**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
Two Smoking Guns: FBI on Hillary’s Case
By Andrew P. Napolitano
January 15, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - The federal criminal Gof former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s failure to secure state secrets was ratcheted up earlier this week, and at the same time, the existence of a parallel criminal investigation of another aspect of her behavior was made known. This is the second publicly revealed expansion of the FBI’s investigations in two months.
I have argued for two months that Clinton’s legal woes are either grave or worse than grave. That argument has been based on the hard, now public evidence of her failure to safeguard national security secrets and the known manner in which the Department of Justice addresses these failures.
The failure to safeguard state secrets is an area of the law in which the federal government has been aggressive to the point of being merciless. State secrets are the product of members of the intelligence community’s risking their lives to obtain information.
Before she was entrusted with any state secrets – indeed, on her first full day as secretary of state – Clinton received instruction from FBI agents on how to safeguard them; and she signed an oath swearing to comply with the laws commanding the safekeeping of these secrets. She was warned that the failure to safeguard secrets – known as espionage – would most likely result in aggressive prosecution.
In the cases of others, those threats have been carried out. The Obama Department of Justice prosecuted a young sailor for espionage for sending a selfie to his girlfriend, because in the background of the photo was a view of a sonar screen on a submarine. It prosecuted a heroic Marine for espionage for warning his superiors of the presence of an al-Qaida operative in police garb inside an American encampment in Afghanistan, because he used a Gmail account to send the warning.
It also prosecuted Gen. David Petraeus for espionage for keeping secret and top-secret documents in an unlocked drawer in his desk inside his guarded home. It alleged that he shared those secrets with a friend who also had a security clearance, but it dropped those charges.
The obligation of those to whom state secrets have been entrusted to safeguard them is a rare area in which federal criminal prosecutions can be based on the defendant’s negligence. Stated differently, to prosecute Clinton for espionage, the government need not prove that she intended to expose the secrets.
The evidence of Clinton’s negligence is overwhelming. The FBI now has more than 1,300 protected emails that she received on her insecure server and sent to others – some to their insecure servers. These emails contained confidential, secret or top-secret information, the negligent
exposure of which is a criminal act.
One of the top-secret emails she received and forwarded contained a photo taken from an American satellite of the North Korean nuclear facility that detonated a device just last week. Because Clinton failed to safeguard that email, she exposed to hackers and thus to the North Koreans the time, place and manner of American surveillance of them. This type of data is in the highest category of protected secrets.
Last weekend, the State Department released two smoking guns – each an email from Clinton to a State Department subordinate. One instructed a subordinate who was having difficulty getting a document to Clinton that she had not seen by using a secure State Department fax machine to use an insecure fax machine. The other instructed another subordinate to remove the "confidential" or "secret" designation from a document Clinton had not seen before sending it to her. These two emails show a pattern of behavior utterly heedless of the profound responsibilities of the secretary of state, repugnant to her sworn agreement to safeguard state secrets, and criminal at their essence.
Also this past weekend, my Fox News colleagues Katherine Herridge and Pamela Browne learned from government sources that the FBI is investigating whether Clinton made any decisions as secretary of state to benefit her family foundation or her husband’s speaking engagements. If so, this would be profound public corruption.
This investigation was probably provoked by several teams of independent researchers – some of whom are financial experts and have published their work – who have been investigating the Clinton Foundation for a few years. They have amassed a treasure-trove of documents demonstrating fraud and irregularities in fundraising and expenditures, and they have shown a pattern of favorable State Department treatment of foreign entities coinciding with donations by those entities to the Clinton Foundation and their engaging former President Bill Clinton to give speeches.
There are now more than 100 FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton. Her denial that she is at the core of their work is political claptrap with no connection to reality. It is inconceivable that the FBI would send such vast resources in the present dangerous era on a wild-goose chase.
It is the consensus of many of us who monitor government behavior that the FBI will recommend indictment. That recommendation will go to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who, given Clinton’s former status in the government and current status in the Democratic Party, will no doubt consult the White House.
If a federal grand jury were to indict Clinton for espionage or corruption, that would be fatal to her political career.
If the FBI recommends indictment and the attorney general declines to do so, expect Saturday Night Massacre-like leaks of draft indictments, whistleblower revelations and litigation, and FBI resignations, led by the fiercely independent and intellectually honest FBI Director James Comey himself.
That would be fatal to Clinton’s political career, as well.
Andrew Peter Napolitano is a syndicated columnist whose work appears in numerous publications, such as Fox News, The Washington Times, and Reason.
Judge Anna von Reitz:
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 30-Jan-2016 07:41:21
Friday, January 29, 2016
For immediate collection: $279 Trillion United States Silver Dollars payable in fine silver in cured liens against the American Bar Association, the International Bar Association, and the IMF dba UNITED STATES, INC, DBA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.
For immediate collection: $2 Billion United States Silver Dollars payable in fine silver in cured pre-emptive liens against the IMF dba UNITED STATES INC. dba FBI as damages owed the united States of America, the people of oregon, and the family of murder victim LaVoy Finicum.
For immediate collection: $387 Billion United States Dollars in gold owed to the Priority Creditors of the United States of America, Inc. bankruptcy, now in the possession of the Secondary Creditors the World Bank/IBRD.
Collectors receive a generous 20% commission on all assets and lien amounts recovered.
Principal parties to be collected from are commercial banks, governmental services corporations and bankruptcy trustees.
All interested parties are invited to contact:
Alaska Civil Judge Advocates
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska RFD 99652
or call: (907) 250-5087
email: avannavon@gmail.com
Source: http://tinyurl.com/zrpd4yt
Friday, January 29, 2016
Instructions Regarding "FBI" Murderers Still Terrifying Burns, Oregon
Reports of over 200 heavily armed paramilitary commercial mercenaries disguised as lawful government employees rampaging through Burns, Oregon, trying to provoke local people into an armed insurrection.
They've been laughing about how they murdered LaVoy Finicum in local bars and restaurants.
They've been swaggering on the streets, proud of what they have done--- that is, supporting crime so blatant it takes your breath away.
They've been terrorizing local ranchers, entering private property, face-slamming people who are feeding livestock, threatening them with death and "ball crushing".
This is what's going on, America.
This is the "service" you are paying for.
This is what the IMF and its UNITED STATES, INC. venture is all about, and has always been about--- they were just busy doing it in other countries.
So now they are here, doing it to Americans.
If you don't want them in your town doing the same things, it is high time you listened and took action.
(1) Call the Office of the Provost Marshals in every state of the Union and specifically tell those men this:
(1) My name is_____________.
(2) I live in ____________, ____________.
(3) I am in fear for my life and property as a result of commercial mercenaries operating under color of law calling themselves "FBI" agents.
(4) These men are pretending to represent the lawful government of the United States while engaged in criminal racketeering and murder on our shores.
(5) These men are employed by the French banking cartel known as the International Monetary Fund which is an agency of the United Nations.
(6) They are provoking acts of war on our soil, when they and their corporation no longer have any natural right to be here. Their contract to provide governmental services here is over.
(7) We require the immediate assistance of the combined American military and civilian police forces to remove these undeclared foreign agents from our shores.
Now that you know who is who and what is what, call the United Nations and tell them the same thing.
Call the "Members of Congress" for whatever good they are, and tell them.
Call the White House for whatever good they are, and tell them.
Call your Governor, wherever you are in the United States, and tell all of them.
Call your friends and your neighbors.
Start writing and emailing and faxing and sending.
It is imperative that these acts of aggression by a foreign bank corporation be recognized for what it is and immediately and severely punished to the full extent of the Public Law of this nation and also according to the international laws pertaining to crimes of war, inland piracy, and crimes of commerce.
It is imperative that these men be recognized for what they are--- commercial mercenaries acting under color of law --- and that they be arrested as criminals and punished as their deeds merit.
Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
Federal Postal District Judge Western Region
Happy Chinese New Year ~ the year of the Fire Monkey!
My dear friend, Nana, received this auspicious message from St. Germain. He woke her up in the middle of the night asking her to get up and write his message, GRADUATION DAY.
I cried tears of joy for my heart resonated with his words as Truth. Enjoy.
Selamat Ja!
A Saint Germain Message
My Dear Friends,
I am bringing to you this day a message of Love and Hope that has overwhelmed me by its intensity. I do not claim to be a channel . . . and yet, I find myself bringing forth this message that I have received from Beloved St. Germain. As with me, many of you have had these words whispered in your ears so that when this message is received, you would know that it is truth. I only ask that you look deep within yourselves to know if this message resonates within your very being as truth to you.
I pray that when you read this message that you will know that it does not come from ego, but from a much higher source, indeed from the Company of Heaven.
As always, I remain your Sister of Truth.
Graduation Day!
It is I, St. Germain. I am that voice that has spoken to you and guided you since you were a wee, small child. It is I, along with Archangel Michael, who have guided and protected you through the perils of your life that you might reach this Day of Graduation. Your journey has been arduous and there were times when your life hung in the balance. Joyously, you have completed the groundwork for the great Mission that you accepted before coming into physicality. You are now set to matriculate and to begin this great work of ending hunger and degenerative disease on this sacred planet that we call Terra or Gaia.
You have been led to be part of a community of great Warriors of the Light. Indeed, they were led to bring together a great global assembly of Divinely Inspired Beings who are Gladiators of Truth and Warriors of the Light, for make no mistake, you have all been involved in a Battle for the Hearts, Minds and Souls of your Brethren. We have given you, Dear One, the great honor to deliver this message to your fellow spiritual Warriors at this most auspicious moment in time.
All of you who read this message have suffered greatly in bringing forth the beauty of this day. We have heard your pleas, crying out in pain over the losses you have endured. When you accepted this great undertaking, you, as a Divine Being, agreed to forfeit the memory of whom you are as part of a Great Experiment and to accelerate your Souls growth by finding the goodness inherent within you and returning to the Light. Many of you have thought that you lost everything, gave up everything and some have even wondered, “Why me?” Did it ever occur to you that these losses were necessary to prepare you for the enormous wealth that many of you will control? We have heard many of you reflect on the fact that so many in this Global “Dinar” community find themselves in such dire circumstances, even those who had enjoyed great wealth. Each of you agreed on a Soul Level to experience these losses so that you would never take for granted the bounteous blessings that are about to be manifested.
For those of you with great money and physical resources, when you passed a homeless person, many of you averted your eyes, not wanting to see their lack and their hopelessness. This is no longer the case. When you see the homeless now, you do not say “There but for the Grace of God go I . . . You say, There go I.” Their pain is no longer an abstraction to you. You feel their pain now in such a deep and visceral way, you are overcome with a Compassion and Love for them that you could never have known had you not walked in their shoes. This has been part of your preparation to be Great Stewards of these Blessings that are coming to you from Heaven. The words of the Great Poet John Donne ring with this truth today, as when they were written 500 years ago:
“Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee….”
When Sananda or the one that you know as Yeshua ben Joseph or Jesus the Christ, walked this Earth, he was a very learned Rabbi. He was indeed a Sacrificial Lamb and started the process that is finally culminating at this time. You might say that he was the First Martyr. The only time that He lost his temper was when He was in the Temple of Solomon and he overturned the tables of the Money Changers. I hope that it is not lost on you that we are now recapitulating that time and invoking his mighty wrath against those who have enslaved you by the use of lies, trickery and chicanery. Their time is over. They will no longer be permitted to harm you or to harm our beautiful Gaia.
Christ did not come to start a church or to be worshipped. He came to end the tyranny of the Mosaic Laws and to replace those laws with a New and Everlasting Covenant. This Covenant is simple in its purity: Thou shall Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And the second Covenant is like unto it: Thou shall Love thy neighbor as thyself. He did not hold himself out to be better than his Disciples. When asked about his Miracles, he very humbly said, "These things that I do, you shall do also and even greater things than these shall you do!" He sought not to divide you, but to bring you together as One Family of Man.
I say these things to you so that you may know that there is no longer any need to war against one another in the name of religion. These separate religions were created to divide you, to control you and to stop your spiritual growth. It is time to recognize the Divinity in one another and to put aside those things that no longer serve you. You are your neighbors keeper. Your neighbor's pain is your pain and in that way you are truly One Heart, One Mind and One Breath!"
Because you have become Great Beings of Love and Compassion, you emanate a Light that is so Bright that it is overpowering the Darkness that had nearly choked the life from each and every Being on this planet. This is why so many of your brothers and sisters throughout the Cosmos are watching this Great Spectacle with breathless anticipation. To them, you are truly Heroic Beings who have stood in your Truth and demonstrated Courage beyond the call.
Dear Ones, many have said that these are the “end times”. This is not so! These are the Beginning Times as you are ushering in an era of Peace, Abundance and Prosperity never known on this Sacred Orb.
There are so many Heroic Beings who have made great sacrifices to bring you this knowledge. They walk among you and have worked tirelessly to give you Hope and Courage to persevere in spite of all adversity.
Do you really think, Dear Nana, that it is by accident you have been brought to know some of these Great Ones? There are no coincidences. They are instrumental in your ability to fulfill your Mission. Our Beloved Sheldan has been laying the groundwork that all may understand what Heaven has been trying to accomplish for these many years. It has been part of your journey to have been guided to know some of these great humanitarian Souls such as the one known as Zap or Jerzy. He has suffered greatly for our Humanity. He, like too many others, has suffered assaults on his character, given over his wealth and even his family, so that Beloved Gaia can once again be restored to her Celestial Glory.
These sacrifices go back to the Founding Fathers of your great Republic and to the many martyrs who stood in their Truth for your benefit. These include many of your Presidents such as the ones known as Jack Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln and William McKinley. There are many more unsung heroes who have dared to stand up to the evil forces who have enslaved you for thousands of years. These Great Ones are joyously applauding you and urging you on as you approach the Grand Finale, the Great Victory that is now upon you. We say to all of you, Bravo! We applaud you!
This is now your time to shine your Light! One among you known as Yusuf has rightly stated that you are not the new 1% but truly you are the 100%. There is great Wisdom and Truth in these words. You have heard that you are One and this is so. But make no mistake, you are not of a hive mentality or spirituality. Dear Jerzy was inspired last week to state this Truth with Love and Wisdom—You are Individuated Divinity, filled with Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. This is your Essence, IT IS WHO YOU ARE! Believe it for it is so.
I, St. Germain, speaking for the Company of Heaven, have brought this message through Nana that you may be prepared for the Great Announcements that are about to take place. Do not despair! Your long, dark night is over! This is indeed the beginning of the Aquarian Age, the beginning of a New Year and the restoration of your Individuated Divinity! You stand at the threshold of a New Earth, a New Reality and a Golden Age of Peace, Love and Abundance for all. We say to you, “Well done, Good and Faithful Servants of the Light! Well done!”
PAO is offering you a SPECIAL SIRIAN BUNDLE. We put together the Sirian webinar archive and the Sirian DVD for the special price of $39.95 plus free shipping and handling. This is a limited time offer so order your Sirian Bundle today.
Sirians: Guardians of the Great Blue Lodge now ready for downloading...
In his youth, Sheldan was educated by the Sirians, who prepared him to be a herald of the Galactic Federation.
During this Webinar he explains why they are so pivotal in advancing us towards our Galactic future.
Topics include...
• Origins of the Sirians.
• The Sirians educate Sheldan
• Sirians: Guardians of the Sacred Blue Lodge
• Sirian role in Lemuria and later Egypt
• Sirian influence on humanity after the fall of Atlantis
• Sirian Starseeds
• Sirian/Cetacean Connection
• Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future
Sheldan Nidle Takes You on a Personalized Tour of a Sirian Mothership
Beam Aboard for the Trip of a Lifetime
Tour Highlights:
• Up and Away • The Wonders Begin
• Walking Through the Valleys of Magic
• Living the Dream
• Adrift in the Cosmic Garage
• Music and Joy Like Never Imagined
• A Land of Food and Abundance
• The Wonders of their Science
• Partaking of their Knowledge
• Time to Bid Adieu
Sirian Bundle price: $39.95 plus free shipping for DVD
If you are interested in only ordering "Tour of Sirian Mothership", for $26.95 plus shipping and handling, click HERE
Happy Chinese New Year ~ The Year of the Fire Monkey
Happy Lunar New Year! On February 8, 2016, we usher in and welcome the Year of the Monkey! Are your ready for an exciting year that represents adventure and success? This year is an ideal time for a quantum leap in creating the life you want! Now is the time to shake things up, create change, and innovate a new path. It is a year for taking chances, not playing it safe, embracing and activating change, being an innovator, and having fun. Get ready for a wild and exhilarating ride….
"A Conversation with an Inside Financial Warrior for the Light"
by Rob Potter
Community Corner:
"You May Be Sure that Revaluation Is in its Final Stages"
by Mike Quinsey Channeling His Higher Self
Community Corner:
"Understanding Our Many Soul Aspects ~ A TAUK (The Art of Universal Knowing) Message from My Father"
by Suzanne Spooner
Community Corner:
"Simulation Similarities Are Noted in hu-beings"
by GaiaPortal
Monday, February 8, 2016 Edition #50 Subscription FREE or by Donation
Happy Chinese New Year! 2016 ~ Year of the Red Monkey
You Are Loved and You Are Love
by Mother Sekhmet
How We Look Upon Our Beloved Sekhmet
by Mother God
Ushering in The New Golden Age...
"Immeasurable Wealth Is Yours
by Saint Germain
"A Conversation with an Inside Financial Warrior for the Light"
by Rob Potter
Community Corner:
"You May Be Sure that Revaluation Is in its Final Stages"
by Mike Quinsey Channeling His Higher Self
Community Corner:
"Understanding Our Many Soul Aspects ~ A TAUK (The Art of Universal Knowing) Message from my Father"
by Suzanne Spooner
Community Corner:
"Simulation Similarities Are Noted in hu-beings"
by GaiaPortal
Our next LIVE Blogtalk Radio Show
Our Valentine's Day Show:
featuring: Kathryn, Meg, Christine
Is on...
SUNDAY ~ ~ ~Valentines Day ~ ~ ~ 2/14/16
@ 2:00 PM EST
@THE_TNT_TEAM: The call is at 1, Eastern. Change is not coming......it's happening!
I believe. #wearethepeople (tweeted @ 11:48 AM EST 2/8/16)
@THE_TNT_TEAM: (Item#5) A new bank MEMO surfaced. Card "action" commenced in Iraq. Did the "clock" start? I'm very OPTIMISTIC!! #wearethepeople (tweeted @ 5:34 PM EST 2/7/16)
2/7/16 WSOMN:
Iko Ward : You guys are the best. Listen, sit back and watch it unfold. Don't worry about the rates, don't worry about the hour. Be calm during your exchange and let them know you know the rates. Don't take any wooden nickels.
Iko Ward : The news is very, very, very good. Wait for the 800's. Don't call the banks because they won't know anything. We'll have to go to the exchange centers. Just stay calm cause it be comin round the mountain.
Iko Ward : Well Tonto, I think our work here is done...... HI HO SILVER!
Beamer : I can say this. I received a call last night from someone involved.. all they were able to tell me was that this was going to be a Historic weekend. I'm ready.
You Are Loved and You Are Love
by Mother Sekhmet
with Introduction by Mother God
Image Credit: Unknown, picture chosen and imbued by Mother Sekhmet
The following excerpts are from our 2/6/16 Live Blogtalk Radio Show:
I urge you to both read and listen to this message from Mother Sekhmet. She delivers a transmission intended to bring mighty healing to you and to Earth at this important moment. To enjoy and absorb the Light-encoded message - please listen HERE. The Company of Heaven along with all who hear and know these words join together to thank Mother Sekhmet for her unfathomable service of Love to us all.
~ Archangel Michael (through Christine 2/7/16)
Mother Sekhmet:
Hello dearest Ones, I am Sekhmet. Yes, Michael and Christine and I are adjusting. It feels wonderful to see you, and to be here with you. I will describe what's happening right now. With the "firehose" of Light that Adamos described to you (see recording HERE): the firehose of Mother and Father's Light pouring through your bodies, pouring through Christine's body, causing any old, or no longer useful or so-called 'dark energies' to be displaced, causing a rush of a firehose, of exit... and a tremendous upsurge of energies being released in the other direction.
Come Together
As I have been generously accepted to come in with Christine and Michael, I am showing her small adjustments she can make, so I will show it to all of you as well.
First, let me say: we all know each other. You know me, intimately, and I know you, each of you. I am tremendously touched to be with you at this important moment. Of course, I come through other channels too. Always, it is a delight to connect in this way and to share the message of the moment which will clear away a cloud and lift us all.
Now, notice how you are feeling. What is happening in your body? Put your attention - gently - on your body. Is there tension? If there is, just breathe into it and allow yourself to relax. As you notice your feelings, see how you are feeling. Do you feel stressed? Are you curious? Are you excited by all the magnificent news that our Adamos has just brought to us?
Allow yourself to relax. With the intention of relaxing, you will! That is one of the magnificent results of the Light pouring in, the HoneyLove of Mother and Father, the Golden Light, the encoded Rays of the Great Central Sun reaching us all! An intention can be easily met - more easily than ever before - so allow our - I say "allow our" - self to relax, because that is how it is for me. We are together as One in this moment. So We allow Ourself to relax.
As we do, I am coming to you, as well. No longer are we in the days where you will be "talked to" or shown something without being offered the very energies present. The energies it takes to produce a message are equally available to you to experience in the moment (as they are to the messenger). It's up to you. You are magnificent in your shining Pillars of Light, your glorious Ascension Pillars, so within the safety and warmth of your own Pillar, you may decide, "Yes, Mother Sekhmet, I invite you gently to come closer." Or, "Oh! I'm feeling the words, the transmission behind the words. As it is, I'll keep listening with curiosity."
We never do anything... without us all doing it. It's like a big white canvas is in front of us. Every paint stroke from every thought that each of us has - this moment on this call - every thought, every feeling, every intention is a brushstroke on that canvas, the canvas of this moment that we are making together. Every choice NOT to make a brushstroke and leave some space for the other brushstrokes to appear is... a choice.
Every moment we create together is a Masterpiece. It is impossible for it to be otherwise. So I bring you gentle gentle words, reassurance that you do not fail at Life. Truly, you don't even make mistakes. You simply make brushstrokes. Then, as you look up, and you see, perhaps, some brushstrokes that you may have made, and perhaps you don't enjoy the color. Well, you're already in a new moment, with a new canvas, and a new set of inputs, beings and family members - above and around you there - and you may simply begin to paint, fresh.
It Can Be a Bit Uncomfortable to Be Near Me
The story that I bring you today begins long long ago. It begins at the Beginning. I have never told it in this way before.
Christine was surprised and even a bit nervous last night when I came to her and told her that I would like to come on the show, and I would like her to channel me. We have never spoken directly (during her current lifetime) because in her life, Christine - as part of her Mission, her assignment, the life path she designed - had a portion of her life where she went and studied the systems of what you call the cabal, the indoctrination of how to go into the dark. She did, and she had literal training of this during her life. Then, as was arranged, she turned around and made choice after choice to walk right back out.
This did several things. It enabled her to take Light into those dark realms, and it enabled her to have a deep understanding of what happens to those who are exposed to the heavy programming that occurs. Christine turned around and came out, and I can't even say that she really restored herself to the Light because she was full of Light all the while. She had a very genuine participation in fulfilling that part of her life plan.
So, when she feels me, even at a distance or through other channels, she feels in me... a kind of flicker that she couldn't identify, and she told me right away last night, "I don't know why I'm nervous." She was respectful and said, "Mother Sekhmet, I don't know why I have a nervousness, but I feel this flicker," and she was correct. It is the very reason I wanted to come and speak with you today. Let's go back to the Beginning where this story begins. You will understand what Christine felt, and why it made her a little uncomfortable.
