARA Republic is again on the world’s horizon. The dark cabal can now see the inevitable writing on the wall. Its old ways are finished and the old guard now awaits its long delayed punishment. The true Constitution with many needed revisions is shortly to make its appearance and Congress and the rest of the dark’s regime is to go on hiatus. The new policies of the de jure regime are to soon become a normal every day event. This globe has long waited for what is about to swiftly happen. This project is one that the Light has long waited for. You are about to receive your freedom and obtain the beginnings of your prosperity.
This process required a careful and cautious approach. The dark had been lulled into a belief that somehow its madness was to find a way to continue. Our forces were guided by a group of wonderful and dedicated individuals whose magic is shortly to be applauded by this globe. What they did was truly miraculous. It is not easy to overturn a financial and political system that has been entrenched for over two millennia. This system is now in the final process of being replaced. The soldiers of the Light carried out a truly amazing event. We need to commend their efforts as well as their magnificent patience. We are about to watch you make a most wonderful leap in consciousness. It is to enable you to move a giant step toward contact. It is this fact that makes us happy about your efforts. You have been able to create a scenario that is permitting not only a new realty to form but, in addition, to outline how you are to forge this new world of yours. This realm is to possess the wherewithal to prepare a new and heavenly epoch.
The process of change was long in the making. The key issue was the final proclamation needed to be able to draw in the minions and their friends. It was the continuation of the old reality that initially confused the warriors of the Light. The worry was that this strategy was based on the belief that the dark had won its small but nevertheless significant victory. The dark swallowed this as fact and began to use the principals of USA, Inc. as a basis to rebuild their defeated party. In fact, the true nature of all this was that USA, Inc was a non-fact. It was dead and at the right time it was to be placed in the great dustbin of history. This truth is now becoming fact as the new treasury notes and the RV are in the process of being rolled out. As hoped, this process is leading to mass arrests and to new NESARA governance that is now to be born. America was ready to lead the world to a quiet revolution. This is to allow manifestation of a world long promised by Heaven. This miracle is now fully under way and is to lead to your freedom and prosperity.
As this moves forward, you are to see many necessary changes. These changes are to permit your consciousness to keep growing and your move toward full consciousness to increase. It is this process that is to be the key to the rise of your new reality. We are fully aware of how all of this is playing out. We realize that disclosure is something that needs to be addressed. The old governments strongly defended the strange belief that UFOs did not exist. This is now to be overturned and the truth that you are not alone needs to be revealed to you. In addition, there needs to be a series of announcements that permit us to directly address you. In these communications, we intend to explain who we really are and why we were told by Heaven to create a monitor system to better prepare you for full consciousness. You require a number of ways to resolve the past lives you experienced in limited consciousness. This process is essential in helping you adjust to the physical changes that you are shortly to encounter.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today to help you better understand what is now happening to you. Over the past decade and a half, you have been subjected to a number of subtle changes that we generally call Ascension Symptoms. These changes by Heaven are one of the many ways your body, mind and Spirit are being readied for a grand change in consciousness. These changes are shortly to reach a point when deeper explanations are in order. Our series of vital lessons are then required. The rise of new governance is to accommodate this. We expect that once you are armed with the truths behind your past histories, you can be better prepared to accept why this is the time for immense alterations of this reality. You are suddenly to learn about Agartha and why you first came here some 900,000 years ago. Lost memories are to be recovered and explained.
Dear Hearts, we know that this wisdom is only the start to learning about yourselves as a people and as Gaia’s human guardians. This process needs to be discussed by your mentors as you require knowledge about how this first occurred. What is ahead is a grand period that can aid you in showing your true relationship to Gaia and her remarkable ecosystems. Your positive intentions and deep support of this divine process makes all of this possible. You have wonderfully altered how you react to the manipulations of the dark cabal. These changes have allowed us to take many necessary steps forward. We thank all for what you are achieving. This growth is yet another sign why Heaven decided that a divine process was now possible. This brings us to the present. This is indeed a time for blessed events to happen!
This is a moment when humanity again joins with the Divine to restore its sacred and magnificent purpose. When you again become fully conscious you can take this all in, in a wondrous divine motion. You are then to see why Heaven carefully drew us forth and created a special core of Beings to Love and assist you. In this new consciousness our mission is to be divinely reordered. We are to become supervisors of missions decreed by Heaven. This process is something that you are to become intensely aware of. This process is to be when our new galactic society is formed and utilized. How this is all to work is something that we are to share with you, along with your mentors. These coming moments are to bring great joy to us. It means that we can fully adjust to a series of new purposes. It means that we can fully adjust to a series of new purposes, to reform not only you but the entirety of Heaven and Gaia! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Today, we continued our weekly reports. We are on the verge of a change that is to affect not only these reports but as well how you are to relate to a number of new developments. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!
I know that you are aware that something monumental is going on in our world. It’s a huge energy shift, which brings opportunity to release old pain, struggle and paradigms, and embrace new opportunities to create your life from a place of LOVE, JOY, PEACE and ABUNDANCE.
I’m excited to be sharing with you information about the opportunities being presented to all of us that will enhance our ability to manifest God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace in our lives. I will be sharing this information the online program Your Divine Uniqueness.
Moncef and I are going to discuss important information that is being given to Humanity at this time by the Company of Heaven to help us reclaim our Divine Birthright of God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace and I’d love you to receive this celestial sharing and the Gift I am offering for FREE!
Save the date!
Date: Thursday MARCH 9, 2017
Time: 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles) or 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York).
When you join Your Divine Uniqueness you’ll instantly receive a Welcome Gift bundle of healing goodness! Be blessed and supported by powerful healing processes from transformational masters who lovingly offer these gifts to you.
You’ll also get in the flow to receive healing transmissions from other spiritual luminaries like Amy Flynn, Lori Spagna, Dr Jenn Royster, Dr Michael Smith, Patricia Cota-Robles and more… all on Your Divine Uniqueness.
So give yourself a HEALING GIFT and join me for our discussion on reclaiming your Divine Birthright of God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace on Your Divine Uniqueness
Remember, save the date!
Date: Thursday March 9, 2017
Time: 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles) or 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York). So join now and allow the gifts of healing to flow to you!
Imagine opening the gates to your INFINITE divine STRENGTH and POWER. Imagine the feeling of confidence and completeness when you can relish being WHO YOU ARE and create a life full of LOVE, JOY and ABUNDANCE. Imagine being able to shine Your Divine Light to help create a loving and harmonious world for all!
Bombshell CIA docs leaked: CIA turns TVs and iPhones into spy devices to monitor your speech
Every conspiracy theorist who warned about the government spying on you through your TV or mobile phone has just been vindicated.
A bombshell CIA document dump by WikiLeaks reveals that the CIA can transform almost any Android, iPhone, Mac, Windows or Samsung television devices into a spy microphone that secretly records your conversations and uploads them to the CIA.
This can even be done when such devices are turned OFF!
It's all coming out today. 8000+ pages of CIA docs. This story will take weeks to fully unfold...
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I continue to expose the medical holocaust. I continue to present the conclusions of mainstream researchers and analysts, to prove the point.
It’s more effective to show that these researchers are not in the so-called fringe.
The statistics I’m quoting today reveal a problem on the level of a tsunami sweeping across the whole of America and Europe—while somehow, people carry on with their lives as if nothing is happening.
But the truth is, huge numbers of people do know what is happening, and they have their own personal horror stories—but those stories are not seeing the light of day.
Owing to the captive status of the mainstream press (beholden to the pharmaceutical juggernaut for advertising dollars), the tsunami is not receiving extensive coverage.
To make things worse, the political Left views modern medicine as unassailable science—they love all official science, no matter how deep the fraud goes. And they adore the “humanitarian ideal” of helping others. What could support that ideal more beautifully than the vague sentiment, “medical care for all”? No need to dig below the surface. No need to examine details. No need to look at facts. Just stay with the syrupy “share and care.”
The political Right views the medical cartel as “successful business,” and no one has a right to tamper with economic success. If a business is winning, it’s good and right and true.
All right. Let’s go to the numbers.
I’ll give you the horrific quotes now and discuss the source afterwards:
“…appropriately prescribed prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death…About 330,000 patients die each year from prescription drugs in the US and Europe.”
“They [the drugs] cause an epidemic of about [6.6 million per year] hospitalizations, as well as falls, road accidents, and about 80 million [per year] medically minor problems such as pains, discomforts, and dysfunctions that hobble productivity or the ability to care for others.”
In other words, the 330,000 deaths per year, the 6.6 million hospitalizations per year, and the 80 million “medically minor” problems per year…all of this stems from CORRECTLY PRESCRIBED medicines.
The quotes come from the ASA [American Sociological Association] publication called Footnotes, in its November 2014 issue. The article is “The Epidemic of Sickness and Death from Prescription Drugs.” The author of the article is Donald W Light.
Donald W Light is a professor of medical and economic sociology. He is a founding fellow of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2013, he was a fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard. He is a Lokey Visiting Professor at Stanford University.
Again, it’s been my policy to quote medical analysts who have mainstream credentials, when it comes to adding up the results of medical destruction.
I do this to show that, in refusing to fix the holocaust, the federal government, medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, medical journals, hospitals, and doctors can’t claim a) their critics and detractors are “fringe researchers” or b) there really isn’t a problem.
Believe me, the officials who should have been fixing the enormous tragedy for at least the past 15 years are intent on hiding it.
When you stop and think about the meaning of these numbers, one of the things you realize is: this massive destruction of life envelops whole countries.
It not only maims and kills, it brings emotional turmoil and loss to the families, friends, co-workers, and colleagues of those who are killed and maimed: the 330,000 who are killed and the 6.6 million who are hospitalized and the 80 million whose productivity is hobbled or whose ability to care for others is significantly diminished.
If you consciously set out to bring a nation to its knees, to kill it, to disable it, to make it unable to function at any reasonable level, you would be hard pressed to find a more effective long-term method than exposing the population to the US/European medical-drug cartel.
Donald Light is the editor of a book that ought to be studied at every college and medical school in the world: The Risks of Prescription Drugs (Columbia University Press). The basic research that led to his conclusions, cited above, come from that book. His website is PharmaMyths.net.
If you approached mainstream news outlets, mainstream and independent blogs and websites, and told them, “I have the cause of 330,000 deaths, 6.6 million hospitalizations, and 80 million minor but troubling and disruptive problems per year, in the US and Europe, they might, if they believed you, become interested—but how many of these news operations would publish the numbers, once they realized you were talking about correctly prescribed medical drugs as the sole cause?
How many of these news operations would back away, turn a blind eye, change the subject, and move on to other stories?
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
And this is only a partial list. The Chicago Urban Agriculture Mapping Project has a much larger count, which includes private/residential gardens. Their total, which is constantly updated? 888.
I have written several articles about the needed expansion of urban farms across America, particularly in poverty-stricken communities, and how, with that expansion, there is a critical-mass point at which the basis of all life in those areas would be transformed in a positive revolutionary way.
Of course, not only do citizens participate in growing their own clean nutritious food and eating it, but they can sell the excess to markets and launch profit-making enterprises. True value for value.
Such an expansion would do more for those cities and communities, from coast to coast, than all the federal programs of the past 50 years, since Lyndon Johnson announced the US government War on Poverty. Trillions of dollars have been spent, with no true accounting. Who knows how much has been diverted and stolen. But the upshot is, conditions are far worse now, in many areas, than they were 50 years ago.
But in Chicago (and other cities), people have taken matters into their own hands. They’ve launched farms and gardens and they’ve endured and grown.
I’m trying to remember the last time Chicago Mayor Emanuel gave a major extended speech about local urban farms, their vital value, and the need for their expansion. Oh, never. That’s right.
And when did Barack Hope & Change Obama, George W No Child Left Behind Bush, Bill I Feel your Pain Clinton, and the other George Kinder and Gentler Bush deliver such a speech?
But to repeat, in Chicago (and other cities), people have taken matters into their own hands. They’ve launched farms and gardens, and they’ve endured and grown.
They haven’t waited. They haven’t waited for the politicians to catch up. Smart move.
It’s absurd to consider how, with an infinitesimal fraction of the funds poured out in the War on Poverty, every city in America could, by now, be flourishing in so many ways—through urban farms. Greater vitality, greater health, greater participation, greater profits, a greater citizen-stake in safe neighborhoods…
And those federal seed monies could have come in the form of long-term loans—all of which would have been paid back by now.
If Mr. Trump and Mr. Bannon want to take a few minutes out of their schedule, they might consider a new idea people have known about since the industrial revolution…since, in fact, there were cities: growing food in urban areas—and what it could do to make America great again.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Looks like this report is opening some avenues to eliminate these pesticides.
“The idea that pesticides are essential to feed a fast-growing global population is a myth, according to UN food and pollution experts. A new report, being presented to the UN human rights council on Wednesday, is severely critical of the global corporations that manufacture pesticides, accusing them of the “systematic denial of harms”, “aggressive, unethical marketing tactics” and heavy lobbying of governments which has “obstructed reforms and paralysed global pesticide restrictions”.
““It is a myth,” said Hilal Elver, the UN’s special rapporteur on the right to food. “Using more pesticides is nothing to do with getting rid of hunger. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), we are able to feed 9 billion people today. Production is definitely increasing, but the problem is poverty, inequality and distribution.”
““The claim that it is a myth that farmers need pesticides to meet the challenge of feeding 7 billion people simply doesn’t stand up to scrutiny,” said a spokesman for the Crop Protection Association, which represents pesticide manufacturers in the UK… “The plant science industry strongly agrees with the UN special rapporteurs that the right to food must extend to every global citizen, and that all citizens have a right to food that has been produced in a way that is safe for human health and for the environment,” said the spokesman.
“The report said: “Chronic exposure to pesticides has been linked to cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, hormone disruption, developmental disorders and sterility.””
Report warns of catastrophic consequences and blames manufacturers for ‘systematic denial of harms’ and ‘aggressive, unethical marketing tactics’
The idea that pesticides are essential to feed a fast-growing global population is a myth, according to UN food and pollution experts.
A new report, being presented to the UN human rights council on Wednesday, is severely critical of the global corporations that manufacture pesticides, accusing them of the “systematic denial of harms”, “aggressive, unethical marketing tactics” and heavy lobbying of governments which has “obstructed reforms and paralysed global pesticide restrictions”.
The report says pesticides have “catastrophic impacts on the environment, human health and society as a whole”, including an estimated 200,000 deaths a year from acute poisoning. Its authors said: “It is time to create a global process to transition toward safer and healthier food and agricultural production.”
The world’s population is set to grow from 7 billion today to 9 billion in 2050. The pesticide industry argue that their products – a market worth about $50bn (£41bn) a year and growing – are vital in protecting crops and ensuring sufficient food supplies.
“It is a myth,” said Hilal Elver, the UN’s special rapporteur on the right to food. “Using more pesticides is nothing to do with getting rid of hunger. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), we are able to feed 9 billion people today. Production is definitely increasing, but the problem is poverty, inequality and distribution.”
Elver said many of the pesticides are used on commodity crops, such as palm oil and soy, not the food needed by the world’s hungry people: “The corporations are not dealing with world hunger, they are dealing with more agricultural activity on large scales.”
The new report, which is co-authored by Baskut Tuncak, the UN’s special rapporteur on toxics, said: “While scientific research confirms the adverse effects of pesticides, proving a definitive link between exposure and human diseases or conditions, or harm to the ecosystem, presents a considerable challenge. This challenge has been exacerbated by a systematic denial, fuelled by the pesticide and agroindustry, of the magnitude of the damage inflicted by these chemicals, and aggressive, unethical marketing tactics.”
Elver, who visited the Philippines, Paraguay, Morocco and Poland as part of producing the report, said: “The power of the corporations over governments and over the scientific community is extremely important. If you want to deal with pesticides, you have to deal with the companies – that is why [we use] these harsh words. They will say, of course, it is not true, but also out there is the testimony of the people.”
She said some developed countries did have “very strong” regulations for pesticides, such as the EU, which she said based their rules on the “precautionary principle”. The EU banned the use of neonicotinoid pesticides, which harm bees, on flowering crops in 2013, a move strongly opposed by the industry. But she noted that others, such as the US, did not use the precautionary principle.
Elver also said that while consumers in developed countries are usually better protected from pesticides, farms workers often are not. In the US, she, said, 90% of farm workers were undocumented and their consequent lack of legal protections and health insurance put them at risk from pesticide use.
“The claim that it is a myth that farmers need pesticides to meet the challenge of feeding 7 billion people simply doesn’t stand up to scrutiny,” said a spokesman for the Crop Protection Association, which represents pesticide manufacturers in the UK. “The UN FAO is clear on this – without crop protection tools, farmers could lose as much as 80% of their harvests to damaging insects, weeds and plant disease.”
“The plant science industry strongly agrees with the UN special rapporteurs that the right to food must extend to every global citizen, and that all citizens have a right to food that has been produced in a way that is safe for human health and for the environment,” said the spokesman. “Pesticides play a key role in ensuring we have access to a healthy, safe, affordable and reliable food supply.”
It recommended a move towards a global treaty to govern the use of pesticides and a move to sustainable practices including natural methods of suppressing pests and crop rotation, as well as incentivising organically produced food.
The report said: “Chronic exposure to pesticides has been linked to cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, hormone disruption, developmental disorders and sterility.” It also highlighted the risk to children from pesticide contamination of food, citing 23 deaths in India in 2013 and 39 in China in 2014. Furthermore, the report said, recent Chinese government studies indicated that pesticide contamination meant farming could not continue on about 20% of arable land.
“The industry frequently uses the term ‘intentional misuse’ to shift the blame on to the user for the avoidable impacts of hazardous pesticides,” the report said. “Yet clearly, the responsibility for protecting users and others throughout the pesticide life cycle and throughout the retail chain lies with the pesticide manufacturer.”
Trust CIA Hackers Who Hack France’s Election Campaign?
By Jon Rappoport
If a chronic thief and a liar and a con artist told you what other thieves were doing, would believe him?
Perhaps if you were crazy.
The CIA states that Russia hacked the US election campaign in order to sway the vote to Trump.
In my previous article, I mentioned how, according to the latest WikiLeaks CIA data dump, the CIA can fabricate, yes, fabricate the “fingerprints” of Russian government hackers and create the false impression that Russians hacked the US presidential campaign of 2016.
But there’s more.
Commenting on its CIA data dump, WikiLeaks also describes a wide-ranging CIA espionage plan to infiltrate the candidates running in the 2012 French presidential election. These are, of course, the same CIA thieves who assure us that Russia interfered in the 2016 US election campaign. CIA credibility? Zero. Who has time to try to sort out when the liars might not be lying?
WikiLeaks: “All major French political parties were targeted for infiltration by the CIA’s human (‘HUMINT’) and electronic (‘SIGINT’) spies in the seven months leading up to France’s 2012 presidential election. The revelations are contained within three CIA tasking orders published today by WikiLeaks as context for its forth coming CIA Vault 7 series. Named specifically as targets are the French Socialist Party (PS), the National Front (FN) and Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) together with current President Francois Hollande, then President Nicolas Sarkozy, current round one presidential front runner Marine Le Pen, and former presidential candidates Martine Aubry and Dominique Strauss-Khan.”
“The CIA assessed that President Sarkozy’s party was not assured re-election. Specific tasking concerning his party included obtaining the ‘Strategic Election Plans’ of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP); schisms or alliances developing in the UMP elite; private UMP reactions to Sarkozy’s campaign stratagies; discussions within the UMP on any ‘perceived vulnerabilities to maintaining power’ after the election; efforts to change the party’s ideological mission; and discussions about Sarkozy’s support for the UMP and ‘the value he places on the continuation of the party’s dominance’. Specific instructions tasked CIA officers to discover Sarkozy’s private deliberations ‘on the other candidates’ as well as how he interacted with his advisors. Sarkozy’s earlier self-identification as ‘Sarkozy the American’ did not protect him from US espionage in the 2012 election or during his presidency.”
There is much more, but you get the idea.
