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Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.


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 Ascension 137 
Ascension 137 
Select One 1 Trees are Living Libraries 2 Exciting News 3 Awsome co-creation 4 Alien Races 5 Health Alert 6 New Earth 7 Organic Diet 8 ZAP/POOF 9 SHOOTERS 10 Beating Cancer 11 Fulford / Fed Reserve 12 Health Alert 13 Thrive Movement 14 Nevada Geyser 15 Sheldan 16 New Energy 17 OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD 18 5th Dimension 19 influx of energies 20 Portals~Arcturians 21 Vast, Powerful, and Majestic 22 Shine 23 America's Great Struggle 24 VICTORY 25 GLOBAL ONENESS 26 Matthew 27 Age of Aquarius 28 The New Reality 29 10-DAY notice 30 Sheldan 31 FATHER-DAUGHTER 32 POOF 33 John Smallman 34 HUMANITY'S SHIFT 35 Sananda 36 Pleiadeans 37 GLOBAL ONENESS 38 Wayne Dyer 39 New Zealand 40 Sanat Kumara