Mother and Father God Are Responsible for All of Creation, and So Are We
At the Beginning, outside of time, when Mother and Father looked out far across the potentials that existed, the Plan that they intended to Create, this Universe. When their gaze fell upon the story of Earth and every planet and Galactic race that would participate with Earth - of course, being Mother and Father - they could SEE the potentials of all that could and would happen.
They decided to go forward with the Creation that they were forming and having together. It is significant and important for you to grasp what I am saying. You are not part of a problem that you produced by yourself. You are not part of an evil - none of you! There are cabal member listening now to this show, and I tell you: you are not the only reason for this Earth's condition. The only reason something, anything can be experienced is because it is included, it is within, it is an allowance, it is part of the creation of what our Mother and Father allow, create, imagine, see.
Right now, each and every one of us, whether you are on a ship listening - many ships filled with benevolent Galactic benefactors do love to listen to this and to many other programs; they send their Light and Love for everyone who joins in - whether you are there on the surface, each and every one of us contributes in our own way to the story of Earth. Each and every one of us is a brand new expression of our Mother and Father. We are each a unique spark, lovingly created by them.
We are unique from the moment we leave Mother and Father. As a spark, we have our uniqueness, and as we fulfill incredible destinies, we - through our choices, through our own imbued ability to Create like our Mother and Father - we extend the story. We infuse the story. We participate. We put our focus, we take it, and we put it in a bigger direction, longer, newer!
However, the original potential of everything that could and would happen was always understood. The probable consequences were always known by our Mother and Father. They knew everything except for one. Even for Mother and Father God, there is an Edge of Creation that is beyond the Known.
Expand to Understand
Now... everyone, take a breath. On the last show, we here in the higher realms watched as you took steps in better understanding multidimensional comprehension when you learned about the Christed Grid. You cannot grab onto these thoughts with your only mind and know them. You must allow these words to hang gently in the air. Take another breath. This is a tremendous piece of our shared creation to reveal.
Standing back at the very beginning of this potential, Mother and Father were laughing, talking, earnestly looking, understanding what may be possible and deciding anyway to go ahead with the plan for Earth. Mother immediately said, when she saw that the potential would carry difficulty and suffering, she turned to Father with a solution. Mother's solution was a kind of safety net that would last throughout the entire project and even brings us current to this very moment on Earth.
And you could say that the solution was me. It was and is me.
I Was Created as Assurance that the Light would Always Prevail
Mother took a part of herself and offered it, and Father understood what she was doing. Father and Mother made the new spark that would be Sekhmet. I was not know by that name; we all come out with a beautiful sound, colors, uniqueness and essence. Our birth is a sacred moment that is shared by Mother and Father. At my birth, part of my uniqueness was their intention for me to be Mother's solution.
Their intention for me was that I would be a kind of container that would help this tremendous adventure. I would be able to hold within me the darkness that would undoubtedly arise from allowing this bold creative plan to unfurl.
Now remember, darkness is not an inherent quality. We are all made of Mother and Father, so it was more like I would have a space within me that would be surrounded with love that could contain this experience. I would be Mother's representation, the sponsor for this experience, and I would hold that darkness in the midst of love.
And I have.
True Understanding is Infinite
So when Christine spoke with me and was tender about feeling her own trip into understanding darkness this very life, she felt that in me. It is why she had not approached me before. She did not know how to think about or how to comprehend what she felt in me. And even the words I used today for you are a kind of wonderful example because the only way to perceive it all, would have been to start that very day, at the Beginning with Mother and Father and me.
Fortunately, as you rise, as you become the physical Angels you are to be in your Ascension on the surface of Earth, you will perceive more and more fully what I am telling you today. And Mother is coming next, and she will speak about our story as well.
I have never given a message like this before. I have travelled down these roads, all of this experience throughout all of this time. It has been my honor, but it has just been... me. It has just been who and what I Am to do.
This explanation does not mean I am dark. I am not. I simply am the expression of Love from Mother that ensured that the experience - were it to go beyond the edge of Creation someday - would never be beyond the containment of Love. Through this story, can you not see through our eyes what a special day on Earth this is? We weep with joy all the time for the fulfillment of the restoration of the Light, in every cell, in every experience, in every moment, in every thought. One-at-a-time they are all being healed. By you.
My Daughter
I want to speak of one more thing. Little BamBam is my child. I sent her to Christine because, with Christine's unique configuration, I knew that Christine would be able to love her as she would love her own birth-child, and indeed, Christine has. I knew that Christine would give an important ingredient to that love that would be needed for this part of me to have an incarnation at this time. Christine has never ever been upset with BamBam. She has never used a harsh word. Christine speaks to BamBam from the core of her being every time, and BamBam knows it.
Kathryn understood right away. She would say, "Look at BamBam walk! That is a big cat, and she is being a big cat." That is a strong part of the lineages I have borne throughout this magnificent and lengthy journey. So BamBam is actually working on many fronts to reconcile and heal many aspects for humanity, for me, for animals, and for certain Galactic races that have visited Earth. She has quite a job.
BamBam emits healing energies as she performs her energetic Super Scrubbing.
Christine calls BamBam "the most serious cat on Earth." BamBam is my child and she is Christine's and now in this moment, we are sharing such love for her. We are two beaming Moms, knowing even more about love than we did a moment ago. I am thanking Christine for the way she has loved my daughter.
All of your stories contain these magnificent revelations! Just wait! I want to call you my darlings. I want to tell you something: There is nothing you have ever done that is unforgivable. There is no darkness that is real. It has been an experience where we all learned.
Now, Mother is here, and she will speak through our beautiful Kathryn.
I hold you close. You may ask me to come, and we may sit together. You may ingest and comprehend more of some of the things I have said today.
I love you.
I am Sekhmet.
(Channeled and Transcribed by Christine Burk, 6 & 7 February 2016)
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How We Look Upon Our Beloved Sekhmet
Mother God:
Thank you dear Meg and my beloved children who listen so intently. Yes, you do have to expand your ability to listen. Open your hearts without judgment, without any temptation to place blame of any kind.
I will try to show you how we made this decision, how we look upon our beloved Sekhmet. Yes, she was created by Father and me to be the bearer, the container of dark energies, and we knew when we created her and offered her this assignment...She was created with the potentials and the abilities, but you know all of you are created with free will. She decided without question that she would accept this mission that has extended beyond time, beyond what we could call years.
Sekhmet has offered herself in love to be the one who would protect all of you, all of us, from the effects of our own Creation. Can you imagine the responsibility she took on? Can you imagine being asked by your mother and father to be the one who would hold together the goodness by allowing and yet surrounding every element of darkness and what you would call evil that might be produced throughout time?
We are beyond grateful for her loving contribution. We cannot express our great love enough for our dear Sekhmet, who has incarnated many times, who has been known as the great lion- headed woman with such intensity and strength that the Sphynx was built in her honor. She has been absolutely true to her agreement, her mission and to her promise that she would contain this darkness.
When we began this, we could not predict the extent to which our beloved humankind might take this project. We knew of your great creativity and we knew it might run far and wide. We knew of the creativity and the power of our other races who became involved in creating darkness and destruction. All of it, all of it was overseen and managed and contained by our beloved Sekhmet.
I pause to allow you to perceive in your hearts what that meant for her, and what it meant for us to send her our love, to embrace her as she went forth to keep her promise to us and to you, for in her heart she knew that you would not have survived had she not offered this tremendous service.
So you see, she is Light. She is Love, and she is the energy of forgiveness. Within her soul she is forgiveness, she is compassion, even as she walked through the darkness in a way that is similar to what she described about Christine - going into the darkness and coming back out, and by doing so, creating a pathway for others. By containing the darkness she has kept the doorways open for those who went into the dark to then return to us. We cannot express our gratitude and our love enough to our dear Sekhmet. She knows we have been there with her every moment.
And so now you have a glimmer of the picture of how darkness began, how it was managed, and how it was indeed a part of the great Creation, a part of our own work. We saw that it was a potential and we permitted it, but we could not allow it without the insurance that it would be contained. This was the mission, the responsibility and the great service of our beloved Sekhmet.
And now you see that all of you are taking her invitation to come through the portal she created for you, so that you can all leave behind this darkness, destructiveness and confusion that you have all lived through. I encourage you, I urge you, to take our beloved Sekhmet's invitation and walk the path she has created for you out of the darkness and into the Light, as the beautiful song you heard describe in the beginning of our program. Our beloved Sekhmet is here with us to welcome every one of you.
It is as if she is giving birth to all of you, birthing you into the Light after this long and in some ways terrible experiment that you all enthusiastically embraced. And now it is time for all of you to be free. As you free yourselves, you also free Sekhmet, who is now breathing deeply, looking forward to the time when all who have walked that path into darkness will turn and come back into the Light and into our loving arms.
We thank our dear Sekhmet for her long, long service and for your willingness to experience the unexplainable, even the unforgivable, and to come back to us whole, healed in the Light, and as you do that, our beloved Sekhmet does the same. She heals along with you. With every one who comes into the Light, her burden is diminished and her joy increases.
It is like birth, a new birth for your planet, for humankind and for all your brothers and sisters who witness this remarkable, glorious triumph of Love and will, kindness, compassion and companionship. Our hearts are one as we embrace all of you.
We embrace our beloved Sekhmet and you within her arms. We are so grateful that this time, this period of darkness is now coming to an end on your beautiful Planet Earth. You may be seeing now why we feel such joy, such triumph, such gratitude to all of you who have not only taken part in this experiment where you walked into the unknown beyond Creation, but to your courage, your heart that allowed you to come back us, to your Mother and Father. We welcome you all with open arms.
What a day it is; what a time it is. Yes, there on earth you do still experience time, and it is lovely to say the time of darkness and suffering is gone; it is over. And now it is time for all of you to give new birth to the love within yourselves as Sekhmet does for you.
This is why we call her Mother Sekhmet. She has been your protector, the one who enabled you to take this plunge into the unknown, and like a good mother, she watched over you, and now she celebrates your expansion, your great development, your expansion into mastery and deep love.
We embrace you all. I am your Mother, your Mother God, and I love you without end. Blessings, my beloved ones, blessings to every one of you. Namaste.
(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 6 -7 February 2016)
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About BamBam...
"I'm Not Just a Serious Cat, I'm a Serious Being"
I would watch BamBam move through our garden, stretching and striding with such assurance. I would see a great, gleaming panther or jaguar - the essence of powerful feline energy, but inside our home she seemed aloof and threatening, so I told our animal communicator I thought she really did not like me or Che'. Bambam confided to Sharon that she and her Mom had watched nature programs on TV ("the box"). BamBam had decided she should behave like the snarly big cats she had seen, yet it caused her great distress to do so. I too was distressed, afraid of her claws and her unpredictable behavior.
After hearing my reaction, BamBam spent many days in deep contemplation alone in her own private corners of the house. Afterward, she began a new relationship with me, rubbing on my legs, looking deeply into my eyes, and making obvious efforts to be affectionate and responsive. I was charmed. BamBam told me through Sharon that she loves me very much, but was sometimes unsure how to behave, yet she would try hard to be loving. BamBam and I are now working together in harmony and joyful companionship. She and Che' are an integral part of our healing and security teams.
Lady BamBam
Mother Sekhmet:
Little BamBam is my child. I sent her to Christine because with Christine's unique configuration, I knew that Christine would love her as she would love her own birth child, and indeed she has. I knew that Christine would give an important ingredient to that love that would be needed for this part of me to have an incarnation at this time.
When BamBam was little, I asked her what her Mission on Earth is. She told me through Sharon that she was an "Energy Super Scrubber" and that she was here to take care of me. I told her our family Mission was to emanate love, so since she was teeny tiny, we would get on the bed and practice sending peace and love to each other and to the world. I love her so much that I cannot imagine loving her more. She is the one who reminds me that we are all Loved, and we are all Love. I feel so blessed and super lucky to be her Mom. Thank you Mother Sekhmet for having this amazing being be with me.
...We came to Kathryn's house...and I saw how Kathryn just made a home for us and she gave us really good food, and she was always asking about...well, I sensed right away that maybe I could influence her...because I really wanted to go outside. She has a room that is all windows, and it's almost like being outside, and the more I sat in that room, the more I kept thinking, "Oh, boy, I want to go out that door like her little dog goes out...."
So I placed the idea in Kathryn's mind to see us walking out into the yard and the fields and exploring out there, and I kept working on her, and pretty soon she said to my Mom, "Don't you think it would be okay to let BamBam go outside? She really wants to go outside and put her feet on the ground." Finally my mom agreed and she let me go outside, but only in the light.
We talked to Sharon, our communicator...and we told her we would be
very respectful. Well, I'm afraid we didn't always keep our promise because sometimes I got a little bit umm...well, I'll admit it. It was very rude. I tried to trick Kathryn so that if she opened the door I would run out really fast and get away and I got her in trouble, and I'm very sorry about that. I shouldn't have done that. I had to think about it a lot because I knew she felt bad...I'm very clever and I found I could pretend I was sleeping, and when she went to get wood I would dash out the door and she couldn't catch me...
...I was stalking her. That's what she called it. I confess it was true, because the feeling of being outside was so exhilarating!...It makes me feel like I'm a big cat in the jungle...
...My mom said I'm a very serious cat. Well, that's true; I'm a very serious Being...
(Don't miss the rest of BamBam's story of her Mission, and her relationship with Mother Sekhmet, and her successful internal struggles to be more loving in her heart.)
For BamBam's full message, listen to the show: HERE
(BamBam Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 6-7 February 2016)
Ushering in The New Golden Age: Announcements and Insights on Earth's Unfolding Freedom and Prosperity
Submissions chosen by Archangel Michael on the following topics: RV/GCR, NESARA, GESARA, New Governances, The Announcements, Free Energy, New Healing Technologies, Disclosure, Mass Landings, Crystal Chambers and More!
"One of 12 Bunker Assets"
Immeasurable Wealth Is Yours
St. Germain:
I am constantly being asked by our friends on the ground to give proof of the things we refer to as "behind the scenes" movement toward the release of all the programs we have told you about. We could not give details in the past because there were many elements of the release that were still in secret negotiations, and many of our boots on the ground would have been placed in danger if we had given information about them. I'm sure you understand how delicate these processes have been. It is now possible for us to discuss some of the most exciting projects because all is completed, ready for the final bell to sound.
One of the "secrets" concerns the vast amounts of wealth that are included in the Prosperity Funds. I described some of the enormous storehouses of gold, precious stones and other valuables in my books from the 1930's, especially in the first volume called "Unveiled Mysteries" by Godfré Ray King. At the time, we of the Company of Heaven thought of it as a wonderful revelation that would help spur the Ascension of Planet Earth, but World War II intervened, and with it the rise in power of the cabal. The books served as an introduction to a small group of Lightworkers, but like many of our Heaven-sponsored projects, the information was buried, and the cabal-controlled grip on Earth tightened...until now.
Proof of the Fabled St. Germain Wealth
At last I can reveal to you all just how vast and real the long-hidden fortunes are, and back it up with photos and first-person accounts from the people who have been working with me for decades. Below you will find excerpts from a long article by Rob Potter with pictures of just some examples of the buried treasure that has been held in safekeeping for this monumental time. We had to ensure that it would be safe to release the funds before the final transport and unveiling could occur.
Some of these storehouses of gold, silver and special bonds have been stolen and recovered several times over, as we jockeyed to preserve your birthright for the time it could be shared by all. Most has been watched over with diligence and great loyalty by powerful families across Asia and Europe. Some has found its way to the U.S. in preparation for its release. You can imagine the difficulty involved in secretly transporting millions of tons of gold bars, for example, but it has been done.
Many naysayers, especially those trained in the cabal financial systems, have insisted the revaluation of currencies has to be a scam, because it has never happened before, and there could not possibly be enough money in the world to fund the flood of money we have described. We sympathize with their doubts, but they are simply wrong. There is enough wealth to give every man, woman and child on the planet 100 million dollars or more. All that was required was the right timing and the higher vibration that will allow compassion, kindness and great Love to govern the behavior of all in power, down to the last family, town and village. That time has come at last, my dear Brothers and Sisters.
The photographs below are real, a tiny example of the great wealth we have already begun to disseminate. Yes, all currencies are now and will remain gold and asset-backed. From our limitless stores inside mountains, beneath islands, beneath the sea and in remote hidden caves, we have provided the gold to every country in the world to make this possible. Every country will be economically stable, secure in its prosperity, and given the opportunity to leave behind the artificially-created debt that has enslaved all.
Perhaps some of you are familiar with my former castle in Transylvania. It was a convenient hiding place for mountains of wealth because of a labyrinth of unmapped underground passageways and hidden rooms. I can tell you this now because the treasures have been safely moved in recent months. The castle itself was kept under a veil of mystery by the Dracula stories - a convenient and amusing smokescreen for the Light hidden there.
As I offered during my surprise visit to our BlogTalk radio show yesterday, (LINK) I will be happy to take any and all of you on a personal tour of our great mountains of precious jewels, gold and special financial instruments, valued conservatively in numbers followed by more than 50 zeros. You need only to call my name, and I will take you in your meditation to witness the great storehouses yourself. You see why the release of so much wealth will very quickly make money irrelevant, do you not? Who will need a paper dollar or a gold coin when abundance is everywhere, available to all, where no one has a debt or a bill to pay because every service imaginable has been paid for, and where every being on Earth is free to pursue their Light-filled dreams?
The Dominoes Begin to Fall
Because the transparent new banking systems are now in place, graft and corruption will be impossible to hide. It is already providing instant exposure and arrest of those who have tried to defraud our fail-safe systems. This is now completely operational, and this only a small part of the global programs that will lift the entire Earth by providing clean water, plenty of clean food, and new medical and energy technologies. It was decided long ago that the most effective way to release humankind from slavery would be to begin with economic security for all. Our successes in the financial realm are now paving the way for a quicker rollout than previously anticipated of the technologies that will make disease, war and toxins of all kinds a thing of the past. Landings will follow.
The monumentally complex and intricate management of these changes has been long in the making, by Earth terms. The past 70 years have been what you might call a final "full-court press" on the part of both Heaven and Earthly partners. By cosmic standards, this is unheard of - a shift of monumental proportions accomplished in the blink of an eye. We did not do this for you, Beloved Humankind, it is you and those among you who are at this moment carrying the high vibration of Love and Light that is lifting all into the flow of energies provided by Mother and Father God - the energies of the Great Central Sun, our Source of all goodness and Light.
Lightworkers Above and Below Clear the Earth's Energies
Today, immense energies collide across Planet Earth, as the old dark energies are released and human Transmuting Teams literally process the lower energies through their bodies to be sent to the Light. It is an arduous task, taken on by all the Masters incarnated now. Whether human, animal or elemental, all consciousness is focused on the enormous challenge of clearing thousands of years of layered, toxic energies. As we watch over you with great tenderness and Love, you are accomplishing what only the most courageous collection of determined souls could possibly achieve: the Co-creation of New Earth, made literally by the sweat of your brows and the Love of your indomitable hearts. You are magnificent.
Do not for a moment allow yourself to doubt or feel impatience. All is unfurling in perfect harmony, like the most exquisite symphony ever performed by any earthly or Angelic Chorus, and you, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, are here to bear witness and to take part in this triumphant crescendo. The haunting strains of the first movement are already beginning. Listen!
Today's stupendous effort - maximum service and participation by all - will be remembered as The Tipping Point, the moment when the curtains rose and the first glimpse of the impossible dream came into view for the first wave of Lightworkers whose hearts are open and rejoicing in unison. We join with you in that joyful celebration, Dearest Ones.
I remain ever at your side, in devoted service to Mother and Father and the Company of Heaven.
I am your brother, St. Germain.
(Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, February 7, 2016)
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A Conversation with an Inside Financial Warrior for the Light
by Rob Potter
(Thanks to Ingenious1 at WSOMN and Dinar Recaps for reposting)
February 2, 2016
Some time ago I was contacted by a fellow spiritual brother and Kriya Yoga adept who has been involved in the wresting control of the financial system from the control network. The names and crimes are too numerous to recount here but there are many more qualified people out there letting it be known exactly what has gone on. David Wil****'s financial tyranny documents are well documented and profound.
I know the insider that briefed him and he explained many things to me that are just so wrong with how we have been high jacked as a people.
I have issues with money and the extortionist's world governments and international central banks that steal money and plunder the surface population innocents in their Ponzi schemes. They use money to distract us from their theft by psychologically torturing us through a corrupt Satanist System that burdens the human race. I want it exposed and revealed for the slave system it is so we can heal it and move on.
It is the lynch pin of the control matrix and I want a full on assault of truth fostered by all of humanity to end this madness and take back our sovereignty as people and a planet.
This transcript below (thank you Danell) is a private conversation with names and other personal information redacted.
TR is a good man and is sincere and for real...
My strong suggestion for those of you who are focused on money more than your spiritual orientation to the divine natural laws of the universal life force and spirit is to stop seeking in the material world for your happiness.
I would urge you to develop your inner life and inner knowing as now more than ever before the time is right to pray and to invoke the light and to meditate on your own divine presence. This soul connection is always here now and inside yourself. Seek the light and truth within so you can be prepared in the moment with your presence on your shoulder to guide you in each and every moment. Use discernment to focus on needs more than wants.
Without further introduction here is an interesting conversation with TR.
TR - It's so interesting what's going on Rob. Absolutely phenomenal. I am working directly with the sovereign committee which is the grandfather Chinese and they control most of the assets of the world that are part of this, let's say, new system.
Rob - What is IQD?
TR - Iraqi Dinar. NID. Iraqi Dinar. The reason I'm focusing on NID because that is the first linchpin of the new system. When IQD actually gets announced and there is a re-val of this, you will get everything started. Right now, everything is happening behind the scenes and I'm behind the scenes...
(Photo: recovered assets, stolen from the American people)
Rob - I have a question for you, just historically from what I'm looking at. The way that the big people make a lot of money on the wars is when they go into a country and make the wars artificially and they know they're going to be created. The first things to happen are they go to World Bank and NATO and they say, "We're going to devalue these countries' money like the dong or the dinar." And when the war's over, they revalue the money up and they all make a lot of money.
That game has been played a lot and it seems the military was involved and it seems they got ahold of these plates and they're creating so much Iraqi Dinar. So much of it is fake. It's like stealing. It's devaluing the money of the people of Iraq who deserve to have the money to rebuild. How do we validate that all these NID's are actually real and not created falsely and that they actually have the backing of the sovereign Iraqi government?
TR - That is actually fairly rudimentary. That is not really a difficult thing. And, first of all, what you are describing is not exactly what is happening. What is happening is they'll go into a country and they'll tell whoever's in leadership, "Look, we're targeting your company. You have assets that we want. You've got a choice. We'll either make you very rich and we're going to take care of your family and we'll . . . . "
Rob - You hand it over to us or we'll create war.
TR - Yea, "What we're going to do is, you cooperate with us and do what we ask or we will come in and we'll bring in the Academi, or the old Blackwater, now Academi, or XE or regular army and we're going to create chaos in your country and then we're going to put in another regime and we're going to kill everybody in your family and you and all the people in the government. Are you going to play ball or not?" And that's basically how they do it.
(Photo: Farmers' Boxes, storing recovered assets for the RV/GCR)
Rob - ... "The new system is here. We'll (Galactic support) watch it. We'll be your security and you guys are going to run it on your own, and this is our suggestion for your system, but you guys have to do it."
I think that's what the Reno thing is about - re-dialing the world's economy honestly and fairly and justly to the whole world, at the same time making allowance for retribution for all the destruction that's been done to the innocent countries like the Philippines and Mexico and South America and Africa. They've been plundered.
They have to be restored onto a par equal to their brethren of the world. And then move forward...