The mass media choose to regard statements from the CIA as holy and sacred when those statements support a favored agenda. But this is on a par with accepting the word of a confidential informant whose entire history involves twisting and bending and painting over and stepping on the truth.
It’s fake news spelled out in flaming letters in the sky.
Most mainstream reporters who rise high enough on the food chain eventually operate, when a story demands it, as CIA assets, whether they know it or not.
The most successful of those reporters are chronic liars themselves. They know they represent, when necessary, the CIA; and at the same time, they don’t know it. They choose to turn on and off their knowledge of what they’re doing.
Over the past 34 years of working as an independent freelance journalist, I’ve occasionally spoken off the record with these newspaper and broadcast denizens. The first inclination is to write them off as schizoid personalities. But that’s not accurate. They’re slithering creatures. They’re consciously working the angles. Like any hustler, they take a certain amount of enjoyment from running their psychological shell games.
In this, they fit quite well with CIA operatives. Brothers under the skin.
A wink and a nod, a nudge and a wink.
Their version of the good life.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Compiled in the early morning hours EST of 8 March 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com; Author, "Twenty Two Faces,"www.22faces.com.
A. March 7 2017 The Real Truth Call with Yosef, Tank:
1. Bruce and Yosef expect the 800 number tonight March 7.
2. Security was in place at noon today March 7 2017 in preparation for RV in the US.
3. Today March 7 2017 some banks called in their clients for redemption.
4. No NDAs are required for the screen rates or less.
5. Zim screen rates exceed $2, with no NDA, no requirement for humanitarian projects, and no long term payout.
6. Zim is redeemed at face value.
7. You can set up additional mtgs at the exchange center to help you with money management.
8. Have a rate amount in mind and ask for it. Make sure you are comfortable with it.
9. Bruce and Yosef will make recorded calls on the 800#s to give out to the internet public.
10. Around April 2 2017 a formal announcement to the general public will be made of the Gold Standard and new US Notes.
11. The investigation for Obama's wiretapping of Trump Towers and the announcement today of Obamacare replacement.
12. Laws passed by Congress over the last few months are in preparation for GESARA.
13. Everything is on schedule. The 120 days plus 3 days GESARA implimentation to impliment Global Currency Reset ends today March 7.
1. Out West everything is done, everyone has been paid, paymasters are ready.
2. We could get the 800 numbers tonight - it is in the realm of possibilities.
3. They could be waiting for Iraq celebration of the liberation of Mosul.
4. On Sunday March 5 2017 Iraq published in their Gazette, the Dinar rate of $3.64.
5. Manuchin was to make an announcement of the Gold Standard and new currency tonight, then Bruce was told that didn't have to happen for the internet group to exchange.
6. Public redemptions should start March 15.
7. Screen or non NDA rates are out: (times the amount you have by the rate)
IQD 16+
VND 12+
IDR 5+
ZIM 2+
AFA 1+
8. Window was up until 10:00 pm ESTtonight to mid day tomorrow for a go.
9. Some people have been told they would receive a Prosperity Package this week.
10. Those who have SKR holds were told the funds would be released this week.
11. Some groups have been mobilized to do their exchanges.
12. Some HSBC customers with large balances have been told they would exchange today March 7 2017.
13. Major things happened after midnight last night. HSBC is acquiring full shares of Wells Fargo, and moving toward acquiring Bank of America and Citi Bank.
14. 30% of Bank of America branches will become Merrill Lynch.
15. There is a lot of liquidity out there. Funds are moving.
16. The Trump administration wants it to go right now. (Obama stopped it 180 times).
1. Internet data mining expert Clif High says the mainstream media is fearful and predicts that 1/3 of the broadcast media will either be arrested or flee the country over sex trafficking or the cover-up of it.
2. High also saus all sorts of chaos (price movements for gold, silver, bitcoin) will start the middle of March.
3. High says don't expect Donald Trump to be removed from office and that the Trump rally will keep rising.
4. High has revelations in Antarctica, new information about Mars and that more and more technology will come forth and it will change humanity.
2. If this is not evidence of a coming RV (RESET, RESTART, RE-GROUPING, ETC), I don't know what else is.
3. Consider that Dr. Jim Willie, via his "deep throat" The Voice, reported this was coming back in Dec. 2015. It began in earnest in early '16 with the take down of Hillary.
T1 banks continue gearing up for our arrival, so much so, they needed a little extra time to train their currency staff on processing the ZIM!
Wells Fargo, Citibank and Bank of America are now allowed to exchange ZIM. But there's a catch, the rates are suuuppppeeeerrrrrr low. Teaser rate low.
0.00000018 without an NDA (Or 18M for 1 100T note)
0.00000200 USD with an NDA (Or 200M for 1 100T note)
This means they're adding six zeros before the screen rate and then redeeming every ZIM notes at it's printed face value. There is no zero lop. And never was.
It also means that if you miss the early redemption period at off site centers (sock drawer currency holders) you can redeem all your currency at brick and mortar local banks.
That's because the Elders reduced the redemption value of the ZIM down to match the other RV currencies. This makes the exchange process easier for those not paying close attention like you.
Why so low? Why now?
Because as stated in prior SITREP's, HSBC is the global paymaster for the RV as well as the restored Republic of the United States government.
And only HSBC will be offering screen or higher rates during the internet group's redemption period at off site locations.
This mandate is per the Elders, who own HSBC as well as the new financial system, which again has placed all banks and currencies worldwide under their control. This process historically first happened in 1944 at Breton Woods post WWll and was implemented in the fall of 1946 with a 50 year gold lease and 5 year grace period that ended on September 11, 2001.
And this is why we are moving at a snails pace. Safety. Plain and simple. The cabal, man's mortal enemy, literally has no soul and if you want peace prepare for war. So we continue to prepare.
Now some non-HSBC bank redemptions have already been taking place with existing T1 US banking clients including conversion reports coming out of Chase, BofA and Citi.
The 800#s we are waiting on will be released when all banks who desire to participate in the ZIM exchanges (or can based on existing reserves) train up their currency staffs which may go as low as the T2 banking level we are hearing.
Manufacturing consent in science: the diabolical twist
by Jon Rappoport
“Science plays a larger and larger role in running the world. But much of it is misleading science, slanted, cooked, biased, stepped on, false, and invented out of thin air.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
In the famous 1988 Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman book, Manufacturing Consent, the authors explore how media distort the news and employ propaganda, in order to bring about consent in the population.
This is nothing less than the creation of reality.
From so many directions, official science is shaping our future—that’s why it’s vital to understand the manipulations involved.
It’s one thing to say media collaborate to sell a false picture of reality, a picture which is then bought by the masses. It’s quite another thing to say media collaborate to PRETEND there is ALREADY a consensus of the best professional minds on a given scientific subject—when there ISN’T.
I’ll start with a theoretical example. Let’s say three researchers at a university examine data based on US space shuttle missions, and they conclude that a small set of new conclusions is true. I’ll call this set X.
The researchers publish an article in a journal, and a healthy debate ensues in professional circles. Is X correct? Are there flaws in the research?
However, a powerful public agency decides that X is dangerous. X could lead to inquiries about contractors, investigations into cost overruns, missing money, and, worst of all, flawed engineering of the shuttles.
Therefore, this powerful agency goes on an all-out propaganda campaign, tapping its press sources, culminating in a new study that concludes X is entirely false.
The press basically trumpets: “Experts agree X is false. X was the result of shoddy research. The original researchers made numerous amateur mistakes.”
Notice that, in this case, the press isn’t simply distorting the news. It’s announcing that a superior consensus already/suddenly exists among the best scientific minds.
It’s lying about a consensus that doesn’t exist among scientists who, up until that moment, were having a healthy debate.
The press is presenting the false consensus as if it were real and widespread, when it isn’t.
But at this point, all relevant scientists get the message: keep quiet, don’t debate for another moment; otherwise grant monies will vanish, demotions will occur, peers will lay on heavy criticism, excommunication from The Club will follow.
So these scientists do keep quiet—and NOW a consensus among them comes into being, by implied threat and coercion.
This is basically what happened in the arena of energy-production via cold fusion. Wikipedia adequately summarizes the superficial situation: “The most famous cold fusion claims were made by Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann in 1989. After a brief period of interest by the wider scientific community, their reports were called into question by nuclear physicists.”
Not just called into question; defamed, derided, mocked, slammed over the head with a sledgehammer.
A superior consensus was invented, despite the fact that many scientists were intensely interested in the Pons/Fleishmann findings. Some of these scientists tried, in vain, to point out that failed efforts to reproduce those findings resulted because researchers were altering Pons and Fleishman’s methods.
No dice. Cold fusion was labeled a giant error and even a fraud. The official door was closed. THEN a consensus hardened—through coercion and intimidation.
In my research leading up to the publication of my first book, AIDS INC., in 1988, I reviewed the period of the early 1980s, when many researchers were coming at the question of the cause(s) of AIDS from different angles. But then, suddenly, in the spring of 1984, the US government officially announced, at a televised press conference, that a virus called HTLV-III (HIV) was the cause.
The science was shoddy, to put it mildly. It was bad science and no science. There was no single published paper that meticulously laid out proof of HIV as the cause of AIDS. But no matter. Overnight, all the monies that had gone into discovering what caused AIDS were diverted into the question: How does HIV cause AIDS? Any scientist who failed to see the handwriting on the wall was shoved out into the cold.
The press closed ranks. The consensus (though it was manufactured in the blink of an eye) was trumpeted around the world.
The big news headline wasn’t just false and distorted. It was false-and-distorted about a consensus that, until a few seconds ago, didn’t exist—and only existed now because researchers went silent and accepted dogma and folded up.
Predatory corporations, who spray poisonous pesticides all over the world and cause birth defects, need special protection and cover? Public health agencies that recommend giving vaccines to pregnant women, and increase the risk of babies born with defects? Solution: invent, overnight, and broadcast, a consensus that a basically harmless virus is the cause of those tragic birth defects.
I can assure you there are many scientists who don’t, for a second, believe the Zika virus is such an agent of destruction. But they have kept their mouths shut, and have chosen to roll with the tide.
However, that tide is turning, in many arenas of science. Journalists and researchers with no allegiance to official bodies have emerged.
A different species of handwriting is being inscribed on the wall.
What can the mainstream press do about it?
They can only deploy the crass tactics I’ve mentioned here.
A massive and stunning re-education is taking place among the population. No school is running it. No agency is sponsoring it. It’s happening from the ground up.
It turns out that living as a cipher and a unit in the sticky web of fabricated consensus isn’t nearly as attractive as it once was.
More and more, major media are using the consensus strategy to invent the news—and people are rejecting it.
Without realizing it, the press is committing professional suicide. An article that was once headlined, “Three dead horses found in a field,” has become, “Scientists agree that the three dead horses were an unconnected coincidence.” And people are laughing the press out of court.
The ongoing scandal surrounding the film, Vaxxed, is a good example. The press assures the population that pointing out a connection between a vaccine and autism is absurd, because scientific experts agree there is no such connection.
But the film features a long-time researcher at the Centers for Disease Control, who confesses that he and colleagues falsified a 2004 study in order to exonerate such a vaccine, the MMR, which does increase the risk of autism.
One of the film’s subjects is false consensus.
And the press can do no better than repeat, over and over: the consensus is real and valid.
The CDC researcher and whistleblower, William Thompson, essentially said: I was part of the fake consensus. Don’t you get it? I was a card-carrying member of the club that invents fake consensus. And now I’m telling you that.
Bottom line: the media are collapsing into their own swamp.
The swamp they manufacture.
For decades, the press, government agencies, the UN, and a whole host of think-tank, foundation, university players, and financiers have been fronting for a consensus which they falsely claim is already established: planned societies.
They frame this consensus as technology/science—as if science itself dictates that the future must consist of interlocked organizations which insert citizens into slots. Slots where they live, where they work, where they socialize.
Abstract patterns, imposed on humans.
This has the flavor of science, but on reflection, not the substance. “We can make the top-down organization of society look scientific, as if we’re following physical laws. We can sell this as science.”
Really? Is a chart detailing how thousands of slaves will transport huge blocks of stone to chosen sites, where monuments will be built, scientific? Of course not.
In the modern world, this fakery is called technocracy. Technocracy may employ methods such as technological surveillance, but the overriding plan for organizing society has nothing to do with science. It has to do with control.
And when you see it that way, the supposed consensus falls apart.
Who wants to live in an assigned slot “for the greater good?”
Up close and personal, who wants to give up his freedom?
Review your understanding of Marxism. “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” It, too, was sold as a scientific analysis of human society. It was imbued with the flavor of science, as if this Marxian principle had been discovered, just as molecules and atoms had been discovered.
And it too was promoted as an already-existing consensus among the wisest and the best and the brightest.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
The five biggest anti-science FAILS of the progressive establishment
If you believe that people can magically transform themselves into animals and aliens, then you might fully agree with the warped "science" of the progressive establishment.
If you think it's okay to literally kill a four-year-old infant because you decided you no longer want to be a parent, you're a supporter of "post birth abortions" -- another pillar of the twisted "science" of the progressive establishment.
In today's article, I take aim at the five biggest FAILS of the "science" of the progressive establishment, including transgenderism, selective chemical denialism and mercury denialism.
Click here to read the full story. Be sure to read the HATE comments at the end, because telling the truth in today's twisted society always gets you accused of spewing hate.
Don't take chances with your sensitive information. With the Ranger Gear RFID Blocking Products, you'll be safeguarded against RFID thieves who steal your personal identity information. Whether traveling or just in everyday life, your mind will be at ease knowing that your credit cards and other electronic personal information are protected.
Water bills spiraling out of control across the U.S. Residents in cities across America have probably noticed the cost of their water and sewage increase greatly over the past few years. The cause behind many of the surges stems from states ...
65% of doctors are getting cash "kickbacks" from big pharma Two-thirds of Americans are currently in the care of a physician that is being paid by a drug company, and they may not even realize it. A study conducted by Genevieve Pham-Kanter, Ph.D., ...
Are probiotics the key to fighting allergies? If you've ever suffered with seasonal allergies, you know how dreadful they can be. Itchy, watery eyes, stuffy, runny noses, and sneezing are some of the most common symptoms that accompany ...
The five biggest anti-science FAILS of the progressive establishment
If you believe that people can magically transform themselves into animals and aliens, then you might fully agree with the warped "science" of the progressive establishment.
If you think it's okay to literally kill a four-year-old infant because you decided you no longer want to be a parent, you're a supporter of "post birth abortions" -- another pillar of the twisted "science" of the progressive establishment.
In today's article, I take aim at the five biggest FAILS of the "science" of the progressive establishment, including transgenderism, selective chemical denialism and mercury denialism.
Click here to read the full story. Be sure to read the HATE comments at the end, because telling the truth in today's twisted society always gets you accused of spewing hate.
Don't take chances with your sensitive information. With the Ranger Gear RFID Blocking Products, you'll be safeguarded against RFID thieves who steal your personal identity information. Whether traveling or just in everyday life, your mind will be at ease knowing that your credit cards and other electronic personal information are protected.
Water bills spiraling out of control across the U.S. Residents in cities across America have probably noticed the cost of their water and sewage increase greatly over the past few years. The cause behind many of the surges stems from states ...
65% of doctors are getting cash "kickbacks" from big pharma Two-thirds of Americans are currently in the care of a physician that is being paid by a drug company, and they may not even realize it. A study conducted by Genevieve Pham-Kanter, Ph.D., ...
Are probiotics the key to fighting allergies? If you've ever suffered with seasonal allergies, you know how dreadful they can be. Itchy, watery eyes, stuffy, runny noses, and sneezing are some of the most common symptoms that accompany ...
1. The NESARA Act - National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act or National Economic Security and Reformation Act - came about after a 1993 ruling of the US Supreme Court on 30 years of lawsuits by the Farmers Union. NESARA
2. In that successful suit the US banking system and US government were found to be in collusion to defraud US citizens and the Internal Revenue Service that collected taxes from US citizens, had never been ratified by the US Congress.
3. The 1999 NESARA Act did away with the Federal Reserve Bank, IRS and shadow US government of the Cabal,
4. With the Supreme Court ruling in favor of NESARA the Clinton Administration attempted to get the World Court to overrule, though by 1999 the true NESARA Law was introduced in Congress.
5. By 2008 the NESARA LAW was voted in by Congress, and under stress, signed by President Bill Clinton, though was never announced, nor enacted by Congress.
6. By hiding NESARA Law from public disclosure the Cabal remained in complete control over the US monetary system.
7. NESARA was then planned to come out on September 11th 2001 - but this was violently blocked when the twin towers went down, including Building 7 that housed NESARA records. A part of the Pentagon, too, was destroyed to take out all reference to NESARA. That's what 9/11 was all about - killing NESARA and our freedom.
A. Approximately $1 trillion of public debt imposed by the Federal Reserve banking cartel families would be eliminated.
B. This was the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt due to the illegal banking and government activities. Some private debt would be forgiven including home mortgages, car, credit card, student loan and other bank debt.
C. Common Law would be the law of the land forcing the government not to use military force.
D. Inflation would be abolished.
E. Much stricter banking controls would be put in place.
F. Abolished the US income tax and the IRS. Employees of the IRS would be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
G. Created a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. Food and medicine would not be taxed, nor would used items such as old homes.
H. Increased benefits to senior citizens.
I. Returned Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
J. Reinstated the original Title of Nobility amendment.
K. Established new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. Monitored elections and prevented illegal election activities of special interest groups.
L. The interim government would cancel all national emergencies and returned us back to Constitutional Law.
M. Created a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
N. Forbid the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
O. Initiated a new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.
P. Eliminated the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve would be allowed to operate side by side of the new U.S. Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
Q. Restored financial privacy.
R. Retrained all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
S. Ceased all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.
T. Released enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
U. Enabled release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that were withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.
9. Through NESARA and the St Germain Trust, there would be enough money to pay off the farmers - since the US Inc. government was bankrupt and not able to pay them.
10. NESARA would be implemented at the same time as our restored Republic, therefore a new term has been adopted: NESARA Republic.
11. The St Germain Trust: a $ with 40 zeros - will come out after the NESARA Republic is announced.
12. The new US asset and gold-backed currency would be announced by the NESARA Republic and must precede the US Treasury announcement of asset and gold-backed currency.
13. After the NESARA Republic is announced through public media - TV, Internet, Radio - people throughout the globe will be given 72 hours of continuous education and announcements.
14. St Germain's Trust and Global Prosperity Funds will first be released to the US, Canada and Australia. During the next 14 months, everyone globally will be funded.
“The Big Call” Intel Notes w/Bruce 3-7-17 Part 1 of 2
Thank you PinkRoses for sending this to us
The Big Call With Bruce Tuesday, March 07, 2017, Intel Only
Transcribed By Pinkroses
Bruce: Welcome to the Big Call. Those who have been with us for 6 years now I appreciate you. I started my 13th year on this ride. Didn’t think I go this far.
However, from the perspective I have right now, yesterday, Monday, we were getting slammed with Intel. I had at least 20 pieces of Intel put together to a puzzle. It was looking so good for this to come in sometime last night or today or even by tonight.
It is still not out of the realm if possibility to get this good news tonight, because everything that I have heard overview wise says from a perspective out west everything is done, everything is complete. The Pay Masters funds are there. Everyone has been paid from that perspective. We are just waiting for them to execute.
Bruce: I don’t know what it is going to take to make that happen right now. I am really at a lost where we are now and why it has not gone. I am not sure. Usually when I get Intel I have a pretty good feeling where we are, what is left to do, and why we are where we are. It all comes together and makes sense.
Right now I am not as sure as to why we are not there yet. A little uncertain. Maybe that is a good thing. It was very quiet today overall. For a few days in a row it was quiet except for yesterday. It is strange.
Bruce: The only thing I can think is it may have to do with the announcement of the liberation of Mosul. I know Mosul is basically pretty clear right now. It is liberated. ISIS has been dealt with. We had a huge military effort not only form our Special Forces, but also from the Special Forces of 3 or 4 other countries that have worked and are continue to work in Iraq and now in Syria.
They are setting up shop in Iraq with 6 different bases throughout the country of Iraq to work as Central Command to go from there and go around the rest of the Middle East and the world to eradicate that threat.
