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Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.


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 Ascension 225 
Ascension 225 
Select One 1) The Worst Things Obama Did to America 2) Exploring Dark Night of the Soul 3) Deep State Husbands 4) Monsanto hit with massive jury ruling 5) COKE-COLA Ingredients 6) *Be a Rainbow in Someone Else's Cloud 7) Intel: Judge Poisoned After Ruling Bank Foreclosure as Illegal 8) Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message -- August 10, 2018 9) Internet Censorship Onslaught: Here's The Solution 10) YouTube to interrupt vaccine videos with "fact check" propaganda 11) Fulford Report (Excerpt): "East/West AI Competition" 12) Forty Years Of Islamic Terror In Iran 13) No one is coming to save us 14) Media Diverting Your Attention From The 35 Known Jihadi Camps In America 15) Gender Bathroom Training 16) WOW! 17) SECRET POWER of PYRAMIDS ~ more on Pyramids 18) The techno-tyranny regime has been unleashed 19) Peter Strzok! You're Fired! 20) President Trump Revokes John Brennan's Security Clearance 21) Truth Decay 22) It's still a disaster 23) Mozilla (Firefox) goes all in for evil, will block independent media 24) Busy summer at the border 25) Vaccine scandal explodes in China 26) Censorship By Internet Corporations Is Still Censorship 27) The Elemental Kingdom 28) Before you shop Check this out DONATIONS 29) Media Attempting To Divert Muslim Primary Victories 30) Message from Matthew 31) Vaccine cover-up in USA modeled after communist China 32) DARK JOURNALIST X-SERIES XXII: SUPRA ET ULTRA X-TECH UFO ENERGY SECRET! 33) Capitulation And Despoliation Through Immigration 34) TERRIFIC MEMES...For Sure Folks! 35) Media Blackout: Arrests in New Mexico Compound Connected to the Dems and CNN 36) NFL BOYCOTT 37) Five website you need to be checking 38) Open Door Challenge 39) CDR Joe "Hoser" Satrapa 40) Trumpocalypse, The Dark Machine And A Virtual Armageddon 41) Things are breaking wide open out in the swamp aka Washington, DC. 42) Those Who Know Cannot Sleep 43) LGBT speech police now destroying all references to female anatomy 44) Do Not Become Like Briton, Get Serious and Fight Back 45) While The American People Sleep 46) Google wants all your hospital records, without your permission 47) THE CONGRESSIONAL REFORM ACT OF 2018 48) Logic from an uncluttered Mind 49) Something to Think About... 50) "Staple a work visa to their diploma?" REALLY, GOP????