TR - When all the suppressed technologies come out, we'll learn that people have replicators. When they have clean water, when they have shelter, when the planet starts getting cleaned up, when their "Maslow's" hierarchal needs are resolved and people go from limited to full consciousness, then you're going to have. . . I see change. It's a spiritual thing and it's a physical thing. (Yea, that's a good point) I call it spirit and physical dancing together. That is the only way it's going to work. It requires both. Not just one or the other.
TR - I want this. Nothing is ever going to be perfect. Sometimes you just got to go for it. Enough is enough. Yea, we can wait a little bit longer, but why? Why should we wait longer? Let's just get this done. I'm really hopeful. Hopeful is a word I'm going to use that something is going to break loose this month.
Rob - I hope so too, and this month even, huh?
TR - This month. I'm hopeful this month something's going to happen this month.
TR - I think that it's a positive story right now. I really, really have never felt more confident, more calm about things. I don't' feel any more that we're going to do one step forward and two steps back. I believe that is over. I think it's going to be two forward and one back, then it will be three and four. That's what it feels like to me.
TR - This is what I was trying to say: When you realize that there's such a small percentage of the true wealth of this planet that has gone back to humanity, and when humanity starts to see the incredible abundance that is here and that it is in the form of the financial system, they're first of all, they're going to have a sigh of relief, and then the next thing is going to happen is, they're going to go, "What?! I was surviving on this?"
When the wake-up happens, first people are going to be in disbelief, then we're going to go, "Wow, really?! Did that really happen?" And that is what is going to get everybody in the face. That's why the financial system is so important and why I put so much focus on it.
I'm a spiritual being. I'm a multi-dimensional being. I don't really care about the financial system per se, but I know it's been the control point. It's how they've kept people in line. When people start getting the prosperity, they will start waking up very quickly, very quickly.
"You May Be Sure that Revaluation Is in Its Final Stages"
by Mike Quinsey Channeling His Higher Self
5 February 2016
Events that will affect your future and be beneficial for you continue to take place, mostly out of your sight. However, there will come a time during the course of this year when you shall learn of the benefits brought about by the changes. It is known that a revaluation of currency is foremost in your minds, and it has taken considerable time to bring countries together in agreement to the changes. There are now sufficient of them for it to brought forward, and there has never been a time when it has achieved such progress. You may therefore be sure that revaluation is in its final stages. Meanwhile more inventions are seeing the light of day, and it is only a matter of time before they start to be released. Be assured that the changes are well under way and too far forward to be halted. Ways of producing free energy have been available for some time and now even more devices are being revealed. Their ultimate use and availability is approaching, but the Illuminati are still trying to prevent their distribution. It will not always remain in this situation as your evolution cannot be held back indefinitely.
Difficult times lie ahead and are inevitable as major changes occur, and commence to alter your way of life from drudgery to one that releases you from it. There are so many changes coming that raise your quality of life to levels that you should have enjoyed by the end of the last century. In what will seem a relatively short time you will have gone ahead in leaps and bounds, until you reach levels that lift you of the old patterns of struggle. The most acceptable and welcome change will be when you are assured of world peace, and the fruits of your labours are used for the benefit of everyone. The biggest gain will be to have sufficient time to follow your own interests, and have the financial means to do so. Life will be become vastly different to what you are presently used to. No longer will Mother Earth be looked upon as a prison planet, and the curfew that you have lived under will in time be lifted. You become free souls and able to follow your own pathway without obstruction.
As those of you who are of the Light continue to lift yourselves up, you will be distancing yourselves from those who make little or no attempt to overcome their dark energies. They will experience exactly what they are trying to impose upon your civilisation, and find themselves isolated from the rest of Humanity. By your reckoning it may have taken a long time to reach this point in your evolution, but in reality it is but a "blink of the eye". The benefits of such an experience are manifold and have been achieved over such a short period of time. Of course all of you have had to go through some tough challenges but there is no quicker way to evolve. What you have learnt will have prepared you for greater things, and your Sword of Life will have been hardened by your experiences. Take every challenge as an opportunity to raise your vibrations, and know that you are never placed in a situation that is more than you can handle. So if you are presently involved in struggle, know that you do have the ability to achieve success. Also remember that you do not walk your life alone, and there are always dear souls that accompany you and will assist you where they can. However, be aware that help is yours when it is requested and in no way would be imposed upon your freewill.
It is known that extremely large numbers of you suffer from various forms of illness, or lack good health for various reasons. Be assured that very soon good health will be the normal way of life, and in most of your lifetimes healing will be available for every soul. In fact there will be instant healing that will also restore broken or lost limbs. The future holds many surprises for you, and all will fill you with joy. God always promised that upon the completion of the present cycle, you would be returning to the higher realms to start an era of continual love and fulfilment. Be one who helps manifest the New Age and helps others to follow the same path. Be loving, and guide others so that they too may find success.
Bear in mind that whatever thoughts you give out, you are helping to establish the nature of future events in your lives. Do not underestimate the power of thought as it is you the people of Earth who are determining your own future. So focus on all that is good and helping Humanity to keep their feet on the path of Light. Your Guides certainly work to this end and will do as much as possible to help you keep your goal in sight. In your present circumstances there will always be distractions that could lead you astray. Call upon your Guides in times of need and they will be at your side, and sometimes their presence will be felt that can be very reassuring.
Past experience shows that when you have great expectations you tend to feel disappointment if they do not materialise quick enough. Allow ample time for events to take place as a lot is progressing towards completion, and you will know soon enough when they are ready. You will not be disappointed and once those who oppose such moves are no longer able to exert their influence, they will commence to manifest. Once the remnants of the old cycle are removed, a glorious period of growth and development will commence. There is so much destined to happen that no one will be able to halt its advancement, and it will be welcomed all over the world as the New Earth comes into being.
Each soul will have much influence as to where their travels take them, and many will commence a new venture. Eventually a whole new vista of opportunity will open up for you as you establish yourself as a Galactic Being. Even now you are being given a greater understanding of the Universe that is being opened up to you. It is full of life that like you is evolving towards a greater understanding of how all is part of the whole. There are so many different forms of life that exist in the many Universes that are around you. Some are so different to your own, yet all are on a path that ensures they continue to evolve. Hu-man is a relatively new species that is ready to move into the higher dimensions.
At a high level there is a "war" being fought between the forces of Light and the dark Ones, who although they have found their actions becoming limited, are refusing to surrender. Their fight is destined to result in failure for them as they can no longer use the full weaponry they have amassed. They are doomed yet cling on to hopes of success, when they are losing the power to dictate the final outcome. They are blindly heading for defeat but not in the way you imagine, as the Light does not resort to violence. The end of the old ways of confrontation is in sight, although there is quite a way to go before total peace can be declared. An era of peace approaches that you have earnt through your dedication to the Light and all it represents. May the Love and Light remain with you forever.
This message comes through my Higher Self. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.
"Understanding Our Many Soul Aspects ~ A TAUK (The Art of Universal Knowing) Message from My Father"
by Suzanne Spooner
Image Credit: Unknown; Chosen by Suzanne Spooner
February 2, 2016
[Hi Dad!!!] Hi Suzy! I love you. [I love you too!] I wanted to give you an update on how I am. I am wonderful. I am learning how to expand my awareness of being many places at once and learning how to acknowledge each of the places. It's like keeping tabs on many of your soul aspects. It takes some understanding of oneness and individuality. I know that you like to ask about parallel lives in your QHHT sessions and this is similar.
Letting the mind of one of your aspects be aware that there are other aspects of them is a leap in consciousness. You know that you have other aspects and you have recognized a few in your dream state.
What I see in comparison from my vantage point is a living rolodex of all of my aspects. I have two on earth currently. Isn't that wild? One you know and one you don't. There are many of my aspects in different vibrations and frequencies. I can step into any, all or none!
I decide what I would like to know about myself and the rolodex opens to the most perfect experience; much like how in your QHHT sessions the High Self picks the most appropriate time and place for your client to view.
Universally we are all One. The One gives us multiple ways to play, explore and experience our Grand Self. And so, I am currently playing with this process. Your aspect and my aspects are intertwined as are many and All. I Am. You Are. We Love. You are my Zippy.
Happy New Year Friends and Family across Earth! We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to continue our weekly live radio shows. The shows will sport a new and improved format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age!
Dear Kathryn and Christine, I have been deeply deeply affected by the show.It is still sinking in. The magnitude of what transpired today is way beyond that what can be put into words or grasped by my mind. I feel it. An energetic circuitry got completed ... I am so so grateful, words cannot do justice to express the depth of feelings. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mother Father God, and all their Creation,
Your loving child, Simran
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Dearest Ones...ALL of you who shared today...all of YOU! I have such PEACE in this moment...as our guests today EXPLAINED my entire current life...all nearly 57 years thus far. Every word - as always - has the music and feel of things I have known yet been unable to adequately explain in ways others could begin to understand. This amazing journey... With deepest gratitude and forever love...to new beginnings and excitement beyond our imagination in the most deLIGHTful of adventures...with the fullness of LOVE being our creations.
With love and blessings, I thank you... ~ Bette
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I'm still in awe of what was shared with us today - I'm so grateful for the roles the two of you (and others in your household!) have played over many lifetimes, because the result of YOUR work is a direct blessing to ME. And to all the rest of our wonderful family. And to everyone else on our beautiful Gaia. And everywhere else. Words just aren't enough. And so we all keep sending love and gratitude to each of you. Lots of love to all of you, John L.
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I have no words to express the Great Richness this show brought to me!!!! The magical Surprise showing of St. Germain with super good news is the happy positive energy that I feel prevailing with everyone everywhere!! ... Dear Mother Sekhmet was regal. I cried with love for Her. Dear Sekhmet...you really helped me expand my mind, (that's what I want the most). I feel I want to embrace you and thank you in humanity's name... Love Joy and hugs, Marcia
A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features.
The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.
Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more. Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals. I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you.
Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation. We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding. We speak and laugh together all throughout every day. Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done. Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly. It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph!
I have often said that all communication is for Union. This is our wish and the inevitability we share.
Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth: the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age.
Kathryn E. May, PsyD. Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org. Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe.
Donations gratefully accepted (Please go to Link, scroll to bottom to find donation button - thank you for your support!): DONATE
Who Needs Light? is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May, endorsed by Mother Father God and Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension." It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself once-and-for-ALL from the matrix.
Who Needs Light is a Mission. It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The New Golden Age.
Who Needs Light? We all do! We are all born of Light, and - whether we are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the Galaxy. In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended Family.
Order Who Needs Light? or donate, so that others who cannot afford the book will be able to get their copy. The author will match all donations.
Use a subhead to sell the reader on continuing to read.
The Obama administration has ordered Border Patrol agents to stand down -- Tell your Rep to stand with Border Enforcement!
After the recent terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, our government should be focusing on improving border security and enforcing our immigration laws. Instead, the Obama administration is making it easier for people to come into, and live in, our country illegally.
President Obama and DHS Sec. Jeh Johnson have ordered Border Patrol agents to release apprehended illegal aliens without initiating removal proceedings. This order is contrary to federal law and must be stopped. Tell your Rep. to stand with border enforcement and make sure the laws are being enforced!
Tell Congress to stand with Border Patrol!
Here at NumbersUSA, we have a proven system that allows you to send our messages (faxes/petitions) directly to your elected officials.
Visit your personalized Action Board to send this fax and others!
You have kept up a general positiveness, which is greatly aiding this divine effort. We are installing a new enlightened way of doing things, which is to be the framework for your new reality!
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
2 Chicchan, 18 Yax, 12 Manik
Selamat Jalwa! We have received good news! The delivery process continues to move forward. As always, this process is made more complex by the fact that the dark cabal fully realizes what is now happening across this globe. The forces of the Light are using the edge gained by the actions of its allies and associates to force this cabal from power. Long ago, when their Anunnuki masters were overlords of this surface world, such activities as we are presently proceeding with were, of course, impossible. These dark oligarchs were not counting on what a number of grievous mistakes brought them. They are on the verge of a great downfall, which is to give you a new time filled with freedom, prosperity and a rising responsibility to maintain this glorious system. This operation has taken longer than was first expected. This is due in part to the remaining abilities of these devious fiends. Their coming destruction spells the final end to a cover-up that has kept us from interacting on the scale we originally wished for. They used this cover-up to create a secret governance, which almost defeated the intentions of Heaven.
This power was initially something we had to secretly overcome in order to carry out Heaven’s sacred decrees. It was a most difficult task since we were unable to use a number of strategies that we had been able to employ in many previous off-world scenarios against the dark. This time was one where most of you did not fully comprehend why we were here and why we had come in such great numbers. Thus, we needed to adopt a number of processes through our liaisons to win over those of the Light who had long opposed the tactics of the dark. These many secret organizations were watched over by your Ascended Masters who mostly resided in the Inner Earth realm of Agartha. The Agarthans frankly used their broad influence to allow us to gain a number of confidences. These were vital in putting us in the position that we are in today. We thank those of the Light who enabled us to come here and set up programs that are currently leading to your grand victory. Shortly, we intend to introduce ourselves to you and then to explain how you are to become fully consciousness.
A process is now occurring to transform how this reality works. Long ago, this age was the property of a very arrogant group of minions who gladly defied the wishes of their former overlords. This earthly group was initially able to recast the action plan of their masters before this plan was turned back only a decade ago. At present, you are watching as the worldwide schemes of this deranged oligarchy are defeated. During this time, the forces of Light maintained the appearance that this realm was not in a transformational period. This camouflage was necessary. It was decided to finish the transition so it permitted many to avoid being too shocked by what was occurring. This can allow many to be gradually informed of the radical transition that is presently sweeping this realm. This new realm is to be completely different from the one that you have previously experienced. Thus, your growing consciousness is to forge the new reality and permit you to live in an age free of the cabal’s oppression and lies.
When the new governance takes over, the old ways are at last to be put to rest. The oligarchy made sure that its true masters, the large banks and the big multi-nationals, were always favored over the people. It maintained laws that annually permitted their cronies to reap greater and greater profits and attack those who wished to free themselves of this highly illegal rule. It constantly invented stories about why this governance was inhibited by stalemate and by large degrees of indebtedness and “phony spending.” The new governance is to cancel this crazy game and free you from these scheming puppeteers. It is to punish these deceiving oligarchs and arrest all who lied, cheated and manipulated you. This new time is also to institute a new financial system, reveal a great number of sequestered inventions and finally terminate the decades-long UFO cover-up. You are then to be truly free, prosperous and well on the glorious path to full consciousness! This is to allow us to land and begin to mentor you.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Our associates are now in the final stages of a very complex delivery operation. The number of special institutions cooperating with this process has complicated this procedure. We are aware of just how eagerly the last vestiges of the dark are attempting to sabotage this movement of funds across continents and oceans. Despite these and many other difficulties, this operation has so far been able to complete its assigned tasks. In the coming weeks, we expect to be able to finish all of this and to succeed at putting in place new governance. We blessedly thank Heaven and her many helpers who have graciously supported these efforts. We thank each of you, as well. You have kept up a general positiveness, which is greatly aiding this divine effort. We are installing a new enlightened way of doing things, which is to be the framework for your new reality!
This positive effort of yours is to be applauded. The dark and its oligarchic minions have laid down a sea of physical doom across the length and breadth of this globe. Nevertheless, this great ocean of negativity has not seriously impaired your visions or energies. This magnificent operation is a blessed sign of who you really are. Your growing level of consciousness is busily limiting the dark and providing proof for why this new era is to be shortly manifested. Each of you is demonstrating how this growing consciousness is sealing the fate of the dark ones and their minions. A few decades ago this divine effort was judged to be impossible. Now, it is evident and becoming the undercurrent that is leading the Light to a most wondrous triumph! All of this is a truly remarkable set of events.
Your future is to be one in which you are to achieve your glorious goals and return this solar system and galaxy to the Light. The time is approaching for some truly miraculous happenings! These are to permit us to finally appear freely among you. Then, you are to see that all of these grand events are not only to bring you your freedom but also a rediscovery of your true past and your origins in the many worlds that forged our space families. In this new knowledge, you can see why you are here and go about your divine duties. Together, we are to forge a most wondrous new star nation and gladly accept a whole host of new responsibilities. In this is to be your grand transformation and a great rejoicing throughout all of Heaven! You are indeed blessed and being prepared for a most sacred set of duties.
Today, we continued to explain how this present reality is being transformed and readied for a new realm. Our many heavenly and space families are drawing close to their triumphant grand finale. This is to greatly alter this reality. Remain positive and fully ready for the great joys that are now very close to manifesting. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system.
In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, will explain what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.
Topics include...
Prosperity Funds:
Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure?
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?
Debt Forgiveness:
How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery?
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?
New governance:
Who will form the new government?
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?
Release of new technologies:
What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds.
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?
Managing our funds:
What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change?
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?
After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?
How will we be mentored?
Thursday, February 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, February 28, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST(California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live... simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 2-8-16… “First meeting between Pope and Russian Patriarch in 1000 years aimed at Khazarian Satanists”
Posted on 2016/02/11 by kauilapele
Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Seems like BIG news. Highlights below.
“The first meeting between the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Pope in 1000 years is aimed at cementing an alliance against the Satan worshipping Khazarian mob, Russian and Pentagon sources say. This is important because forensic research by this writer has shown the Pentagon ultimately reports to the Roman Empire (as publicly headed by the Pope) and the power behind Russian President Vladimir Putin is the Russian Orthodox Church.
“Another sign of Russian, US rapprochement is the fact that ex-Defense Intelligence Agency Chief Lt. General Mike Flynn is advising US presidential candidate Donald Trump. According to the Pentagon source, Flynn was “key to bromance between Putin and the Donald.” Military backing is why Trump and others can now safely and openly accuse Khazarian mob candidates like Hitlery Clinton and Ted Cruz of stealing elections.
“Khazarian top level mobster German Chancellor (and Hitler daughter) Angela Merkel is flying today (February 8th) to visit embattled Khazarian Satanist Turkish President Recep Erdogan following major defeats of their proxy armies in Syria. Both leaders are being targeted for removal, according to Pentagon sources… Saudi Arabia, in a bow to Russia as the new power broker in the Middle East, arrested 33 ISIS supporters, including 9 American CIA agents, based on Russian intelligence tips, multiple sources agree.
“Pentagon officials confirm that Russian Intelligence ties in the Middle East now include the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt. Israel, facing a global boycott and UN sanctions, is also now bowing to the Russians.
“…the Indonesian government has formally refused to renew the license of the giant Freeport-McMoRan gold mine in Indonesia. According to a CIA official in Indonesia, this decision stems from a visit to Washington in October by Indonesian President Joko Widodo where US Presidential Spokesperson Barack Obama demanded that he renew the mine’s license… The return of the mine to Indonesia has repercussions beyond the loss of gold because of the secret submarine base located there, CIA and Pentagon officials say.
“In any case, the loss of the Freeport-McMoRan gold mine is another huge blow to the Khazarian mafia banks and their hedge funds. The Khazarian banks and hedge funds are already collapsing due to the loss of oil money and drug money. The fact that medical Marijuana is now legal in all 50 US States is a sign of how much drug money they are losing.
“Rockefeller and Saudi controlled Citibank, for its part, said the “world economy is trapped in a death spiral.”… However, it is probably more accurate to say that it is Citibank and its fellow Khazarian mob institutions that are trapped in a death spiral.
“Now that the Chinese New Year of the fire monkey has officially begun, we can expect plenty of new developments coming from China.
“…two US military officials, one based in Japan and one in the US, contacted the White Dragon Society last week. The discussions centered on how to carry out a jubilee in Japan and the US. The WDS recommended confiscating all funds stolen by Khazarian mobsters and returning them to the people. This would mean about $100,000 for every man woman and child in Japan and about $400,000 for each American…”
First meeting between Pope and Russian Patriarch in 1000 years aimed at Khazarian Satanists Posted by benjamin, February 8, 2016
The first meeting between the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Pope in 1000 years is aimed at cementing an alliance against the Satan worshipping Khazarian mob, Russian and Pentagon sources say. This is important because forensic research by this writer has shown the Pentagon ultimately reports to the Roman Empire (as publicly headed by the Pope) and the power behind Russian President Vladimir Putin is the Russian Orthodox Church. “Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church agrees to meet the Pope in Cuba on Feb 12 as East-West unite to fight [the Khazarian mafia],” was how a Pentagon official described the planned meeting. Rockefeller stooge Henry Kissinger was “forced to accept a multipolar world and declare Russia not a threat but essential partner,” the official continued.
Another sign of Russian, US rapprochement is the fact that ex-Defense Intelligence Agency Chief Lt. General Mike Flynn is advising US presidential candidate Donald Trump. According to the Pentagon source, Flynn was “key to bromance between Putin and the Donald.” Military backing is why Trump and others can now safely and openly accuse Khazarian mob candidates like Hitlery Clinton and Ted Cruz of stealing elections.
In any case, the Russian/US alliance against the Khazarian mafia is producing many results, especially in the Middle East. Khazarian top level mobster German Chancellor (and Hitler daughter) Angela Merkel is flying today (February 8th) to visit embattled Khazarian Satanist Turkish President Recep Erdogan following major defeats of their proxy armies in Syria. Both leaders are being targeted for removal, according to Pentagon sources. Somebody should tell them their fuhrer Bush is no longer in control and that surrender is their only option.
Furthermore, Saudi Arabia, in a bow to Russia as the new power broker in the Middle East, arrested 33 ISIS supporters, including 9 American CIA agents, based on Russian intelligence tips, multiple sources agree. This makes it likely the Saudis will soon follow Iran and Russia in a move to stop selling their oil in Khazarian controlled so-called US dollars.
There are also reports Saudi Arabia has begun dumping its $8 trillion in US Treasury bond holdings. Many Saudis interpreted snow falling on Mecca as a sign from Allah that they were on the wrong path, which may explain their sudden change of tone.
Pentagon officials confirm that Russian Intelligence ties in the Middle East now include the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt. Israel, facing a global boycott and UN sanctions, is also now bowing to the Russians. This means that, if Saudi Arabia also leaves, as it seems to be doing, Turkey will be alone and will face disaster and partition as a result of Erdogan’s stupid attempt to use military force to recreate the Ottoman Empire. Already, 1300 Turkish hotels have been put into bankruptcy sale by the drop in tourists and severe fighting has erupted inside Turkey.
Also, in an exclusive to this news-letter, Indonesian officials are reporting that 4000 armed terrorists financed by Khazarian mobster George Soros were detained in the Indonesian portion of Borneo Island. The group was headed by an individual who spent 5 years in an Indonesian prison after which he was sent to the US for “special training,” the officials said. When he returned, “he used funding from an NGO financed by George Soros” to set up and arm a “Muslim fundamentalist” militia called Gothatar. “They went to where the richest uranium ore deposit on the planet is and put a huge encampment around that village,” a local Indonesian official said. “The uranium was flown out by French special forces,” he added. According to buried documents uncovered by Indonesian officials, the group was supposed to create chaos in Indonesia, a country with a population of 250 million mostly Muslim people.
In a further development, the Indonesian government has formally refused to renew the license of the giant Freeport-McMoRan gold mine in Indonesia. According to a CIA official in Indonesia, this decision stems from a visit to Washington in October by Indonesian President Joko Widodo where US Presidential Spokesperson Barack Obama demanded that he renew the mine’s license. As a result, Widodo, or Jokowi as he is known, cut his visit short to a few hours and flew back to Indonesia.
The return of the mine to Indonesia has repercussions beyond the loss of gold because of the secret submarine base located there, CIA and Pentagon officials say. The gold is now going to be used to finance Chinese led infrastructure development projects.