You guys realized yesterday when the President made the announcement of with the new travel ban and the countries still on it; you noticed Iraq was not on it. Iraq was lifted off the travel ban because they have a more solid government.
Also we have been working over there to encourage Iraq and get them back up and running. We think they are doing a wonderful job.
Bruce: Sunday the Iraqi dinar rate of $3.64 as an in country rate was published in the Gazette on Sunday. Our understanding was that sometime yesterday or today we would have a rate published and seen on the CBI website. I don’t know if it is there.
I don’t think it is there yet or I would have heard. Iraq is ready to go. They have been paying people at the new rate on their smart cards, taking care of pension pay, and not back pay but other people throughout the country. Iraq is on their way.
Bruce: They hosted 58 people from 50 different countries in the IMF for a conference today. It was held by Barzani, Jeribodi (excuse me of not knowing how to spell name), Shabbi and the new head of the CBI, a lady over there all part of the conference. It was held in Kurdistan.
I understand Abadi was down there in Mosul. You realize the two new flags they have in Iraq in addition the one gifted to them by China are ready to be flown on either side of Tigris River. Maybe that is symbolic. I don’t know if that occurred yet.
Maybe it is all part of the celebration. I have to believe if you going to host 58 different individuals from the IMF and have them over there to partially to celebrate. Iraq is sovereign. They got their rate.
They are done. We are looking for some kind of international explanation that they are back and doing business again international with the rate. We know they have been exchanging with 3 or 4 countries in the Middle East. That happened last Thursday. We are not waiting on Iraq except for an announcement of the liberation of Mosul. Maybe that is what we are waiting for.
Bruce: We heard Mnuchin, the Secretary of the Treasury, was to make an announcement about the new currency we have coming as well moving back to the gold standard. Who knows what other announcement might be along side of that. We thought it be aired tonight right before the Big Call.
Then I was told that did not need to happen as yet. We think the public was to start on or about the 15th of this month. Maybe that be the date the UN Operational Rates would change and be in effect by the 15th. Maybe they have that announcement on the 14th close to the date of the 15th.
My understanding is we don’t need that announcement to happen for us to go. That would give us a whole week, 7 or 8 days for us to go and get exchanges started before the public goes. We are right there were we should be in terms of timing.
Bruce: You may have seen about the rates I heard the rates early today or yesterday. Kind of coincide what the screen rates or non NDA rates would be pretty close what I have heard as well. That is not a surprise.
It is all good. In terms of the timing for this, I heard several things a window of 24 to 48 hours situation. Then I heard we might need another 24 hours but that would take us to 10pm EST tonight. We are right there in a good place for that to occur
Bruce: I also heard from someone else that gave us a time frame that would give us a change in the redemption center status that would give us an engage status, a Go time, for us. I believe that time frame would take us through to mid afternoon tomorrow.
We are really very close to what looks like the receipt of our blessing. Some are putting us exchanging 98 percent. Some put us possibly exchanging at almost 100 percent on Thursday. It is very good things to hear. It is right where we want to be.
Bruce: We know people have been called and told they would be receiving Prosperity Packages this week. That is this week to be receiving those Prosperity Packages. We know people have been notified and called that their funds sitting in their accounts that appear frozen, or have an admin hold, were to be released any day now this week.
I think what is going to happen when one goes we all go. When those complete releases of those funds sitting there as SKR or frozen accounts with admin hold, when those get released I think that is our shot gun start so we can set our appointments.
Bruce: People are ready to go in groups. They have been called to be mobile so they can get in a situation to do their exchanges. We heard for example with HSBC with some of their premier customers that have large balances have been notified and called the last 2 weeks that they would be available to exchange their ZIM starting today. I don’t know if that happened or not. That was the word I had yesterday.
Bruce: We have heard that some major things happened just after midnight last night. One thing is HSBC is moving to acquire the last of the shares of Wells Fargo to be a complete full owner100 percent of Wells Fargo. Also HSBC is moving toward the full acquiring of Bank of America. That is in play. Also we hear they are moving to acquire Citi Bank as well. We are hearing some major things happening in the banking world.
Bruce: I have heard some other banks maybe in play, but not enough information on that. I know with Bank of America branches about 30 percent will become Merrill Lynch offices. The remaining branches that HSBC wants to designate as Branches will become HSBC branches.
Image if that merger is completed which I believe it is, a lot of those Bank of America branches becoming HSBC branches. That is interesting and exciting. A lot has happened or took place a minute or two after midnight to put that deal through.
Bruce: Also 3 minutes after midnight business men from the United States could do business in Iraq and Iran. Things are moving and a lot is happening behind the scenes. Just heard to say exactly what is going on for us right now. It is amazing to go from Prosperity packages and release of funds into these accounts.
Bruce: We had another 21 zero tranche go through a few days ago. We hear the St. Germaine Trust is open again and funds moving from that trust. A lot of liquidity out there right now. A lot of liquidity in position for our exchanges, in position of the payout of the groups, the private groups.
Everything is in position right now. I can’t think of anything left that needs to be done. We have a go ahead. We have an administration with President Trump who is in favor of this going and wants it to go now. We are ready. The President is ready. He has indicated it to go. I am excited about that.
Bruce: We had 170 – 180 attempts to release this under the previous administration and it was held up every single time. It was stopped every single time. It was not going to go under Obama. Wasn’t going to happen. It is a different game now.
Our President knows all about this and has known about it for years and is ready for this to go for us. He knows about what we want to do in terms of rebuild America. The administration is aware of it and is in favor of it. I am excited about working with an administration on it.
GOP Healthcare Plan Would Allow Illegal Aliens to Get Tax Credits -- Tell Congress to Close the Loophole!
Dear activists, On Monday night, GOP Leaders unveiled a plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Unfortunately, the legislation, as introduced, would allow illegal aliens to access taxpayer-funded benefits. NumbersUSA takes no position on the healthcare issue in general. But we do oppose taxpayer benefits going to illegal aliens. Under Obamacare, as many as 500,000 illegal aliens were able to obtain healthcare subsidies, amounting to $750 million, according to a 2015 Senate report, even though the law specifically excludes them from accessing the subsidies. At best, the GOP healthcare plan would keep the same failed verification process from the Affordable Care Act in place. But our Capitol Hill team is hearing from multiple contacts that the plan may not have a verification process at all to keep illegal aliens from accessing the plans tax credits.
Send a message to Congress!
Please click on the red button below to send a message to your three Members of Congress demanding that any changes to Obamacare include a system to verify the identity and immigration status of applicants for subsidies.
WikiLeaks just finished the job that started few months ago! Hillary just got killed! She is not going to survive this! It's too much! Pure treason! According to Conservative Daily Post: Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton are the founders of ISIS. We have proven that through emails and documents leaked from WikiLeaks, but liberal ...
Compiled in the early morning hours EST of 9 March 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recoverywww.ChildAbuseRecovery.com; Author, "Twenty Two Faces,"www.22faces.com.
A. March 8 2017 9:00 pm EST Intel Situation Report: "Velvet & Steel" - Intel SITREP - 21:00 EST - Wednesday - March 8, 20171. Be on the lookout for a "soft currency" announcement overseas tonight March 8 2017 from China or Europe or both, and possibly Paul Ryan on Fox TV--but that's doubtful--way too obvious.
2. RV currency rates are steadily rising on front screens. Rates started very low and are working up to their back screen values.
3. T1, T2, and some select T3 banks now redeeming the ZIM.
4. Off site redemption centers are still your best bet for obtaining the highest possible rates, along with signing an NDA.
5. Keep your currency in-hand until you're in a safe and professional bank redemption situation. Do not give away or send out your currency for any reason now. Consider it like hard cash.
B. March 8 2017 12:00 pm EST RV/Intelligence Alert
1. Banks are now allowed to exchange Zim (once the RV occurs), but at a very low rate for the Zim.
2. HSBC is the global paymaster for the RV, as well as for the Restored Republic.
3. Only HSBC will be offering screen rates, or higher rates, at off-site redemption centers.
4. HSBC is under the control of the Elders, as well as the new financial system which includes all banks worldwide.
5. The Cabal still lurks in the shadows and cannot be trusted.
6. Safety is the main concern, hence the slow RV rollout process.
8. For around six days after the 800#s release, an offsite military base could exchange Zim for $2 with no NDA, and for higher rates and/or interest programs with an NDA.
1. T1 banks continue gearing up for our arrival, so much so, they needed a little extra time to train their currency staff on processing the ZIM.
2. Wells Fargo, Citibank and Bank of America are now allowed to exchange ZIM. But there's a catch, the rates are suuuppppeeeerrrrrr low.
3. At those banks (not at the redemption centers) the Zim is Teaser rate low. They're adding six zeros before the screen rate and then redeeming every ZIM notes at it's printed face value. There is no zero lop.
0.00000018 without an NDA (Or 18M for 1 100T note)
0.00000200 USD with an NDA (Or 200M for 1 100T note)
4. If you miss the early redemption period at off site centers you can redeem all your currency at brick and mortar local banks because at those banks the Elders reduced the redemption value of the ZIM down to match the other RV currencies. (This makes the exchange process easier for those not paying close attention like you.)
5. HSBC is the global paymaster for the RV as well as the restored Republic of the United States government and only HSBC will be offering screen or higher rates during the internet group's redemption period at off site locations.
6. This mandate is per the Elders, who own HSBC as well as the new financial system, which again has placed all banks and currencies worldwide under their control.
7. This process historically first happened in 1944 at Breton Woods post WWll and was implemented in the fall of 1946 with a 50 year gold lease and 5 year grace period that ended on Sept. 11, 2001.
8. Some non-HSBC bank redemptions have already been taking place with existing T1 US banking clients including conversion reports coming out of Chase, BofA and Citi.
9. The 800#s we are waiting on will be released when all banks who desire to participate in the ZIM exchanges (or can based on existing reserves) train up their currency staffs. These banks may go as low as the T2 level, we are hearing.
D. March 8 2017 TNT Call RayRen98: It's right around the corner. Banks are saying to get ready, don't leave town, it could happen tomorrow, while in Iraq they are claiming that it's done. It felt like it would go over the weekend. It didn't, but it's coming. I think this ride is over.
1. The NESARA Act - National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act or National Economic Security and Reformation Act - came about after a 1993 ruling of the US Supreme Court on 30 years of lawsuits by the Farmers Union. NESARA
2. In that successful suit the US banking system and US government were found to be in collusion to defraud US citizens and the Internal Revenue Service that collected taxes from US citizens, had never been ratified by the US Congress.
3. The 1999 NESARA Act did away with the Federal Reserve Bank, IRS and shadow US government of the Cabal,
4. With the Supreme Court ruling in favor of NESARA the Clinton Administration attempted to get the World Court to overrule, though by 1999 the true NESARA Law was introduced in Congress.
5. By 2008 the NESARA LAW was voted in by Congress, and under stress, signed by President Bill Clinton, though was never announced, nor enacted by Congress.
6. By hiding NESARA Law from public disclosure the Cabal remained in complete control over the US monetary system.
7. NESARA was then planned to come out on Sept. 11th 2001 - but this was violently blocked when the twin towers went down, including Building 7 that housed NESARA records. A part of the Pentagon, too, was destroyed to take out all reference to NESARA. That's what 9/11 was all about - killing NESARA and our freedom.
NESARA was the most ground breaking reformation to sweep the US and implemented the following changes:
A. Approximately $1 trillion of public debt imposed by the Federal Reserve banking cartel families would be eliminated.
B. This was the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt due to the illegal banking and government activities. Some private debt would be forgiven including home mortgages, car, credit card, student loan and other bank debt.
C. Common Law would be the law of the land forcing the government not to use military force.
D. Inflation would be abolished.
E. Much stricter banking controls would be put in place.
F. Abolished the US income tax and the IRS. Employees of the IRS would be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
G. Created a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. Food and medicine would not be taxed, nor would used items such as old homes.
H. Increased benefits to senior citizens.
I. Returned Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
J. Reinstated the original Title of Nobility amendment.
K. Established new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA's announcement. Monitored elections and prevented illegal election activities of special interest groups.
L. The interim government would cancel all national emergencies and returned us back to Constitutional Law.
M. Created a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
N. Forbid the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
O. Initiated a new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.
P. Eliminated the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve would be allowed to operate side by side of the new U.S. Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
Q. Restored financial privacy.
R. Retrained all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
S. Ceased all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.
T. Released enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
U. Enabled release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that were withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.
9. Through NESARA and the St Germain Trust, there would be enough money to pay off the farmers - since the US Inc. government was bankrupt and not able to pay them.
10. NESARA would be implemented at the same time as our restored Republic, therefore a new term has been adopted: NESARA Republic.
11. The St Germain Trust: a $ with 40 zeros - will come out after the NESARA Republic is announced.
12. The new US asset and gold-backed currency would be announced by the NESARA Republic and must precede the US Treasury announcement of asset and gold-backed currency.
13. After the NESARA Republic is announced through public media - TV, Internet, Radio - people throughout the globe will be given 72 hours of continuous education and announcements.
14. St Germain's Trust and Global Prosperity Funds will first be released to the US, Canada and Australia. During the next 14 months, everyone globally will be funded.
So much promise, so much war, so much beauty, so much bloodshed all in one little nation with less than 14 million citizens.
So rich and yet so poor.
In America, we too are rich, yet feel so poor for very different reasons. On Monday morning of this week, the Zimbabwe currency was officially re-introduced into the global community of currencies in good standing. So too was the United States Note or USN. Neither was publicly announced, at least not yet, but it happened and the world will never be the same. It was a tremendous accomplishment for the people and nation of Zimbabwe given what they have been made to endure since 1980, and for many decades prior when they were occupied and called Rhodesia. Whereas the people and nation of the Republic of the United States of America are far too wrapped up in their petty politics and bogus wire tap charges to even notice let alone care about the rest of the world. Now that both national currencies have been restructured correctly financially (debts cleared and gold backed), aligned politically and militarily harmoniously (integral players within the BRICS compliant roster of nations), each nation is once again allowed to have meaningful diplomatic influence on the world stage. As both now have the strongest natural asset sovereign wealth partner in the entire world (see the Chinese Elders); who benevolently agreed to enter into an eternal partnership, which in turn will manifest a 1,000 years of dreams and aspirations for the entire planet. Interestingly, a chosen few in the west saw the resurrection of Zimbabwe coming, and we consciously or unconsciously positioned ourselves, our families, our communities and our countries in harmony with the Chinese Elder's and Zimbabwe's endless blessings. The opportunity was very difficult to see at first, harder to believe, let alone assess risk accurately, but true none-the-less and so here we all are now ready to reap a portion of the greatest monetary investment in the history of the world. Almost invisibly, nearly 7,000 off site redemption centers and 8,000 bank currency in-take points, specializing in currency exchanges, have been prepared for us and staffs fully trained in all aspects of the conversion process. The global central banking system was completely reversed, and more secure technological improvements were made as well as oversight entities and mechanisms either reformed or quietly swapped out to a benevolent leadership majority away from enslaving malevolent management clusters. New physical and digital currencies have been printed and/or loaded into bank computers and vaults worldwide, all 100% asset backed from an independent, patient and moral genetically human third party. Fresh private placement programs (PPP) have been created to continuously flow resources off of initial exchange principal, and be an infinite source of grace to all of humanity. Now if philanthropy is your unending work like mine, which personally I believe is the only logical earthly explanation for receiving such a divine blessing, then this indeed is your moment in history and precisely what your soul's deepest desire has always been longing for. At any moment, the floodgates of heaven will finally open for all good standing sovereign nations of the world and even bipolar nations like Zimbabwe and USA will begin their public healing process away from the scarcity and fear based governance of their past. Much maligned ZIM investment believers will instantly have their dignity and reputations restored just as quickly as their currency redeems for once unimaginable values. All because we walked by faith and not sight, as this test was spiritual in nature and our journey more a transitional process of surrendering to love and walking a path of hope and possibility wherever the Creator lead us. The abundant financial transaction is simply a by product or result of our shared surrender. So thank you for suffering alongside of me, risking at every turn, throwing out common sense and man-made logic with reckless and relentless abandon. Your consistency and passion to serve others infinitely has inspired my own sense of divine justice with earthy manifestations in my lifetime. And if I had not lived this wild dream together, with you, my miracle would certainly have been much more empty. What a humbling and glorious road we have walked, yes? Yes. With my work now complete as of 6am EDT this morning, I encourage all to keep following Dinar Chronicles for the final banking contact information we seek. Together, ZIM holders will permanently and eternally change the quality, scope and ascension direction of all human life.
Entry Submitted by One Who Knows at 12:30 PM EST on March 9, 2017
Understanding Zim Money & The Future
I have been getting a lot of questions about what rate should be asked for and how the Bank will oversee your projects and check on you. Additionally, I want to cover how money fits into the long term vision/plan for our Ascension (Raising Your Vibration). It is going to be a good read, enjoy! (In Joy)
Exchange Rate vs. Bank Oversight
I understand that the money given for the Historic Bonds (Not Zim), and the Prosperity Packages (Not NESARA/GESARA Money), DO HAVE OVERSIGHT to make sure that the money is being used properly. I don't know the details, but it seems that they do have some conditions and must do what they are supposed to do.
In Contrast, it is my understanding that in regard to currency exchanges and the extra money offered for Projects, that there will be NO BANK OVERSIGHT over your projects and plans. You are free to do your projects or not. In short, no one will be checking up on you to see if you really did all the projects that you said you would do.
You Are "Trusted"
The only chance the Bank/Elders have to insure that the projects get completed, is by listening to your presentation at the time of your exchange. If you sound like someone who really wants to help Humanity, and you already have some ideas in mind, they will offer you the extra high rates and TRUST you to follow through with your plans. You are quite literally entrusted to become the financial ambassadors of the new age, on behalf of the Elders who have collected and protected this money for thousands of years.
It Is Your Energy That Matters
Anyone can be made to do projects at the risk of losing their money. There is no "Light" present under those conditions. Trust empowers the Light within. When doing the projects is your passion, what you want to do, and in your Heart to do, you are shining Brightly. That "Light" cannot be bought. It can be nourished and supported, but in the end, it is there or it is not. A "Light Worker" by definition is one who Holds the "Light" in all they do, think and say. They thrive on service to others and spread Love and Light in all they do. They DO NOT NEED OVERSIGHT. They can hardly be held back as it is. Their work is both their passion and their Joy. That is the Energy "Signature" of a Light Worker and their Energy "Lifts The Universe."
Light Workers Wanted
Light Workers have had hardship and pain themselves, but it hasn't broken them, it has Made them instead. They have compassion and Love for their fellow Humans, Nature and Even Earth herself. It is that unquenchable Love that sustains the Light they have within. The currency revaluation was a natural way up/out for those who had suffered greatly. BUT, NOT ALL WHO SUFFER BECOME LIGHT WORKERS, far from it.
It is the hope and faith that separates those who have succumbed to life's hardships, and those who believed it would work out. Many have fallen by the wayside and lost their currency in one way or another because they lost faith. It is those who had the faith in these currencies that are here today. The Faithful are still here and will soon be redeeming their currency and changing the World as a result.
What ZIM Rate Can You Get?
First, let's get real. If you have just one $100T ZIM, even at the rate of $2, you will never spend it all. Should you ask for more? Sure! Ask for the amount that feels right for you whatever that might be. Will it be $2, or $120,000 per Zim? You should know, that the Bank is going to want to give you as much as you ask for. The key word is "want." They will do their best to "Detect Your Light," and Feel your energy. But, I truly expect that most of us will get what we ask for. But what Rate should you ask for?
What Rate Will You Ask For?
First, don't base it on what you think you can spend, because you most likely won’t be able to spend it all at the $2 rate, much less anything higher. So, that is NOT the measure of what you should get. What Rate "Empowers" you? What rate feels like the "Big Move" that will change the World? Frankly, if you know you will never spend it all, then the amount you get is more about the statement you are making to yourself and the World. Go Big, Feel Big, Do Big Things! But, with the ZIM, even the $2 rate is Big. So, whatever you get is more about the feeling of what you have done and are going to be doing, and not whether or not you can and will actually spend it all, because you will not be able to.