However, in an effort to stave off a military confrontation with the US, the Indonesians have offered the Americans a chance to develop one of the richest platinum and gold deposits on the planet, located on the North East end of Kalimantan, the Indonesian controlled part of Borneo. The deposit is so rich that Platinum is found “not in grams per ton but in percent per ton,” the CIA officer said. “The Platinum industry is untouchable because Platinum is used for off-world projects,” he said. The Americans are also being offered the chance to develop a new port and submarine base there, he said. The Americans are interested and will be sending a delegation soon to confirm the nature of these mineral deposits, he said.
In any case, the loss of the Freeport-McMoRan gold mine is another huge blow to the Khazarian mafia banks and their hedge funds.
The Khazarian banks and hedge funds are already collapsing due to the loss of oil money and drug money. The fact that medical Marijuana is now legal in all 50 US States is a sign of how much drug money they are losing.
The Khazarian hedge funds also recently faced huge losses when they tried to gang up and force a devaluation of the now rising Chinese Yuan. They were betting on a cooling China and hoping to force China into submission by setting off capital flight. Instead, it turns out that the drop in the price of China’s commodity and other imports has more than offset any fall in exports of trinkets to the US and Europe and so China’s trade surplus is growing.
Khazarian mafia hedge funds like Vanguard, Carlyle, Blackstone and others held an emergency meeting last week to discuss their huge losses. This meeting was followed by an admission by Goldman Sachs, the “vampire squid,” that “broader questions about the efficiency of capitalism” need to be asked. In other words, they were saying the system may be broken.
However, it is probably more accurate to say that it is Citibank and its fellow Khazarian mob institutions that are trapped in a death spiral. The fact that a growing number of bonds in Khazarian controlled financial systems like Japan and the EU are offering negative interest rates means capital flight from these economies. No sensible investor is going to keep funds in bonds that lose value. The excuse that this will promote investment is not fooling anybody. It is a death spiral, pure and simple.
Now that the Chinese New Year of the fire monkey has officially begun, we can expect plenty of new developments coming from China.
Perhaps in anticipation of this, the North Koreans set off a missile last week. This was followed by South Korean, US and Japanese announcements of a super new missile defense system to “protect against North Korea.” Nobody in the world intelligence community is being fooled by this charade. What this really means is that Japan is using its proxy North Korea to announce it has inter-continental ballistic missiles equipped with hydrogen bonds. Furthermore, by announcing it has anti-missile defense against these “North Korean missiles,” it is sending a message to Russia and China that it can stop their missiles.
The Chinese are putting out the word that the US troops based in Japan would never seriously take on China to defend Japan. However, that is not true because the Americans know that if they do not defend Japan and Korea against China, it will not be long before they find themselves defending Alaska and then the US mainland against China.
Fortunately, the Chinese have not the slightest intention of attacking Korea, Japan the United States or anywhere else. Instead, they are busy building factories, schools, roads, hospitals, ports etc. all over the world. At the same time, they are backing their currency with gold and other things that exist in the real world. They know that time is on their side and that war is the dumbest option available to them.
In a final note, two US military officials, one based in Japan and one in the US, contacted the White Dragon Society last week. The discussions centered on how to carry out a jubilee in Japan and the US. The WDS recommended confiscating all funds stolen by Khazarian mobsters and returning them to the people. This would mean about $100,000 for every man woman and child in Japan and about $400,000 for each American ( the Americans have been suffering from Khazarian looting longer than the Japanese which is why more is due to them). Also recommended was a write off of debt and redistribution of urban as well as rural property.
Former USA, Inc President Barack Obama will soon be revealed as a Rome/CIA operative, and publicly be made to relinquish Presidential status, and be amnestied to a foreign country – Dubai – it is rumored. Privately, Obama’s resignation has already occurred and he’s just awaiting a public dismissal announcement.
Also the United States Congress, including all members of the Senate and House of Representatives, no longer hold legal authority to make any laws for the citizens of the Republic of the United States. They too will all be dismissed or removed.
The same punishment holds true for all members of the Supreme Court, who secretively pledged allegiance to Rome before taking their oath to serve the laws and people of the United States. Washington, D.C. is also no longer a sovereign territory exclusively serving the interests of the Holy Roman Empire under the control of the American Jesuit Order.
Other sovereign diplomatic territories have also been released of their international “safe haven” status, such as Vatican City, City of Jerusalem & City of London. All Jesuit ordained operatives still in any of these “safe haven” territories are now being arrested, amnestied, exiled or exterminated depending on their individual agreements with the new global governance authority.
This clean up includes diplomats, bankers, lawyers, politicians and judges involved in the secrete conspiracy against mankind, known collectively as the cabal.
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I have verified this information with three sources and these and other key events are now happening. General Dunford is the interim President of the Republic of the United States. That will be in effect for 120 days and then elections must be held.
The UN, Russia, China and other major nations have approved this creation of a new nation, forgiveness of debts and the replacement of some of the other nation's governments. The revaluation of the world's currency is also in process. Dates for other major events are not being given.
There is a list of all the events in sequence but that has not been released as yet. Ever since 9/11 the Galactics have refused to provide dates for the events because of the disappointments when dates change so no dates will be published in regard to the Ascension process.
I expect that the announcement of the government change will be made over the emergency broadcast system very soon. The Galactics tell us that Putin is an immortal and is one of the good guys from Venus.
There are thousands of Galactics here on earth with positions in government, Last estimates of those from the Love planet, Venus, is roughly 3,000. I am very tired so I will sign off now.
SPECIAL GUEST - Anna Von Reitz - Friday
with Thomas Robert Lacovara-Stewart and Bruceray Riggs on the Resurrect the Republic | Dirty Uncle Sam
Broadcast on the Republic Broadcasting Network
We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system.
In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, will explain what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.
Topics include...
Prosperity Funds:
Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure?
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?
Debt Forgiveness:
How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery?
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?
New governance:
How will the new government be formed?
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?
Release of new technologies:
What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds.
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?
Managing our funds:
What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change?
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?
After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?
How will we be mentored?
Thursday, February 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, February 28, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live... simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
It has been quite a day on the money front. It is swirling around the disciples who are putting it all together for the distribution. I have been part of it, and as I interact with various ones who are at the forefront, they confide in me that there is coming a huge turnover for all of the people on the planet. They are saying to various individuals that there is coming a time when there will be no greed, no sustenance that is not satisfied, no need for anything except to be in the Love energy that is beginning to elevate around the globe.
This is the time for change. As it unfolds there will be tremendous opportunities for all of you to become that which you have dreamt of being. You will find that as the new ways of being unfold there will be less and less obstacles that will be met. There will come the day when there will be complete freedom in the path of everyone who comes down the pike in the new energy of Love that is creating abundance as I speak.
Yes, it is already in the hallways and byways in so many ways. It is being released in various ways to certain individuals for the distribution to be made with no danger of interference. That has been one of the most important parts of this whole process, as I’m sure you understand it needs to be. There will be a tremendous change in humanity when it comes to the point that the need for money to have a happy life will be in the background.
Once the truth is lived of the importance of abundance, it will then be realized and lived that the abundance of a truly happy and peaceful life is not in the pockets, but in the hearts and the creativity of one with another. Once you are living what it means to be in harmony with one another then you will see how the intermittent time of lots of money paves the way for not needing it in order to be in peace, joy and love.
There is coming a time when there will be a long procession of events that will bring it all to the front, as far as what people will be discovering has been in the background. They may have heard about these things from time to time, and discarded it as someone’s idea of bringing forth false information. They will at some point see that it is a matter of being able to live what they are being told, and seeing it come forth in their lives in a way that cannot be denied.
Till then my dear ones, live your life in the best way you can. Know that as you bring joy to your heart, and to others, you will be living your life in a way that will bring freedom to the pathways that you will find are open and clear for your journey to the truth. You will know that what has been in the background and whispered about, or made fun of, will be at the front of your vision. Then you will know that it is time to follow the whispers in your heart that lead you to the freedom of your life in a way that is in Peace, Joy and Love. Onward and upward dear ones, for you are the leaders of your lives and we are with you all the way!
"A Conversation with an Inside Financial Warrior for the Light"
by Rob Potter
Community Corner:
"You May Be Sure that Revaluation Is in its Final Stages"
by Mike Quinsey Channeling His Higher Self
Community Corner:
"Understanding Our Many Soul Aspects ~ A TAUK (The Art of Universal Knowing) Message from My Father"
by Suzanne Spooner
Community Corner:
"Simulation Similarities Are Noted in hu-beings"
by GaiaPortal
Monday, February 8, 2016 Edition #50 Subscription FREE or by Donation
Happy Chinese New Year! 2016 ~ Year of the Red Monkey
You Are Loved and You Are Love
by Mother Sekhmet
How We Look Upon Our Beloved Sekhmet
by Mother God
Ushering in The New Golden Age...
"Immeasurable Wealth Is Yours
by Saint Germain
"A Conversation with an Inside Financial Warrior for the Light"
by Rob Potter
Community Corner:
"You May Be Sure that Revaluation Is in its Final Stages"
by Mike Quinsey Channeling His Higher Self
Community Corner:
"Understanding Our Many Soul Aspects ~ A TAUK (The Art of Universal Knowing) Message from my Father"
by Suzanne Spooner
Community Corner:
"Simulation Similarities Are Noted in hu-beings"
by GaiaPortal
Our next LIVE Blogtalk Radio Show
Our Valentine's Day Show:
featuring: Kathryn, Meg, Christine
Is on...
SUNDAY ~ ~ ~Valentines Day ~ ~ ~ 2/14/16
@ 2:00 PM EST
@THE_TNT_TEAM: The call is at 1, Eastern. Change is not coming......it's happening!
I believe. #wearethepeople (tweeted @ 11:48 AM EST 2/8/16)
@THE_TNT_TEAM: (Item#5) A new bank MEMO surfaced. Card "action" commenced in Iraq. Did the "clock" start? I'm very OPTIMISTIC!! #wearethepeople (tweeted @ 5:34 PM EST 2/7/16)
2/7/16 WSOMN:
Iko Ward : You guys are the best. Listen, sit back and watch it unfold. Don't worry about the rates, don't worry about the hour. Be calm during your exchange and let them know you know the rates. Don't take any wooden nickels.
Iko Ward : The news is very, very, very good. Wait for the 800's. Don't call the banks because they won't know anything. We'll have to go to the exchange centers. Just stay calm cause it be comin round the mountain.
Iko Ward : Well Tonto, I think our work here is done...... HI HO SILVER!
Beamer : I can say this. I received a call last night from someone involved.. all they were able to tell me was that this was going to be a Historic weekend. I'm ready.
You Are Loved and You Are Love
by Mother Sekhmet
with Introduction by Mother God
Image Credit: Unknown, picture chosen and imbued by Mother Sekhmet
The following excerpts are from our 2/6/16 Live Blogtalk Radio Show:
I urge you to both read and listen to this message from Mother Sekhmet. She delivers a transmission intended to bring mighty healing to you and to Earth at this important moment. To enjoy and absorb the Light-encoded message - please listen HERE. The Company of Heaven along with all who hear and know these words join together to thank Mother Sekhmet for her unfathomable service of Love to us all.
~ Archangel Michael (through Christine 2/7/16)
Mother Sekhmet:
Hello dearest Ones, I am Sekhmet. Yes, Michael and Christine and I are adjusting. It feels wonderful to see you, and to be here with you. I will describe what's happening right now. With the "firehose" of Light that Adamos described to you (see recording HERE): the firehose of Mother and Father's Light pouring through your bodies, pouring through Christine's body, causing any old, or no longer useful or so-called 'dark energies' to be displaced, causing a rush of a firehose, of exit... and a tremendous upsurge of energies being released in the other direction.
Come Together
As I have been generously accepted to come in with Christine and Michael, I am showing her small adjustments she can make, so I will show it to all of you as well.
First, let me say: we all know each other. You know me, intimately, and I know you, each of you. I am tremendously touched to be with you at this important moment. Of course, I come through other channels too. Always, it is a delight to connect in this way and to share the message of the moment which will clear away a cloud and lift us all.
Now, notice how you are feeling. What is happening in your body? Put your attention - gently - on your body. Is there tension? If there is, just breathe into it and allow yourself to relax. As you notice your feelings, see how you are feeling. Do you feel stressed? Are you curious? Are you excited by all the magnificent news that our Adamos has just brought to us?
Allow yourself to relax. With the intention of relaxing, you will! That is one of the magnificent results of the Light pouring in, the HoneyLove of Mother and Father, the Golden Light, the encoded Rays of the Great Central Sun reaching us all! An intention can be easily met - more easily than ever before - so allow our - I say "allow our" - self to relax, because that is how it is for me. We are together as One in this moment. So We allow Ourself to relax.
As we do, I am coming to you, as well. No longer are we in the days where you will be "talked to" or shown something without being offered the very energies present. The energies it takes to produce a message are equally available to you to experience in the moment (as they are to the messenger). It's up to you. You are magnificent in your shining Pillars of Light, your glorious Ascension Pillars, so within the safety and warmth of your own Pillar, you may decide, "Yes, Mother Sekhmet, I invite you gently to come closer." Or, "Oh! I'm feeling the words, the transmission behind the words. As it is, I'll keep listening with curiosity."
We never do anything... without us all doing it. It's like a big white canvas is in front of us. Every paint stroke from every thought that each of us has - this moment on this call - every thought, every feeling, every intention is a brushstroke on that canvas, the canvas of this moment that we are making together. Every choice NOT to make a brushstroke and leave some space for the other brushstrokes to appear is... a choice.
Every moment we create together is a Masterpiece. It is impossible for it to be otherwise. So I bring you gentle gentle words, reassurance that you do not fail at Life. Truly, you don't even make mistakes. You simply make brushstrokes. Then, as you look up, and you see, perhaps, some brushstrokes that you may have made, and perhaps you don't enjoy the color. Well, you're already in a new moment, with a new canvas, and a new set of inputs, beings and family members - above and around you there - and you may simply begin to paint, fresh.
It Can Be a Bit Uncomfortable to Be Near Me
The story that I bring you today begins long long ago. It begins at the Beginning. I have never told it in this way before.
Christine was surprised and even a bit nervous last night when I came to her and told her that I would like to come on the show, and I would like her to channel me. We have never spoken directly (during her current lifetime) because in her life, Christine - as part of her Mission, her assignment, the life path she designed - had a portion of her life where she went and studied the systems of what you call the cabal, the indoctrination of how to go into the dark. She did, and she had literal training of this during her life. Then, as was arranged, she turned around and made choice after choice to walk right back out.
This did several things. It enabled her to take Light into those dark realms, and it enabled her to have a deep understanding of what happens to those who are exposed to the heavy programming that occurs. Christine turned around and came out, and I can't even say that she really restored herself to the Light because she was full of Light all the while. She had a very genuine participation in fulfilling that part of her life plan.
So, when she feels me, even at a distance or through other channels, she feels in me... a kind of flicker that she couldn't identify, and she told me right away last night, "I don't know why I'm nervous." She was respectful and said, "Mother Sekhmet, I don't know why I have a nervousness, but I feel this flicker," and she was correct. It is the very reason I wanted to come and speak with you today. Let's go back to the Beginning where this story begins. You will understand what Christine felt, and why it made her a little uncomfortable.
Mother and Father God Are Responsible for All of Creation, and So Are We
At the Beginning, outside of time, when Mother and Father looked out far across the potentials that existed, the Plan that they intended to Create, this Universe. When their gaze fell upon the story of Earth and every planet and Galactic race that would participate with Earth - of course, being Mother and Father - they could SEE the potentials of all that could and would happen.
They decided to go forward with the Creation that they were forming and having together. It is significant and important for you to grasp what I am saying. You are not part of a problem that you produced by yourself. You are not part of an evil - none of you! There are cabal member listening now to this show, and I tell you: you are not the only reason for this Earth's condition. The only reason something, anything can be experienced is because it is included, it is within, it is an allowance, it is part of the creation of what our Mother and Father allow, create, imagine, see.
Right now, each and every one of us, whether you are on a ship listening - many ships filled with benevolent Galactic benefactors do love to listen to this and to many other programs; they send their Light and Love for everyone who joins in - whether you are there on the surface, each and every one of us contributes in our own way to the story of Earth. Each and every one of us is a brand new expression of our Mother and Father. We are each a unique spark, lovingly created by them.
We are unique from the moment we leave Mother and Father. As a spark, we have our uniqueness, and as we fulfill incredible destinies, we - through our choices, through our own imbued ability to Create like our Mother and Father - we extend the story. We infuse the story. We participate. We put our focus, we take it, and we put it in a bigger direction, longer, newer!
However, the original potential of everything that could and would happen was always understood. The probable consequences were always known by our Mother and Father. They knew everything except for one. Even for Mother and Father God, there is an Edge of Creation that is beyond the Known.
Expand to Understand
Now... everyone, take a breath. On the last show, we here in the higher realms watched as you took steps in better understanding multidimensional comprehension when you learned about the Christed Grid. You cannot grab onto these thoughts with your only mind and know them. You must allow these words to hang gently in the air. Take another breath. This is a tremendous piece of our shared creation to reveal.
Standing back at the very beginning of this potential, Mother and Father were laughing, talking, earnestly looking, understanding what may be possible and deciding anyway to go ahead with the plan for Earth. Mother immediately said, when she saw that the potential would carry difficulty and suffering, she turned to Father with a solution. Mother's solution was a kind of safety net that would last throughout the entire project and even brings us current to this very moment on Earth.
And you could say that the solution was me. It was and is me.
I Was Created as Assurance that the Light would Always Prevail
Mother took a part of herself and offered it, and Father understood what she was doing. Father and Mother made the new spark that would be Sekhmet. I was not know by that name; we all come out with a beautiful sound, colors, uniqueness and essence. Our birth is a sacred moment that is shared by Mother and Father. At my birth, part of my uniqueness was their intention for me to be Mother's solution.
Their intention for me was that I would be a kind of container that would help this tremendous adventure. I would be able to hold within me the darkness that would undoubtedly arise from allowing this bold creative plan to unfurl.
Now remember, darkness is not an inherent quality. We are all made of Mother and Father, so it was more like I would have a space within me that would be surrounded with love that could contain this experience. I would be Mother's representation, the sponsor for this experience, and I would hold that darkness in the midst of love.
And I have.
True Understanding is Infinite
So when Christine spoke with me and was tender about feeling her own trip into understanding darkness this very life, she felt that in me. It is why she had not approached me before. She did not know how to think about or how to comprehend what she felt in me. And even the words I used today for you are a kind of wonderful example because the only way to perceive it all, would have been to start that very day, at the Beginning with Mother and Father and me.
Fortunately, as you rise, as you become the physical Angels you are to be in your Ascension on the surface of Earth, you will perceive more and more fully what I am telling you today. And Mother is coming next, and she will speak about our story as well.
I have never given a message like this before. I have travelled down these roads, all of this experience throughout all of this time. It has been my honor, but it has just been... me. It has just been who and what I Am to do.
This explanation does not mean I am dark. I am not. I simply am the expression of Love from Mother that ensured that the experience - were it to go beyond the edge of Creation someday - would never be beyond the containment of Love. Through this story, can you not see through our eyes what a special day on Earth this is? We weep with joy all the time for the fulfillment of the restoration of the Light, in every cell, in every experience, in every moment, in every thought. One-at-a-time they are all being healed. By you.
My Daughter
I want to speak of one more thing. Little BamBam is my child. I sent her to Christine because, with Christine's unique configuration, I knew that Christine would be able to love her as she would love her own birth-child, and indeed, Christine has. I knew that Christine would give an important ingredient to that love that would be needed for this part of me to have an incarnation at this time. Christine has never ever been upset with BamBam. She has never used a harsh word. Christine speaks to BamBam from the core of her being every time, and BamBam knows it.
Kathryn understood right away. She would say, "Look at BamBam walk! That is a big cat, and she is being a big cat." That is a strong part of the lineages I have borne throughout this magnificent and lengthy journey. So BamBam is actually working on many fronts to reconcile and heal many aspects for humanity, for me, for animals, and for certain Galactic races that have visited Earth. She has quite a job.
BamBam emits healing energies as she performs her energetic Super Scrubbing.
Christine calls BamBam "the most serious cat on Earth." BamBam is my child and she is Christine's and now in this moment, we are sharing such love for her. We are two beaming Moms, knowing even more about love than we did a moment ago. I am thanking Christine for the way she has loved my daughter.
All of your stories contain these magnificent revelations! Just wait! I want to call you my darlings. I want to tell you something: There is nothing you have ever done that is unforgivable. There is no darkness that is real. It has been an experience where we all learned.
Now, Mother is here, and she will speak through our beautiful Kathryn.
I hold you close. You may ask me to come, and we may sit together. You may ingest and comprehend more of some of the things I have said today.
I love you.
I am Sekhmet.
(Channeled and Transcribed by Christine Burk, 6 & 7 February 2016)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
How We Look Upon Our Beloved Sekhmet
Mother God:
Thank you dear Meg and my beloved children who listen so intently. Yes, you do have to expand your ability to listen. Open your hearts without judgment, without any temptation to place blame of any kind.
I will try to show you how we made this decision, how we look upon our beloved Sekhmet. Yes, she was created by Father and me to be the bearer, the container of dark energies, and we knew when we created her and offered her this assignment...She was created with the potentials and the abilities, but you know all of you are created with free will. She decided without question that she would accept this mission that has extended beyond time, beyond what we could call years.
Sekhmet has offered herself in love to be the one who would protect all of you, all of us, from the effects of our own Creation. Can you imagine the responsibility she took on? Can you imagine being asked by your mother and father to be the one who would hold together the goodness by allowing and yet surrounding every element of darkness and what you would call evil that might be produced throughout time?
We are beyond grateful for her loving contribution. We cannot express our great love enough for our dear Sekhmet, who has incarnated many times, who has been known as the great lion- headed woman with such intensity and strength that the Sphynx was built in her honor. She has been absolutely true to her agreement, her mission and to her promise that she would contain this darkness.
When we began this, we could not predict the extent to which our beloved humankind might take this project. We knew of your great creativity and we knew it might run far and wide. We knew of the creativity and the power of our other races who became involved in creating darkness and destruction. All of it, all of it was overseen and managed and contained by our beloved Sekhmet.
I pause to allow you to perceive in your hearts what that meant for her, and what it meant for us to send her our love, to embrace her as she went forth to keep her promise to us and to you, for in her heart she knew that you would not have survived had she not offered this tremendous service.
So you see, she is Light. She is Love, and she is the energy of forgiveness. Within her soul she is forgiveness, she is compassion, even as she walked through the darkness in a way that is similar to what she described about Christine - going into the darkness and coming back out, and by doing so, creating a pathway for others. By containing the darkness she has kept the doorways open for those who went into the dark to then return to us. We cannot express our gratitude and our love enough to our dear Sekhmet. She knows we have been there with her every moment.
And so now you have a glimmer of the picture of how darkness began, how it was managed, and how it was indeed a part of the great Creation, a part of our own work. We saw that it was a potential and we permitted it, but we could not allow it without the insurance that it would be contained. This was the mission, the responsibility and the great service of our beloved Sekhmet.
And now you see that all of you are taking her invitation to come through the portal she created for you, so that you can all leave behind this darkness, destructiveness and confusion that you have all lived through. I encourage you, I urge you, to take our beloved Sekhmet's invitation and walk the path she has created for you out of the darkness and into the Light, as the beautiful song you heard describe in the beginning of our program. Our beloved Sekhmet is here with us to welcome every one of you.
It is as if she is giving birth to all of you, birthing you into the Light after this long and in some ways terrible experiment that you all enthusiastically embraced. And now it is time for all of you to be free. As you free yourselves, you also free Sekhmet, who is now breathing deeply, looking forward to the time when all who have walked that path into darkness will turn and come back into the Light and into our loving arms.
We thank our dear Sekhmet for her long, long service and for your willingness to experience the unexplainable, even the unforgivable, and to come back to us whole, healed in the Light, and as you do that, our beloved Sekhmet does the same. She heals along with you. With every one who comes into the Light, her burden is diminished and her joy increases.
It is like birth, a new birth for your planet, for humankind and for all your brothers and sisters who witness this remarkable, glorious triumph of Love and will, kindness, compassion and companionship. Our hearts are one as we embrace all of you.
We embrace our beloved Sekhmet and you within her arms. We are so grateful that this time, this period of darkness is now coming to an end on your beautiful Planet Earth. You may be seeing now why we feel such joy, such triumph, such gratitude to all of you who have not only taken part in this experiment where you walked into the unknown beyond Creation, but to your courage, your heart that allowed you to come back us, to your Mother and Father. We welcome you all with open arms.
What a day it is; what a time it is. Yes, there on earth you do still experience time, and it is lovely to say the time of darkness and suffering is gone; it is over. And now it is time for all of you to give new birth to the love within yourselves as Sekhmet does for you.
This is why we call her Mother Sekhmet. She has been your protector, the one who enabled you to take this plunge into the unknown, and like a good mother, she watched over you, and now she celebrates your expansion, your great development, your expansion into mastery and deep love.
We embrace you all. I am your Mother, your Mother God, and I love you without end. Blessings, my beloved ones, blessings to every one of you. Namaste.
(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 6 -7 February 2016)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
About BamBam...
"I'm Not Just a Serious Cat, I'm a Serious Being"
I would watch BamBam move through our garden, stretching and striding with such assurance. I would see a great, gleaming panther or jaguar - the essence of powerful feline energy, but inside our home she seemed aloof and threatening, so I told our animal communicator I thought she really did not like me or Che'. Bambam confided to Sharon that she and her Mom had watched nature programs on TV ("the box"). BamBam had decided she should behave like the snarly big cats she had seen, yet it caused her great distress to do so. I too was distressed, afraid of her claws and her unpredictable behavior.
After hearing my reaction, BamBam spent many days in deep contemplation alone in her own private corners of the house. Afterward, she began a new relationship with me, rubbing on my legs, looking deeply into my eyes, and making obvious efforts to be affectionate and responsive. I was charmed. BamBam told me through Sharon that she loves me very much, but was sometimes unsure how to behave, yet she would try hard to be loving. BamBam and I are now working together in harmony and joyful companionship. She and Che' are an integral part of our healing and security teams.
Lady BamBam
Mother Sekhmet:
Little BamBam is my child. I sent her to Christine because with Christine's unique configuration, I knew that Christine would love her as she would love her own birth child, and indeed she has. I knew that Christine would give an important ingredient to that love that would be needed for this part of me to have an incarnation at this time.
When BamBam was little, I asked her what her Mission on Earth is. She told me through Sharon that she was an "Energy Super Scrubber" and that she was here to take care of me. I told her our family Mission was to emanate love, so since she was teeny tiny, we would get on the bed and practice sending peace and love to each other and to the world. I love her so much that I cannot imagine loving her more. She is the one who reminds me that we are all Loved, and we are all Love. I feel so blessed and super lucky to be her Mom. Thank you Mother Sekhmet for having this amazing being be with me.
...We came to Kathryn's house...and I saw how Kathryn just made a home for us and she gave us really good food, and she was always asking about...well, I sensed right away that maybe I could influence her...because I really wanted to go outside. She has a room that is all windows, and it's almost like being outside, and the more I sat in that room, the more I kept thinking, "Oh, boy, I want to go out that door like her little dog goes out...."
So I placed the idea in Kathryn's mind to see us walking out into the yard and the fields and exploring out there, and I kept working on her, and pretty soon she said to my Mom, "Don't you think it would be okay to let BamBam go outside? She really wants to go outside and put her feet on the ground." Finally my mom agreed and she let me go outside, but only in the light.
We talked to Sharon, our communicator...and we told her we would be
very respectful. Well, I'm afraid we didn't always keep our promise because sometimes I got a little bit umm...well, I'll admit it. It was very rude. I tried to trick Kathryn so that if she opened the door I would run out really fast and get away and I got her in trouble, and I'm very sorry about that. I shouldn't have done that. I had to think about it a lot because I knew she felt bad...I'm very clever and I found I could pretend I was sleeping, and when she went to get wood I would dash out the door and she couldn't catch me...
...I was stalking her. That's what she called it. I confess it was true, because the feeling of being outside was so exhilarating!...It makes me feel like I'm a big cat in the jungle...
...My mom said I'm a very serious cat. Well, that's true; I'm a very serious Being...
(Don't miss the rest of BamBam's story of her Mission, and her relationship with Mother Sekhmet, and her successful internal struggles to be more loving in her heart.)
For BamBam's full message, listen to the show: HERE
(BamBam Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 6-7 February 2016)
Ushering in The New Golden Age: Announcements and Insights on Earth's Unfolding Freedom and Prosperity
Submissions chosen by Archangel Michael on the following topics: RV/GCR, NESARA, GESARA, New Governances, The Announcements, Free Energy, New Healing Technologies, Disclosure, Mass Landings, Crystal Chambers and More!
"One of 12 Bunker Assets"
Immeasurable Wealth Is Yours
St. Germain:
I am constantly being asked by our friends on the ground to give proof of the things we refer to as "behind the scenes" movement toward the release of all the programs we have told you about. We could not give details in the past because there were many elements of the release that were still in secret negotiations, and many of our boots on the ground would have been placed in danger if we had given information about them. I'm sure you understand how delicate these processes have been. It is now possible for us to discuss some of the most exciting projects because all is completed, ready for the final bell to sound.
One of the "secrets" concerns the vast amounts of wealth that are included in the Prosperity Funds. I described some of the enormous storehouses of gold, precious stones and other valuables in my books from the 1930's, especially in the first volume called "Unveiled Mysteries" by Godfré Ray King. At the time, we of the Company of Heaven thought of it as a wonderful revelation that would help spur the Ascension of Planet Earth, but World War II intervened, and with it the rise in power of the cabal. The books served as an introduction to a small group of Lightworkers, but like many of our Heaven-sponsored projects, the information was buried, and the cabal-controlled grip on Earth tightened...until now.
Proof of the Fabled St. Germain Wealth
At last I can reveal to you all just how vast and real the long-hidden fortunes are, and back it up with photos and first-person accounts from the people who have been working with me for decades. Below you will find excerpts from a long article by Rob Potter with pictures of just some examples of the buried treasure that has been held in safekeeping for this monumental time. We had to ensure that it would be safe to release the funds before the final transport and unveiling could occur.
Some of these storehouses of gold, silver and special bonds have been stolen and recovered several times over, as we jockeyed to preserve your birthright for the time it could be shared by all. Most has been watched over with diligence and great loyalty by powerful families across Asia and Europe. Some has found its way to the U.S. in preparation for its release. You can imagine the difficulty involved in secretly transporting millions of tons of gold bars, for example, but it has been done.
Many naysayers, especially those trained in the cabal financial systems, have insisted the revaluation of currencies has to be a scam, because it has never happened before, and there could not possibly be enough money in the world to fund the flood of money we have described. We sympathize with their doubts, but they are simply wrong. There is enough wealth to give every man, woman and child on the planet 100 million dollars or more. All that was required was the right timing and the higher vibration that will allow compassion, kindness and great Love to govern the behavior of all in power, down to the last family, town and village. That time has come at last, my dear Brothers and Sisters.
The photographs below are real, a tiny example of the great wealth we have already begun to disseminate. Yes, all currencies are now and will remain gold and asset-backed. From our limitless stores inside mountains, beneath islands, beneath the sea and in remote hidden caves, we have provided the gold to every country in the world to make this possible. Every country will be economically stable, secure in its prosperity, and given the opportunity to leave behind the artificially-created debt that has enslaved all.
Perhaps some of you are familiar with my former castle in Transylvania. It was a convenient hiding place for mountains of wealth because of a labyrinth of unmapped underground passageways and hidden rooms. I can tell you this now because the treasures have been safely moved in recent months. The castle itself was kept under a veil of mystery by the Dracula stories - a convenient and amusing smokescreen for the Light hidden there.
As I offered during my surprise visit to our BlogTalk radio show yesterday, (LINK) I will be happy to take any and all of you on a personal tour of our great mountains of precious jewels, gold and special financial instruments, valued conservatively in numbers followed by more than 50 zeros. You need only to call my name, and I will take you in your meditation to witness the great storehouses yourself. You see why the release of so much wealth will very quickly make money irrelevant, do you not? Who will need a paper dollar or a gold coin when abundance is everywhere, available to all, where no one has a debt or a bill to pay because every service imaginable has been paid for, and where every being on Earth is free to pursue their Light-filled dreams?
The Dominoes Begin to Fall
Because the transparent new banking systems are now in place, graft and corruption will be impossible to hide. It is already providing instant exposure and arrest of those who have tried to defraud our fail-safe systems. This is now completely operational, and this only a small part of the global programs that will lift the entire Earth by providing clean water, plenty of clean food, and new medical and energy technologies. It was decided long ago that the most effective way to release humankind from slavery would be to begin with economic security for all. Our successes in the financial realm are now paving the way for a quicker rollout than previously anticipated of the technologies that will make disease, war and toxins of all kinds a thing of the past. Landings will follow.
The monumentally complex and intricate management of these changes has been long in the making, by Earth terms. The past 70 years have been what you might call a final "full-court press" on the part of both Heaven and Earthly partners. By cosmic standards, this is unheard of - a shift of monumental proportions accomplished in the blink of an eye. We did not do this for you, Beloved Humankind, it is you and those among you who are at this moment carrying the high vibration of Love and Light that is lifting all into the flow of energies provided by Mother and Father God - the energies of the Great Central Sun, our Source of all goodness and Light.
Lightworkers Above and Below Clear the Earth's Energies
Today, immense energies collide across Planet Earth, as the old dark energies are released and human Transmuting Teams literally process the lower energies through their bodies to be sent to the Light. It is an arduous task, taken on by all the Masters incarnated now. Whether human, animal or elemental, all consciousness is focused on the enormous challenge of clearing thousands of years of layered, toxic energies. As we watch over you with great tenderness and Love, you are accomplishing what only the most courageous collection of determined souls could possibly achieve: the Co-creation of New Earth, made literally by the sweat of your brows and the Love of your indomitable hearts. You are magnificent.
Do not for a moment allow yourself to doubt or feel impatience. All is unfurling in perfect harmony, like the most exquisite symphony ever performed by any earthly or Angelic Chorus, and you, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, are here to bear witness and to take part in this triumphant crescendo. The haunting strains of the first movement are already beginning. Listen!
Today's stupendous effort - maximum service and participation by all - will be remembered as The Tipping Point, the moment when the curtains rose and the first glimpse of the impossible dream came into view for the first wave of Lightworkers whose hearts are open and rejoicing in unison. We join with you in that joyful celebration, Dearest Ones.
I remain ever at your side, in devoted service to Mother and Father and the Company of Heaven.
I am your brother, St. Germain.
(Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, February 7, 2016)
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A Conversation with an Inside Financial Warrior for the Light
by Rob Potter
(Thanks to Ingenious1 at WSOMN and Dinar Recaps for reposting)
February 2, 2016
Some time ago I was contacted by a fellow spiritual brother and Kriya Yoga adept who has been involved in the wresting control of the financial system from the control network. The names and crimes are too numerous to recount here but there are many more qualified people out there letting it be known exactly what has gone on. David Wil****'s financial tyranny documents are well documented and profound.
I know the insider that briefed him and he explained many things to me that are just so wrong with how we have been high jacked as a people.
I have issues with money and the extortionist's world governments and international central banks that steal money and plunder the surface population innocents in their Ponzi schemes. They use money to distract us from their theft by psychologically torturing us through a corrupt Satanist System that burdens the human race. I want it exposed and revealed for the slave system it is so we can heal it and move on.
It is the lynch pin of the control matrix and I want a full on assault of truth fostered by all of humanity to end this madness and take back our sovereignty as people and a planet.
This transcript below (thank you Danell) is a private conversation with names and other personal information redacted.
TR is a good man and is sincere and for real...
My strong suggestion for those of you who are focused on money more than your spiritual orientation to the divine natural laws of the universal life force and spirit is to stop seeking in the material world for your happiness.
I would urge you to develop your inner life and inner knowing as now more than ever before the time is right to pray and to invoke the light and to meditate on your own divine presence. This soul connection is always here now and inside yourself. Seek the light and truth within so you can be prepared in the moment with your presence on your shoulder to guide you in each and every moment. Use discernment to focus on needs more than wants.
Without further introduction here is an interesting conversation with TR.
TR - It's so interesting what's going on Rob. Absolutely phenomenal. I am working directly with the sovereign committee which is the grandfather Chinese and they control most of the assets of the world that are part of this, let's say, new system.
Rob - What is IQD?
TR - Iraqi Dinar. NID. Iraqi Dinar. The reason I'm focusing on NID because that is the first linchpin of the new system. When IQD actually gets announced and there is a re-val of this, you will get everything started. Right now, everything is happening behind the scenes and I'm behind the scenes...
(Photo: recovered assets, stolen from the American people)
Rob - I have a question for you, just historically from what I'm looking at. The way that the big people make a lot of money on the wars is when they go into a country and make the wars artificially and they know they're going to be created. The first things to happen are they go to World Bank and NATO and they say, "We're going to devalue these countries' money like the dong or the dinar." And when the war's over, they revalue the money up and they all make a lot of money.
That game has been played a lot and it seems the military was involved and it seems they got ahold of these plates and they're creating so much Iraqi Dinar. So much of it is fake. It's like stealing. It's devaluing the money of the people of Iraq who deserve to have the money to rebuild. How do we validate that all these NID's are actually real and not created falsely and that they actually have the backing of the sovereign Iraqi government?
TR - That is actually fairly rudimentary. That is not really a difficult thing. And, first of all, what you are describing is not exactly what is happening. What is happening is they'll go into a country and they'll tell whoever's in leadership, "Look, we're targeting your company. You have assets that we want. You've got a choice. We'll either make you very rich and we're going to take care of your family and we'll . . . . "
Rob - You hand it over to us or we'll create war.
TR - Yea, "What we're going to do is, you cooperate with us and do what we ask or we will come in and we'll bring in the Academi, or the old Blackwater, now Academi, or XE or regular army and we're going to create chaos in your country and then we're going to put in another regime and we're going to kill everybody in your family and you and all the people in the government. Are you going to play ball or not?" And that's basically how they do it.
(Photo: Farmers' Boxes, storing recovered assets for the RV/GCR)
Rob - ... "The new system is here. We'll (Galactic support) watch it. We'll be your security and you guys are going to run it on your own, and this is our suggestion for your system, but you guys have to do it."
I think that's what the Reno thing is about - re-dialing the world's economy honestly and fairly and justly to the whole world, at the same time making allowance for retribution for all the destruction that's been done to the innocent countries like the Philippines and Mexico and South America and Africa. They've been plundered.
They have to be restored onto a par equal to their brethren of the world. And then move forward...
TR - When all the suppressed technologies come out, we'll learn that people have replicators. When they have clean water, when they have shelter, when the planet starts getting cleaned up, when their "Maslow's" hierarchal needs are resolved and people go from limited to full consciousness, then you're going to have. . . I see change. It's a spiritual thing and it's a physical thing. (Yea, that's a good point) I call it spirit and physical dancing together. That is the only way it's going to work. It requires both. Not just one or the other.
TR - I want this. Nothing is ever going to be perfect. Sometimes you just got to go for it. Enough is enough. Yea, we can wait a little bit longer, but why? Why should we wait longer? Let's just get this done. I'm really hopeful. Hopeful is a word I'm going to use that something is going to break loose this month.
Rob - I hope so too, and this month even, huh?
TR - This month. I'm hopeful this month something's going to happen this month.
TR - I think that it's a positive story right now. I really, really have never felt more confident, more calm about things. I don't' feel any more that we're going to do one step forward and two steps back. I believe that is over. I think it's going to be two forward and one back, then it will be three and four. That's what it feels like to me.
TR - This is what I was trying to say: When you realize that there's such a small percentage of the true wealth of this planet that has gone back to humanity, and when humanity starts to see the incredible abundance that is here and that it is in the form of the financial system, they're first of all, they're going to have a sigh of relief, and then the next thing is going to happen is, they're going to go, "What?! I was surviving on this?"
When the wake-up happens, first people are going to be in disbelief, then we're going to go, "Wow, really?! Did that really happen?" And that is what is going to get everybody in the face. That's why the financial system is so important and why I put so much focus on it.
I'm a spiritual being. I'm a multi-dimensional being. I don't really care about the financial system per se, but I know it's been the control point. It's how they've kept people in line. When people start getting the prosperity, they will start waking up very quickly, very quickly.
"You May Be Sure that Revaluation Is in Its Final Stages"
by Mike Quinsey Channeling His Higher Self
5 February 2016
Events that will affect your future and be beneficial for you continue to take place, mostly out of your sight. However, there will come a time during the course of this year when you shall learn of the benefits brought about by the changes. It is known that a revaluation of currency is foremost in your minds, and it has taken considerable time to bring countries together in agreement to the changes. There are now sufficient of them for it to brought forward, and there has never been a time when it has achieved such progress. You may therefore be sure that revaluation is in its final stages. Meanwhile more inventions are seeing the light of day, and it is only a matter of time before they start to be released. Be assured that the changes are well under way and too far forward to be halted. Ways of producing free energy have been available for some time and now even more devices are being revealed. Their ultimate use and availability is approaching, but the Illuminati are still trying to prevent their distribution. It will not always remain in this situation as your evolution cannot be held back indefinitely.
Difficult times lie ahead and are inevitable as major changes occur, and commence to alter your way of life from drudgery to one that releases you from it. There are so many changes coming that raise your quality of life to levels that you should have enjoyed by the end of the last century. In what will seem a relatively short time you will have gone ahead in leaps and bounds, until you reach levels that lift you of the old patterns of struggle. The most acceptable and welcome change will be when you are assured of world peace, and the fruits of your labours are used for the benefit of everyone. The biggest gain will be to have sufficient time to follow your own interests, and have the financial means to do so. Life will be become vastly different to what you are presently used to. No longer will Mother Earth be looked upon as a prison planet, and the curfew that you have lived under will in time be lifted. You become free souls and able to follow your own pathway without obstruction.
As those of you who are of the Light continue to lift yourselves up, you will be distancing yourselves from those who make little or no attempt to overcome their dark energies. They will experience exactly what they are trying to impose upon your civilisation, and find themselves isolated from the rest of Humanity. By your reckoning it may have taken a long time to reach this point in your evolution, but in reality it is but a "blink of the eye". The benefits of such an experience are manifold and have been achieved over such a short period of time. Of course all of you have had to go through some tough challenges but there is no quicker way to evolve. What you have learnt will have prepared you for greater things, and your Sword of Life will have been hardened by your experiences. Take every challenge as an opportunity to raise your vibrations, and know that you are never placed in a situation that is more than you can handle. So if you are presently involved in struggle, know that you do have the ability to achieve success. Also remember that you do not walk your life alone, and there are always dear souls that accompany you and will assist you where they can. However, be aware that help is yours when it is requested and in no way would be imposed upon your freewill.
It is known that extremely large numbers of you suffer from various forms of illness, or lack good health for various reasons. Be assured that very soon good health will be the normal way of life, and in most of your lifetimes healing will be available for every soul. In fact there will be instant healing that will also restore broken or lost limbs. The future holds many surprises for you, and all will fill you with joy. God always promised that upon the completion of the present cycle, you would be returning to the higher realms to start an era of continual love and fulfilment. Be one who helps manifest the New Age and helps others to follow the same path. Be loving, and guide others so that they too may find success.
Bear in mind that whatever thoughts you give out, you are helping to establish the nature of future events in your lives. Do not underestimate the power of thought as it is you the people of Earth who are determining your own future. So focus on all that is good and helping Humanity to keep their feet on the path of Light. Your Guides certainly work to this end and will do as much as possible to help you keep your goal in sight. In your present circumstances there will always be distractions that could lead you astray. Call upon your Guides in times of need and they will be at your side, and sometimes their presence will be felt that can be very reassuring.
Past experience shows that when you have great expectations you tend to feel disappointment if they do not materialise quick enough. Allow ample time for events to take place as a lot is progressing towards completion, and you will know soon enough when they are ready. You will not be disappointed and once those who oppose such moves are no longer able to exert their influence, they will commence to manifest. Once the remnants of the old cycle are removed, a glorious period of growth and development will commence. There is so much destined to happen that no one will be able to halt its advancement, and it will be welcomed all over the world as the New Earth comes into being.
Each soul will have much influence as to where their travels take them, and many will commence a new venture. Eventually a whole new vista of opportunity will open up for you as you establish yourself as a Galactic Being. Even now you are being given a greater understanding of the Universe that is being opened up to you. It is full of life that like you is evolving towards a greater understanding of how all is part of the whole. There are so many different forms of life that exist in the many Universes that are around you. Some are so different to your own, yet all are on a path that ensures they continue to evolve. Hu-man is a relatively new species that is ready to move into the higher dimensions.
At a high level there is a "war" being fought between the forces of Light and the dark Ones, who although they have found their actions becoming limited, are refusing to surrender. Their fight is destined to result in failure for them as they can no longer use the full weaponry they have amassed. They are doomed yet cling on to hopes of success, when they are losing the power to dictate the final outcome. They are blindly heading for defeat but not in the way you imagine, as the Light does not resort to violence. The end of the old ways of confrontation is in sight, although there is quite a way to go before total peace can be declared. An era of peace approaches that you have earnt through your dedication to the Light and all it represents. May the Love and Light remain with you forever.
This message comes through my Higher Self. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.
"Understanding Our Many Soul Aspects ~ A TAUK (The Art of Universal Knowing) Message from My Father"
by Suzanne Spooner
Image Credit: Unknown; Chosen by Suzanne Spooner
February 2, 2016
[Hi Dad!!!] Hi Suzy! I love you. [I love you too!] I wanted to give you an update on how I am. I am wonderful. I am learning how to expand my awareness of being many places at once and learning how to acknowledge each of the places. It's like keeping tabs on many of your soul aspects. It takes some understanding of oneness and individuality. I know that you like to ask about parallel lives in your QHHT sessions and this is similar.
Letting the mind of one of your aspects be aware that there are other aspects of them is a leap in consciousness. You know that you have other aspects and you have recognized a few in your dream state.
What I see in comparison from my vantage point is a living rolodex of all of my aspects. I have two on earth currently. Isn't that wild? One you know and one you don't. There are many of my aspects in different vibrations and frequencies. I can step into any, all or none!
I decide what I would like to know about myself and the rolodex opens to the most perfect experience; much like how in your QHHT sessions the High Self picks the most appropriate time and place for your client to view.
Universally we are all One. The One gives us multiple ways to play, explore and experience our Grand Self. And so, I am currently playing with this process. Your aspect and my aspects are intertwined as are many and All. I Am. You Are. We Love. You are my Zippy.
Happy New Year Friends and Family across Earth! We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to continue our weekly live radio shows. The shows will sport a new and improved format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age!
Dear Kathryn and Christine, I have been deeply deeply affected by the show.It is still sinking in. The magnitude of what transpired today is way beyond that what can be put into words or grasped by my mind. I feel it. An energetic circuitry got completed ... I am so so grateful, words cannot do justice to express the depth of feelings. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mother Father God, and all their Creation,
Your loving child, Simran
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Dearest Ones...ALL of you who shared today...all of YOU! I have such PEACE in this moment...as our guests today EXPLAINED my entire current life...all nearly 57 years thus far. Every word - as always - has the music and feel of things I have known yet been unable to adequately explain in ways others could begin to understand. This amazing journey... With deepest gratitude and forever love...to new beginnings and excitement beyond our imagination in the most deLIGHTful of adventures...with the fullness of LOVE being our creations.