As a side note, going for the higher rates will help the bank have more money in their system, especially if you don’t spend it all, and you can't. You can try, but, in the end there will be plenty left and that is perfectly O.K.
What NOT To Do
Whatever you do, DO NOT make up projects or ask for way more than you really want just to have more money. That has the potential to take you down over time. When you get the big money rates because you have big ideas and what to change the World, that is legitimate. Your "Heart" was congruent with your request. However, if you are fraudulently (Incongruent with your Heart's Desires), telling the Bankers about big projects that you have no intention of following through on, just to get a higher rate, it will haunt you later. You will have hundreds if not thousands of Trillions of dollars in your account, and the thrill of having that money will fade quickly. With the NDA, you won’t really be able to brag about it, or speak about it to anyone. It will remain your secret wealth that HAS NO MERIT, USE, OR REASON FOR BEING. One day, you will feel the weight of your lack of personal integrity. All that money and just horded in true Cabal fashion.
The Day The Money Dies
There will come a day when money is dead. It will be a time when there is nothing to buy anymore, and everyone has more money than they will ever need. You won't be able to give it away anymore. To be clear, EVERYONE who has ZIM, will still have gobs of money in the bank paying interest at that time. That is not the issue as that will be a fact. The issue, is that the ones who asked for more money when they knew they were just going to keep it, will have more than anyone else, and there will be no prize or joy for that. It will be worth-less, and of no use to anyone. What a waste.
The Difference Is "Intention"
Those who got more money and really wanted to spend it, experienced great joy doing the best they could, dispersing the money in ways that gave them great joy, were on the Light Worker path. Sure they had money left over, but that is NOT the point. Maybe they got the extra money just in case there were more things to do, that they had not thought of yet. Maybe they got extra money and what they were planning did not need as much money as they thought, or other Light Workers got the job done first and in the end it was already done. Or it could be thousands of reasons why they still have huge amounts of money that is left, but that doesn't matter, they intended to do good things with it and they did what they could. That is a great life of joy and great intention(s). This is a very High Vibrational state to be in.
However, for those who got the higher rates, but did NOT intend to follow through on the plans they told the Banker, they will have a tougher road. They will have a pang of guilt as others are out spending money and having fun in joyful service to others while they just sit there with their fat bank accounts. It won't be a long time that money is of any use, and whatever is not spent during that time, will become useless the day that money dies. At that time it will be too late to use the money to bring joy and comfort to others. After all, that is the true "Gift," not the money. The gift is your ability (Empowerment by money) to get as much joy as you can for yourself and others doing great works. When that window of opportunity for the joyous use of money passes by, it will forever be gone. Those who did not use their money to create joy for themselves and others through their good works, will have missed a great opportunity to raise their own vibrations.
What Are Some Good Reasons-Intentions For A Higher Rate?
Sure you can get VERY HIGH rates, but what Intentions would support them? Of course, your "pet" projects, the ones that give you the most joy to even think about, head the list. Then, whatever you can and will do in one town, "Intend" to do in every town, in every state, in every country. Whatever you "Intend" to do this year, do next year, and every year, for 100 years or more. What new technologies with there be... Who knows? "Intend" to have plenty of money to create, manufacture, and distribute these new products for free, to your community and the World. Sure, there are a certain number of light Workers like yourself that had the foresight and faith to get this money for these great Humanitarian works, but how many more Light Workers will there be? "Intend" to have extra money to fund newly awakened souls who are wanting to do Humanitarian Projects. What about all the youngsters who are growing up and will become the next generation of Light Workers? Who will fund them now that the once in a lifetime currency revaluation is over? Yes, of course it will be you, because you planned for it ahead of time.
The big take away here is that since we don’t know what the future needs are, from where we stand now, we should get more now, while the getting is good, so that we will be capable of doing whatever is needed later. Will you actually get all this done? Probably not, but all that matters is that you intended to, and planned for it, just in case you could.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that you can get just about whatever rate you want, as long as it seems you should have it. It is better to ask for a high rate with great intentions, and not get them done, than it is to ask for a high rate with false intentions and not get them done. One is a High Vibration Light Worker and the Other is a False Light Worker. But in the end, the day that money dies, those who created the most joy with their money, wins, and those who created the least, will suffer in regret. In short, DREAM and PLAN as big as possible. Ask for a rate that makes sense to your BIG PLANS and BIG INTENTIONS. Whether or not you end up getting everything done, doesn't matter, because you probably won't.
If you are not called to this kind of work, and doing Humanitarian work is not really interesting to you, that is no problem. There are plenty of us to do what needs to be done. However, if this is you, a non-Humanitarian, don't feel bad about it, just get whatever the Highest "Regular" currency rate is for your currency and be at peace. Do go for the $2 rate on the Zim, as that is the "Screen Rate For The Informed." The super low rate at the other banks is the "Screen Rate For The Ignorant," those who don't know what is going on. Even though you might not plan on doing Humanitarian projects, you deserve to get a very good rate, such as the $2/zim, because you are following the process and are well informed. And... Who knows, you might just decide to get involved in some projects later.... It is fun, and very satisfying to the soul.
May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans
CDC confirms NN is 100% correct about monkey kidney cells in vaccines
In breaking news, the CDC now confirms, through multiple documents, that NaturalNews is 100% correct in our reporting of diseased African Green Monkey kidney cells being used in vaccines.
The proof is irrefutable, yet vaccine pushers deliberately LIE to the public and claim this story is false.
The vaccine industry is now steeped in ingredient denialism at its worst...
Choose the highest-quality fiber available. Health Ranger Select Organic Rice Bran Fiber combines effective fiber with essential minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that help keep you feeling your best. We use the most nutrient-dense part of the rice grain, the outer husk, which contains 20 times the nutrition of white rice. Just stir into your smoothie, add to cereal, or incorporate into baked goods for an instant meal upgrade.
CDC confirms NN is 100% correct about monkey kidney cells in vaccines
In breaking news, the CDC now confirms, through multiple documents, that NaturalNews is 100% correct in our reporting of diseased African Green Monkey kidney cells being used in vaccines.
The proof is irrefutable, yet vaccine pushers deliberately LIE to the public and claim this story is false.
The vaccine industry is now steeped in ingredient denialism at its worst...
Choose the highest-quality fiber available. Health Ranger Select Organic Rice Bran Fiber combines effective fiber with essential minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that help keep you feeling your best. We use the most nutrient-dense part of the rice grain, the outer husk, which contains 20 times the nutrition of white rice. Just stir into your smoothie, add to cereal, or incorporate into baked goods for an instant meal upgrade.
First I have to say that I am not a tax attorney or financial planner. The information I am sharing is based on my personal understanding of the overall exchange plan.
No Tax
As far as we understand now, this Exchange event will not be taxed. That means that whatever you get, you keep, no matter what bank account you keep it in. In other words, like most everyone else I know including myself, I am going to wire a big chunk of money to the bank I am using now, just for regular banking situations. Frankly, many people are going to wire money to many different banks for a diversification strategy. Again, moving your money around is NOT a taxable event.
Income Tax
Regarding the matter of income tax, it is my understanding that that it will no longer exist under NESARA. However, that being said, we have to "Act" like it will stay the same as it is now, until we get OFFICIAL notice that it has been eliminated.
Under the current tax situation, any interest you would earn from a structured interest payout, would be taxable as income. However, with special Trust setups, you may be able to earn income inside a trust and not pay tax on it until you withdraw it. If all this stays the same, and I am quite sure it will not, then withdrawing interest income from one bank to put it in another bank would cause you to have to pay tax on it, before you put it in the other bank.
Ask Your Well Paid Advisors
This is where it gets really easy. You will have the MOST Knowledgeable advisors at your exchange, that there is anywhere. They have been trained for years, on the new system and what is coming, tax wise. Tell them what you want to do and let them tell you how to do it. Maybe you wait until NESARA is announced and then move it. Maybe you just move a big chunk that is not interest income to the other bank instead and then have an interest pay out from two or more different banks. Needless to say, you will be able to do whatever you want since you will have the best attorneys and advisors that money can buy, or should I say "Rent."
May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans
In recent articles, I’ve highlighted items from the latest WikiLeaks data-dump of CIA files. For example:
The CIA’s use of other nations’ hacking tools, in order to give the impression that, when the CIA hacks into secret areas, it looks like other nations did the hacking.
All this is SOP for the CIA and intelligence agencies around the world.
Spies tell lies. A day without lying is a day without joy.
Spies play chess. “Well, when we leak THIS information to the press, they’ll emphasize the source of the leak (of course we know it’s a fake source we’ve chosen). But when we leak THAT information, the press will emphasize the content of the leak—which is what we want them to do in that case.”
Naïve people are shocked that the CIA could have fabricated the whole “Russia hacked the US election” story. But this is what the CIA does. This is another day at the office.
On the other hand, Russian intelligence could have hacked (influenced) the US election. And to put a further twist on it, Russia could have made that move, anticipating that US intelligence would discover it and go public with it. And then Russia would covertly launch a planned campaign to ridicule the CIA for claiming such an “absurdity.”
During the Cold War, several important KGB spies defected to the US. The CIA then proceeded to vet them, to find out whether they were genuine, or were sent here to seed the CIA with disinformation. As you can imagine, the whole business developed severe problems.
For example: “All right, yes, the KGB sent me to America to confuse you. But now I’m telling you the truth. I’m giving you actual secrets. And I want to stay here. I don’t want to go home. If I go home, the KGB will vet me to see whether I actually gave you real secrets…”
CIA: “Maybe we can triple this Russian. He’s now on our side, we think. So we send him back, claiming we couldn’t get anything useful out of him. But now he’s ours. So we give him a bunch of lies to tell his bosses about us, the CIA…”
In the end, nobody on either side knows what’s going on. But they play the game anyway.
The CIA is a reality-creator and a reality-destroyer. They pick and choose what to do in each situation. But it would be folly to imagine Agency people always do brilliant work. They mis-estimate blowback. They fail to handle blowback. They try to pick an outside scapegoat on whom to blame the blowback. They try to limit the blowback by defaming, discrediting, blackmailing, or killing people.
They rewrite history. They change sequences of events. They invent events that never happened. They blame people who don’t even exist. They present themselves as bumblers, to hide their more intelligent operations. They hold forums designed to show their work as superficial information-gathering, as if they were little more than a think-tank. They pretend to cooperate with Congress, while they spy on Congress.
Meanwhile, the press pretends to hold an innocent and respectful view of the CIA, dutifully reporting every piece of information that comes their way from the Agency. “Today, the CIA disclosed…” Disclosed? Or fabricated?
The CIA is perhaps the biggest fake news operation in the world. It exhales fake news as matter of course.
So naturally, it attracts men and women who have a bias in favor of fabricating. “Do you dream about lying with impunity? Contact our personnel office for employment opportunities.”
If a lie serves a greater truth, release the lie. If a truth serves a greater lie, tell the truth.
The old dictum, “garbage in, garbage out,” doesn’t apply to the Agency. The CIA is the Garbage Man for the known universe.
It’s rather astonishing, at this late date, that more people don’t get the con.
The CIA is a hustler operating a shell-game on a streetcorner. Except, lo and behold, all sorts of rubes are trying to jostle their way forward, to pay homage. And the cops are never going to show up to sweep the hustler away. The hustler is the cops.
“I was born to lie. But I always tell the truth. Trust me.”
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Major “stuff” is happening, that’s for sure. This is why all of us are here, as Light players in this great Planetary play… the final act is going down, now. “We are witnessing desperate attempts around the world by the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia to reverse recent defeats and remain in power. However, these efforts are failing on all fronts and more and more prominent Satanists are disappearing. The fiercest battles are raging in Washington DC where the Satanists are pushing “the Russians did it!” story to remove attorney General Jeff Sessions and prevent arrests of child killing politicians… Another sign that things have really begun to change is that legal action has now begun against the private sector prison slave camps being run in the US. “Last week, Obama announced he was setting up an anti-Trump headquarters with adviser Valerie Jarret two miles from the White House. This move was followed by Trump tweets accusing “bad or sick guy” Obama of illegally wiretapping him. Our advice to house slave Obama is to not risk his life and liberty on behalf of his Rothschild slave masters. “A sign of the intensity of the battle now raging was seen when Bezos offered child torturer and former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta a job with his Washington Post propaganda machine… It is unlikely Bezos himself will survive long, CIA and Pentagon sources say. “A clear sign the Satanists have lost control of the American people can be seen in the impotence of their once dominant corporate propaganda apparatus… 88% of heavy corporate media coverage of Trump was negative since he took office [but] polls showed that 79% of Americans viewed his speech last week… favourably… House Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi’s expression during Trump’s speech. To me it looks like someone (or some entity) in mortal fear. “Perhaps the most senior Nazi faction Satanist who needs to be taken down ASAP is Microsoft’s Bill Gates. Bill Gates is constructing a giant underground bunker complex in Karuizawa, Japan… That means he now controls the company Musashi Engineering that rigs Japan’s elections. Son, of course, is just a senior Rothschild servant in Japan. “The Rothschild family was ultimately responsible for the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack (known as 311 here) against Japan and are desperately trying to keep their servants in power here so as to prevent retribution for that mass murder incident. However, the Rothschild’s have already lost that battle and their Japan network is being dismantled. “[Explains what Dalai Lama did to Ben] …I have a personal grudge against the Dalai Lama. I have also looked into his eyes and can tell you he is deeply evil. He will soon die and so will his soul. He will never reincarnate again for all eternity. “Bill Gates is now being actively hunted down and the US military has been advised by the White Dragon Society to seize his Karuizawa bunker ASAP. Gates properties in the US also need to be seized ASAP. Bill Gates’ mansion near Seattle, Washington, has a room filled with skeletons and dedicated to the worship of death… “Another Satanist seeking shelter is Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu has asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for protection after Israel was threatened with the destruction of all its nuclear facilities if it did not act against the Satanists, Russian FSB and other sources say. This protection will not be granted, the Russian sources say.”
Desperate counter attack by Satanic mafia failing on all fronts as human liberation nears Posted by benjamin, March 6, 2017
We are witnessing desperate attempts around the world by the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia to reverse recent defeats and remain in power. However, these efforts are failing on all fronts and more and more prominent Satanists are disappearing. The fiercest battles are raging in Washington DC where the Satanists are pushing “the Russians did it!” story to remove attorney General Jeff Sessions and prevent arrests of child killing politicians. Pentagon sources confirm that over 1500 pedophiles have been arrested since Donald Trump took office as President of the United States and that a grand jury is preparing indictments against a whole swath of DC and New York establishment figures. Another sign that things have really begun to change is that legal action has now begun against the private sector prison slave camps being run in the US.
The counter-attack by the Satanists in the US is being orchestrated by the Rothschilds and the Bush/Clinton mafia who have unleashed their top servants like former President Barack Obama and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos against the Trump regime. Last week, Obama announced he was setting up an anti-Trump headquarters with adviser Valerie Jarret two miles from the White House. This move was followed by Trump tweets accusing “bad or sick guy” Obama of illegally wiretapping him. Our advice to house slave Obama is to not risk his life and liberty on behalf of his Rothschild slave masters. Another Rothschild house slave, Loretta Lynch, Obama’s Attorney General, called for marching, blood and death on the streets.
Our advice to African Americans is to not let these house slaves fool you into protesting on behalf of Satan worshipping slave drivers. A sign of the intensity of the battle now raging was seen when Bezos offered child torturer and former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta a job with his Washington Post propaganda machine. Podesta was also given a $600 million war-chest for the Washington Post by the rogue (Bush) CIA for propaganda purposes.
And yet, immediately after Bezos announced this. amazon.com servers came under heavy, sustained attack. It is unlikely Bezos himself will survive long, CIA and Pentagon sources say. A clear sign the Satanists have lost control of the American people can be seen in the impotence of their once dominant corporate propaganda apparatus. Despite surveys showing that 88% of heavy corporate media coverage of Trump was negative since he took office, polls showed that 79% of Americans viewed his speech last week before the joint houses of Congress favourably.
Perhaps the most senior Nazi faction Satanist who needs to be taken down ASAP is Microsoft’s Bill Gates. Bill Gates is constructing a giant underground bunker complex in… … Karuizawa, Japan, according to Japanese military intelligence. Gates is working with his top Japanese servant Masayoshi Son of Softbank and Yasuyuki Nambu of the Pasona group. Son’s Softbank has taken over the Fortress Investment Group.
That means he now controls the company Musashi Engineering that rigs Japan’s elections. Son, of course, is just a senior Rothschild servant in Japan. Agents working for the French Branch of the Rothschild Family, David (wanted by the police for fraud) and Benjamin (accusing of killing pygmies) de Rothschild recently tried to lure this writer to a trap at Nambu’s Akasaka, Tokyo Headquarters. Nambu and Son are now being targeted by right wingers close to the Emperor, Japanese right wing sources say. The Rothschild family was ultimately responsible for the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack (known as 311 here) against Japan and are desperately trying to keep their servants in power here so as to prevent retribution for that mass murder incident. However, the Rothschild’s have already lost that battle and their Japan network is being dismantled. Many readers asked me why I included the Dalai Lama’s name in the list of Satanic sub-contractors. Here, in the interests of disclosure, I must admit I have a personal grudge against the Dalai Lama. A North Korean female agent was sent by him and the Satan worshippers to ruin my life. Instead, she fell in love with me and got pregnant with our child. When she was five months pregnant, the Nepali import store where she worked sent her to Nepal on a mission to buy goods for the store. When she got there she was drugged and woke up in the hospital no longer pregnant. The owner of the store said his father, who works for the Dalai Lama, did this on the Dalai Lama’s orders.
In other words this so-called holy man is a child murderer. After this, the girlfriend went to the Japanese police with false reports that I was taking drugs and being abusive. When I confronted her with this she told me that her family was being threatened with murder if she did not do this. So, that is why I have a personal grudge against the Dalai Lama. I have also looked into his eyes and can tell you he is deeply evil. He will soon die and so will his soul. He will never reincarnate again for all eternity. In any case, following Bill Gates’ recent veiled threat to kill “over 30 million people,”
there have been multiple reports of biological warfare agents being spread around the world, Japanese military intelligence say. Tokyo itself has been under heavy duty chemtrail and radioactive poison attack following the Gates statement. Certainly everybody I know, including myself, has been coughing heavily recently. However, the attacks against Tokyo have been now dissipated and no deaths have resulted. The Chinese and Indian governments are also saying biological warfare agents are being used against them (The Chinese article is from 2013).
While Sorcha Faal is US Navy intelligence and its reports are often up to 90% disinformation, the following report claiming bio-warfare attacks around the world is probably true. What is not true is the talk of mass death because the bio-warfare agents have been rendered impotent. Bill Gates is now being actively hunted down and the US military has been advised by the White Dragon Society to seize his Karuizawa bunker ASAP. Gates properties in the US also need to be seized ASAP. Bill Gates’ mansion near Seattle, Washington, has a room filled with skeletons and dedicated to the worship of death, according to a high-tech Oligarch who has visited there. Other senior Satanists, recognizing that the gig is up, are trying to flee. King Salman of Saudi Arabia has booked five, five star luxury hotels in Bali, Indonesia for his entourage including 25 princes. Salman is going to be asking for protection from Indonesia, Malaysia and China but will not get it, CIA sources say. The reason Salman has fled, Pentagon sources say, is that the campaign against Daesh (note to readers: we have decided not to insult the Goddess ISIS any further by associating her name with this band of Satanic terrorists) has extended to Yemen. The Saudis, in cooperation with the French oil giant Total, have been breaking international law by stealing 65% of Yemen’s oil.
Another Satanist seeking shelter is Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu has asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for protection after Israel was threatened with the destruction of all its nuclear facilities if it did not act against the Satanists, Russian FSB and other sources say. This protection will not be granted, the Russian sources say.US arch-traitor John “Daesh” McCain sought protection from Turkish President Erdogan and will also not get it, Pentagon sources say. Humanity will soon be free.
INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "NESARA" 2/24/17 & "Tonight's Intel
Conference Notes" 3/9/17
(2 Updates)
In 2000 President Clinton was forced at gunpoint by navy seals and army delta force to sign NESARA into Law, which would put an end to the Cabal and its takeover of America. It was to be announced at 10am on 9/11/2001. To stop this the cabal thugs of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Saudis and Khazarian Zionist Mafia launched an attack on WTC to kill this event, take down building #7 (which housed the NESARA Data) and steal the Gold, Bonds and Diamonds under the buildings. Bombs were used deep under buildings #1 and #2 and thermite was placed in those buildings to collapse the entire structures on other computer systems located on floors #1 and #2. Osama Bin Laden (who was really CIA operative Colonel Tim Osman) was blamed and eventually died in late 2001 from Marfan Syndrome and Diabetes in a foreign CIA hospital. NESARA was made into law in 2000 and has yet to be announced due to the cabal interference, however the cabal has failed to start WW3 with Russia and destroy our electronic grid system. They are now on the run as "WE THE PEOPLE" are hunting them down by the thousands. When NESARA is announced (which will be soon) there will be a 72 hour "educational program" to educate the masses on all media. There will be release of massive wealth to the rest of the world from hidden trusts (that the cabal was going to live off of) after they had killed a large number of Americans. That's what the 800 secret FEMA camps were for, along with stacks of coffins. America, Canada and Australia will be funded first and by 14 months everyone globally will be funded from this massive hoard of wealth. There are secret Military Tribunals going on now that are convicting these thugs of treason and pedophilia. Some will be executed.
(part 2)
"Tonight's Intel Conference Notes" 3/9/17
1) 40% to 50% of all public figures are pedophiles and are being hunted. The arrests that were supposed to end in early march are going to last for awhile. Scotland yard has been sitting on a pile of pedophile Intel for the last 30 years.
2) Intel reiterated that the original Hillary Clinton is dead. Her clone is trying to set up some kind of association to keep power and transfer the wealth of the Clinton Foundation.
3) The remaining Rothschilds have fled to Holland to try and continue their fraud. That will fail. The world is against them.
4) The profit-first Oligarchs have created a system whereby the common man has to violate morals to scratch out a living by selling drugs, killing endangered animals for their hides, horns, or organs, harvesting human parts and paper theft through schemes and language deception. Nixon used the word "Stonewalling" to lessen the reality of his crimes. Statuary law is hard to understand even by the lawyers themselves as well as the people.
5) Ongoing meetings are discussing the scrapping of the entire legal system [to common law per NESARA]. Discussions include the utilization of learned and non-corrupt lawyers and "Contract Administrators" for guidance.
6) Investigators are realizing that the Vatican has been involved in rearranging truth for hundreds and hundreds of years. Hiding real documents and protecting this crime with torture, inquisitions, murder, language distortion and mind control of their flocks.
7) Another idea is to file 1000 class action lawsuits representing all 317,000,000 Americans to bankrupt and imprison the rank and file who are hiding just below the line of sight.
8) Things are moving at lighting speed, never before seen by man, involving millions of personnel in countries everywhere.
Highlights From "The Big Call" Thursday Night 3-9-17 by PinkRoses
3/10/2017 0 Comments
Thanks PinkRoses for sending these to us tonight!
Bruce: Welcome everybody to the Big Call. We are excited by the timing where we are right now. We were so excited that we had anticipated it being the celebration call for the Big Call tonight. It may still happen. We are waiting for heads up and possibly getting the toll free numbers to give out.
We can do it live on the call if that makes it in time before we end the call. If not, we will put it out as a pre-recorded celebration call on the Big Call website which is: thebigcall.net.
Bruce: I am very excited that we have had a large participation with the international financial community in which 757 people have requested our call on Tuesday outside of Canada and the United States.
We had 300 some throughout the United States and Canada on Tuesday night... Also we had 17 people from the new administration that have listened to the call. That is amazing. I am glad to hear that. They are getting our message loud and clear especially about our Rebuild America program that we are going to be involved with.
Bruce: Right now let’s talk about where we are in terms of why we believe where we are right now, and why it is conceivable to believe we could be there tonight or by tomorrow. The ZIM dollar has been available. Since Monday night, the ZIM has been considered a live currency, and been on the screens.
Our big 4 banks, Tier 1 banks, and few other banks as well yesterday did some exchanges if you knew about it and there exactly at the right time. They were offering teaser rates of $.14 for the ZIM. There were two windows 15 minutes each one in the morning and one in the afternoon that was due able. Some of the banks varied a little bit on their timing on that. We thought that would be the case today.
As far as we know that did not occur today. In fact today some of the screens were blank in some cases. They were not up as they were yesterday. I think this was done to add more liquidity to the banking system and to make them ready for Basel 4 compliance which I understand is for the additional liquidity.
Bruce: What is interesting that the ZIM has a real strong value. It is now as we hold these notes they are gold backed bond now. They are gold backed bonds that you have if you have ZIM. Extremely valuable and worth more value than we thought even a year ago. They will be quite a bit to the final holding back HSBC.
Bruce: I am telling you about this because when you do go in to a redemption center shared by Wells Fargo and HSBC, you would be exchanging that gold back bond for US dollars and getting really whatever value you negotiate for that on up.
Consider that if you are going to be part of Rebuild America by adopting a city, town, community being able to fund projects, housing, neighborhoods, possible school upgrades, clinics, infrastructure like roads, bridges, railways, whatever is needed in that particular town, city, community.
We will help you prioritize those things when we get our heads together on our new website our new portal at: thebigcall.net and help you which projects are the most important and how to go about them. We will get that information available to you in the coming weeks.
Bruce: I want you to know also the ZIM was not exchangeable as we know today.
We know some of the activity going out west is enabling the groups to go forward and those that are involved in the ZIM platforms to be paid out. Today the SKRs and so called prepaid and advance paids were handled and paid out.
The Prosperity Packages had started to go out about midnight last night. I know some people who received those and have deposited those funds in their accounts already. We had about 23,000, about 1:00pm or 2:00pm this afternoon had received them. That is a large number. We were hearing some good things about that.
What is happening is all the Paymaster accounts have been made liquid where they can begin to pay out their group members. A lot of this activity is based out west.
Bruce: Liquidity is to be available for us somewhere between now and Monday. If we were able to go in and exchange tomorrow for example, we would have access to some immediate cash up to $10,000. We would have a temporary debit card while we wait for our permanent card in the mail.
The temporary card we can load up to $100,000 on at the redemption centers, and access to our large mother lode account on Monday. The liquidity is suppose to be there and will be accessible for us on Monday.
Bruce: We are in a sweet spot to get this whole process started for ourselves. It could happen that I get the 800 numbers to set out appointments even sometime tonight. Security is on route to the redemption centers. They are trying to do their best to get everybody in place for that so we that we can begin.
Bruce: The CIPS system and it is integrated with the Swift system and both are merged. The Swift system is riding on the CIPS system. At midnight tonight there is a new wrinkle to that that is coming in. It is called Fintech. Fintech is a way so no longer a middle man involved in the wiring of funds process.
It would be Point-to-point, no middle man to intercept to hold anything back in terms of the wire to go through. A wire can go through as little as 18 seconds, 30 seconds, up to as long as 58 seconds to accomplish those wires. That makes it lightening fast for us.
Bruce: The new system with Flintech these wires are so fast and so transparent. We are able to receive these funds going into a 24/7 banking cycle. Really soon I believe we will be able to initiate a wire transfer without going into the branch to do. I would not do that until we are absolutely 100 percent safe using encrypted software.
Bruce: Keep that in mind with this going forward. Even though it might be tempted to send wires from our phones, PC or tablets, I wouldn’t trust it. I am personally not going to do it. I would trust using the Branch, using the private banking arrangements that we have to affect those wires.
That is the banking system that we are moving into is a 24/7 system using Flintech. That Flintech lines that up directly to the CIPS system. The US Treasury is now directly connected to that. They can oversee those transfers and wires going out. They are linked with Flintech and CIPS, our own Treasury. I am hearing good things moving ahead from our Treasury. We think they are all good things moving forward.
Bruce: We are looking for a visit from Prime Minister Abadi. I am not sure what the timing is on that. I would have heard if he was coming today or tomorrow. I haven’t heard for sure. That is something that we got still out there. Iraq is really under way with their whole program right now. They did receive the loan from the UK a few days ago, and that put them over the top.
Bruce: There was a call on Sunday that involved all of the federal banks around the world and got them all lined up and synced in. Now we are just at a point with everything having started and the ZIM all lined up and ready to go.
We are basically I believe hours and a day away from getting underway and getting started with what we have been waiting for all this time. I may get the call tonight and the toll free numbers. We are right there at the very end. I thought I just give you the phone numbers tonight and not do an Intel segment. That is how spur of the moment this is.
Bruce: I did get a little bit of information that is we did have a slight delay tonight and even thought we would have the 800 number. It looks like the timing will be close to late, late tonight or slightly overnight. Not even overnight, just slightly overnight.
I am going to say even though we are not going to have it for this live call, be sure to check the website tomorrow morning to see if the recorded call is available for you to get the 800 number.
Bruce: Intel wise things are really moving. What I said earlier is still true. I am excited. I think everything is going to be awesome this weekend, and full liquidity will be available for us on Monday if we get exchanged between now and then. I am encouraged by what I just heard and I think we as a team on the Big Call, we are excited of everything of what we have planned coming up especially working with the Veterans.
They have come back without jobs. Not that they are not trained. They are training our Veterans. Maybe they are not adjusted to come back off of the field into this world without a really good job. The transition may take a little while, and we are going to help them with this transition at our Veteran Retreats throughout the country.
We are going to have job training, PTS counseling, vocational job training so they can go into high paying jobs when they come out of our Retreats. We will be hiring a lot of Vets. We probably will be the largest employer of Veterans throughout the country. If you want to be part of that, we will let you know how you can do that as part of the Veterans Retreat Network.
Bruce: Also we will be doing quite a bit in the way of aquaponics, farming, food production working n our inner cities, communities, rural communities, cities, and towns that we are going to adopt under the Rebuild America program. We got that planned in its early stages, and looking forward working with the administration on how to make that all come together.
Bruce: Last time we talked about the idea of offering Infrastructure Bonds.
Hopefully people in the banking industry have grasped that idea and have some ideas how we are going to do that. I told you last time we can use the proceeds from our structure payouts quarterly to purchase those Infrastructure Bonds. We will be able to fund this entire Rebuild America. This Administration won’t have to go into the budget, one penny to do what it is as a community.
Just on the Big Call alone, just our listenership alone, we can easily cover this infrastructure build out in the tens of trillions of dollars. Do not even worry about it. It is all done. Forget it, it is done. I know that you are excited. I am excited, Sue is excited, and Bob is excited.
We all are looking forward getting started. We will have thebigcall.net site stay up and you will be able to access that, and go on and grab the 800 number and grab the final recording we are going to do. We are going to take some time off and reformat and build a new web site and get everything ready so we can communicate with you about Rebuild America.
Bruce: We will communicate with you in how we are going to rebuild America in the inner cities, and we will get things going in there too. We will have jobs for people, apprenticeships for people and mentorship programs for people. We will give the teenagers something to do. We will help teach them something they can use. We will have some available apprenticeships in some of these programs too.
Bruce: I am looking forward to getting some more great information overnight tonight and get that out to you. We should have a great weekend. Thank you all for coming in and listening. Thank you all to the banking community. A lot of changes in the banking community going on out there. HSBC stepping up with ownership of all of these major banks. AIIB helping out big time over there.
Thank you to the Chinese elders and families for making all this happen and I appreciate that. Looking forward to us partnering with our banks, and stepping into a whole new paradigm. It looks really good right now.
Bruce: Get some sleep. Check our web site: thebigcall.net in the morning, and hopefully our world will change by then All have a great night tonight. Good night everybody. Thank you Bob, Sue, Kent, Pastor Steven, looking forward to talking to you soon. Good night.
Compiled in the early morning hours EST of 10 March 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com; Author, "Twenty Two Faces,"www.22faces.com.
A. Judy Note: It is my opinion that:
1. On Mon. night March 7 the Zim, Dinar, US Note and perhaps other currencies went live.
2. On Tues. March 8 funds were transferred to Paymasters.
3. Since Tues. March 8 there have been Zim exchanges in Asia, Europe and the US at teaser rates of $.14 or lower.
4. We may get the 800#s and be able to exchange at any moment between now and Mon. March 13 2017.
7. By making an appointment through the 800#s and exchanging at a redemption center we will be able to negotiate for higher rates, but only if we ask for them.
8. When we receive the 800#s we will have 6 days to exchange at an exchange center, then they will be closed. All exchanges after that must be done at banks and at the lower screen rates.
9. On Wed. March 15 the GCR will be made available to the general public, who can do exchanges at a variety of banks at the lower screen rates.
1. Bruce was expecting the 800#s tonight and will post on website when arrives: Thebigcall.net
2. Since Mon. night March 7 the Zim has been considered a live currency.
3. On Tues. March 8 funds were transferred to Paymasters.
4. Yesterday, Tues. March 8, there were some Zim exchanges at the teaser rate of $.14.
5. Last night March 8 2017 at midnight the Prosperity Packages started to go out.
6. Right now the Zim is a gold backed bond and extremely valuable. Remember that when you are negotiating for rates to do Humanitarian projects.
7. Today March 9 2017 out West groups and SKRs were paid out.
8. Liquidity of funds and the 800#s are to be available to us some time between now and Monday March 13 2017.
9. When we exchange we can immediatly get $10,000 in cash and a debit card, with liquidity of our account by Mon. March 13 2017.
10. Right now security is on route to the redemption centers.
11. Tonight at midnight Sintich (which is hooked up to the CIPS system) will go into effect. It eliminates the middle man when funds are wired, going through in 58 seconds.
12. Soon we will have a 24/7 banking site where we can wire from our own tablets, phone or PC. For now and for security reasons it is suggested to use the bank or at least Privacy Abroad.
13. Iraqi PM Abadi is supposed to be in the US perhaps by tomorrowMarch 10 2017.
14. Bruce says that we are hours to a day away from getting the 800 number, and may get it tonight.
1. On Monday morning March 6 2017 the Zimbabwe currency was officially re-introduced into the global community of currencies in good standing.
2. On Monday morning March 6 2017 so too was the United States Note, or USN.
3. Neither was publicly announced, at least not yet, but it happened.
4. Both national currencies have been restructured correctly financially (debts cleared and gold backed), aligned politically and militarily harmoniously (integral players within the BRICS compliant roster of nations.)
5. Both now have the strongest natural asset sovereign wealth partner in the entire world by way of the Chinese Elders.
6. Nearly 7,000 off site redemption centers and 8,000 bank currency in-take points, specializing in ZIM bond/currency exchanges, have been prepared for us and staffs fully trained in all aspects of the conversion process.
7. The global central banking system was completely reversed, and more secure technological improvements were made as well as oversight entities and mechanisms either reformed or quietly swapped out.
8. New physical and digital currencies have been printed and/or loaded into bank computers and vaults worldwide, all 100% asset backed from an independent, patient and moral genetically human third party.
9. Fresh private placement programs (PPP) have been created to continuously flow resources off of initial exchange principal.
10. At any moment, the floodgates of heaven will finally open for all good standing sovereign nations of the world.
11. Bipolar nations like Zimbabwe and USA will begin their public healing process away from the scarcity and fear based governance of their past.
12. With Yosef's work now complete as of 6am EST this morning March 9 2017, he encouraged all to keep following Dinar Chronicles for the final banking contact information:http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com
13. Together, ZIM holders will permanently and eternally change the quality, scope and ascension direction of all human life. As it was written, shall it now be done. Sobeit.
14. God is with us. Christ's Poet Servant, Yosef *A special thank you to Patrick, who tolerated many late night rants and irrelevant postings to help us all figure things out. Know everything you have done Patrick had real, significant, meaningful purpose for all in this unique community. We always knew you held the greater good in your heart. And for that we are most grateful:)
D. March 8 2017 ZAP: Our status is good. Last night, March 7 2017, transfers went out to paymasters.
1. For years I have had a friend who handles investments and bonds. Saturday he asked, "You know all of those silly questions you have been asking over the years? We are right there. It's going to be over soon."
2. He asked if I had Zim and I told him yes. He said, "Good. You are going to be first."
3. I asked about the lop of zeros. He said, "Not true."
4. I asked him what he thought the rate would be? He said, "Last night (Friday) it was at $1.92, unless you had humanitarian projects."
5. I asked him how he tied into all of this. He couldn't tell me but that he is physically involved, along with many others who are trying to push this through.
6. I asked if St. Germain, Swissindo, Prosperity Packages, World Trusts and Sovereign Bonds were real. He just shook his head yes.
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Another state appears ready to legalize the sale of raw milk Recently, a bill to legalize the retail sale of raw milk was introduced to the Rhode Island Senate. Currently, Rhode Island is one of just eight states that has a total ban on the sale of raw ...
For many years, the Galactic Federation, Ascended Masters and Earth allies have been working towards the defeat of the Dark Cabals.
This Webinar will discuss why there have been so many delays and reveal the GF's latest plans to overcome the lingering obstacles created by the Cabals.
• Who are the Galactic Federation human first contact team members?
• Who are the Dark Cabals? Why do they relentlessly create obstacles?
• Why can't the GF arrive immediately? Why so many delays?
• What can the GF do now to bring about the defeat of the Dark Cabals?
• Are we as Lightworkers doing enough to help the GF? Could we do more?
Thursday, March 23, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, March 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live... simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
NOTE: Photographer Michael Scott, from Birmingham, set out in search of the historical wonder after seeing a video of it online. All photos are from Michael Scott. It might look like an ordinary rabbits hole, but this tunnel unearths a stunning cave. You’d be forgiven if you missed the entrance to this 700-year-old cave in Shropshire. Because, honestly, it looks pretty much like an ordinary rabbit hole. However, the tunnel actually unearths untouched caves which were used by followers of the Knights Templars – a medieval religious order that fought in the Crusades. The incredible caves are hidden less than a metre beneath a farmer’s field. The 33-year-old said: ‘I traipsed over a field to find it, but if you didn’t know it was there you would just walk right past it. The Knights Templars are a medieval religious order that fought in the Crusades. ‘It’s probably less than a metre underground, so it’s more into the field than under it. Considering how long it’s been there it’s in amazing condition, it’s like an underground temple.’ The tunnel leads to a network of walkways which are ‘completely untouched’, and filled with beautifully carved arches. Candles light up the cave. It’s located in the middle of Shropshire. Michael added, however, that the cave was quite cramped – so those nearing six feet tall would have to bend down to fit in. He said: ‘I had to crouch down and once I was in it was completely silent. Michael added, ‘There were a few spiders in there but that was it. It was raining so the slope down was quite sludgy but inside the cave was bone dry.’
It should be obvious to readers who’ve been with me for a while that I attack delusion in more than one place. Political systems, medical systems…and so-called spiritual systems.
That’s because I happen to believe in legitimate limited government, healing, and the unbounded life of the individual spiritual being.
Occult systems, which propose they have a hidden secret at the core, which will be revealed after a long and exhaustive search, are, at best, deluded, because they are concealing CONTENT.
By content, I mean information, knowledge, pattern, some facet of what already exists. This is a dead-end.
There is nothing wrong with truthful information. But….
Suppose we had a secret society called The Inner Core Flame X42. And we sold our members on the idea that, after a series of ascending initiations, they would arrive at the X, the secret of secrets.
Well, what could X be? Some nugget of information, some formula or phrase or fact or made-up fact about existence that is supposed to solve problems and enlighten consciousness.
But consciousness is dynamic. It isn’t a key looking for a lock.
Consciousness is dynamic because it creates. It creates new realities.
It isn’t primarily a container for What Is, for what already exists.
If there is a secret about consciousness, that’s it. IT CREATES.
So no matter what X we cooked up, it would become obsolete, of minor value.
Humans are ripe for buying an X because they are trained, and train themselves, to place the highest value on What Already Exists.
That’s mind control par excellence.
Occult systems deliver what controlled minds expect, and that’s why they’ve flourished. That’s the only reason why.