With love and blessings, I thank you... ~ Bette
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I'm still in awe of what was shared with us today - I'm so grateful for the roles the two of you (and others in your household!) have played over many lifetimes, because the result of YOUR work is a direct blessing to ME. And to all the rest of our wonderful family. And to everyone else on our beautiful Gaia. And everywhere else. Words just aren't enough. And so we all keep sending love and gratitude to each of you. Lots of love to all of you, John L.
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I have no words to express the Great Richness this show brought to me!!!! The magical Surprise showing of St. Germain with super good news is the happy positive energy that I feel prevailing with everyone everywhere!! ... Dear Mother Sekhmet was regal. I cried with love for Her. Dear Sekhmet...you really helped me expand my mind, (that's what I want the most). I feel I want to embrace you and thank you in humanity's name... Love Joy and hugs, Marcia
A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features.
The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.
Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more. Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals. I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you.
Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation. We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding. We speak and laugh together all throughout every day. Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done. Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly. It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph!
I have often said that all communication is for Union. This is our wish and the inevitability we share.
Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth: the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age.
Kathryn E. May, PsyD. Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org. Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe.
Donations gratefully accepted (Please go to Link, scroll to bottom to find donation button - thank you for your support!): DONATE
Who Needs Light? is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May, endorsed by Mother Father God and Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension." It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself once-and-for-ALL from the matrix.
Who Needs Light is a Mission. It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The New Golden Age.
Who Needs Light? We all do! We are all born of Light, and - whether we are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the Galaxy. In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended Family.
Order Who Needs Light? or donate, so that others who cannot afford the book will be able to get their copy. The author will match all donations.
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FEBRUARY 21, 2016
Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
(There will be a lunch break between 12:30 and 1:30. Lunch is on your own.)
Please let people on your mailing list who live in or around the SAN FRANCISCO area know about this opportunity. Thank you!
We are in the midst of a monumental Awakening that is taking place within the heart and mind of every man, woman, and child on Earth. This is true whether a person is consciously aware of it or not.
Each person’s God Self, which is the I AM Presence pulsating within everyone’s Heart Flame, is totally aware of this Awakening process. Unfortunately, most people have forgotten how to access this information. This FREE SEMINAR is a Gift from On High specifically designed to help you remember.
During our special time together, I will share amazing and extremely powerful tools that will empower you to reconnect with your I AM Presence, the Company of Heaven, and the Truth blazing within the Divinity of your Heart.
Then you will know that you are not the fragmented and fear-based human ego you have erroneously identified with for aeons of time. You will remember who you really are and you will realize that you have the ability to TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE in powerful and life-transforming ways right here and right NOW.
This seminar is a Gift from my Heart to yours. Please do not let this opportunity pass you by.
Limited space. To guarantee seating, please click on the link below or call in to register now:
Phone # 888-310-4488 www.eraofpeace.org
Brief Bio of Patricia Cota-Robles
Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for twenty years. During that time she co-founded the nonprofit, educational organization the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose. Patricia is an internationally known teacher and author. She has written the 12 books listed below and produced CDs, Webinars, and DVD’s that supplement her work. For over 40 years, Patricia has been helping awakening souls all over the world take charge of their lives.
Books by Patricia Cota-Robles
Take Charge of Your Life
The Next Step
Your Time Is At Hand
The Awakening...Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty
Stargate of the Heart
What On Earth Is Going On?
It Is Time For You To Be Financially Free
HOME...Heaven On Mother Earth
The Violet Flame...God’s Gift to Humanity
I AM Cocreating the New Earth...A Book of Invocations
Who Am I? Why Am I Here?
Renaissance of Divine Love (NEW)
Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story, continually setting the standards of excellence in business, real estate and entertainm...
Republican presidential primary front-runner Donald Trump is predicting the influx of Muslim migrants will lead to the "end of Europe" in an explosive interview with the conservative French magazine Valeurs Actuelles.
"France is not what it used to be, and neither is Paris," Trump is quoted as saying.
Trump also bemoaned the existence of "no-go zones" avoided by police that have been created by mass Islamic immigration.
WND reported in January 2015 the French government listed 751 "Sensitive Urban Zones" the government does not fully control.
If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...does that mean that one out of five enjoys it?
Why do croutons come in airtight packages?
Aren't they just stale bread to begin with?
If people from Poland are called Poles, then why aren't people from Holland called Holes?
If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?
Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist, but a person who drives a race car is not called a racist?
If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?
If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, then doesn't it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked, and dry cleaners depressed?
Do Lipton Tea employees take 'coffee breaks?'
What hair color do they put on the driver's licenses of bald men?
I thought about how mothers feed their babies with tiny little spoons and forks, so I wondered what do Chinese mothers use, Toothpicks?
Why do they put pictures of criminals up in the Post Office? What are we supposed to do, write to them? Why don't they just put their pictures on the postage stamps so the mailmen can look for them while they deliver the mail?
Is it true that you never really learn to swear until you learn to drive?
Why, Why, Why do we press harder on the remote control when we know the batteries are getting weak?
Why do banks charge a fee due to insufficient funds; when they already know you're broke?
Why is it that when someone tells you that there are one billion stars in the universe you believe them, but if they tell you there is wet paint you have to touch it to check?
Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?
Why did Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Whose cruel idea was it to put an "s" in the word "lisp"?
If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes?
Why is it that, no matter what color bubble bath you use, the bubbles are always white?
Is there ever a day that mattresses arenot on sale?
Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?
Why do people run over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it and then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance?
How do those dead bugs get into the enclosed light fixtures?
Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over?
Why, in winter, do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat?
Do you ever wonder why you gave me your e-mail address in the first place?
The statistics on sanity say that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends.
If they're OK..? (then it's you!)
REMEMBER, A day without a smile is like a day without sunshine!
And a day without sunshine is, like...........night!!!!
Now, stop laughing long enough to forward this onto somebody else who could also use a good chuckle!!
I know that my brain is off-line sometimes and it appears that many of your brains as also off-line. Ahh, these ascension symptoms keep us on our toes. This month we are receiving record amounts of people entering incorrect email addresses with their Webinar registrations. Be sure to enter your correct email address to ensure you receive your webinar link. Thanks.
Keep shining your Light bright. We are on the precipice for the dominoes to fall.
Selamat Ja!
Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for February
We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system.
In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, will explain what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.
Topics include...
Prosperity Funds:
Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure?
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?
Debt Forgiveness:
How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery?
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?
New governance:
How will the new government be formed?
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?
Release of new technologies:
What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds.
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?
Managing our funds:
What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change?
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?
After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?
How will we be mentored?
Thursday, February 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, February 28, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST(California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live... simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
An illumined, 5th dimensional master is never confined by the need to be right or the need to have anything be one way or the other. They know that this leads to pain and suffering and that their peace can only be sustained if their lives are not dependent on their likes or dislikes or on whatever may be taking place in the outer world. They are always open to the highest solution that will serve the greatest number and they are never limited by the illusions that are so prevalent in the duality programming that has been running your 3rd dimensional world. They know that the only true authority is God, so they are constantly open to listening and being illumined by their Presence. They are always following the path of love while consciously choosing to abide in ongoing oneness with the Heart and Mind of the Creator.
~ Ascended Masters within the Councils of the Cosmic Christ
The more you accept your infinite potential and feel into why you have chosen to be on the Earth during the Great Shift in the Ages, the more you will realize what it means and what it feels like to be a co-creator with God. You have the choice in this new year to initiate, both personally and collectively, any new paradigms that you sense will assist in lifting more of humanity into Unity Consciousness.
These new paradigms will be much easier to activate the more willing you are to recognize and integrate BOTH the dark and light aspects of yourself. When you are no longer attached to either one of these forces, then you are free from living in the pull of duality consciousness that has been operating in your world for approximately 14,000 years. When you let yourself witness the parts that both the light and the dark energies have played throughout your many lives, you then have the power to free yourself from the bonds of duality and walk out of the confines of your 3rd dimensional world.
We invite you to release any attachment you may have to feeling the drama that has come from living in duality until all of the old 3rd dimensional holograms no longer have a hold over your consciousness. The wonder of living in Unity or Christ Consciousness will provide you with true joy and the kind of ecstasy that comes from living an illumined life that will naturally provide you with the continuous support needed for living as your God Presence.
There is a universal love-making that is going on in every moment between spirit and form. Let yourself feel into your divine intuitive connection that resides within your deepest silent core. Use your most refined senses to feel into the true depth of divinity that resides within the spiritual heart of everyone and everything in your world. Animals are naturally one with the Earth and they are also wonderful teachers. They are living in harmony with their surroundings and in full communication with all of the elements and the ever-changing weather. Their connection with nature supports them in being sensually alive and deeply peaceful.
The more sensitive you are, the more ecstatic and abundant your life will be and the more deeply in love you will be with all of life. Your spiritual heart is conscious and totally intuitive. It understands what feels right to choose and do in each moment. Trusting in your spiritual heart ~ rather than your emotions ~ as your intimate, personal guide will assist you in living with more Presence and without any hesitation, procrastination or fear. It will allow you to freely express yourself in the most authentic, empowering and liberating ways while you continue to discover what it feels like to live as a truly awakened sovereign being.
The senses will continue to provide evidence of duality consciousness throughout your world in order to sustain the old illusion of separation, yet this is simultaneously providing you with a glorious opportunity to remain vigilant in sustaining your relationship with your Presence. It is only in maintaining this vigilance that you will be able to sustain an ongoing state of joy, gratefulness, internal balance and inner peace. Your senses will be gradually expanding into their more refined states in order to provide you with information that has previously been inaccessible. Your expanding senses will assist you in staying in tune with your Presence and the higher multidimensional states of your consciousness.
Private Mentoring with the Masters ~~ A Year-Long Program
The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in embodying the Presence and living in freedom and abundance. To learn more about the other Courses and Teachers Trainings, go to: Walk The Earth As a Living Master and click on the Menu
I often receive letters telling me how numbers are showing up in their lives. They have asked me what the different numbers mean. For me, when I wake up at 2:22 or 3:33 I smile, open my heart to receive. I take it as a message from Spirit telling me that all is well.
Here's Doreen Virtue's interpretation for the meaning of numbers showing up in your life.
Also, below is a powerful video that is sure to touch your heart.
If you continually see the numbers 11, 111, or 1111, there's a reason. The most common way that angels communicate with humans is through the universal languages of numbers and music.
The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras was the first to establish that numbers hold vibrational properties. He taught that the entire universe is mathematically precise.
When you see repetitive number sequences, this is a message from your guardian angels. You can ask your angels what they are trying to tell you, and if you listen in stillness, you will hear their answers clearly. Sometimes, though, if you're stressed or in a hurry, it's not as easy to hear your angels.
So, Angel Numbers are a shorthand code between you and your angels. In the case of 1's, they represent the post of an energy gateway. The more 1s you see, the stronger the path is.
In practical terms, this means that your thoughts are going through a cycle where they are manifesting instantly into form. You think it, and boom! It happens. When these cycles occur, it's extra important to keep your thoughts focused upon your desires, and to stay positive. Otherwise, your fears may manifest instantly. You can ask Heaven to uplift you, so that your thoughts are focused upon the highest possibilities.
Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for February
We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system. In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, will explain what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.
Topics include...
Prosperity Funds:
Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure?
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?
Debt Forgiveness:
How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery?
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?
New governance:
How will the new government be formed?
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?
Release of new technologies:
What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds.
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?
Managing our funds:
What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change?
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?
After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?
How will we be mentored?
Thursday, February 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, February 28, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live... simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
"God's Love: Naomi Feil, a Jewish woman, sings Christian hymns for Gladys, who has Alzheimer's and was unable to speak. Watch what happens at the end, when Mrs. Feil opens her heart and gives Ms. Gladys what she needs so deeply."
We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system.
In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, will explain what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.
Topics include...
Prosperity Funds:
Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure?
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?
Debt Forgiveness:
How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery?
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?
New governance:
How will the new government be formed?
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?
Release of new technologies:
What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds.
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?
Managing our funds:
What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change?
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?
After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?
How will we be mentored?
Thursday, February 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, February 28, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live... simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Much is happening that is as far as possible kept secret by those involved. Strong rumours will abound that a major event will soon cause some bank closures, due to major changes that are in the offing. They seem to be inevitable and unavoidable as they must be brought into line with them so as to avoid a complete failure. It would be easy to tell you not to worry, but such happenings have occurred before and ultimately proved beneficial to your future. This should not surprise you as changes are always taking place, but not perhaps at the level that is now expected. All around you changes are in progress as the old ways and systems are “updated” to align with the New Age that has now commenced. Ultimately you will be overjoyed by them as they will give continuity and sufficient income to live a comfortable life.
You have been told by St. Germain for a very long time that these changes would take place when the time was right, and it has arrived and you will experience a whole stream of them over the next year or so. It will involve major changes and these will lift up the quality of life quite considerably. So when you find yourselves involved in them please bear in mind that they are “cleansing” the old systems that no longer serve your needs. There will be times when it is important to work together, as in the long run all of you will be included and more than satisfied at the outcome. Be assured that those who would deny you such progress, will be in no position to interfere with the God given promises of release from your Prison Planet. Yes, it has been called that on a number of occasions and many have denied it, but it is true and soon you will fully understand how that occurred.
You will find many messages informing you of the changes, and they should give you the assurance that many seek. After years of promises, suddenly all the work that has been put in is coming to fruition. You have never been alone in your fight against the dark Ones, and at this important time you have the added support of Beings that have followed your progress from afar. They patiently await the right time to fully reveal themselves. They are peaceful and loving entities that come from much higher levels, and are assisting Mother Earth and her Civilisation to safely negotiate this time of chaos. Your future is assured regardless of any hardships it may bring about. The future is Golden and an Age of great progress that will lift you up out of the lower vibrations and promises much joy and happiness.
Some ask what all the changes are about and why now, and the simple answer is that “it is time”. Ever since this cycle commenced you were destined to reach this point in time, and the outcome has been due to the efforts of those of the Light who have kept their promises to spread it far and wide. In time it will also embrace the dark Ones as gradually they will respond to it, so it is expected that you of the Light will treat them with compassion. They are not beyond being awakened once more and they can be lifted up into the Light with your love and assistance. No soul is beyond redemption and perhaps you may see them as souls that require much love to awaken them to the Light.
Every day of your life most of you mix with many souls at all different levels of evolution. You may sense whether some are Beings of the Light, but you cannot be certain. So treat all alike including those who seem to be without knowledge of their true potential. Often a few kind words will awaken them and lift them up, and begin a stream of thought that leads them to a greater understanding. As soon as a soul responds, their Guides will gladly help them along and onto greater things. Help is always there and never ending. It is a wonderful truth that those who have found the Light within are eager to share it with others. They often become your healers and teachers, and so the Light is ever growing and becomes a powerful energy for the good of all. You have been so successful that you have grounded the Light in so many places that there now exists a powerful network around the Earth. It is lifting up and as it does so Mother Earth is becoming more and more active bringing in yet more Light. Victory over the dark Ones is therefore assured and they are retreating having been unable to command with the authority they previously achieved.
The fight is by no means over as the dark Ones have their minions all over the Earth, but their power to do as they wish has diminished. As time passes more of them will realise they are in a weakened position and give up the fight. Unlike your prisons on Earth, souls are given every help and love to guide them back to the Light. It will not be “punishment” such as you understand the word. When they return to the Light they will be welcomed, but will nevertheless have to make retributions for past actions. Each of you have experienced it as “karma” and that means working through your mistakes so as to prevent a recurrence.
Largely unbeknown to you, there are many, many Beings watching over you to ensure that you are not distracted or misled, and that your feet are firmly on the ground. Certainly those of you who have followed your life plan are well on the way to Ascension. Oh what joy and celebrations will follow your success because the pathway through your dimension has been difficult and very testing, yet you have successfully dealt with all challenges. Although it may not have been expected, you were nevertheless given a free choice as to which path you took.
Many of you have advanced sufficiently to know that you have raised your vibrations sufficiently to be able to ascend. You will be called upon to assist others that are also working towards Ascension, and there are none better than those who have already been successful. The spirit of co-operation becomes more powerful as you progress through the dimensions, and souls of a like kind gradually come together. It already happens upon Earth where you are drawn to each other because of your similar vibrations. Life as you know it and have experienced it is far removed from reality, and your first experience of it is in the Summerland, where all souls usually go after their transition. Life is quite different to what you have been used to on Earth.
Life on Earth has taught you how to evolve largely through your own determination, and you are to be congratulated upon such an achievement. Yet when you focus on a particular path assistance is always available should you need it. You stand at a point where you have all but completed your journey through the material realms. You can now stand back and relax and help others who are still trying to find out the truth of their being. There may not be another opportunity like it for some time, as like all things it comes round with the cycles of experience.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your path and days to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
This is it: the rattletrap economy is now at cause for the murky conditions that exist. Not one person can honestly configure the outcome, no team, no higher ups in the higher echelons and the old rattle trap is
just chugging along with very little hope for binding up its wounds. The message that should go forth is that although this is the case right now, and no one element or segment or department of anything has the final say beyond being cautious, still---, the cards being played, or the pins being dropped, or the parts falling off the old vehicle called the economy, all of that is actually for the better outcome. You will have to wait this out to see. You want a drop dead date. There isn’t any way to give you that. As much as all would like that, it could come into focus tomorrow or next week or next month. What is designed to bring forth the best all around protection is tested almost day by day.
What is happening is a weakening of the resources to stop all of these programs. You want that. Think about the importance of that. Might be a good time to start being thankful those who are in the trenches are doing what they do. Who pays their bills, who waters their gardens, who cares for their downtrodden? Many many aspects go into this holding pattern that every one is in. You’ve been told over and over that harsh times would precede the drops and that is clearly being experienced at this time. The efforts to keep the crews at their tasks has been a key to all of this outworking.
Those who have stepped out and donated are to be thanked. Investing a little more in this long whiskered project is in your favor. If there are those who can help then do so. If not, one can always fall back on the good wisdom of being supportive in a dozen other ways. As has been said many times, hold the entire project, all aspects of it with a positive, no nonsense outcome, make it as stout, as real as you can. Because that is what will tip it over the edge into your reality. Holding doubt, cynicism, despair, negativity such as is often expressed does no good. Participants may need to be reminded most have very little invested for the kinds of gains
they have expected. How healthy is it then to lean more toward a negative impact. That is exactly what PPT have had in mind. Drop negative attitudes and stick with the desired outcome. These news tidbits are
not a fun task, though a necessary one. If any one thinks they have better information, please— step forward and quite gladly assign this project to you. One day you will better understand all the massive amounts of
time and people— people like ZAP and Susan who have worked tirelessly. That is a promise we can make. One day you will know. In the meantime chop wood—carry water.
My understanding is that towards the end of February, the dominoes of change will begin to fall. Included in those dominoes, from the information I have received, will be the Prosperity Programs, the RV, and many other awaited changes . Have a glorious and loving Valentine's Day and give somebody a hug who may need it. Namaste, SUSAN
Hello Susan and Zap,
I am wondering if when some of the new technologies happen to come out if there will be new medical things happening?
I have received some very bad results to some medical test and the options for treatment are very expensive and can not afford the treatments and even if by some miracle i would receive the funds i dont think iwould go through the current procedures.
I am not asking for any donations I am just hoping that the prosperity programs or the rv happens before i go home to be with God I have so many hopes and dreams for helping out my family and other people but time may not be on my side for getting them done.
Dear Zap,
We just wanted to thank you for the wonderful, informative response you sent to the gentleman who questioned your integrity regarding the funding!
You're a lovely, caring and helpful man, Zap. In this world at this time, with so much turmoil being spread by those who love to see people suffer and lose, the great people who care about the downhill spiral, stand out and give a lift to those who look for hope and words of encouragement from those courageous people who fight back against the oppression and do what they can to "carry the torch," and keep it burning, letting the good folks know that there is no way the "Black Hats' are going to win.
From what we have observed from your writings on Rumormill, you are one of those exceptional people. Thank you for all you have done to make sure this funding opportunity comes through, in spite of whatever struggles you and your good folks have had to go through to see that it occurs. You are greatly appreciated by those who recognize what a decent, kind and responsible being you truly are. Your high-toned spirit and your good will have helped many keep their faith in the outcome of what sounds like a miraculous opportunity for many who sincerely want to make a difference and help their fellow man live in a better world. Thank you again, Zap, for the greatest of your heart and spirit!
With much love and appreciation, and whatever other heartfelt, warm and touching adjectives you haven't already used to show your gratitude, that I can send your way to describe the kind of gratitude we feel for your efforts as a very kind and generous being, who so obviously loves his fellow man and loves to help, and wants this world to be a much better place than it is now.
PC and LC
FEBRUARY 14, 2016
It's been said so often that it always darkest before the light of victory is upon us. Thank you for the support you have given us to keep this newsletter coming. It has kept many computers running. We couldn't do this without your contributions. Small or large contributions service many in need. Please go to www.paypal.com and send to goneforthfornow@gmail.com. Please know we will be successful.
Dear Family, A warm hello! I am your brother Michael, writing to give you my love today. In response to your questions... I bring you reassurance. All is progressing irreversibly into the Light upon surface Earth!
Together, we are accomplishing our mighty task of
Resurrection, Restoration, Prosperity and Peace. To that end, I, along with our Family in the Company of Heaven, continue to bring you many transmissions and messages from our channels here, along with countless others across the globe.
To that purpose, I personally choose everything that goes in this paper, with the collaboration of Mother Father God and the COH. Saint Germain oversees the selections for the coming Prosperity, including the true and relevant RV/GCR, NESARA, GESARA (and more!) news. These are the practical and spiritual
events of your day that are helping move Earth into her destined New Golden Age.
We are with you...every breath! Every Event! We say to you, as you say to us: "Hold the Light! Hold the Line!"
Always by your side, I am your brother, Archangel Michael
(transcribed by Christine 2/18/16)
Thursday, February 18, 2016 Edition #53 Subscription FREE or by Donation
Awake! Awake! There Are Lightworkers All Around You!
by Father God through Kathryn
Ushering in
The New Golden Age...
Ahead A Most Glorious Future!
Update by Sheldan Nidle for The Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
HeavenLetter #5564: Like Amber Honey Dripping from a Spoon
by God through Gloria
"Semper Candeles" Is the Rally Cry of the Light!
Update GaiaPortal by Eieport
Bulletin Board
Implant and Entity Clearing (JOIN US!! K&C)
by Anrita Melchizedek
February Webinar: AFTER ABUNDANCE
by Sheldan Nidle
The Planetary Heart: Mother India Synchronized Meditation
by James Twyman
Surprise Blessings: Submissions from the Family
"Saint Germain's Command Today!"
A New and Original Decree by St Germain through Marcia
Our next LIVE Blogtalk Radio Show
featuring: Kathryn, Meg, Christine
Is on...
SUNDAY 2/21/16
@ 2:00 PM EST
Selections chosen by New Earth Times Editor-in-Chief
"Change is not coming...it's happening!" ~ Ray 2/8/16 TNT CC
Sheldan Nidle & PAO
Here is an AWESOME new radio interview from our dearly beloved Sheldan! Wooooooot!!
(Sheldan Nidle interviewed by Alexandra Meadors of Galactic Connection, transcribed bits by Christine 2/18/16 from 2/13/16 show)
Sheldan: ... All these groups are basically under Saint Germain in Europe and Quan Yin in China, and what these Families are doing is following these directives (from our Ascended Masters) to take all this that they've had forever - the gold, the secret jewelry, all that stuff - to allow it to finally be used to bring out the Prosperity Funds. This is very very close.
We are talking about the Prosperity Funds and the Humanitarian Funds, both of them have finally been officially released, and now there's a process of brining all of this - the various monies , etc. - through and to the point where they can actually be delivered or wired through to be put into certain accounts. And that is what's going on right now!
We're supposed to be extremely close to all of this.
Another thing that's going to happen with that is NESARA has been tied in very very closely with the Prosperity Funds. ... So we are all very close not only to these monies but to New Governance.
Sheldan: I have been assured again and again and again and again that the end of this month, sometime..., things are supposed to happen. ... I know that the Humanitarian Funds have been released at the main point, which is in Asia, and are working their way around the world, so what we know is that the Prosperity Funds are also tied into the Humanitarian Funds, so we know that we are approaching the release point as well.
WSOMN (2/18/16):
Moon: Yosef on Dinar Chronicles (LINK)
We are very close. Immanent even. And moving irreversibly closer by the hour.
Still waiting on the private group bank redemption 800# release.
This weekend US bank memos were handed out telling executive staff to be ready to exchange as early as Wednesday 2.17 through Sunday 2.21.
5,500 off site redemption centers and select banks are ready to receive redeemers, growing to 40,000 bank branches publicly after the private group redemptions are complete.
New ATMs were delivered.
New USN physical currency was delivered and is currently available.
New digital gold backed TRNs are live worldwide (back screens).
Old USD notes will be exchanged 1:1 for new USN currency (front screens).
Current back screen rates (WF brokerage screens as of 8 PM, Tuesday):
Trillion notes lop off 6 zeros (then multiply by rate)
Billions notes lop off 3 zeros (then multiply by rate)
Millions notes no zero lop off (then multiply by rate; i.e. redeem at face value)
There are no limits to how much you can redeem.
Higher contract rates are available if you're willing to leave your money with a redemption bank for a period of time. The longer you leave it with the bank, the higher the contract rate.
Also, the more currency you are redeeming, the higher contract rates you will be offered. Non Disclosure Agreements (NDA's) will accompany all contract rate terms. So there are a few negotiating variables. Be prepared.
As mentioned in previous updates, the longer the public was made to wait the higher the Chinese drove up starting redemption rates. Guess it paid to be patient:)
Bank redemption 800#s will be sent out via email and tweets. Please wait for the 800#s to come out before approaching the banks, most tellers and branch managers just don't know.
Trust that you'll have plenty of time to redeem, so take your time. Go slow. Pray for guidance if you get lost. Stay quiet after your redemption appointment.
Choose your core professional team methodically. Remember humility is strength, and most of all protect your redeemed principal and live off your earned interest!
Best of luck. Pay if forward. Service over self.
God is with us.
Awake! Awake! There Are Lightworkers All Around You!
by Father God through Kathryn
Father God:
My Beloved Children, it is a time of revolution and evolution in your galaxy, and you and your planet are at the center of the action. Much of what you took for granted has been turned on its head in just the last moments. It may seem to you when the news reports finally hit the mainstream, that all this happened in a flash, but I can tell you it has been hundreds of years in the making, and more.
The process of changing a planet of more than 7 billion souls from a prison planet to a Paradise is a monumentally complex effort in this age of global computer system
1. The IRS is not a US government agency it is an agency of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391)
2. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is an agency of the U.N. (Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. page 816)
3. The United States has NOT had a Treasury since 1921 (41 Stat. Ch 214 page 654)
4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Presidential Documents Volume 24-No. 4 page 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-2887)
5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States! No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of
bankruptcy it is finally over. (Executive Order 12803)
6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA, and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the U.S. government. Even though the “U.S. Government” held
stock in the agencies. (U.S. v Strang, 254 US491 Lewis v. US, 680 F.2nd, 1239)
7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the U.N. through the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Theapplication for a Social Security Number is the
SS5 Form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 forms not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who
publishes them while the old form states they are Department of the Treasury. (20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. 111 Subpart B. 422.103
8. There are NO Judicial courts in America and have not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators
enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat 138-178)
9. There have NOT been any judges in America since 1789. There have just been administrators.(FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1
Stat. 138-178)
10. According to GATT (The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) you MUST have a Social Security number. (House Report (103-826)
11. New York City is defined in Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Guiliani stated on C-Span that “New York City is the capital of the
World.” For once, he told the truth.(20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. 111, subpart B 44.103 (b) (2) (2)
12. Social Security is not insurance or a contract. Nor is there a Trust Fund. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619 Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548)
13. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF (International Monetary Fund), which is an agency of the United Nations. (It says U.S.
Department of Treasury at the top left corner, which again is part of the U.N. as pointed out above)
14. You own NO property, Slaves can’t own property. Read carefully the Deed to the property you think is yours. you are listed as a TENANT. (Senate
Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session)
15. The Most powerful court in America is NOT the United States Supreme court, but the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 PA. C.S.A. 502)
16. The King of England financially backed both sides of the American Revolutionary War. (Treaty of Versailles-July 16, 1782 Treaty of Peace 8 Stat
17. You CANNOT use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are NOT a party to it.(Padelford Fay & Co. v The Mayor and Alderman of
the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)
18. America is a British Colony. The ‘United States’ is a corporation, not a land mass and it existed before the Revolutionary War and the British
Troops did not leave until 1796 (Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209,
Articles of Association October 20, 1774)
UNITED STATES is a Corporation – There are Two Constitutions – Sovereignty See videos
This MUST Be Passed On To Every American Voter By November 8, 2016
Federal Law: Title 18. Section 2071
Can it be any clearer?
Former United States Attorney General Michael Mukasey tells MSNBC that not only was Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server illegal, it "disqualifies" her from holding any federal office. Such as, say, President of the United States?
"If you do this, you've essentially disqualified yourself from being the leader of the free world," said Mukasey, referring to the illegal server and the illegal handling of classified materials by the former Secretary of State and Democrat Presidential candidate.
Mukasey specifically points to one federal law, Title 18. Section 2071.
For those of us who do not have United States Code committed to memory, here's what that says:
(a) Whomever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so, takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whomever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his or her office and be disqualified from holding any elective office within the United States of America. As used in this subsection, the term "office" does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States of America."
Yes, it explicitly states "shall forfeit his or her office and be disqualified from holding any elective office within the United States of America."
Every American voter must know this information. If the mainstream "leftist" media is NOT going to tell us - who will? That leaves it up to you and I to pass this on to everyone we know, so Let's Git-R-Done! .
Dear Family, A warm hello! I am your brother Michael, writing to give you my love today. In response to your questions... I bring you reassurance. All is progressing irreversibly into the Light upon surface Earth!
Together, we are accomplishing our mighty task of
Resurrection, Restoration, Prosperity and Peace. To that end, I, along with our Family in the Company of Heaven, continue to bring you many transmissions and messages from our channels here, along with countless others across the globe.
To that purpose, I personally choose everything that goes in this paper, with the collaboration of Mother Father God and the COH. Saint Germain oversees the selections for the coming Prosperity, including the true and relevant RV/GCR, NESARA, GESARA (and more!) news. These are the practical and spiritual
events of your day that are helping move Earth into her destined New Golden Age.
We are with you...every breath! Every Event! We say to you, as you say to us: "Hold the Light! Hold the Line!"
Always by your side, I am your brother, Archangel Michael
(transcribed by Christine 2/18/16)
Saturday, February 20, 2016 Edition #54 Subscription FREE or by Donation
The Council Requests Your Input
by Sananda through Kathryn
Here's How You Can Help More!
Transmuting Tips
by Archangel Michael through Christine
Nothing Can Change the Outcome
by Mike Quinsey Channeling His Higher Self
Bulletin Board
Implant and Entity Clearing
by Anrita Melchizedek
February Webinar: AFTER ABUNDANCE
by Sheldan Nidle
The Planetary Heart: Mother India Synchronized Meditation
by James Twyman
Surprise Blessings: Submissions from the Family
I Am the Christ in Me
A New and Original Decree by Marcia and her Higher Team
Our next LIVE Blogtalk Radio Show
featuring: Kathryn, Meg, Christine
Is on...
TOMORROW ~ ~ ~ SUNDAY 2/21/16
@ 2:00 PM EST
The Council Requests Your Input
by Sananda through Kathryn
Beloved Family of Light, we are all working beyond our previous capacity to lift our beloved Planet Earth out of the dark energies of the past and into her bright Golden future. The path is sure. We are clear, steady and dedicated to bringing everyone through these last moments, to accomplish the final push that we all know in our hearts to be inevitable, destined, and certain to succeed, and we need your collaboration even more than ever.
Some of you may have the idea that spiritual concerns could not possibly involve politics or finance, and that Jesus would not have been involved in such things. My Dear Brothers and Sisters, when I came to Earth in that lifetime, it was all about the politics! Of course, we did not have the intricate economic systems you are now enslaved by, but we did have the wealthy trying to enslave others, including the Jewish family I belonged to. We were carrying forward this same "crusade" to free slaves from their oppression, although we more often spoke more quietly of such things. This was the practical way of the day for us to proceed; we took action behind the scenes with trusted family and friends, until such time as our growing Light would carry the day.
We are now bringing this long effort to fruition. Some on the ground who have been working all their lives to bring this through have from time to time slowed the process out of concern that it would falter again (as it did in the Jesus lifetime, and many times since) if action were to be taken too soon. At this juncture, it is, from our point of view, perhaps overly cautious, yet entirely understandable.
An Urgent Missive to the Council
Last night Christine and Kathryn came to the Council to give us their perspective of feelings and energies on the surface of Earth. Christine was adamant, as the lead on the Transmuting Team, that many Lightworkers - although willing to keep going whatever it takes - are exhausted, as she is. She earnestly questioned the toll it would take if the coming momentum were once again thwarted and delays ensued. You have all been promised by us through our trusted channels and and by the intel experts serving you on the ground that the Prosperity Programs would become outwardly evident before the end of this month.
Christine pleaded with us to let you all know the truth if there is any hint at all that this deadline might not be met because she felt it would be a blow that would take considerable efforts to regain the energetic threshold you were all doing your best to hold steady and high. Kathryn told us that she would be heartbroken if the goal was not reached this time, and that this heartache would be felt by many. The rising expectations have indeed reached a heightened pitch. Everyone whose mission it is to keep going - no matter what - during these days in spite of discomfort, illness and exhaustion has reached a limit of their endurance. Christine and Kathryn urged the Council to warn you, to tell you through your many Lightworker channels and devoted Dinarland Intel sources, specifically what more you could do to insure success this time, rather than face another cycle of delays and disappointments.
We know that you have valiantly taken on the challenge of running this marathon. You have trained ardently for it, and you have performed beyond what we all imagined would be needed. We understand you did not know precisely how many miles the race would be, and you cannot see the finish line. We can see more than you do, yet we cannot predict what every one of you will do, so we cannot tell exactly when you will sail across the line you have your sites upon. As you have heard us explain before, we are operating within important agreements to support you without overstepping boundaries of interference which could cause more disruption than good in the short run. What an interesting and challenging effort for us all!
The Council Responds
We do not wish to be mysterious, and we will not withhold any information that could be helpful to you. Here is what I, Sananda, can tell you at this very moment, early Saturday morning, Feb. 20, 2016. All the programs we planned together are in motion. Deliveries of great amounts of gold and other assets are secured and have been moved into place, meaning digital asset-backed currencies have been accomplished. All parties working for the Light are in complete agreement that now is the time. Negotiations are done and agreements are in place, financial systems and their computers are finally working reliably, and millions of people have been trained and are readied for this moment.
More thoroughly than you can imagine, we understand your feelings about needing the relief of tangible evidence and the release of the long-awaited Freedom Programs, and we assure you that the Council has taken seriously the ardent appeal of our Boots on the Ground. In the early hours of yesterday, Christine called for the Higher Selves of every incarnated human soul on Earth, asking them to cast their vote that the Prosperity Programs be released Now on a tangible physical level for the Highest Good of All, meaning that any potential disruption would be neutralized in the upswell of energies as the Lightworkers begin to fulfill the next phase of freedom on Earth.
The Council wishes to hear from all of you on this matter as well. You can express your desires to the Council by calling upon us - any Ascended Master you wish to communicate with - or just call to the Council with your intention in mind to cast your vote. Is your vote that the release of Prosperity Funds be initiated before the end of this month. We understand that everyone wants it as soon as possible, but we wish for you to consider the options carefully and give us your thoughts and feelings about what you believe is in the Greater Good.
I will explain further. Up until now, movement has been particularly methodical on the release of funds because of lingering complications that presented potential dangers, such as theft and sabotage. With our surface teams, we had to outlast and outwit the cabal in circumstances where they might have siphoned off large amounts of the funds or created havoc by initiating terrorist activities, as they attempted with ISIS. These difficulties are at last largely under control. The cabal's ability to disrupt and defraud the computer systems has been curtailed, their criminal activities exposed, and their money streams are drying up. For this, we thank many of our courageous representatives who literally waded into the vipers' nests to do whatever it took to bring about the triumph of the Light.
Simultaneously, newly enLightened global institutions and freshly constituted partnerships of nations have worked together to secure peace, so that the coming Prosperity could remain securely established and available for all as it is released across the globe. This has been a massive effort, requiring re-esatblishment of true systems of law, finance and governance to be created and put into place. We had to accomplish this quietly, building these new and fair structures just behind and underneath the systems of old. For instance, those of you who have closely followed the progress in Iraq have seen the intricate, slow climb from corruption and disarray toward a system of governance that will truly protect and benefit its people. Similar actions have been occurring in countries around the world, without comment from your mass news media.
All this has been done in careful cooperation with St. Germain, Lady Quan Yin and the ancient families and societies who have guarded unlimited storehouses of wealth for centuries, awaiting this time when it could be safely released for the good of all. They have provided the means to stabilize the world markets in recent weeks because we all wished to avoid the total collapse of financial systems and chaos in the delivery of food and life-sustaining necessities. We wanted to move as quickly as possible, and we have, with meticulous care to maintain the balance, as you continued to lift yourselves higher. All throughout this process, Mother and Father God have been sending increasing Light to Earth. It has been a delicate waltz, with us responding moment by moment to your actions, calibrating and increasing our efforts in a direct response to yours as you have responded to Mother and Father.
We cannot give you the complete global picture as we see it except to send you our images, words, messages and heart-feelings to help you see, in your own mind's eye, what goes into making the decision about when is the most auspicious moment to release the funds and the many Programs to follow. We ask you to consider, with us, the risks and rewards of moving now. Use your intuition and your expansive care for the good of every person. Work with us in a more direct and conscious manner. Tell us your desires and insights. How do you feel the condition of your world to be? We are listening.
We Are Beyond the Previous Edge of Creation
Now that you have expanded to sit with us in council, you better see some of the challenges, do you not? Even with our thousands of years of preparation (and I include all of you, whether you remember your training or not), we are now in the place beyond the edge of previous Creation, so we are now co-creating anew. Such a complex, sometimes dangerous and utterly magnificent effort has never been attempted before in the Universe. Mother and Father God are moving the energies forward, creating a path of Light before us, as we join hands, combining all our intentions, our heartfelt desires, to create our magnificent new world. More than ever before we need to be in complete harmony with you. We join in the clear Vision of what we are building together.
We ask you, Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Earth, to show us your greatest desires, not just to see the Prosperity Programs and the currency revaluation being released, but we also ask you to join with us now to anticipate the next phase of the Great Shift. As we are to conclude this first stage of the massive new Programs, we ask that you work with us every step of the way...and beyond. Join your hearts and minds as one with us to help to modulate the disruption that may still be felt as the tempest of dark energies try to once again to exert a crescendo. Your part is to dislodged and release everything within you to the Light. This is what ultimately uplifts all upon the planet.
Transmuting Teams are Sucking it UP
You may not have been fully aware, Dear Ones, that in order to establish the energies of Light and ground them now as the norm, the old embedded energies of toxic waste, toxic thoughtforms, poisons of all kinds, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, must be cleared from Surface Earth to allow the bright, clean, healthy and joy-filled New World to emerge. Otherwise, the lingering energies of control, oppression and illness would poison our efforts to build anew.
As you read this, our beloved Christine and millions of others along with her are processing levels of toxins that would normally kill a human, while Kathryn and millions of other Light-bearers on the ground (along with we in higher dimensions) hold these transmuters steady in our Love. Transmuting Team members everywhere are experiencing strenuous efforts, to absorb and process, with their own human bodies, a percentage of the poisons and toxins that have been produced on Earth in the last thousand years. They achieve this by focusing day and night on perceiving within anywhere their own experiences on Earth have left pain, toxic feelings, fear, shame and so on. There is no shortcut to this process. All transmuting happens by allowing the release and healing of damage within. All are operating at the limit of their abilities and beyond, as thousands of Masters and millions of angelic support teams work to sustain them and clear away the heavy energies as their are released.
All of you have taken part in this clearing to varying degrees, and are probably feeling the effects of it in recent days and months. Breathe, Dear Ones, call on us to hold onto you and steady you as you walk through this difficult transformation. You would not have been asked to do this unless you had volunteered long ago and trained tirelessly for this moment.
It's GO Time
This I can tell you: From our vantage point, we can see that we need for you to continue your heroic efforts, and that every hour you do brings us closer to the exciting fulfillment of our shared dream. We are matching you breath for breath. The distance we have to travel now is minuscule, no more than a flicker. I cannot tell you exactly what each of you must do to make your contribution - the one that will "push us over the top." You know. Follow your heart. Reach out. Be kind. Love.
You know in the depth of your hearts of the great benefits to come for you and for Earth. You have an intuitive wisdom about what we are all doing to complete the final lap of this relay race. We are passing the baton back and forth, and the more in tune we are with each other, the more quickly and gracefully we cross the finish line. We are doing this together! Lightbearers, hold your Light high! All hands on deck!
Send us your Love, your prayers, and declare your intentions with all your hearts, Dearest Brothers and Sisters. We hear the desires of your hearts and see your bright dreams when you share them with us. When your intentions and your deepest yearnings join with ours, miracles happen. In these profound moments, as we join our lifeforce with Mother and Father's will - We are Creation!
We are creating our New World together. We will not fail; it is impossible, for our path has been set for thousands of years. It has been a matter of bringing it all to fruition in one grand wave of Love and Light. We are here! Do not look back or falter in doubt. Walk with me into the glorious new day we have already created. It is yours, it is ours, and the joy and celebration is shared across the Universe. Look into the deepest part of your hearts. There it is written, and deeply known. It is done!
I am your Sananda, and I love you with all my heart.
Kathryn: As I completed this message, Father God pinched my toe, hard.
Father God Speaks:
My Children, I will not allow this process to drag on beyond your endurance. Your spirits are high, and you are always at your best when hope, truth and evidence meet. Nothing will prevent the Abundance you desire, and the new world you Create. I promise you. You are Masters, and you have dedicated your lives to this Mission. You have triumphed. Be at peace, and prepare yourselves to be delighted.
We love you eternally. Your Father God.
(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 20 February 2016)
Here's How You Can Help More!
Transmuting Tips
by Archangel Michael through Christine
A very warm hello Family! It is I, your brother Archangel Michael, coming to give you what you have requested...a greater way to help the Prosperity and Freedom Programs of Earth be more expediently and elegantly released into your reality at this time!
You can help right now by increasing the load you are transmuting. Transmutation is the inner process of transforming energy that has been misqulaified - through fearful and traumatic experiences in lower dimensions - back into Light. Everyone on the surface of Earth is transmuting in varying degrees right now. When Mother and Father God send increased Light to Earth, that Light causes the dark within your being, within your very cells to be displaced by their Love. At first, this often feels terribly unpleasant because as it happens, you feel, express and experience the dark energies that were lodged within you.
Ultimately, this process proves itself to be a beautiful gift because it results in the healing, understanding, release and transformation of these formerly dark and discordant energies. As inner transmutation occurs, all is inevitably restored to the Light. This is the process of Ascension. You literally face, feel and release all of your lower experiences. The energy of those experiences is then able to be restored to Light. You quite literally, en-Lighten.
The more you embrace the process of your own inner transmutaion of the dense and dark energies within by allowing those energies being see, felt, released and healed...the more you not only heal yourself, but you create an upward vortex of momentum that allows you to transmute a greater load of heavy energies for Earth. All transmutation happens through the mechanism of you being willing to face and to feel all pain, shame, fear, anger and damage within yourself. The goal is pure Light.
There are teams of Transmuters. You do not need to know that you are on one of these teams for it to be true. The fact is, everyone is contributing. Everyone is transmuting. Here are tips for how you can help more...
Archangel Michael's 10 Transmuting Tips
1. Realize you are already transmuting heavy energies into Light. Every time you choose to be kind, patient, tolerant or peaceful in the face of adversity, you are transmuting. This is a natural process, and you are already a pro.
2. Go within and go straight for it! The more something makes you feel tight, uncomfortable, embarrassed, upset, stressed, afraid, angered, indignant, righteous, entitled, impatient, frustrated, and so on, rally your inner battle cry of the Light: "Aha! Here is a super chance for me to transmute!" Skip all other responses.
3. With curiosity and tenacity: investigate, feel, release and relax. Understand that it is your job to see, feel and transform all experiences, feelings and energies within you that are not pure joy. Anywhere you are not feeling relaxed peace of mind and easy joy is where your transmuting load awaits.
4. Be very honest with yourself. Know that anything you blame on another is actually an indicator of something arising within you to be healed and transmuted - once and for ALL - into Light!
5. Laugh...a lot.
6. Ask for help. We are awaiting your request! We long to hold you close as you face the buried aches and pains within. There are teams of angels waiting to help carry the dense energies to the sea of Light for restoration. You do not have to do it all on your own. There are generous dispensations in place that whatever you begin, we may greatly assist.
7. The more consciously you intend to transmute your own deep seeded dense memories, feelings, experiences and energies - the more you will accomplish on a personal and on a grand scale! This is Ascension.
8. Focus on the Light. Do not focus on what is being washed clean. Be willing to feel it deeply and let it goooooo. Keep your eyes on the prize: your restoration into Full Consciousness and the Light of Home.
9. Always always connect to the heart of dear Terra, our Mother Earth and to the Love and Consciousness of our Mother Father God. This is all the guidance, protection and assistance you could ever require to ensure your transmuting is on track and in service.
10. Trust and Know that your efforts to consciously transmute heavy energies into Light through honesty and love is a brave and powerful act that contributes tremendously to your own Ascension and provides indescribable service to your reality. Receive our love, support and gratitude.
Ok Transmuters! You are all freshly deputized onto the forward team. Let's get these Prosperity Programs landed!
W will be here with you, holding you as you dive within. Be fearless in your efforts. We love you.
I am Michael.
(Channeled and Transcribed by Christine Burk, 20 February 2016)
Community Corner
Nothing Can Change the Outcome
by Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self
19 February 2016
Time continues to speed up and your consciousness levels are growing all of the time. You will reach a point where you will no longer be able to remain in the lower vibrations, and will ascend. It is the point of change that you have been heading for since you first dropped down into them. This opportunity is open to every soul that has focussed upon Ascension, and taken steps to prepare themselves for such an occasion. If you have been aware of it and raised your vibrations, there is no reason why you should not be successful. These opportunities are always open to any soul that has prepared for such an upliftment, and their Guides will help them to be successful.