But there is another way.
When a person sees the “artistic” blow-by-blow creation of these power structures, in progress—rather than the finished product—an entirely new consciousness arises.
“If they can create Reality for me, I can create my own.”
“If they are artists, I can be an artist, too—but in an entirely different direction.”
The Matrix ceases to be a monolith. It is revealed as an ongoing weave, and one can see the process at work.
Then, one’s own insight operates on behalf of liberation.
A person can actually see how he cooperates in the progression of accepting “the weave.”
And he sees other options.
Therefore, as I put together The Matrix Revealed, I made sure to show Matrix as a work in process, an ongoing enterprise, a work of art, as it were, that can be dismantled—as a person takes another road of his own.
This is vital. It transforms victimization into inspiration.
In my work, I was assisted by interviewees who profoundly understood all this.
the matrix revealed
Here are the contents of The Matrix Revealed:
* 250 megabytes of information.
* Over 1100 pages of text.
* Ten and a half hours of audio.
The 2 bonuses alone are rather extraordinary:
* My complete 18-lesson course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS, which includes the teacher’s manual and audio to guide you. I was previously selling the course for $375. This is a new way to teach logic, the subject that has been missing from schools for decades.
* The complete text (331 pages) of AIDS INC., the book that exposed a conspiracy of scientific fraud deep within the medical research establishment. The book has become a sought-after item, since its publication in 1988. It contains material about viruses, medical testing, and the invention of disease that is, now and in the future, vital to our understanding of phony epidemics arising in our midst. I assure you, the revelations in the book will surprise you; they cut much deeper and are more subtle than “virus made in a lab” scenarios.
The heart and soul of this product are the text interviews I conducted with Matrix-insiders, who have first-hand knowledge of how the major illusions of our world are put together:
* ELLIS MEDAVOY, master of PR, propaganda, and deception, who worked for key controllers in the medical and political arenas. 28 interviews, 290 pages.
* RICHARD BELL, financial analyst and trader, whose profound grasp of market manipulation and economic-rigging is formidable, to say the least. 16 interviews, 132 pages.
* JACK TRUE, the most creative hypnotherapist on the face of the planet. Jack’s anti-Matrix understanding of the mind and how to liberate it is unparalleled. His insights are unique, staggering. 43 interviews, 320 pages.
Also included:
* Several more interviews with brilliant analysts of the Matrix. 53 pages.
* The ten and a half hours of mp3 audio are my solo presentation, based on these interviews and my own research. Title: The Multi-Dimensional Planetary Chessboard—The Matrix vs. the Un-Conditioning of the Individual.
(All the material is digital. Upon ordering it, you’ll receive an email with a link to it.)
This work is all about reinstating individual power, above and beyond what the Matrix implies and stands for. It is about insight, yes—but it is also about liberating one’s consciousness from the habit of accepting life on the terms by which it is given to us.
Thought and action can align themselves with Matrix, or they can strike out in a far more adventurous and galvanizing direction. A thrilling direction unique to each individual.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Received via email at 1:34 AM EST for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles
Take a closer look at Sean Spicer's lapel pin today -- its an upside down US Flag.
This is anything but random, as an upside flag is universally is recognized by all current service members and veterans as a signal of distress.
In no way is this an inadvertent mistake.
Prepare for the shit to begin hitting the fan next week, beginning Sunday morning, according to all internal D.C. reports.
BTW: Sean's Purple Tie is also a signal or an emblem of union, as the color purple is composed of the colors blue and red.
Also not a coincidence.
These are two clear signals that the band-aid of secrecy concealing massive structural change has been ripped off and the restored Republic federal government is about to make its second debut.
Compiled in the early morning hours EST of 11 March 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com; Author, "Twenty Two Faces,"www.22faces.com.
1. We are almost there: a fund transfer is in progress and others are in the queue.
2. I have been asked not to reveal too much at this stage as we are in a sensitive time and security of the process is very important.
3. The bottom line is that now we are fully activated and preparing to receive and finish our infrastructure.
4. Intelligence says the Global Reset is well advanced and about to go full speed ahead.
5. All niggly details are in place and in effect.
6. Major money movements reported in the last year are in place, except for some large accounts which are in the final process of getting released.
7. The Global Reconstruction Projects are the focus of the releases of the Matrix Funds.
8. The amount of money available to our humanity is so large that it becomes meaningless - the only real meaning here is the help we can give each other to do good.
9. The tax implication any of our projects face is the single most important element to be addressed and we will do so by the best tax law firm we could source. When we fund a project the success of that project is the end goal. We must understand the long term implications of a project's tax structure and how it will affect their expansion and operational methods.
10. Other service divisions and departments will provide elements for success of the project no matter the need - from manufacturing help to market strategies.
11. The marketing department will help each project maximize it's exposure locally or internationally.
12. We will provide website hosting services to each project and an expert team of professionals to give them the best possible web presence.
13. We look forward to beginning project funding and providing our services to you.
14. We do not ask for anything up front, but rather offer you relief, robust funding and services.
15. This week is a milestone week with releases and first fund transfers.
16. It will not be long before we are fully functional and able to process projects in the current queue.
17. Thank you, God bless. We love you and look forward to giving a helping hand to anybody in need.
B. March 9 2017 8:08 pm EST RV Intelligence Alert: READ FULL SITREP
1. Over 7,000 off-site redemption centers and 8,000 bank currency intake points have been prepared in anticipation of the Global Currency Reset.
2. The Global Central Banking system was completely reversed.
3. New physical and digital currencies have been printed and loaded into banks worldwide.
4. New Private Placement Programs (PPPs) have been created.
5. We await final banking contract information.
C. March 10 2017 TNT Bank Story: BANK STORY, 10 MARCH
Jeffers: My housemate just went to Wells Fargo to open new accounts. She asked if they exchanged foreign currency and verified onsite. The answer was yes. She told them she had IQD, VND and ZIM. The Teller asked her to wait while she checked in the back. She returned very excitedly stating that all three were showing but very volatile. The Teller then asked her how much she held. She responded with "a sizeable amount." The Tellers' eyes grew large and asked if she minded being added to the "List" to be contacted. To which my housemate responded, "of course, when the rates are more favorable." (No Rates were given or asked for.)
D. March 10 2017 8:11 pm EST TNT RayRen98 Iraqi Update: Friday Update from TNT RayRen98 3-10-17 Iraqi TV says that Abadi will announce the liberation of Mosul at the Arab Summit with possible dates of March 23 through March 29.
E. March 9 2017 Over 1500 pedophiles arrested since Trump inauguration while the media kept silent: Judy Note: Arrests were suspected to be connected to the US Pizzagate and worldwide Pedogate Scandals regarding a global elite/banker international child exploitation ring:http://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/trump-busts-1500-pedophiles-media-keeps-silent
Entry Submitted by One Who Knows at 1:03 PM EST on March 11, 2017
Why So Many Exchange Locations?
I have seen this question posed in so many different ways. The two main questions are "Why would Banks train and staff these Offsite locations for all these years?" and "Why are there so many locations?" (Link To Post Below) I am going to answer the first question and after that, the second question will almost answer itself.
The Beverly Hillbillies
I remember the TV show the Beverly Hillbillies, where the Clampett Family had struck oil on their farm and became rich over night. They moved to Beverly Hills and had a Banker Mr. Drysdale who would do anything and everything to keep the Clampetts happy. He was at their beck and call 24/7 because the Clampetts had millions in his bank. That story line is not too far off from how valuable you will be to whatever bank you choose to do business with.
You Will Be A Private Banking "Client"
When you deposit your funds in a Bank and become a Private Banking "Client" you will be treated like royalty just like ole Jed Clampett was, but WAY BETTER. I remember hearing someone speak, that knew about the Banking business, and they said that if a Bank had a client with deposits in the Billions, they would have an entire floor of the Bank dedicated to the Management of just that one client's money.
What Are The $ Numbers?
Management fees are very tiny just fractions of a cent, but when you are talking about big money, that adds up quickly. The last Private Banking Fee I heard here in Dinarland was $0.003/year. That is about 1/3 of one cent per dollar/per year. That doesn't sound like much, but let's see how much that would be for just one $100T Zim (Bond). For our calculations let's say we have just one $100T ZIM at the very low non NDA rate of $2/zim.
$200,000,000,000,000 USN x 0.003/USN = $600,000,000,000 (600 Billion)
Just one Private Banking Client, with just one $100T Zim Bond, Exchanged @ the $2/Zim Rate, earns the Private Banking Branch of the Bank $600 Billion Dollars per year. What if you had more than one $100T Zim Bond? What if you got a rate of $1000/zim? What if you had more clients?
The Bankers Want You To Have The Higher Rate
It is easy to see now why the Bankers want you to ask for a higher rate. The more you get, the more they make. It is a WIN - WIN! Of course they can't just give you the extra money unless you ask for it, that would be against the rules, and you do have to say something that gives them the Justification to give you more, so they make more themselves.
The Cost Of The Exchange Centers
Clearly, the cost of setting up and running these exchange centers all these years is NOTHING compared to what they will make with just one client, but, there will be thousands of clients per exchange center. I am sure if the Banks had their way, they would have an Exchange center on every block of every town, just to get as many exchangers as possible into their banks. The only image I can think of to really understand this once in the History of the World event is this:
The Client Fishing Season
Imagine that there will be millions of highly valuable fish (Clients) swimming from point A to Point B at the same time. Sort of like a Tuna run, only it is well known that they will all go at once, and the more of them you catch in those few days (The Season), the more money you will not only make this year, but every year, for the next 50 years.
The Fishermen (Bankers) have their boats positioned in the path of where the fish will be passing by. There are 7000 Offsite Exchange centers with their nets in the water, and 5000 Bank locations with their nets in the water. They are spread out strategically so that it is easy for each one of them to catch that big fish, and possibly even a whale!
The Season of High Exchange Rates Begins
Soon, the signal will be given and the race will be on, to catch as many fish/clients as possible during the "Season" when the rates are high, and the Bankers fees are fat. All the Clients caught/acquired in that certain time frame (The Season), count way more, than catching a client after the "Season of High Exchange Rates" is over.
It is said that there will be as many as 30 million potential clients and each exchange center hopes to get their share of them when the time comes. Some Clients (Fish) will just have one dinar note, while others will have a pile of ZIMs (A Whale), but ALL HAVE HIGH POTENTIAL VALUE, if caught in "Season." That brings us to the next question.
Why So Many Exchange Centers?
As I promised, this question almost answers itself. Since the "Exchange Season" is very short, possible just 6 days, it is better to have as many Places to exchange as possible. Otherwise, if the season of High Rates were to last a year, for example, they would only need a few locations to exchange everyone over that period of time. But, in the best interest of keeping these high exchange rates quiet from the sleeping public, that has no idea what is going on, there will only be a few days allowed to get people in and exchanged at the high rates (The Season), then everything goes back to normal. When the Season is over, what would have been decent size fish in season, turn into minnows when the regular rates return. Huge Whales In season, turn into sport fish, still nice size, but not the Whale it would have been if it had been netted "in season."
Regarding The Number Of Exchangers
It has been said lately, that there may only be 10,000 hard core currency holders who stay up to date on what is going on in Dinarland. That seems small at first, but when you take into account that Hard Core Currency holders have also been the ones who have gifted the most currency to others because they believe it whole heartedly, it gets way bigger. So, with that in mind, you have the 10,000 watching the net times the average gifting numbers, and you could get to 100,000 or a million easily. Then you take into effect how many of these same hard core internet watchers who still have contact with those who don't watch the internet, and then you throw in the email contact plan, and the numbers of exchangers in the first wave could be VERY substantial. But the side of the first wave is NOT what matters, it is the total estimated currency holders of 30 Million.
The Second Wave Will Be Huge
You have to be a special kind of person to be able to handle the ups and downs that are normal in Dinarland. We are the Hard core believers who will stick it out no matter how many times it did not go. We are the First Wave exchangers. But, it is the second wave that will be the largest of the two. That will come when they make a PUBLIC TV announcement that we and the World are now Gold Backed and that certain currencies have changed in value. That will alert the rest of the currency holders, that it is time to exchange their currencies they have had in the sock drawer for years.
I expect that window of time from the time it is on National TV, and the time the exchange centers close down, to be very short. That is sort of a dangerous time to the plan, since the sleeping public who missed out on this, will be snooping around to find out what is going on. For that reason, the Offsite exchange centers and the special rate offers will have to be shut down as soon as possible. The NPTB may have a certain number of days in mind, but I am sure it will be based on the call volume. I expect it to continue as long as the call volume is strong and appointments are still being set at a good volume as well. However, as soon as that slows down, they will quickly close down the operation and the "Season" of high exchange opportunities will come to an end.
The Third Wave
I just decided to add in the third wave because I expect there will be one. This would be the people who figured out that they needed to exchange their currency too late to get in on the high rates. This will be the stragglers who never seem to be on time for anything. I am sure they will only be able to get the rate that the everyday public sees on the Bank screen. This would be the final and last wave of exchangers, the last minute, regular street rate exchangers.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that it makes perfect sense that there are so many exchange centers and exchange locations. Frankly, I am sure that the Banks wanted more, but the more there are, the harder it is to keep them all secret and safe, so they will have to make due with what they have.
In short, you will be treated better than you have ever been treated by a bank in your life. You are very valuable to them and you will get just about whatever you want. Wait till they explain what kinds of services you can expect from them. Welcome to the Good Life, no, the VERY Good Life, No, the Life You Could have only dreamed of. Dreams do come true. I am expecting BIG THINGS TODAY & This Weekend (Wink).
May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans
Wonder NO more...one picture in this case is worth a 1000 words.
Understand the weight of this image. This man lost both of his arms. The feeling of a handshake is lost to him. Trump realized this, and thus, touched his face so he can feel the human connection This is what I see when I think of Trump's motives. He gave up a billionaire lifestyle so he could be insulted, dragged through the mud, and lied about on a daily basis. All to save the country and people he loves.
Scroll to Bottom for New Metatron Channel Amazing – Less Than Half Price Early-Angel Discounted $199 Entry to the Mega Event in Arkansas This Amazing Discount Expires on Sunday March 12
The Earth-Keeper Chronicles In This March 2017 Issue:
New Metatron Channel : Is Nothing Sacred ! A Metatronic Review of the Evolution of Spirituality vs Religion
Contact in the Crystals! Registration is Now Open for the November 17-20 Earth-Keeper Crystal Star-Gate Mega-Event in the Astonishing Crystal Vortex of the Sacred Ark !
We are exceptionally offering the most reduced entry price ever - $199 ! Less than 50% of standard rate. This price offer is only available for 5-Days - Register Now to Get this Early-Angel One Time Discount ! (Scroll Down for Details)
The Metaphysical Event of the Year in Sacred Arkansas's Crystalline Mega-Vortex Limited Endorsed Healing Spaces Available !
Excerpts From Below Metatron-Tyberonn Channel:
.... In the present time of global unrest, there is a rising tide of resentment among the religions spawned of Abraham. And one of the necessary resolutions that will result, in time, is the harmony of these 3 patriarchal religions. Even that which you think of as negative, in time resolves back into love, albeit the hard way.
.... However, in the current times of 2017, year 5 of the New Earth paradigm, religious programming still has a far reaching influence. Sadly, few of your present major religions fully encompass or embrace the vast truth of your reality. Among these, Buddhism comes closest, but still leaves vacant, certain areas of importance. The total release of desire taught in certain Buddhist traditions can lead to self-denial. The 3 Abrahamic religions, with their varied versions & degrees of exclusion in zealous teachings of 'my way or no way' damnations, original sin and a wrathful God are distortions that have led to many conflicts and wars.
.... In the transitioning energies of the expanding 'New Earth', a new way of thinking will emerge in humanity. The new human will not find the Truth beyond religion by darting from doctrine to doctrine, nor guru to guru. Nor will you find, or experience your true self by zealously adhering to any specified form of theology. It does not happen by reading books and blindly accepting & believing everything you read. The burden of proof, the journey of self-truth cannot be found from another. It is a faulty, incomplete path to count upon any leader or teacher to prove to you your own relationship to divinity, or your own valid identity in relation to what you think of as God. More often than not, such a process leads merely to one subjective cage after another.
...There was indeed a 'historic' enlightened Christ, incarnate as Jeshua ben Joseph, but much of his true message was later diverted by the organized governmental church for the establishment of 'fear-based' control, political manipulation & convenience. But he was indeed a true avatar with an important message!
.... These shifts will enable a greater connection to multi-dimensional cognizance & wisdom. Humanity, as we have shared previously are shifting, slowly, into the new crystal-esque (silicon based) body type. We tell you that the new generations born into the Crystal Vortexes of Arkansas & Brazil, are already beginning to take on subtle physiological changes, although these benevolent mutations will not begin to be medically recognized for another generation or two. The human brain will begin to activate in previously dormant areas, to encompass greater awareness. With this is the ongoing expansion into the 33 chakric system, expanding from the 12 physio-chakras.
....The greatly anticipated 'contact' with your 'Star' Ancestors will have occurred by the 23rd century. You will be in the new body type predicted by Cayce and others. The basic shape will be the same, but the silicon base flesh will be more luminescent. Human auras will tangibly glow, and to an extent, each individual's auric identity will take precedence over the physical attributes. Racial differences will still be present, but less distinct. The colors and energy projected from the 'auric' spiritual essence will take antecedence over physical characteristics. Human bodies will be less dense in '3d matter' composition, thinner, and virtually hairless. The cranium will be slightly more elongated, with wider foreheads, increased size will be induced by the greater brain activity......
All Copyrights Duly Reserved 2017 Scroll Down for the Complete Channel...
The Metaphysical Event of the Year in Sacred Arkansas's Crystalline Mega-Vortex
Contact in the Crystals
Incredible Time Limited Early Angel Entry Discount - Over 50% Off Expires in 5 Days!
Two Ways to Attend
Join us for the Arkansas Crystal Vortex Star-Gate Gathering! 4 Revitalizing Magical Days of Spirit, Teachings, Meditation, Healing, Reconnection, Music & Fun! Come Re-Charge Your Life & Rediscover Purpose & Spiritual Joy!!
* Standard 4-Day - $444 * Premium Reserve Ticket - $555 * Limited Time "Early-Angel" Discount Ticket - $199 (Amazing Savings Less than Half Price!) This Exceptional Rate Expires in 5 Days. Valid only thru March 13, 2017
Event Dates: Friday November 17 – Sunday November 19 w/ Optional Activity Monday Nov 20th Ticket Options:
* **** Extraordinary 4-Day Crystal-Star-Gate Discount Ticket: $ 199 - Valid Only for 5 Days! Expires on Monday March 13th. Entitles attendees to full participation in the amazing 2017 Ark-Crystal Vortex Star- Gate Gathering of teachings, presentations, ceremony, healing, meditation, spirit & joy! A stellar event with renowned internationally acclaimed best-selling authors, teachers, spiritual leaders, celebrated researchers, and media broadcast hosts & television personalities, and truly amazing presenters! Four Enlightening days of spirit, joy, learning, reunion & magic! The Time Limited Discount Ticket is at an excellent reduced price. This 'discounted entry' ticket offers 'Early Angel' advance purchase benefits, as the current rate does have stated time sensitive validity ... and will increase in price over time. It is offered to allow the 'Earth-Keeper Family' our Friends & Attendees, new and old, to sign on at greatly reduced rates. This truly is an exceptional offer. Our keynote speaker fees, travel & accommodation costs, conference facilities, promotion & staff overhead for this event exceeds 80K. Do take advantage of the discounted rates, with awareness of terms. This is truly an amazing gathering of Master Teachers, Renowned Researchers, Best Selling Acclaimed Authors and Spiritual Leaders. This extraordinary half-price special reduced ticket offer expires on March 13th, and is non-cancel.