Earthly matters are in a great state of change, and some major decisions have been made that will soon bring the details into the public domain. Although given little publicity, the State of America has been brought into being and is now going through legal moves to validate it. Along with currency changes that are also well advanced, many countries are seeking to change from the dollar as their leading money standard. Also with the coming re-valuation of the currencies no one should lose out as a result, as there are arrangements that when put in hand will ensure that all people will be catered for. It has also been planned for a very long time to distribute funds that have been growing under the protection of St. Germain. Be assured that everyone will ultimately be looked after, and have their living standards greatly raised.
Changes have been planned for a successful completion of this cycle for a very long time, and powerful forces of Light have ensured that no interference is allowed. Freewill still operates where individuals are concerned, but for Humanity as a whole its destiny has already been decided by great Beings that have guided you for eons of time. As your history shows you, at the end of a cycle there are always major changes and whether they are beneficial to you depends on how far you have raised your vibrations. It was anticipated that you would achieve sufficient progress to ascend, and nothing can now change the outcome.
Whilst the changes are taking place there will be a degree of discomfort, because as quick as they will be carried out the task is of a mammoth size. So be patient when things get under way and know that the outcome will be to everyone's satisfaction. There will be few regrets because you will be making up for lost time and will gain much more than you can possibly have lost. Instead of spending your lifetime working day in and day out, you will have so much more time to follow your own pursuits. You will no longer be spending virtually all of your time earning a living, and have more than ample time to follow your own interests.
The dark Ones are well aware that their power is being severely curtailed, and no matter what they try they will not be allowed to regain it. They are also conversant with the promises of those of the Light who are moving ahead at a rapid pace. The Beings of Light now control the future of the Earth and its people. Nothing will be allowed to interfere with the progress being made, and any delay will not be of great consequence. Dear people of Earth your time has come to take a quantum leap forward and thus make up for lost time that has held you back. Changes will soon manifest and you will understand the wonders that the future holds for you. It will be joy and happiness as you are made free from the attention of the dark Ones. Keep positive and know all is proceeding well and the beneficial changes are beginning to take place,
Many souls are eager to give of themselves at such an important time, but bide your time and know that soon there will plenty of opportunities to serve the Light. Many already give of themselves to the cause, and are serving in various ways that are enabling it to manifest. Simply take very opportunity to help others along and make the truth known to those you consider to be ready for it. People are waking up to the changes even if they do not understand the greater purpose behind them. It is to be expected as the vibrations continue to rise up, and many are now finding that their consciousness is opening up. This may cause confusion and this is where the Lightworkers can help by clarifying the situation for them. It will be some time before the Press is taken out of the control of the dark Ones, so until then the best source of truth will be your Internet. However, it is also being used by the dark Ones, but if you are intuitive you should be able to determine which sites are reliable, and whose messages are given in truth.
Know that you are living in a hologram and that it does not represent the true reality from whence you came. It is of your own making and has given you the opportunity to create an environment of your choice. One in which you can experience a 3D reality in which you can achieve a faster evolution. Many aspects are enjoyable but those souls of a low vibration ensure that you also experience negativity, bringing need and unhappiness. It is a mixture of both that presents changes and challenges all of the time. However, you of the Light have come through it with flying colours and have considerably evolved as a result. Never again will you have to face such mixed experiences.
What is happening on Earth is quite normal at the end of a cycle, but not all end exactly in the same way. You have been successful in learning the lessons that a 3D existence has given you, whereas recent civilisations have failed to do so. You are to be congratulated on achieving so much more than you presently understand. The journey has been long and arduous and you have come through the fires of materialism and emerged victorious. The experience has served you well and will ensure you are well equipped for any future challenges.
We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system.
In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, will explain what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.
Topics include...
Prosperity Funds:
Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure?
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?
Debt Forgiveness:
How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery?
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?
New governance:
How will the new government be formed?
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?
Release of new technologies:
What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds.
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?
Managing our funds:
What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change?
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?
After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?
How will we be mentored?
Thursday, February 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, February 28, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live... simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
First dimensional consciousness is awareness as a point. The consciousness that resonates to this dimension is the Mineral Kingdom. Current third dimensional science has not proven that minerals have any awareness as we recognize it, but healers and shaman have been using crystals as healing tools for many centuries.
Humans’ first dimensional consciousness is “unconscious” to our five physical senses. However, the first dimension is a portion of our bodies and represents the minerals, water, and genetic codes that are the foundation of our physical forms. If we could access this level of our unconscious, we could connect with the entire physical world via its most basic common denominator, the individual molecules. Perhaps we could even consciously access our own genetic coding.
I feel myself upon the first step of my consciousness. I am of the first dimension. I am an atom of carbon, a drop of water, and an imprint upon a strand of DNA. However, I cannot perceive the strand or the other molecules of water and carbon. I am only conscious of my exact point of my awareness. However, as I look inside myself, I find that another world exists, a world of electrons, protons, nuclei, and quarks. I am the gateway between the macrocosm and the microcosm.
Second dimensional consciousness is awareness as point and line. The consciousness that resonates to this dimension is biological matter such as the Plant Kingdom and the lower Animal Kingdom. The consciousness of this dimension does not possess self-awareness. These beings are only conscious of their species’ identity and their need for feeding, fighting, and procreation. Their consciousness is based upon survival of the fittest and they live solely within the awareness of the moment.
Human second dimensional consciousness is centered in the lower brain, which directs the autonomic nervous system to regulate and maintain life support functions. Our five physical senses are largely unconscious of this component of ourselves, but with training such as biofeedback and meditations, some conscious awareness and control can be established. Yogis are known to achieve enough conscious control of their autonomic nervous system and can regulate their heartbeat and metabolism.
“Primitive” peoples are much more aware of this “animal” portion of their physical form and, therefore, have conscious access to their basic instincts. and an awareness of how they are a portion of a greater whole. Unlike “civilized” man, they have a constant respect for all life and the balance of Nature.
I feel myself now expand to my second dimensional consciousness. My task is simple. I must survive. I will protect myself and procreate in the proper season. I look neither forwards nor backwards, and I dwell only in the present. I am what I am and where I am. I neither plan nor reflect. I live to continue the existence of my species. If a human consciousness inhabits my form, I am not aware of it. My perceptions are confined to what I can eat, use, fight, mate with, or rear. However, my “herd” and I are one. Our instincts guide us, and we are a part of Nature.
Third dimensional consciousness is awareness of point, line, length, breadth, height, and volume. The primary consciousness of this dimension is the higher Animal Kingdom and the Human Kingdom. The humanoid form is composed of all the elements of the first and second dimensional being, which are: water, minerals, genetic coding, and biological matter, as well as an individual soul. It is the individual Soul that distinguishes humans from the other members of the Animal Kingdom who mostly have a group Soul.
The third dimension is locked in a time/space and cause/effect paradigm. This dimension is a schoolroom that our Souls attend by inhabiting humanoid physical bodies to learn more about creation. In the third dimension, life mirrors all that we are seeking to understand. Therefore, the process of creating via our thoughts and feelings is slowed down so that we can track the circumstances of what we hold in our consciousness.
The third dimension is known as the conscious world. However, there are different stages of human consciousness aligned in a hierarchical manner that often coincide with our age and stage of life.
In the first stage, we are children, and we are dependent on others for our survival. In this state of dependency we do not realize that our consciousness holds the seeds of the life we are creating. We believe that we are powerless over our environment and are victims to the circumstances of our lives. It is our goal to gain enough self-awareness as we mature beyond this child state so that we can become independent.
In the Second Stage we are independent. This independence develops as we learn that we can control our own life. Through our choices and experiences, we gain trust in our ability to be responsible and we maintain our responsibility because we respect ourselves. This respect is based upon. our sense of personal power. Without a sense of personal power we are filled with fear which reduces us to “surviving”.
In the Third Stage we are dependable. This dependability develops as we gain enough trust and respect for ourselves that we can become responsible for others. Through positive experiences, we have learned that we definitely have an impact, not only on our own life, but also upon the lives of others. Because of our earned self-esteem, we feel confident that we are reliable.
Unfortunately, people will take responsibility for other people’s lives while they are still in the dependent stage or when they have not yet learned to be responsible even for themselves. These actions can create generation after generation of dysfunctional families.
As humans we have the ability to remember the past and the future while remaining aware of the present. However, much of our true SELF becomes lost in our unconscious mind. This loss leaves us with a feeling of separation from the whole, a fear that we are limited in our ability to achieve our desires, and a belief that we have to “work hard” to accomplish our goals.
Third dimensional society and “science” seek to prove that the only reality that exists is the one we perceive with our five physical senses and urges us to believe that our 3D perceptions of reality ARE the only reality. From this state of consciousness, spirit congeals into matter and our consciousness is limited to our ego. Hence, the need for the development of a strong sense of ego is often gained at the cost of losing our sense of group identity. This limitation is especially in especially predominant in the Western World where individual achievement and possessions often become the most important parts of our lives.
Awareness of our Spiritual Self can only be remembered when we have expanded our consciousness to encompass the higher dimensions. Then we can release our dependency upon others and heal our sense of powerlessness and victimization. We then become independent in a new sense because we have realized that we and we alone, are creating our reality. We are, thereby, more dependable then ever because we are not waylaid from our promises and goals by our own “unconscious” self-sabotage.
As we become more aware of the many aspects of our once forgotten self, our consciousness expands to encompass more that our ego and even more than our third dimensional reality. As we – Our Third Dimensional Consciousness – expands from:
Individual Consciousness TO ~ Group Consciousness TO ~ Community Consciousness TO ~ National Consciousness TO ~ Collective Consciousness TO ~ Planetary Consciousness TO ~ Galactic Consciousness.
As our consciousness expands, so does our definition of the world in which we live.
I expand my consciousness to the next step. I am three-dimensional. I am aware of myself as an individual human, but still I struggle for survival. I need to feed myself, shelter myself, and cover my body. I wish to find a mate and create children. Is there more? Yes, there are feelings and thoughts. With my thoughts I remember my past. My feelings fill these memories with happiness, pain, love, or fear. With my thoughts I plan the future which I desire. But do I have the power to create my life or am I a victim to the world around me?
Fourth dimensional consciousness is awareness of point, length, breadth, height, volume, and time. The fourth dimension is also known as the Astral Plane, and the primary consciousness of this dimension is the Astral Body, which is also known as the “higher human.” Because of the octave leap in vibration from third to fourth dimension the Astral Body is of a higher vibration known as etheric and fourth dimensional perception of past, present, and future is more fluid, as the laws of time and space change.
On the fourth dimension, we can reintegrate our group identity without the loss of our personal ego, as it is the last vibration where physical vehicles are used to contain individual consciousness. However, because of the fluid nature of time and space our astral forms naturally morph. Hence, there is a huge mobility of form. It is the realm of the “shape shifters” of which mythology speaks. A shaman or holy person who can shape shift has learned to ground their astral form upon the third dimension so completely that they can temporarily change their third dimensional form.
Much of our third dimensional life also exists upon the fourth dimension in a format of a higher vibration, but we are not aware of it because that reality is NOT in sync with our physical time and space. We can have a dream of an entire lifetime and wake up to find that only five minutes of our physical time has passed. Our astral reality, as well as our other physical incarnations, is not perceivable to our third dimensional self unless we have remembered our Multidimensional Consciousness.
The fourth dimension is the realm which holds the awareness of our body’s first and second dimensional components, as well as all our past experiences of this life and all other third dimensional lives. We can expand our third dimensional consciousness into the fourth dimension through gaining an awareness of the inner-workings of our physical body, remembering our dreams, and having intense experiences of passion, emotion, creativity, and/or spirituality.
The Astral Plane is the realm of dream life. When we are “asleep”, we are unconscious in the third dimension, but we are conscious in the fourth dimension. Our fourth dimensional Astral Body possesses advanced dreaming, imagination, psychic ability, intuition, magic, and creativity. As we expand our mind to frequency of the fourth dimension, we can experience more and more of these qualities while in our physical form.
Some people are born with an innate connection to their fourth dimensional self and must “work” to ground their consciousness in a third dimensional world that often feels foreign and hostile. Others are born without this awakened connection, and they usually feel more comfortable and “at home” within the third dimensional paradigm. These people often feel cut off from the higher dimensional portions of themselves and may not even believe that “higher selves” even exist.
However, our astral body does exist and its highest vibration is our Spiritual Guidance. Much like a person upon a mountaintop can observe and guide the residents of the valley below, our higher astral self can observe us upon the third dimension and give us guidance. Through the expanded perception of our fourth dimensional self we can create great changes in our physical world.
However, the fourth dimension still has the polarization of light and dark, and this realm is not necessarily more loving, especially upon the lower sub-planes. Upon the fourth dimension, thought and feelings create reality much more quickly than upon the third dimension, and fear can create evil as easily as love can create beauty and joy.
There are different planes, which are increases in frequency, which we can access by expanding our conscious. The Lower Astral Plane holds the invisible emanations of all the fear and negativity that is projected into it from the physical plane. The Lower Astral has been known as Hell, with Purgatory being above that. Fourth dimensional consciousness feeds into and extends third dimensional emotions. Therefore, it is often known as the “realm of emotion”. The Lower Astral, which holds the third dimension’s negative emotions, is not a pleasant experience and a path must be forged through it into the higher sub-planes-such as Faerie.
The Land of Faerie, which we read about as children in our “Fairy Tales”, actually exists upon the middle fourth dimension. Faerie acts as respite after we have forged our pathway through the fear and darkness of the Lower Astral Plane. After we have experienced Faerie, we can travel in our fourth dimensional consciousness (or fourth dimensional bodies) into the Emotional Plane, also known as the Astral Plane, to learn about the master of our emotions. From there, we can travel up into the Mental Plane to learn mastery of our thoughts. In the Causal Plane, also known as the Higher Mental Plane, we can learn the cause and effect of how thoughts and feelings create our world. The Spiritual Plane connects us to the higher guidance of our I AM Presence.
One of the maps (there are many maps) of the sub-planes of the fourth dimensions with the highest vibration on the top is:
CAUSAL/SPIRITUAL: learn laws of cause and effect and Spiritual Guidance
MENTAL: learn mastery over our thoughts ASTRAL/EMOTIONAL: learn mastery over emotions
LAND OF FAERIE: overlaps emotional, mental, and causal plane
* LOWER ASTRAL: learn mastery over dark side – i.e. fear and negative emotions
ETHERIC: interface between third and fourth dimension
The fourth dimension is like a stream that creates a bridge into the higher dimensions. The base of the bridge is where the physical and astral bodies overlap. This area is known as the Etheric Body.
The Etheric Body is of a vibration between the third and fourth dimension. This body encompasses the physical body and extends beyond it a few inches.
Each of the sub-planes of the fourth dimension has a correlate body, with every body resonating to a higher vibration than the latter.
The Emotional Body, also known as the Astral Body, is higher in vibration than the etheric and physical bodies and extends beyond them.
Overlaid on the lower frequency bodies is the Mental Body, which is also of higher vibration, and extends beyond the Emotional Body.
Then the Causal Body, again another increase in vibration, overlays the other bodies and extends beyond the Mental Body.
Finally, there is the Spiritual Body, the “I AM Presence,” which is the highest in vibration and extends beyond all the other bodies. The I AM Presence is the guardian to the Rainbow Bridge, which crosses over into the fifth dimension.
All the fourth dimensional bodies exist over, under, around, and through the physical body, but they cannot be seen by our five physical senses. If we can perceive the fourth dimension consciously, we can expand our awareness enough to cross the Rainbow Bridge into our Superconscious Mind of the fifth dimension.
We navigate out travel into and through the fourth dimension with our desires, thoughts, and emotions. A metaphor of this would be sailing the ocean. We are the boat, the ocean is the Astral Plane, the location we wish to reach is our desire, our thoughts are the sail and the steering, and the wind is our emotions.
If our emotions are fearful and tumultuous we will have an uncomfortable ride. Even though our desire is for the higher planes of the fourth dimension, our personal imbalance will limit our entry to the Lower Astral Plane where fear, which is the lack of emotional balance, rules. If we wish to journey to the higher planes of the fourth dimension we must keep our thoughts harmonious and our feelings centered in the infinite balance of love. In that manner, eventually, we can experience all the planes of the fourth dimension. Then our I AM Presence can lead us across the Bridge into the fifth dimension and beyond.
I step into the fourth dimension. I see my connection to all of life and to my third dimensional selves on the step below me. However, I still experience myself as an individual. My reality is very mutable now. Persons and places change quickly, but I am aware that it is my thoughts and feelings that dictate these experiences. My fearful thoughts create frightening situations, and my loving thoughts bring me happiness. If I follow my fear, I go down into a world of torment and sorrow. However, if I follow love, I see a Rainbow Bridge of Light.
Fifth dimensional consciousness is awareness of length, breadth, height, time, and spirit. All life upon the fifth dimension lives in the Unity Consciousness of Spirit, but there is still an experience of “I” as an individual member of the group. Linear time and space do not bind consciousness here, and there is NO illusion of separation or limitation. Instead, there is a constant experience of the Oness of God/Goddess/All That Is.
The primary consciousness of this dimension is androgynous, stellar beings living in Lightbodies. These Lightbodies are light based rather than our carbon based physical bodies. Our Lightbodies have the awareness of our lower selves without the physical limitations. These forms have no need for pain to learn their lessons. Therefore, they do not need the protection and warning signals of the physical body. Our fifth dimensional selves have integrated the lessons that their lower dimensional selves are learning through the experiences of “Schoolroom Earth,” and do not need physical suffering to learn.
All actions on this plane are based upon love because, just as a dead leaf cannot survive the higher vibration of a fire, fear cannot survive the higher vibration of the fifth dimension. If we were to experience fear while in the fifth dimension, our vibration would drop and our consciousness would instantly be lowered to the lower sub-planes of the fourth dimension. It is only within the consciousness of fifth dimensional Unconditional Love that we can maintain a conscious connection with our Spirit SELF.
On the fifth dimension, experience, creation, and travel are created in harmony with the Divine Will of God/Goddess/All That Is. Every being, place, situation, or location that is desired becomes instantly manifest. If we do choose the experience of movement, it feels like a combination of flying and treading water. Our Lightbodies, like our fourth dimensional bodies, are mutable and can easily change form. Just as we can change our location or experience with our desire, we can also change the form of the “body” that surrounds our consciousness.
The fifth dimension is the beginning of ascension. Hence, all consciousness there is naturally multidimensional. The awareness of the fourth and third dimension are as automatic as looking at our hands and feet. Since there is no sense of separation, we can experience our third and fourth dimensional realities within the same moment that we are experiencing our fifth dimensional Lightbody.
Because there is no feeling of limitation, we can easily believe that we are “alive” and “conscious” within many different vibratory rates. Just as our third dimensional consciousness is aware that we are also made of the minerals, water, genetic codes, and biological matter of the first and second dimension, our fifth dimensional self is aware that we are also third and fourth dimensional beings.
On the fifth dimension we live in Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, and Unconditional Acceptance. We hold no judgment, guilt, or negativity towards the “lower” portions of ourselves that are striving to remember our “Higher Selves”. In fact, our fifth dimensional self serves as a guide to the lower aspects of our consciousness, as well as to others.
There are also sub-planes of the fifth dimension, but awareness of, and therefore writings about, them are minimal. It has been my experience that there is a threshold upon which we wait for our Divine Complement. Our Divine Complement, also known as our Twin Flame, is the opposite polarity of our integrated male/female androgynous Lightbody that was split off from us when we took embodiment in the lower dimensions.
I am upon the step of the fifth dimension and see that there are many steps above me. I am aware of and united with the portions of myself upon the lower steps, as well as my other fifth dimensional realities. Love and fear, beauty and ugliness, are only polarities of a single concept. I live in unity with the male and female expressions of my being. I have learned to Unconditionally Love, Unconditionally Accept, and Unconditionally Forgive all life and the portions of that life that I identify as myself. I have a sense of personal identity within the unity of All That Is. My thoughts and feelings are instantly manifested, and my body of Light lives forever in the NOW.
Sitting in the geography class in school, I remember how fascinated I was when we were being taught all about the Dead Sea.
If you recall, the Dead Sea is really a lake, not a sea. Its so high in salt content that the human body can float easily. One can almost lie down and read a book!
The salt in the Dead Sea is as high as 35% - almost 10 times the normal ocean water. And all that saltiness has meant that there is no life at all in the Dead Sea. No fish. No vegetation. No sea animals. Nothing lives in the Dead sea.
Hence the name: Dead Sea.
While the Dead Sea has remained etched in my memory, I don't seem to recall learning about the Sea of Galilee in my school geography lesson. So, when I heard about the Sea of Galilee & the Dead Sea and, the tale of the two seas - I was intrigued.
Turns out that the Sea of Galilee is just north of the Dead Sea. Both, the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea, receive their water from river Jordan. Yet, they are very, very different.
Unlike the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee is pretty, resplendent with rich, colorful marine life. There are lots of plants and lot of fish, too. In fact, the sea of Galilee is home to over twenty different types of fishes. Same region, same source of water, and yet, one sea is full of life, the other is dead. How come?
Here is why. The River Jordan flows into the Sea of Galilee and then flows out. The water simply passes through the Sea of Galilee in and out - and that keeps the Sea healthy and vibrant, teeming with marine life.
But, the Dead Sea is so far below the sea level, that it has no outlet. The water flows in from the river Jordan, but does not flow out. There are no outlet streams at all.. It is estimated that over a million tons of water evaporates from the Dead Sea every day, leaving it salty. Too full of minerals and unfit for any marine life.
The Dead Sea takes water from the River Jordan, and holds it. It does not give/flow out. Result? No life at all.
Think about it. Life is not just about getting. Its about giving, sharing. We all need to be a bit like the Sea of Galilee.
We are fortunate to get wealth, knowledge, love and respect. But, if we don't learn to give, we could all end up like the Dead Sea. The love, the respect, the wealth and the knowledge; could all evaporate. Like the water in the Dead Sea.
If we get the Dead Sea mentality of merely taking in more water, more money, more of everything, the results can be disastrous.
A good idea to make sure that in the sea of your own life, you must have outlets. Many outlets for love,wealth and everything else that you get in your life.
Make sure you don't just get, you give out, too. Open the taps. And you'll be opening the floodgates to happiness.
Make that a habit. To share. To give.Experience life. Experience the magic of giving..!
A MAN WALKS INTO A CHICK-FIL-A restaurant and is Completely Blown Away When He Sees This tribute for Veterans...
By Bill Callen: Top Right News
Chick-fil-A, the fast-food outlet has once again proved a positive to the world. This time it did so by unveiling an amazing Veterans Day tribute that left Georgia resident Eric Comfort in complete shock.
According to a Facebook post he published on Monday, when he walked into a local Chick-fil-A, Comfort discovered a "Missing Man Table" that contained a single rose, a Bible and a folded American flag, as well as a plaque within which was the following explanation: "This table is reserved to honor our missing comrades in arms. The tablecloth is white — symbolizing the purity of their motives when answering the call of duty. The single red rose, displayed in a vase, reminds us of the life of each of the missing and their loved ones and friends of these Americans who keep the faith, awaiting answers. The vase is tied with a red ribbon, symbol of our continued determination to account for our missing. A pinch of salt symbolizes the tears endured by those missing and their families who seek answers. The Bible represents the strength gained through faith to sustain those lost from our country, founded as one nation under God. The glass is inverted — to symbolize their inability to share this evening's toast. The chair is empty — they are missing."
After the story went viral, the store manager, Alex Korchan, explained to WSB that his team members had set up the table because they "wanted to honor veterans." Furthermore, he offered free meals to all veterans and their family members on Veterans Day. Korchan also put up a poster so that customers could write in the names of loved ones who they have lost. "We've had a lot of people who have come in and seen it and been touched by it," Korchan continued. "It's been special to see."
PLEASE SHARE this article if you admire what Chick-Fil-A has done to honor our vets...