Premium Reserve Front Row: Click Below Link to Purchase:
* **** $ 555 Premium Reserve Ticket: - Entitles attendee all activities of the full 4-day Gathering with front reserved section premium seating. Premium Reserve ticket also includes an extraordinary bonus of a free set of the Metatronic Keys & a free copy of Tyberonn's best-selling book ' Alchemy of Ascension' , Levels 1 and 2, ( or Level 3 - your choice) a five-disc course. Each Metatronic Keys DVD Set sells online for $200, making this Premium Reserve ticket entry very attractive. The Met-Keys set & book is picked up at the event by the attendee. The DVD & Book gifting bonus does not apply in the event of cancellation. Premium Tickets are purchased via PayPal or US$ check payable to Earth-Keeper at the below listed address or online. For direct credit card payment call 936 447-9119.
Join the Earth-Keeper Family in the Incredible Transformational Energy of the Sacred Ark Crystal Vortex ... The Epi-Centre of the Crystalline Shift.
Arkansas is a Geological Wonder, Containing the Largest Singular Strata of Quartz Crystal on the Planet. Beginning in Little Rock, the Amazing Crystal Deposits Extend 177 miles SW to Hot Springs National Park & Talimena Ridge. Within the Astonishing Crystals are Rare World Renowned Deposits of Magnetite (at Magnet Cove), the Toltec Mounds Pyramids, Renowned Natural Thermal Healing Springs, Aquifers, Mystical Massive Caverns, Sacred Mountains, Crystal Clear Rivers, Holy Lakes, Amethyst, and an Active Diamond Mine (Crater of Diamonds State Park).
Arkansas was A Crystal Colony of the Benevolent Law of One Atlanteans. There are Utterly Astonishing, Enormous Crystals Beneath Arkansas the Size of Buildings. Three Temple Crystals Were Placed in the Underground Caverns Before the Final Sinking of Atlantis. The Energy Has Awakened & The Crystal Vortex is Now the Most Potent Crystalline Energy Field on Earth! Come Experience this Amazingly Sacred Vortexial Land of Ancient Atlantis, Spirit, Multidimensionality & Vision.
Graham Hancock is the celebrated British author of 14 International Best Selling Books, including Magicians of the Gods & Fingerprints of the Gods. His books are in over 20 languages and have sold over 20 million copies worldwide. Graham has appeared on BBC, CBS, ABC, Discovery Channel, Nat-Geo and History Channel. Graham is an absolutely brilliant speaker, his presentations are eloquent, articulate and utterly astonishing. He has spoken at 7 previous Earth-Keeper Gatherings and received multiple standing ovations. He is as humble and kind as he is brilliant, don't miss this rare opportunity to see and hear one of the most amazing persons on the planet ... a true walking master. Graham's new topic presentations for the 2017 Crystal Star-Gate is confirmed, he will present astonishing new material on the clear & compelling evidence of Lost Civilizations, lending academic credence to Atlantis. His brilliant new book, 'Magicians of the God's, has now been released in the USA. You don't want to miss the opportunity to meet and hear Graham Hancock in Little Rock, Arkansas! His lectures are brilliant, articulate, eloquent and absolutely mesmerizing !
Stanton Friedman is the academic patriarch of Extraterrestrial research & UFO-ology. He is a graduate Nuclear Physicist with Master of Science post graduate degrees in Physics from the University of Chicago . He was employed for many years as a nuclear physicist , including such companies as Aerojet General Nucleonics, &McDonnell Douglas working in such highly advanced, classified programs in nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and various compact nuclear powerplants for space and terrestrial applications. He became interested in UFOs in 1958, and since 1967 has lectured about them at more than 600 colleges and 100 professional groups in 50 U.S. states, 10 Canadian provinces and 18 other countries in addition to various nuclear consulting efforts. He has published more than 90 UFO papers and has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs including on Larry King in 2007 and twice in 2008, and many documentaries. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and co-authored Crash at Corona: The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident. TOP SECRET/MAJIC, his controversial book about the Majestic 12 group, established in 1947 to deal with alien technology, was published in 1996 and went through 6 printings. An expanded new edition was published in 2005. Stan was presented with a Lifetime UFO Achievement Award in Leeds, England, in 2002, by UFO Magazine of the UK. He is co-author with Kathleen Marden (Betty Hill's niece) of a book in 2007: Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience. The City of Fredericton, New Brunswick, declared August 27, 2007, Stanton Friedman Day. His book Flying Saucers and Science was published in June 2008 and is in its 3rd printing. His newest book, also co-authored with Kathleen Marden, is Science Was Wrong released in June 2010. He has provided written testimony to Congressional Hearings, appeared twice at the United Nations. He is a mesmerizing speaker. Don't miss hearing the patriarch of ET Research at the Arkansas Event . The amazing Stanton Friedman will be available for book signings in Little Rock.
John Van Auken is the highly revered Director of the Edgar Cayce Foundation. He is an internationally renowned author and teacher, having written over 38 books. He has been featured on Science Television, CNN, History Channel, & National geographic TV. He is a Master Teacher and superb speaker. John has expertise on myriad topics including the prolific Edgar Cayce Readings, Atlantis, Spirituality, Reincarnation, Soul Purpose, Karma, Egyptian Cosmology, Mayan Cosmology, A man of great integrity and humility, he has a delightful presence, wonderful sense of humor and a kind endearing demeanor. According to the Metatronic Readings, he is the reincarnation of the Apostle John, author of Revelations. His very presence is uplifting & healing. He is a spiritual mentor, & we consider him to be a true Incarnate Walking Master. He brightens every conference, and uplifts the energy of every room he enters. Come see John in Arkansas!
Dr. Lora Little is a prolific writer, researcher and speaker. She is one of the world's leading experts on Atlantis & the legendary 'Atlantean Hall of Records'. She has been drawn to the extraordinary myths & stories of Atlantis since childhood. An honored and certified Professional Psychotherapist, Dr. Lora has pursued the ancient mysteries with great passion & brilliant academic focus. The author and co-author of numerous brilliantly collated books and articles on the search for Atlantis, as well as the Lost Hall of Records that the acclaimed Edgar Cayce described in trance readings, Lora and her husband Dr. Greg Little have trekked untold thousands of miles visiting hundreds of ancient Native American sites all over North America. In addition, they have traveled to Egypt, Central America, and, for the last several years they have been studying and documenting incredible underwater sites like Bimini Road in the Bahamas, and Hall of records sites in Guatemala. She is a board member of Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment, a warm nurturing soul, and truly captivating speaker. Dr Lora will be available for Q & A and book signings in Little Rock. We are truly honored to present Dr Lora Little at the 2017 Crystal Vortex conference.
David Hatcher Childress is one of the most requested and sought after speakers on the planet. An celebrated iconic author of global celebrity status, he has written and edited over 50 books & publications in an incredible array of topics ranging from Science, the Paranormal, World Mysteries, Metaphysics, Sacred Sites, Lost Civilizations, LeMuria, Atlantis, Anti-gravity, UFO Mysteries, Bigfoot, Tesla, Einstein & Egypt. He is a lucid scholar, best-selling author, brilliant investigative mythologist, and featured on many current cutting edge TV & Radio Programs. A prolific pioneering writer of over 50 Best Selling books, David is internationally recognized for his innovative interpretations, academic approach & continual discoveries about our true (forgotten) history, ancient secrets and lost worlds. He is featured on the History Channel, and is the voice of the cutting edge award winning program 'Ancient Aliens'. He has also been featured on National Geographic, America Unearthed, The Science Channel, BBC and the Travel Channel. David has been a featured keynote speaker at 3 prior Earth-Keeper events, and received standing ovations for his compelling, articulate & truly amazing presentations. He is a perfect 'synthesizer' of the 'Paranormal & Scientific', offering clear succinct explanations and unique elucidation of past mysteries. He will be a featured keynote speaker at the 2017 Arkansas Crystal Vortex Gathering and will be available for book signings in Little Rock. His articulate & uniquely fluidic speaking style truly embellish his brilliant academic presentations into an array of astonishing topics that are compelling, mystical & absolutely fascinating from start to finish. He will be available for Q & A and Book signings. You don't want to miss David Hatcher-Childress in Arkansas at the Earth-Keeper Crystal Star-Gate!
Dr. Gregory L Little is a certified doctor of Psychology & a practicing Psychologist, now turned explorer, author, speaker,researcher & respected documentary film maker. Dr Greg and his wife Dr Lora Little have been actively searching the Bahamas & Central America for archaeological ruins that might be linked to Atlantis, working with the Edgar Cayce organization in its 'Search For Atlantis' Project. The Doctors Little have conducted wide explorations around Bimini, Andros, and the Great Bahama Bank. Their explorations have been featured on The National Geographic Channel, The Learning Channel, MSNBC, Sci-Fi, Discovery, and The History Channel. Dr Greg Little is coauthor of the books, Edgar Cayce's Atlantis, Mound Builders, Ancient South America, and People of the Web and has over 30 other books in print in various areas of psychology. His highly acclaimed and long awaited new book , 'The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Native American Indian Mounds & Earthworks', is an utterly astonishing academic compilation , reviewing over 100 Mound Sites in 41 States of the USA. It is the most comprehensive guide to America's mounds and earthworks in existence. The book includes nearly 900 photos, maps, & illustrations and has 80 site reconstructions made by archaeological illustrators. Dr Little is an engaging fascinating speaker, and connects the readings of Cayce to the sacred geometry and astronomical alignments of the Mound Builders & Atlantis. Earth-keeper have been seeking Dr Greg as a keynote speaker for several years, but his focal film documentary activity and writing, prevented his speaking until now. We are very excited to feature Dr Greg in November in beautiful Little Rock, Arkansas. He will be available for book signings and Q & A in Arkansas.
Hosts of the 2017 Crystal Vortex Star-Gate : Anne & Tyb. James Tyberonn will speak on the Crystalline Shift, Atlantis, Auric Maintenance & provide a live Metatron channel. James is an author, geological engineer, gemologist and master channel. He has written 7 books, appeared on National Television programs, and has been a featured guest keynote speaker at the United Nations SEAT, the Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment & Lee Carroll's Kryon Channeling Summit Event. He is considered one of the world's most knowledgeable experts on Earth Energies, Leylines, Grids, Gem and Crystal healing and Auric Maintenance. His British life partner of 35 years, Anne Meiklejohn is a Scottish master full trance medium & deeply gifted psychic in the rich Celtic tradition. She is a warm & kind loving soul with a wonderful sense of humor and endearing contagious laughter. She is the 'other half' of Earth-Keeper, and is the Event Director of EK Star-Gate conference events & Earth-Keeper pilgrimages and sacred site travel.
The Celebrated & Anticpated Earth-Keeper Star-Gate Event in the Crystal Vortex Will be Open for Registration in One Week - Stay Tuned for Early-Angel Registration !
Earth-Keeper in the Crystal Vortex November 2017
The Metaphysical Mega Conference of the Year !
Event FAQ
1) What is included in the 2017 Ark Crystal-Vortex Star-Gate Event registration?Our registration is for full attendance for the 4 days of the Gathering. Your registration does not include accommodations, hotels, meals or transport. The EK Discounted room block at the venue hotel is pre- reserved for registered Earth-Keeper Star-Gate attendees for convenient access. Our very special reduced rate discounted block of rooms on site is limited,(only 100 rooms onsite) and venue location is only given to attendees after payment in order to insure sufficient onsite rooms for registered attendees, as we do expect this event to sell out. Hotel information, location and contact for booking access are released to attendees, only after registration & payment with Earth-Keeper. Reg forms are sent only after abundance exchange remittance.reg forms are required to receive event ID Badges.
2) When should I arrive? We strongly suggest arriving on the afternoon of Thursday November 16, or before 11:00 am, on Friday November 17, 2017
3) What is the program schedule? The tentative detailed agenda will be released in August 2016. The final agenda will be released in early October. There may be slight shifts in speaking times and order, once the pre agenda is set. The event is planned to begin at 1:00 pm on Friday Nov 18. Registration begins at 10:30 am on Friday morning. Schedule subject to minor changes.
4) Is there a post event gathering? There are tentative optional Crystal Mine Digs & Visits to Toltec Mounds. More info TBA
5) What is the cancellation policy? Stated on registration form above (and below).
6) What weather should I expect? The weather in Arkansas in late November is generally sunny and beautiful... Average hi temperatures will be in the low to mid 70's F in the day and in the mid 40's to low 50's F at night. Bring a jacket. The stunningly vibrant & beautiful autumn colors will still be visible on the rolling hills and valleys of the Ouachita & Ozark Mountains in November.
7) What should I bring? Come with an open joyous heart to be in a nurturing environment of loving soul family. Treat everyone with respect and kindness, and expect to give and receive a lot of Loving Energy! You may also wish to bring your personal crystals & drums for ceremony. Please do not bring cd's, DVDs, books or pamphlets, etc to solicit, advertise alternative gatherings or travel, or items to promote. Please do not bring any items including minerals, crystals, books or incense to sell. No exceptions.
8) Is the main venue hotel sold out? Not yet, but it will. Our venue is a beautiful upscale conference hotel facility. We have 100 rooms pre-reserved at an excellent group discounted rate of $119 per night. These rooms will sell out very quickly, so for the great convenience of being onsite at our marvelous venue, (speakers will run up until 9 pm on Friday & Saturday), do register for the conference ASAP. We will send you hotel info for booking your room, after you have registered and remitted to attend the Crystal Star-Gate in Little Rock.
9) Will you be able to assist attendees in finding room share and car share partners? Yes. We will begin this process for assisting registered attendees seeking an expense sharing partner for transport, rental car or room share in early October about 6-7 weeks prior to the event. Please kindly make sure you are subscribed to our Earth-Keeper Chronicles E-Newsletter in order to receive these important updates and attendee only postings. Many people who have booked rooms in the venue hotel may wish to have roommates to reduce cost. We will send an email to all registered attendees in late September to begin this process, and the email will explain clearly how to post a request for either a room share or transport share partner.
10) Do you need volunteers or additional staff for the Earth-Keeper Arkansas Gathering? No thank you, we have the full staff required.
11) Do you offer media or press passes? No, there are no press or media passes. We also ask that no interviews or filming occur with featured speakers during the event, and that absolutely no photography, audio or video recording take place in the conference room. Our event will have a videographer and will be broadcast live on the internet. We cannot guarantee that you will not be on video!
12) Are discounts offered? We offer an amazing discount on the Early-Angel Discount Ticket. The discount process will increase over time, and are noncancel, offering truly amazing savings. No other discounts are possible for an event of this overhead and stellar lineup of renowned speakers.
13) Who are the featured keynote guest speakers? The confirmed featured Keynote speakers are:
* ** Graham Hancock - Internationally Celebrated British Author & Speaker * ** John Van Auken - Executive Director of Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. -Prolific Author * ** Dr Lora Little - Best Selling Author & Speaker, Expert on the Hall of Records & Atlantis * ** Stanton Friedman - Renowned Author, UFO Researcher, Academic & Nuclear Physicist * ** David Hatcher-Childress - Best Selling Author, Television Host Ancient Aliens & Acclaimed Researcher * ** Dr Gregory L Little - - Acclaimed Expert on Indian Mounds & Atlantis, Speaker & Author * ** James Tyberonn - Channel, Author, Geologist & Event Host Additional 'Bonus Speakers' To Be Announced...
Note: While we have confirmation & contracts with the listed speakers, in the unlikely event a speaker cancels, alternatives will be arranged. Attendance to the event is based on the Earth-Keeper Crystal Vortex Gathering with J Tyberonn. Although every intent is for the speakers listed & healers to be present, there are no refunds based on unexpected cancellation of any guest speaker or healer. In the unlikely event that any speaker or host is required to cancel for medical emergency or any personal emergency, the event will still take place, with alternates.
Our Venue Hotel is listed in the confirmation email sent only after completing & remitting registration.
* Our event is a gathering of soul family and seekers. All attendees are asked to be mutually respectful, kind, cooperative and nurturing.
* Please plan to arrive no later than Friday at 10:30 am on November 17th. We suggest arriving Thursday night Nov 16, and the indoor conference portion of the event will end on Sunday by 6 pm. The optional activity for Monday November 20 will end at approximately 5 pm or sooner.
* 3. The conference hall and meetings rooms for the Crystal Vortex Gathering will be in the conference facility of our venue hotel. These facilities, including the Conference Hall, Earth-Keeper store and conference rooms are fully reserved for the exclusive use of registered EK attendees, speakers & staff only. Event ID Badges are required to go into the conference room or bookstore at very entrance. Doors are security-staff monitored.
* The designated front rows are Premium Reserved seating for Premium ticket holders.
* Certain forward rows, behind the reserved section, are asked on a courtesy basis to be for handicapped attendees. Please be aware that all other seating is non-reserved, and is available on a first come basis each day. Our conference event facility has modern state of the art overhead speakers installed, accordingly sound is equally distributed thru out the conference room. There will be 2 enormous overhead screens enabling optimal screen views throughout the entire conference room.
* Please turn off cell-phones in the conference rooms. Please honor the featured speakers, ceremonial leaders & meditation leaders as well as your fellow attendees with respectful silence during lectures, teachings, and meditations. If you must talk, please exit the conference room during scheduled speaking and ceremony. No recording or filming in the conference room is permitted.
* Please do not bring items to sell, flyers or pamphlets to distribute or solicit services or alternative trips or events at this gathering.
* You must have attendee registration badge to enter conference hall. Please wear your admission badge at all times. You will need your attendee badge for the full event, and will be required to have it with you to enter the conference area. You will need it each time you enter the conference room, session area and Earth-Keeper Store. The doors are monitored so please keep your ID Badge with you at all times. This is prevent 'gate-crashing' and to insure ticket-holder seating is available to our attendees, as the event will sell-out.
* We have many prolific & spiritually guided ceremonies planned for the Earth-Keeper Gathering. We kindly ask that the program be honored, and respectfully request that all attendees follow the carefully planned & inspired program in place. While we understand all of you are gifted teachers and leaders, please do not plan any alternative or additional ceremony during the program. Thank you for honoring our protocol.
* Because of the large attendance, lunch break & dinner break will be 90 minutes.
* Please try to be on time for all events.
* You may bring your drums and crystals.
* The Earth-Keeper store and Crystal Displays, book signing tables are for registered attendees. These will be open during conference activity. Vogel Phi Crystals, Healing gems, books, and DVD's and crystal skulls are available for purchase at the EK Store.
* There will be assistants and staff to aid in the registration and entry process for the event. Please contact a staff member if you have any issues, and we ask that all staff be treated with kindness and respect, as will be shown to you.
* Please enjoy this grand time of Spirit! Be good to yourself & nurture and respect one another. We are Family.
* In the very unlikely event anyone creates a disturbance that is detrimental to the loving spirit and intent of the conference; we reserve the right to remove them from the conference with legally empowered hotel security officers for the well-being of the group.
* Please insure you send in the completed and signed event contractual reg-form. These are required for your Event ID Badge. Use legal names on the forms, (not spirit names or nicknames). You will need a formal picture ID to pick up your event badge at registration.
CANCELLATION POLICY: The Premium Reserve Full Attendance Ticket to the 2017 Crystal Vortex Star-Gate Gathering (Nov 17-19) in Beautiful Little Rock, Arkansas enables participant to attend all activities. Premium Reserve Rate Premium Tickets may be cancelled up until October 1st, with a 35% cancellation fee. No cancels on full rate ticket after 1 October, 2016. The Metatronic Keys Levels 1 & 2, DVD set for premium ticket holders is given at the event. The gifting of DVD set of Met-Keys Levels -1 & 2 does not apply in case of non-attendance or cancellation. All discounted tickets & healers tickets are non-refundable, but may be sold by the buyer with a $35 transfer fee. We recommend travelers insurance in case of emergency preventing attendance. Full price (Premium Reserve) tickets may be sold or transferred by attendee with notice up until 1 October, 2016, with $35 transfer fee. Met Keys 1-2 DVD Set given at the event for Premium Ticket, does not apply in case of cancellation. All cancellations must be received by & only by both email and registered post mail, sent to the above address and recvd before October 1, 2016.
Earth-Keeper Contact Information: Email: Tyberonn@hotmail.com Phones - 936 447-9119 / 936 522-8804 Bobby Scott - Admin Event Mgr Our Mailing Address: Earth-Keeper Suite 115-111 8000 Research Forest Drive The Woodlands, Texas 77382
Click Here to Subscribe to Our Earth-Keeper Newsletter
John Van Auken Click Arrow in Above Image to View This Brilliant Video Presentation by One of the Most Amazing Teachers & Speakers on the Planet ! A True Walking Master !
John Van Auken is Director of the Edgar Cayce Foundation, and one of the most celebrated speakers for the Association for Research & Enlightenment. He is a prolific source of information on a wide scope of topics including reincarnation, meditation, karma, the origin of the soul, Egyptian Cosmology, Atlantis, health, rejuvenation & the Edgar Cayce readings.
The above video covers the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce in 2158, Life on the Moon, The Great Crystal of Atlantis, Rejuvenation, Phi Vogel Crystals, Lapis Lazuli , Alien Contact with the Maya, Life in Universe & The Nature of GOD
New Metatron Channel
When Nothing(ness) Is Sacred The Evolution of Religion into Spirituality Archangel Metatron via Tyberonn
All Copyrights Duly Reserved to Earth-Keeper & James Tyberonn 2017
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We embrace you in a vector of unconditional love.
In the present time of global unrest, there is a rising tide of resentment among the religions spawned of Abraham. And one of the necessary resolutions that will result, in time, is the harmony of these 3 patriarchal religions. Even that which you think of as negative, in time resolves back into love, albeit the hard way.
Religion & Truth
We wish to speak to you in this channeling, of religion. For the understanding of your existence and relationship to All That Is, is expanding. God is Love. Masters, we tell you that the time is coming for humanity to consider spirituality and embrace highest human ethics beyond dogmatic religion altogether. We tell you that God, 'All That Is' knows no dogmatic religion, other than the kind heart. It should be no surprise to the aware human, that all of you in your various reincarnations have experienced most of your present religious doctrines & teachings, as well as other formats & forms of spiritual wisdom, well outside of your conscious memory, before your recorded history.
However, in the current times of 2017, year 5 of the New Earth paradigm, religious programming still has a far reaching influence. Sadly, few of your present major religions fully encompass or embrace the vast truth of your reality. Among these, Buddhism comes closest, but still leaves vacant, certain areas of importance. The total release of desire taught in certain Buddhist traditions can lead to self-denial. The 3 Abrahamic religions, with their varied versions & degrees of exclusion in zealous teachings of 'my way or no way' damnations, with original sin and a wrathful God are sad distortions that have led to many conflicts and wars.
Evolution & Self Discovery
In the transitioning energies of the expanding 'New Earth', a new way of thinking will emerge in humanity. The new human will not find the Truth beyond religion by darting from doctrine to doctrine, nor guru to guru. Nor will you find, or experience your true self by zealously adhering to any specified form of theology. It does not happen by reading books and blindly accepting & believing everything you read. The burden of proof, the journey of self-truth cannot be found from another. It is a false path to count upon any leader or teacher to prove to you your own relationship to divinity, or your own valid identity in relation to what you think of as God. More often than not, such a process leads merely to one subjective cage after another.
Although there may be an initial state of comfort or security in following any given leader or teaching, the responsibility of finding answers is squarely upon each of you, especially as you move into areas of higher development. Dear Human, it is by finding solitude and looking deeply, serenely and openly into self, that you can gain experiential knowledge of your own truth, discover & truly experience the inner self and vast multi-dimensional nature & reality of your expansive source. This requires effort. Indeed one must feel the hunger, the deep desire. There is a willing surrender involved, an overt acquiescence into focal realization.
Historic Distortion
There have been many 'Cristos Consciousness' incarnate on your planet. Most of their messages were lost or distorted in history. None of them were actually crucified as depicted in your biblical text, though there were martyrs. That however, does not imply that the event as implied in Christendom does not have a deep symbolic message or valid hologramic reality. Any event deeply embedded, programmed into belief into vast numbers of humanity will assume a certain 'projected-psychological' reality, through the co-creativity of the collective mind. In this sense the crucifixion story has a greater reality that the actually occurrence. There was indeed a 'historic' enlightened Christ, incarnate as Jeshua ben Joseph, but much of his true message was later diverted by the organized governmental church for 'fear-based' control and political manipulation & convenience.
We are not saying that devotedly practicing an orthodox religious discipline, with certain universal tenets of love & morality, is incapable of providing comfort to those that devote their faith and belief into such an ecclesiastical organization. Communion with Spirit, and interface into higher realms is absolutely possible to those in any religion or belief who earnestly and devotedly seek light and love. Rather we are saying that most methodized spiritual persuasions in current times have a limited scope, a minimal grasp of the true nature of reality, and dictate a program with a set doctrine and fear-controls, including a paradisiacal heaven for obedient believers and a raging torment of a burning hell for everyone else. The original teachings and undistorted message did not contain the concept of original sin.
There have been through the eons of time, many bearers of truth, often referred to as 'speakers'. Jeshua ben Joseph was such a speaker, as were Pythagoras, Zoroaster, and Siddhārtha Gautama, among others. John the Baptist was actually an aspectual part of the soul of Jeshua ben Joseph, the Christ, as were the 12 apostles. The 12 apostles were symbolic of the 12 virtues of human attribute patterns, objectively associated to the 12 major zodiac templates of human experience in the earthplane. Paul became a Christos, and it is his work that truly initiated the wider reach of Christianity. Both Paul and John the Baptist were historically martyred. Paul was aware of the greater truth, but he only shared certain more mystical aspects of the message to an inner circle of devotees.
And we tell you that there have been enclaves of secretive monastic groups that have maintained records of the more expansive teachings of the Christ. As did sects of the Essenes. There are yet monastic caves and hidden chambers within monasteries in parts of Europe, particularly northern & western Spain, in which there are ancient books and encrypted scrolls of the greater truth. Most however were destroyed by the Vatican authorities and the Inquisition sources, although some encrypted versions are presently remain in the hidden vaults of the Vatican, and certain antiquity museums in Europe, albeit too faded & fragile to decipher.
The Coming Golden Age
The 'Golden Age' that Edgar Cayce prophesized to begin after the 21st century, and biblical texts loosely refer to as the Thousand Years of Peace', can be considered to have passed early benchmark dates. These would be as follows: benchmarks passed in red...future targets in blue:
* 1987 - The Harmonic Convergence * 1998 - Deflection of the 'Death-Star' meteorite optional ending of 1998 * 2012 - Earth Expansion from 3d to 12d. * 2038 ~2044 - Return of the Avatar, 4th Personification of the Cristos. * 2075~2077 - Completion of the Primary Avatar Mission * 2150-2300 - Mass Incarnation Return of the Law of One Soul group(Edgar Cayce Soul Returns - Incarnates in 2158) * 2300~2375 - Humanity Exceed 50% Critical Mass (Populace) of 'Enlightened Duality Consciousness' * 2350 ~2375... Golden Age Begins
The Light measurement of the 1987 Harmonic Convergence (which occurred on Mayan Calendar 1144 point, at an eight planet alignment Grand-Trine) which involved 144,000 people meditating together across global powerpoints, enabled, co-creatively seeded in divine intent the movement toward the ascension of earth in 2012, and ascension of mankind in tow. (Averting the cataclysmic reboot). Yes!
What many of you, do not realize is that the global cataclysm predicted by so many seers, including Edgar Cayce was averted because of the Harmonic Convergence. The probable reality of cataclysm would otherwise have occurred between 1998 and 2012, triggered by a massive 1. 5 kilometer meteorite striking the earth. Sensitives among you were aware of this potential. Interestingly several movies came out in this time of the 90's and early 2000's about asteroids potentially hitting & devastating the planet. What occurred on the 1144 year (1987) with the 144,000 brought transition without reboot, from probability status into physicality. It 'harmonically' manifested a new path toward peace and ascension thru conscious co-creation. It changed the nature of the 2012 point, from reboot by cataclysm, to dimensional expansion.
And so it is that the true dawning of the Coming Golden Age dimensionally spawned & frequencially dawned in 2012. But it will take approximately 15 to 20 generations, 300 to 400 linear years, to truly occur as a 'Golden Reign of Peace'.
Between your current time in 2017, up until 2038, changes will be gradual, seemingly slow to the casual observers among you. However, as 2038 approaches, there will be a marked quickening of induction effects, thru these ongoing essential changes & the upshifts of frequency. These transitional energies and their influxes of ions with coded light are slowly but surely permeating onto & into the planet, and will in-kind, play major roles in the transformation of humanity.
These shifts will enable a greater connection to multi-dimensional cognizance & wisdom. Humanity, as we have shared previously are shifting, slowly, into the new crystal-esque (silicon based) body type. We tell you that the new generations born into the Crystal Vortexes of Arkansas & Brazil, are already beginning to take on subtle physiological changes, although these benevolent mutations will not begin to be medically recognized for another generation or two.
The human brain will begin to activate in previously dormant areas, to encompass greater awareness. With this is the ongoing expansion into the 33 chakric system, expanding from the 12 physio-chakras. In this process, will evolve new spiritual awareness centers, whose full activation will result in a much greater elasticity of paradigmic understanding. Duality will still exist, but with a lesser arc swing, meaning there will be a lessening of 'gray areas' in terms of understanding right or wrong. This does not imply that there will not be obstacles, issue or problems to resolve, for that is the nature of the earth as a testing ground in the free will of 3d duality. Rather that the forks in the road, and decisions of which path to take will be more concise, easier to discern... a more black & white choice. In areas of conflict there will be a much greater awareness that two wrongs never make a right.
As these changes evolve, year by year from 2017 to 2038, and in collative phases: 2075 to 2100 and 2150 to 2300. More expansion & awareness will lead to the masses of human seekers rising beyond and above the parameters of orthodox thinking and 'religion'. Spirituality will make a major shift into a more individualized concept, combining 'divine illumination' interface experiences thru self-tailored, personal versions of sacred metaphysical practice.
Human experience will extend, expand in awareness. This will enable a more tangible reach into differing brain wave states of consciousness, and thus facilitate not only a greater interface with the 12 planetary dimensions but also, on a visionary level, into grater cognizance of other time epochs relating to past life personalities & connective communicative capacity with both future and past incarnations.
The Requisite Cleanse
Masters, in the present era of expansion, all of you are now and will continue for several years, experiencing varying intensities of what we have termed as 'Crucible Astrology'. This is a necessary cleansing, that must occur. All areas of conflict are rising to the surface in order to be confronted and resolved. But within the nuances of this patterning, are also phases in which you will question the status quo, the old energies around religion and personal systems of belief. Beliefs are changing, and to a large degree are influencing new beliefs, by shifting the attributes of the physical environ in undeniable ways.
Areas of academia and main stream science are beginning to make discoveries and uncover new workable theories which involve paradigm shifts in regard to the fluidic nature of physics and reality. A more natural, a more spontaneous form of illumination is evolving, and will replace orthodox religious disciplines. In the not too distant future, brain scan technology will reveal increased activity in previously dormant areas. The medial temporal lobe will reveal in brain-mapping, a greater activity in the limbic system.
There will also be noted changes in the base of the brain, effecting the endocrine system, hypothalamus & pituitary. The human body's natural endogenous production of specific neurons and dimethyltryptamine will increase, and will be studied from the aspect of consciousness expansion. It will be discovered that stimulation of certain brain areas can consistently produce distinct past life memories. Human abilities of telepathic communication will also significantly expand.
This expansion is influenced and driven to no small degree, by solar activity, and the resulting shift of the ionic ratio via coronal mass ejections bombarding billions of tons of anionic particulate into the earth's atmosphere.
All of this is gradual in human sense of sequential linear time, but rapid from an over-view.
Our Intent
Our intent in this channel, is to assure you, that despite the chaos occurring in the crucible patterning of the planet, all is on track. Humanity is indeed on track for ascension albeit still generations away. And so it should not be a surprise to you, that most of you on the path of ascension will choose to reincarnate several times between now and humanity's graduation. The actual moment of the majority of humanity being 'enlightened' cannot truly be pin-pointed, both for practical reasons and the fact that ascension occurs one heart at a time, and free will is ever involved. But from our perspective, it is not a matter of 'if' it will happen, simply an evolving into what is now firmly on-track and manifesting its landing place in space & time.
By the middle of the next century, (2150) the collective vibration & group light quotient of humanity will be much higher than it is at the present time. Using this projection, by the year 2300~2350, the majority, approximately 70% of humanity incarnate on the earth plane will be in high light quotient. There will be very few conflicts that escalate into violence on an individual level and virtually none between sub-governments of the United Earth.
By this time, mankind will have changed concepts of religious beliefs to such an extent that there will be only a fragmentized historic similarity in comparison between what is understood in 2300 to those of the present time in 2017. In fact, by 2300, the word religion will no longer be in use, no longer be part of the vernacular in reference to spiritual awareness. (You will, in that future vector of time, be amazed at how limiting and narrow orthodox religious beliefs were in the past.)
The greatly anticipated 'contact' with your 'Star' Ancestors will have occurred by the 23rd century. You will be in the new body type predicted by Cayce and others. The basic shape will be the same, but the silicon base flesh will be more luminescent. Human auras will tangibly glow, and to an extent, each individual's auric identity will take precedence over the physical attributes. Racial differences will still be present, but less distinct. The colors and energy projected from the 'auric' spiritual essence will take antecedence over physical characteristics. Human bodies will be less dense in '3d matter' composition, thinner, and virtually hairless. The cranium will be slightly more elongated, with wider foreheads, increased size will be induced by the greater brain activity.
Masters, you live in a rather chaotic phase of time in which it may be easy to sense despair, to be discouraged and feel like human advancement is taking a backward step. Religious conflict is erupting across the planet into war & extreme violence.
What is taking place, as confusing & contradictory as it may seem, is a clearing. In a manner of speaking, you are taking one step back before taking two giant (quantum-leap) 'steps' forward. This violence and turmoil will in time have resolution. It is vitally important that you do not lose hope. The seekers among you, the wise among you are needed in your now, more than ever, to project love and positive co-creative energies. In doing so you provide essential fertile energy toward the seed-core manifestation of the changes that will come.
Changes are in place that will allow you greater union with Universal Truths. Truths that are instinctively understood and cohesively in place. Wisdom involving your place in the Cosmos, purpose in life and relationship to the Divine, will be devoid of dogma, separated from current restrictive religious structures. Actions & thoughts which maintain and reflect joy, kindness and respect, to others and self, will be seen as the retrievable, belief worthy basic 'Truths', salvaged from the 'old time religion'.
And there is an underlying bliss in knowing what is true and having the ability to believe based on your individualized expression.
Masters, in the purposed illusion of duality, everything and nothing are opposite sides of the same coin. When nothing makes you happy, you will have made a quantum leap. For maintaining a vibration of joy, unswayed by the events around you, is a great goal of human existence. In that sense, you may indeed say, (humorously...), that 'Nothing is Sacred'. Masters when you learn to project joy and bliss, it has a far reaching influence and effect. We tell you that there is no joy greater, more exquisite than the true self-realization of Truth.
I am Metatron, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we share with you these Truths. A magnificent graduation awaits you. Dear Humans, you are dearly beloved.
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Power Outside The Matrix: Liberation from programming
by Jon Rappoport
March 11, 2017
There are two major effects of overall mind control.
The first is the distracting and confusing of thought processes.
This is defeated and kept at bay by logic, a discipline employed by Plato and refined by his student, Aristotle.
Today, logic needs to be expanded and updated to deal with the flood of information and misinformation we encounter every day.
The second overall effect of mind control is the repression of the individual’s creative impulse. Creation and imagination are, of course, the energies that bring about the invention of new realities.
All forms of mind control target the individual so that he passively accepts the reality presented to him.
Taken together, logic and imagination are the most formidable force in the liberation of the individual—his consciousness and his action.
That liberation should be the goal of any sane teaching.
Expanding one’s own power involves the conscious projection of new realities.
Previously, the notion of “projection” has been the property of the pseudoscience called psychology. The concept has been twisted to mean the blind projection of one’s own “negative images and feelings” on to other people.
Beyond this blip on the radar of human existence, there emerges a far greater kind of projection: conscious and imaginative invention of new futures. That is where liberated individual power travels and operates and works.
The objective of my third and most recent collection, Power Outside The Matrix, is the launching (and stabilizing) of this breakthrough.
This collection contains a long section called, Analyzing Disinformation in the Age of Information.
It explains the buying and selling of false realities—a major occupation in the Matrix.
The key is having the tools to analyze realities, take them apart, and apply logic and other critical methods to these structures.
I’ve been at this for 30 years. In this section of Power Outside The Matrix, I offer key examples from my own extensive investigations.
The cults in charge of selling false realities try to bypass the rational mind and instead covertly appeal to automatic reflex functions.
The most important of these reflex functions is: investing emotions in presented images. This is the primary strategy of informational mind control on the planet.
During my 30 years as a reporter covering “the news behind the news,” I’ve seen countless instances in which the Matrix shows up, swims into view.
The Matrix, the central image, is a lie. But not just any lie.
It is very deep, shared, hypnotic picture of reality.
People need more power—more individual power, so they can both stand and operate outside the Matrix.
Limited concepts of space, time, and energy—these, too, are “given” to human beings as the be-all and end-all of a story. A story that ultimately short-circuits and short-changes what the individual is really capable of.
The entire mural of imposed Reality is aimed at radically diminishing the individual’s power.
So in addition to my work as an investigative reporter, I’ve been researching the individual’s ability to go beyond this mural of reality.
In the late 1980s, in concert with the brilliant hypnotherapist Jack True (who gave up doing hypnosis with his patients), I developed many exercises and techniques for expanding the creative power of the individual. Both Jack and I were continuing a tradition that goes all the way back to early Tibet.
Some of those exercises are included in a section titled Power Outside The Matrix and The Invention of New Reality. These techniques are aimed at accessing more energy, more imagination, more stability and intelligence “beyond the mural of reality.”
Power Outside The Matrix is all about being able to think, act, and create both outside and inside The Matrix. Because that’s the goal: to be able to function in both places.
People are consciously or unconsciously fixated on boundaries and systems. They are hoping for whatever can be delivered through a system.
That fixation is a form of mind control.
Freedom isn’t a system.
But freedom needs creative power, otherwise it just sits there and becomes a lonely statue gathering dust in an abandoned park.
At one time or another, every human being who has ever lived on this planet has abandoned his creative power. The question is: does he want to get it back?
It never really goes away. It is always there. It is the basis of a life that can be lived. A life that can be chosen. People instead choose roles that don’t require that power. They think this is a winning strategy.
It isn’t.
Power Outside The Matrix and The Invention of New Reality, features creative exercises you do on a daily basis that will help a committed individual move toward the goal of power outside The Matrix. The exercises are all about increasing your energy and stability—and about the invention of new spaces.
Access to your internal energy, in huge amounts, is necessary for a life outside The Matrix—rather than relying on the illusory energy that The Matrix seems to provide.
I’ve developed the exercises for exactly that purpose: your energy, your dynamism.
Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation is filled with specific examples of my past investigations. Based on 25 years of experience, it shows you how to take apart and put together data that lead to valid conclusions.
It is far more than a logic course.
It’s an advanced approach to analysis.
Establishing power outside The Matrix requires that a person be able to deal with today’s flood of information, misinformation, and disinformation. I’ve left no stone unturned in bringing you a workable approach to analysis.
There is a further extensive section titled, A Writer’s Tutorial. People have been asking me to provide this Tutorial, and here it is in spades. But it’s not just for writers. It’s for any creative person who wants to grasp his own power, understand it, and use it to reach out into the world.
The Tutorial exposes you to lessons that go far beyond what is normally taught in writer’s seminars. In fact, several core concepts in the Tutorial contradict ordinary writer’s seminars, and thus give you access to inner resources that would otherwise be ignored.
And finally, I have included a number of audio seminars that offer a wider perspective about The Matrix and what it means to live and work outside it.
Here are the particulars. These are audio presentations. 55 total hours.
* Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation (11.5-hours)
* Writer’s Tutorial (8.5-hours)
* Power Outside The Matrix and The Invention of New Reality—creative techniques (6.5-hours)
Then you will receive the following audio presentations I have previously done: